01:00:44 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 01:00:57 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 01:01:55 rigo has left #vcwg 01:16:17 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 01:21:36 gkellogg_ has joined #vcwg 01:37:16 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 01:53:42 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 02:11:43 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 02:33:02 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 03:50:07 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 04:01:57 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 04:20:11 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 04:38:04 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 04:57:20 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 05:00:25 gkellogg_ has joined #vcwg 05:02:57 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 05:19:44 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 05:24:07 manu_ has joined #vcwg 05:36:37 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 05:53:33 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 06:00:23 gkellogg_ has joined #vcwg 06:03:58 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 06:20:20 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 07:35:54 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 07:53:03 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 08:04:58 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 08:21:59 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 08:39:54 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 09:56:11 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 10:12:05 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 10:30:41 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 10:47:45 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 11:06:24 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 11:22:38 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 11:40:21 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 11:56:39 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 12:13:16 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 12:29:29 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 13:36:07 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 13:59:46 manu_ has joined #vcwg 14:33:56 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:33:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/27-vcwg-minutes.html TallTed 14:34:04 RRSAgent, bye 14:34:04 I see no action items 15:48:52 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 15:48:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/09/27-vcwg-irc 15:48:55 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:48:57 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:49:02 mandyv has joined #vcwg 15:49:10 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group F2F at TPAC, 2nd day 15:49:10 Date: 2024-09-27 15:49:10 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/e72511c0-04a5-495d-87d9-48f473667403/ 15:49:10 chair: brent 15:49:11 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2024-09-26: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/e72511c0-04a5-495d-87d9-48f473667403/ 15:49:20 present+ 15:50:02 present+ manu, kdean 15:50:29 present+ wip, shigeya 15:50:41 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 15:50:43 present+ brent 15:51:47 present+ 15:54:01 present+ jenniem 15:54:13 brent has joined #vcwg 15:54:26 guest+ plh 15:55:12 bigbluehat has joined #vcwg 15:57:03 present+ selfissued 15:57:16 present+ 15:58:54 scribe+ 15:59:12 Wip has joined #vcwg 15:59:15 JennieM has joined #vcwg 15:59:15 present+ 16:00:06 present+ 16:00:06 present+ 16:00:35 DavidC has joined #vcwg 16:00:42 present+ 16:01:15 wes-smith has joined #vcwg 16:01:15 brent: going over agenda, JOSE COSE discussion this morning, controller document discussion before lunch 16:01:28 after lunch hours for every other rec track document 16:01:54 present+ joe 16:01:55 ... I think we're at 9, that's insane and a lot 16:02:01 q+ 16:02:12 ... our day ends with looking at use cases doc, things have been happening there 16:02:12 s/after/...after/ 16:02:47 I need a passcode to enter the Zoom meeting 16:02:49 ... final session is joint session with security group for feedback and security reviews to see what they have to say. 16:02:53 q+ selfissued 16:02:55 present+ 16:03:09 ack manu 16:03:10 JennieM has joined #vcwg 16:03:14 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 16:03:15 selfissued: Jeff ??? coming this afternoon 16:03:22 present+ 16:03:23 manu: 3 proposals from yesterday 16:03:27 present+ 16:03:27 s/???