Meeting minutes
DICOM directory files
erich: They're just DICOM files. So I added code to my parser to read them.
… I like Detlef's idea conceptually, but one ref to the pt may be problematic.
… Eg, pt age is the age at the time when the image was done. So merging files could give the pt multiple ages.
detlef: We found the same problem. In the rec there is something for the ID of pt data uses a study model rather than pt. The study is always unique in time. A different study could have a different age.
… So the age is associated w the study, not directly w the pt.
… If you want to merge the pt you need other unique pt IDs, like SSN.
erich: Which properties would roll up, and which would be taken out?
detlef: Every slice has its own file, up to 330 times if you don't merge them. But only one study and one pt.
erich: About a third of the data was redundant or not needed.
dbooth: Sounds like the semantics of the properties need to be understood, to know which ones can be rolled up to the pt, and which need to be rolled up to the study.
dbooth: What questions do we need to answer?
detlef: What is the use of RDF? Why use it?
ericp: On challenge in FHIR land, and you want to merge data, they say to make that other model a logical model.
… But we can say that there are people who want to use RDF, and we want to make it available to them.
dbooth: Agree. It's too difficult to convince people to use RDF. Let them come to us.
erich: What are the translational rules to produce RDF from DICOM?
… If we want to drop all of the redundancies, what would stay and what would merge?
detleft: Follow DICOM std. It says "If it is the same ID, then it SHALL be the same".
… If you follow that rule then merging is easy.
erich: I'll give that a whirl.
… I guess we'd have predicates like dcm:hasSeries
… Josh Moore is a fan of RDF, interested in how to get DICOM metadata into the zar file format.
… Guessing he's interested in FHIR also.
… That's OME.
… He's another use case.
ericp: I know Josh and can talk w him.
… about FHIR and LDP use cases.
Type triples missing, #122
jim: Tim Prudhomme set up a test file that makes it much easier to test the output, without running the whole build.
ericp: Canonical pretends that it's just an xsd:anyURI
… Canonical permits a pipe symbol in it, which is no longer anRFC3986 URI, but we allow it to be called an xsd:AnyURI
ericp: Also it would be nice to use boolean true symbol (in Turtle) instead of "true"^^xsd:boolean .
Issue 119 Datatype for xhtml
jim: Question about it. I'll reach out to ericp.