WAI-Adapt Weekly Teleconference

29 Oct 2024


Abhinav, janina_, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk, Russell
janina_, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk

Meeting minutes

<Roy_Ruoxi> bye, RRSAgent

Introduction, logistics, updates as needed

Discussion of meeting time because we're pegged to Boston!

Be sure to check the calendar e

Abhinav: Regrets in advance for 12 November

Symbols (Issue 240)

Russell: Regarding making fonts from SVGs
… SVG generated from a BMP is inefficient, as it generates a list of independent points, rather than a mathematical equation describing a curve
… May want to consider surveying the Symbol Providers and gauge their thoughts on this symbol-to-font effort
… keep in mind, we only need a normative ID number
… I did not have time to investigate the Ruby-on-Ruby issue

matatk: Are any of the symbols in OpenSymbols - https://www.opensymbols.org/ - SVGs to start with?

<Zakim> matatk, you wanted to ask about SVG symbols

Lionel_Wolberger: Discussing Russel's suggestion, whether we should survey the symbol makers?

matatk: We will want their feedback, once we have more clarity

matatk: We wanted a list of things that we wish to demonstrate

<matatk0> https://github.com/w3c/adapt/wiki/Symbols-implementation-tests

<Lionel> ARASAAC LICENSE, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.en

<Lionel> ARASAAC declaration, https://beta.arasaac.org/terms-of-use

<Lionel> Lionel: The license is suitable for our plan to make a font, in order to demonstrate the SVG-font scenario

<matatk0> https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/ruby may help too

<Zakim> matatk, you wanted to mention wiki page

Well Known Destinations


<Lionel> matatk: Reporting on way forward

<Lionel> ... rel attributes are relatively easy to add

<Lionel> ... using the link elements will also be relatively easy

<Lionel> Abhinav: Discussing the details of upcoming edits, pull requests

<Lionel> matatk: (Reviewed the TPAC discussion regarding WKDs, and using linksets

<Lionel> ... linksets is verbose and repetitive, but fulfills the use case and requirements, and should be found to be 'simple' by the W3C community

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 238 (Fri Oct 18 20:51:13 2024 UTC).


All speakers: Abhinav, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk, Russell

Active on IRC: Abhinav, janina_, Lionel, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk, matatk0, Roy_Ruoxi, Russell