/Yaskin/ 16:03:38 brent: during every other rec track 16:03:40 SinYong has joined #vcwg 16:03:42 selfissued has joined #vcwg 16:03:46 ack selfissued 16:03:49 present+ 16:03:58 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 16:04:12 plh has joined #vcwg 16:04:24 KevinDean has joined #vcwg 16:04:27 present+ 16:04:35 present+ 16:04:45 ... anyone who did not get to introduce themselves yesterday 16:04:47 Sheri_B-H has joined #vcwg 16:04:53 Josh Thomas from Ignite Retail 16:05:03 q+ 16:05:06 Filippe, staff, Ivan told me to be here 16:05:07 present+ 16:05:19 present+ 16:05:25 JoeAndrieu: From legendary 16:05:29 s/Filippe/Philippe/ 16:05:34 ack JoeAndrieu 16:05:34 Susan has joined #VCWG 16:05:45 ivan thankyou. It works. But I am the only person in the Zoom meeting. 16:05:50 brent: jump into JOSE COSE 16:07:05 vkuntz has joined #vcwg 16:07:12 present+ 16:07:26 slide deck https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rjt4fgajEqqQzdF72JUeh6_h4gICQanExOfcoW4l0GM/edit#slide=id.g2a8b040676_0_27 16:08:41 q? 16:09:01 Isaac has joined #vcwg 16:09:13 decentralgabe: hoping for a fewer number of proposals, giving history on media types and considerations on what we should do 16:09:32 [overview slide] 16:09:58 [history slide] 16:10:04 cc has joined #vcwg 16:10:15 shiyu has joined #vcwg 16:11:30 Kyle has joined #vcwg 16:12:00 jthomas has joined #vcwg 16:12:05 ... media type for core data model /vc /vp are registered 16:12:52 ... conflict with IETF spec for ??? have their own model that wants to use a conflicting type, we cannot register the same thing without meeting with them, participating but have not reached consensus 16:12:57 present+ 16:12:59 ... currently at a stalemate 16:13:37 ... as things stand, core data model has /vc and /vp, when securing the data model what media types should there be, not submitted for registration yet 16:14:19 ... IETF JWT has been there for a long time, COSE, why not use CBOR web token? Because they use CBOR maps, would not be a good fit 16:14:46 ... COSE is the right media type for securing CBOR representations of the data model 16:15:05 ... SD-JWT, hoping to be on standards track but is not registered 16:15:18 selfissued: the wg completed last call 16:15:29 brent: right at the cusp of it being a standard' 16:16:06 decentralgabe: SD-JWT, no guarantee that it will be accepted or they will agree to go forward 16:16:08 q? 16:16:11 q+ 16:16:16 ack manu 16:16:53 manu: worth highlighting, this conflict is not new, a number of members try to use the media type and re-using the word VC to mean something different, data models are incompatible and causing confusion 16:17:02 cc has joined #vcwg 16:17:02 present+ 16:17:07 ... customer believe IETF work is compatible with W3C VC 16:17:17 +1 that the confusion extends far beyond media types because of the use of "VC" to mean something other than what this group has created and produced 16:17:51 ... discussion with people on internet draft, please differentiate from W3C work, but instead it looks like the plan is to push VC + SD-JWT and retroactively say it is in production 16:18:13 ... I view that as problematic behavior, coordination is needed between WGs and editors 16:18:27 ... this issue has been happening for a year 16:18:41 decentralgabe: is it formal objection Friday? 16:19:21 ... current state of VC JOSE COSE, use static types, was proposal before types were accepted in IANA, if we do not find consensus this is the state of things 16:19:58 ... dave longley suggested using ???, no consensus, but wanted to ensure it was brought up 16:20:08 selfissued: I blocked it, but I will support it 16:20:36 decentralgabe: we could not issue any new types, diplomatic world 16:20:44 s/???