IRC log of maturity on 2024-11-06

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:51:36 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #maturity
15:51:40 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:51:40 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, make logs Public
15:51:41 [Zakim]
please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio
15:51:58 [Fazio]
meeting: Maturity Model Task Force
15:52:06 [Fazio]
chair: Fazio
15:53:15 [Fazio]
Agenda+ New Business
15:53:15 [Fazio]
Agenda+ Review Messaging
15:53:15 [Fazio]
Agenda+ Review Use Cases
15:53:15 [Fazio]
Update on Github Issue #148 Resolution
15:53:15 [gb]
/issues/148 -> #148
15:53:16 [Fazio]
Agenda+ Update on Github Issue #226 Resolution
15:53:16 [Fazio]
Agenda+ Github Issue #230 Proof Points Communication Tab (Excel) Duplication
15:53:16 [Fazio]
Agenda+ Github Issue #231 Excel Workbook - Duplicate Proofpoint
15:53:16 [gb]
/issues/230 -> #230
15:53:16 [gb]
/issues/226 -> #226
15:53:16 [gb]
/issues/231 -> #231
15:53:17 [Fazio]
Agenda+ Github Issue #126 Update / NEWEST DLC Spreadsheet - Step 2
15:53:17 [gb]
/issues/126 -> #126
15:53:27 [Fazio]
15:55:52 [Dr_Keith]
Dr_Keith has joined #maturity
16:00:25 [janina]
janina has joined #maturity
16:00:30 [janina]
16:02:13 [Mark_Miller]
Mark_Miller has joined #Maturity
16:02:20 [Dr_Keith]
16:02:21 [Mark_Miller]
16:02:49 [NehaJ]
NehaJ has joined #maturity
16:02:55 [NehaJ]
16:02:59 [NehaJ]
16:03:07 [NehaJ]
16:03:15 [janina]
16:03:43 [NehaJ9]
NehaJ9 has joined #maturity
16:03:54 [NehaJ9]
zakim, agenda
16:03:54 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'agenda', NehaJ9
16:04:18 [NehaJ9]
zakim, next item
16:04:18 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- New Business -- taken up [from Fazio]
16:05:21 [stacey]
stacey has joined #Maturity
16:05:24 [NehaJ9]
janina: we will not meet in the next week
16:05:45 [stacey]
16:05:52 [jkline]
jkline has joined #maturity
16:05:59 [jkline]
16:06:19 [NehaJ9]
janina: no meeting on Wed before Thanks Giving
16:06:56 [NehaJ9]
Dr_Keith: whose name will be included in the published document
16:07:01 [JXZ]
JXZ has joined #maturity
16:07:20 [JXZ]
16:07:34 [NehaJ9]
janina: category wise- authors, contributors, organizations
16:08:04 [NehaJ9]
16:08:12 [NehaJ9]
zakim, next item
16:08:12 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- Review Messaging -- taken up [from Fazio]
16:08:47 [NehaJ9]
Fazio: request for edits
16:08:52 [jkline]
jkline has joined #maturity
16:09:11 [Fazio]
The approaches identified in this note are intended to influence organizational programs and advance accessibility focus from making a product or website accessible to creating an environment where the entire product experience can be kept accessible over time. This evolution towards proactive accessibility is relevant to all parts of an
16:09:11 [Fazio]
organization that contributes directly or indirectly to developing a product experience.
16:11:15 [Dr_Keith]
16:11:22 [NehaJ9]
janina: we should move this to github, I will take this up
16:11:35 [AngelaBarker]
AngelaBarker has joined #maturity
16:11:42 [stacey]
16:11:45 [AngelaBarker]
16:12:11 [NehaJ9]
Fazio: product experience is very narrow term to use
16:12:18 [Dr_Keith]
16:12:25 [NehaJ9]
stacey: can we replace it with digital experience
16:12:50 [NehaJ9]
Dr_Keith: Maturation cycles
16:13:16 [NehaJ9]
janina: move this to markdown file
16:13:36 [jkline]
jkline has joined #maturity
16:13:45 [jkline]
16:13:55 [jkline]
keep getting knocked off!
