Meeting minutes
3.2.6 Consistent Help
<Joe_Humbert> w3c/
I know for example "COMMAND + /" in Android show the keyboard shortcuts, and developers can add their own shortcuts to this menu if they programatically register them
⌘ + /
julianmka I agree can apply as written with minor word swaps - however floating chat also needs to be considered, like a chatbot
julianmka usually floating actions present other accessibility problems on top of consistent help
Jamie I feel like including floating help as an additional option or note should exist, not to modify the SC but acknoledge. Looking at the NOTE 3 (ADDED) how does it apply? Does it need to be a set, or just a pattern?
I would consider the floating help toelong to this
*to belong
<Karla> +1
Joe_Humbert some of this needs to defined at a higher level to avoid the document being overwhelmed. The floating help seems to cover many of the points
<Jamie> -1
@joe asking if there is something to call out specifically? *silence*
<quintinb> +1 Joe_Humbert to adding this to understanding
julianmka we should not conflate the SC too much (like with the keyboard android stuff)
<Jamie> +1 to julianmka
<quintinb> +1 julianmka
<quintinb> +1 to keep as is
"view" needs some clarity
<GleidsonRamos> +1
but yeah
<Jamie> +1
<Karla> +1
<julianmka> +1
ACTION: Propose the draft SC as is for wider group
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions
We could probably add a note that labels should not disappear when input focus is given to the labelled element (i.e. hint)
<JJ> Hey all, sorry for being late - construction workers started making noise at the office so headed home, but missed the meeting notification because I was away from my laptop. Thanks for taking over Joe_Humbert!
Could we just add a relates link?
Joe_Humbert it seems that mobile developers do miss this
julianmka said there is a mention of this somewhere else
Jamie if we scope it to mobile apps, agrees
<JJ> Yes, note can help to clarify best-practices in mobile (app) context
Just add a contact in iPhone - the name field is an example of this error
julianmka there isn't a mention in 3.2.2 in the understanding docs
Joe_Humbert do we need to modify the definition of label?
Android would be "text" element, "UILabel" in IOS
(or "TextView" if you're a dinosaur Android dev)
<Jamie> +1 as is
<JJ> +1 as is
<quintinb> +1 as is
<julianmka> +1
<GleidsonRamos> +1 as is
<Karla> +1
ACTION: Suggest to accept 3.3.2 for the wider group
4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
<Joe_Humbert> w3c/
<JJ> Fixed link in agenda
Jamie on 4.1.2 - 2 questions: intended coverage - to all UI element types, and how to call out keyboard as an AT for 4.1.2
Jamie How do we interpret the control aspect?
I would say that all UI components regardless of interaction should be identifiable by AT
JJ I've interpreted this in the context of interactive components - the issues are mostly about custom components
julianmka I think there is a world where this primarily applies to custom components, native components usually work but devs do lack a lot of knowledge in this area (e.g. separation of name and state).
GleidsonRamos I agree about custom components, but not always - in X platform there are additional issues because a lot of the time the components that are "standard" are actually already "custom"
<Jamie> +1 to julianmka that even standard user interface components in mobile do include a higher layer of accessibility knowledge than in web so should be mentioned in this SC