/vc-env to represent a enveloping format/ 16:21:11 ... easy to implement, devs already know these, no new media types, this is not an obvious choice 16:21:47 ... in a perfect world, if there was no IETF, we could register the types we think are best and make the most sense 16:22:04 ... JWT, SD-JWT, COSE 16:22:04 q+ 16:22:35 ... clear and unambiguous, gives good foundation to secure core data model, best estimate is 2 formal objections and tension 16:22:56 ... add note that we should not be afraid of formal objections, "what merit does their objection have?" 16:23:45 ... imperfect world, where we try to do the previous proposal, we could register the types that are not in conflict, puts ??? in awkward spot, but gives us time to move forward to figure stuff out with IETF folks 16:24:25 ... we are able to register the types we know are best, enable us to leave CR sooner, cons are if we go forward and cannot resolve conflict, we are in a bad spot 16:24:51 q+ 16:25:12 ... in summary, we want to comply with best practices, avoid formal objections, if we get them we want to have thought through how to respond, good relationship with IETF, and move out of CR asap 16:25:13 q+ 16:25:28 present+ 16:25:30 q+ 16:25:35 brent: goal is group consensus around a proposal 16:26:05 ... will any of the proposals be acceptable, will you formally object, and if none are acceptable, come with a new proposal 16:26:14 shiyu has joined #vcwg 16:26:20 present+ Brian_McManus 16:26:32 ... gabe did a good job outlining all of the options 16:26:33 q? 16:26:41 ack DavidC 16:27:08 -1 for prefixing with "w3c" 16:27:12 would -1 that :) 16:27:16 DavidC: propose a meta-level proposal, everywhere it says VC or VP, we pre-fix with W3 16:27:26 ... differentiates that we are not part of the IETF 16:27:38 -1 16:27:39 ack plh 16:27:39 We don't put "w3c" in front of any other media type that W3C has registered, to my knowledge. 16:28:01 plh: prior to CR, send email to media types ???, my guess is that did not happen 16:28:06 manu: it did happen 16:28:13 ack manu 16:28:13 brent: not for new media types 16:28:27 manu: supportive for 3 and 3.5, although 3.5 kicks the can down the road a bit 16:28:35 --> https://www.w3.org/2020/01/registering-mediatypes Register an Internet Media Type for a W3C Spec 16:28:54 q+ 16:28:57 ... strong opposition to 2, it avoids the more fundamental problem of misbehavior in the ecosystem 16:29:21 ... it will harm work at W3C and IETF, confusion around VCs and such will lead to business and devs being confused 16:29:41 ... proposal 2 is just avoiding having that discussion 16:29:57 s/media types ???/media-types@iana.org/ 16:30:07 ... media type is a thing now in the wg at IETF, it does not convey the same semantics as the W3C spec does 16:30:23 s/proposal 2 is just/proposal 1 is just 16:31:20 ... propsal 3 is the ideal way forward, it's not incompatible with what IETF wants to do, we will share the media type with them, content type will be different but typ and media will be the same 16:31:36 ... 3 is workable, 16:31:39 ack selfissued 16:32:03 q+ to talk about chair vs personal view 16:32:42 selfissued: respond to comment about others are using the term VC, it's become a generic term, mdoc and jwts are VCs, family of specifications in open ID foundation that use VC as generic 16:33:09 q+ to point out that the dilution of verifiable credentials is an intentional attack on the meaning of our work 16:33:16 ... using in EU wallet deployments, whether or not it only applies to this work is a ship that has sailed 16:33:29 -1 to helping other groups use our branding, we don't control others surely, but that doesn't mean we have to help other groups that attempt to reuse our branding and efforts to do something else -- that confuses the market; it would be fine if our work was compatible with it. 16:33:32 ... we should declare victory and not say people are misbehaving by using the VC term 16:33:57 ... next topic, to brent, I would support option 0, leaving things the way they are 16:34:31 ... option 1, using envelope, I think VC-LD is better than VC-ENV, willing to drop objection 16:34:54 ... finally, I would oppose conflict with OAuth wg 16:35:44 ... we were proposing VC+LD + ?, there was no conflict, we changed our mind to not continue multi+ media types, the reason there is