16:14:01 [NehaJ9]
Dr_Keith: do we still need use cases to be worked on?
16:14:42 [jkline]
16:14:52 [NehaJ9]
janina: wide review for the document before freeze
16:16:02 [NehaJ9]
ack jkline
16:16:10 [NehaJ9]
ack stacey
16:16:22 [NehaJ9]
ack Dr_Keith
16:17:01 [NehaJ9]
jkline are we alse publishing assessment tool along with the document?
16:17:24 [NehaJ9]
Fazio: we are just mentioning about tool and not publishing
16:18:57 [NehaJ9]
16:19:48 [NehaJ9]
jeff: how some will use the document to assess their organization for a11y maturity
16:20:20 [NehaJ9]
Fazio: document will help
16:20:33 [NehaJ9]
Dr_Keith: document and excel tool will help
16:23:04 [stacey]
16:24:08 [JXZ]
Interestingly, Karl Groves released a survey related to this:
16:24:29 [NehaJ9]
ack stacey
16:24:55 [JXZ]
Lori Samuels is still willing to contribute to a use case for NBCUniversal, I have a meeting with her. Is there time to add it, or should we do that next time?
16:25:10 [NehaJ9]
stacey: is it usable by the people who are new to this?
16:26:06 [NehaJ9]
Fazio: so this pose the question if we are not ready to publish or not?
16:26:28 [Dr_Keith]
16:26:53 [NehaJ9]
Fazio: lot of companies were able to implement and test the framework
16:27:04 [NehaJ9]
16:27:36 [NehaJ9]
janina: it is not a tool it is Best Practices
16:28:31 [stacey7]
stacey7 has joined #Maturity
16:28:35 [stacey7]
16:29:46 [NehaJ9]
ack Dr_Keith
16:29:49 [jkline]
jkline has joined #maturity
16:29:57 [NehaJ9]
zakim, next item
16:29:57 [Zakim]
agendum 3 -- Review Use Cases -- taken up [from Fazio]
16:29:57 [jkline]
16:31:39 [NehaJ9]
stacey7 worked on some lists and use cases
16:31:53 [JXZ]
Correction: Lori is willing to contribute an example write-up.
16:32:35 [NehaJ9]
stacey7 should it be condenced more is the question
16:34:02 [NehaJ9]
Fazio use case needs to be updated
16:34:30 [NehaJ9]
stacey7 read use case 1
16:35:29 [NehaJ9]
stacey7 use case 1 with 6 bullet points
16:35:45 [janina]
16:35:49 [janina]
16:36:19 [NehaJ9]
stacey7 does that satisfy the requirement ? are there too many ?
16:37:10 [Mark_Miller]
16:37:33 [NehaJ9]
janina: shall we include why a paticular stackholder should be included?
16:39:51 [janina]
ack jan
16:39:57 [janina]
ack ma
16:40:05 [AngelaBarker]
Could someone paste the use cases here or share them so we can read them as we work through the verbiage?
16:40:12 [NehaJ5]
NehaJ5 has joined #maturity
16:40:32 [NehaJ5]
Mark_Miller: we can create groups also and try to include
16:45:22 [NehaJ5]
Mark_Miller are these roles defined some where ?
16:45:36 [NehaJ5]
stacey7 we already have a table in the document
16:46:41 [stacey7]
4.1 in the appendix is the roles table
16:47:00 [NehaJ5]
16:48:34 [NehaJ5]
stacey7 will check offline
16:49:49 [NehaJ5]
Fazio: Janina will work on messaging and Stacey on usecases
16:52:37 [JXZ]
I'm having issues working on the GitHub, can I get jxlz added as an editor please? Also, any preference on structure for adding an example write-up for Lori?
16:52:44 [NehaJ5]
RRSAgent, make minutes
16:52:46 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate NehaJ5
16:55:09 [janina]
17:33:00 [janina]
rrsagent, bye
17:33:00 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items