conflict is we changed our mind 16:36:07 ... finally there is no concept of ??? media type, we can use any prefix and + we want 16:36:20 s/??? media type/base media type 16:36:27 ... even if there were a base media type notion there is not a conflict 16:36:52 -1 to not registering media types 16:36:55 q? 16:37:02 wes-smith has joined #vcwg 16:37:02 ... finally I am against proposal 2, as the author of JWT best practices doc, we would not know what is being secured 16:37:15 q+ to note that we use "application/vc+ld+json", it was always used before, this is misbehavior, and mdoc doesn't re-use verifiable credentials -- a bit revisionist history going on here. 16:37:19 ack brent 16:37:19 brent, you wanted to talk about chair vs personal view 16:37:35 my understanding is that `cty` says what is being secured (content type) 16:38:01 brent: with my chair hat I have used the words regrettable that if we cannot come to an agreement with IETF that are intending to register ???, that would be a failure of diplomancy 16:38:36 ... personal view is, in light of possibility to different using the cty value, I would be fine moving forward with registering VC+ as the base media type for JOSE COSE 16:38:43 ... in conflict with chair self 16:38:43 ack JoeAndrieu 16:38:43 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to point out that the dilution of verifiable credentials is an intentional attack on the meaning of our work 16:38:45 +1 to brent, and sorry your selves are in conflict 16:38:53 q+ 16:39:13 JoeAndrieu: in support of 3, IETF is transparent and intentional to grab a term that W3C coined 16:39:22 ... we found VC term to be the right solution 16:39:41 ... some people took the work and the name to go venue shopping to get other features they wanted 16:39:51 ... W3C will not maintain a trademark on VC 16:40:10 ... we should not endorse this behavior, it's undermining our work 16:40:32 ... it is damaging to our collaborations. We've reached out and have not had success moving the needle 16:40:37 ack manu 16:40:37 manu, you wanted to note that we use "application/vc+ld+json", it was always used before, this is misbehavior, and mdoc doesn't re-use verifiable credentials -- a bit revisionist 16:40:38 selfissued has joined #vcwg 16:40:39 bumblefudge has joined #vcwg 16:40:39 ... endorse 3 16:40:41 ... history going on here. 16:40:42 +1 to Joe's comments 16:40:44 present+ 16:40:50 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 16:41:16 q+ 16:41:42 manu: respond to selfissued, you said when ??? was suggested, we were doing something different, we had direct interactions and told people it was the same base media type. The base media type exists, there is consensus, 16:42:25 s/when ??? was suggested/when `application/vc+ld+json` was suggested 16:42:52 ... +1 what JoeAndrieu just said, this is blatant misbehavior, we are being ignored, where we are being taken advantage of, mdocs are not VCs, they are called mdocs, people are not confused, there is clear separation 16:43:01 q+ 16:43:09 ... we have asked IETF to create separation by using different language and media types 16:43:21 *cough cough* PLENARY *cough cough* 16:43:42 ... technical argument, proposal 3 is fine from a technical perspective, it has the benefit of letting us share the base media type with IETF 16:43:53 ack plh 16:44:00 Noting that IETF has declared that *one* `+` is all that is allowed, "base media types" are the part to the left of the `+`. "structured suffixes" are the part to the right of (and indluding) the `+`. 16:44:52 plh: meeting with IETF with lunch yesterday, folks that help with IETF relationship, will bring this issue up with the IETF liason 16:44:54 --> https://www.w3.org/trademarks/ W3C Trademarks and generic terms 16:45:11 ... on subject of trademark, we claim generic terms, I don't see VC there 16:45:29 ... lastly, the wiki page on VCs says it's W3C 16:45:32 ack decentralgabe 16:45:52 decentralgabe: speak to VC ???, open ID has re-named to digital credentials 16:45:57 @Plh Ralph Swick had told me the organization would not defend verifiable credentials as a generic 16:46:03 ... +1 what brent said about cty 16:46:18 ack selfissued 16:46:25 @plh (when he was acting CEO) 16:46:25 ... I would like to see us find consensus on proposal 3 16:46:31 q+ to talk consensus 16:47:02 ack brent 16:47:02 brent, you wanted to talk consensus 16:47:04 selfissued: on VC brand, discussion will not help us move to consensus, we should celebrate people using the term 16:47:26 brent: not hearing clear consensus, but 3 has gotten most comments in it's favor 16:47:48 q+ 16:47:53 ... poll for moving forward with proposal 3 16:47:53 poll: Proposal 3? 16:47:58 +1 16:47:59 +1 16:48:00 +1 16:48:00 +1 16:48:00 -1 16:48:01 +1 16:48:03 +1 16:48:03 +1 16:48:04 +1 16:48:05 +1 16:48:05 +1 16:48:07 +1 16:48:08 +1 16:48:14 +1 16:48:15 +1 16:48:27 bumblefudge has joined #vcwg 16:48:37 ack selfissued 16:48:42 +1 16:48:47 q+ 16:48:48 q+ 16:48:53 q+ 16:49:02 selfissued: knowingly stepping on what others are doing is not collaborative behavior and I cannot support that 16:49:34 q- 16:49:44 brent: before going back to q, having a conversation with Brian Campbell, editor of SD-JWT, he helped come up with proposal 3, 16:49:46 ... objected with cty cavet 16:49:50 ack TallTed 16:49:58 q- 16:50:27 brent: drafting proposal 16:50:29 q+ 16:51:00 ivan: I did not fully understand what you said about Brian Campbell's reaction 16:51:18 q+ 16:51:23 ... why is he ok with that when it goes against what the group does? 16:51:31 +1 to just go on record to say that i believe we are pushing back against the very behavior Mike has described. 16:51:34 ack ivan 16:51:38 ack manu 16:51:45 BC's comment here https://github.com/w3c/vc-jose-cose/issues/282#issuecomment-2289946119 16:51:59 manu: it would allow the IETF to use the same top level media type but they would pick a different value for the cty value 16:52:05 ivan: are they ready for that? 16:52:09 manu: we don't know 16:52:17 I'll look at the spec and see what cty value they're currently using 16:52:17 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 16:52:35 ... the technical argument is it allows both groups to use the same media type 16:52:49 ... the only thing that would change between the 2 groups is the cty value 16:52:59 ivan: unless they want to claim our cty values 16:53:10 q? 16:53:13 q+ 16:53:38 q+ 16:53:39 https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc-05.html currently has no "cty" value 16:53:45 +1 to continuing communications 16:53:47 Agree with decentralgabe 16:53:50 decentralgabe: frame that is this proposal passes, we should proceed with trying to register this, but also have a conversation with IETF 16:54:04 They would naturally use application/sd-jwt as their "cty" media type, if they add one 16:54:41 q? 16:54:45 q? 16:54:55 ack decentralgabe 16:55:03 ack plh 16:55:26 plh: we will have to elevate the issue to our IETF contacts, 16:55:29 JennieM has joined #vcwg 16:55:36 i/ack TallTed/TallTed: I am pleased to hear selfissued does not support the current IETF behavior of stepping on our work by diluting the meaning of "Verifiable Credential" 16:56:12 q+ 16:56:29 ack ivan 16:56:46 +1 to ivan's suggestion 16:56:49 sven has joined #vcwg 16:56:56 ivan: for outsiders, for the second part, making it clear that this wg intends to use ??? for the cty value 16:56:56 +1 to ivan 16:57:06 +1 to ivan to make it clear 16:57:43 PROPOSAL: For VC-JOSE-COSE, we will proceed with a request to register application/vc+jwt, application/vp+jwt, application/vc+cose, application/vp+cose, application/vc+sd-jwt, and application/vp+sd-jwt. We will note in particular that the cty property is the point of differentiation for others that may wish to use identical media types. This group intends to use application/vc and application/vp as the cty values. 16:57:45 +1 16:57:48 +1 16:57:48 +1 16:57:48 +1 16:57:48 0 16:57:49 +1 16:57:49 +1 16:57:49 -1 16:57:50 +1 16:57:50 +1 16:57:53 +1 16:57:53 s/???/`application/vc` and `application/vp`/ 16:57:56 0 16:57:58 +1 16:57:58 +1 16:58:01 +1 16:58:03 +1 16:58:55 brent: selfissued: will you formally object 16:59:05 +1 16:59:07 selfissued: I am undecided pending discussion with others 16:59:08 + 16:59:20 RESOLVED: For VC-JOSE-COSE, we will proceed with a request to register application/vc+jwt, application/vp+jwt, application/vc+cose, application/vp+cose, application/vc+sd-jwt, and application/vp+sd-jwt. We will note in particular that the cty property is the point of differentiation for others that may wish to use identical media types. This group intends to use application/vc and application/vp as the cty values. 16:59:20 brent: calling this resolved 16:59:28 ... who will be the voice of the group? 16:59:35 decentralgabe: I can do that 16:59:42 Kyle has joined #vcwg 16:59:48 brent: decentralgabe will serve as the voice of the group, talk to him about it 16:59:48 RRSAgent, generate minutes 16:59:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/27-vcwg-minutes.html plh 17:00:28 ... comments have been made that have not facilitated consensus, individuals can use their voice, but make it clear they are not speaking for the group 17:00:47 i/brent: going over agenda/topic: VC JOSE COSE Media types/ 17:00:50 +1 brent (for record) 17:00:58 ... I appreciate the calm and sensibility, it is valuable that we can have differences of opinion and still be civil, 17:01:10 q+ to note other items w/ VC JOSE COSE 17:01:13 Topic: more VC JOSE COSE 17:01:16 selfissued: we should merge a PR 17:01:27 ack manu 17:01:27 manu, you wanted to note other items w/ VC JOSE COSE 17:01:29 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jose-cose/pull/292 17:01:34 brent: is there more you would like feedback from the group on 17:01:48 Kyle_ has joined #vcwg 17:03:02 manu: looking at vc-jose-cose spec, thought I requested language around selective disclosure and things you have to keep a look out for, one thing being commentary around, if you use sd-jwt and the issuer uses things it wants to make sure the verifier always checks, things like related resources for contexts are always selectively disclosed 17:03:14 ... I think we do need a vc-jose-cose spec 17:03:25 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jose-cose/pull/288/files 17:03:27 ... I didn't see those statement in the spec, can the editors speak to that? 17:03:34 +1 to tell issuers to consider what needs to be mandatory to disclose and highlight some important items from the VCDM 17:03:55 decentralgabe: issue 285 17:04:05 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-jose-cose/issues/285 17:04:08 q+ 17:04:14 brent: let's talk about this issue 17:04:16 ack decentralgabe 17:04:33 q+ to note things to consider. 17:04:37 decentralgabe: I might have missed something when addressing this issue, we should re-open it to add language 17:04:47 brent: I will re-open the issue 17:05:05 decentralgabe: preparing PR for that 17:05:16 ack manu 17:05:16 manu, you wanted to note things to consider. 17:05:51 q+ 17:06:03 manu: to add detail, I think the things that need to be considered are: we need special language about selectively disclosing the @context field, whether or not to expose type value, changes around credential status 17:06:26 s/@context/`@context`/ 17:06:26 ... our org is not looking very closing at this stuff, we have not done an implementation, hopefully someone else is paying really close attention 17:06:50 .... sd-jwt is a ??? and it makes assumptions about the data model 17:07:11 ... sd-jwt by itself is unaware of the things that should always be selectively disclosed 17:07:25 q+ 17:07:25 +1 to Manu's general concerns 17:07:29 ack ivan 17:07:31 pauld_gs1 has joined #vcwg 17:07:34 present+ 17:07:40 ... it feels like there is more work to be done, but because we're not doing an implementation we cannot see the trip wires 17:08:11 q+ 17:08:16 ivan: my memory is related resources must be checked, what must be used if all? 17:08:19 ack TallTed 17:08:21 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jose-cose/pull/304#pullrequestreview-2334075128 17:09:20 q+ to speak to how its used in CA DMV. 17:09:22 TallTed: link to comment in a PR that was merged, it says the jwt claim names vc and vp must not be present in claim set, this doc is jose-cose, not jwt, so we can't be making that restriction 17:09:24 q+ 17:09:59 subtopic: related resource 17:10:06 ack dlongley 17:10:41 dlongley: respond to ivan: this issue with selective disclosure is not about if they are using related resources, but if the issuer wants to use them they need to make it mandatory, 17:10:46 Jem has joined #vcwg 17:10:57 ... since jwt does not sign the quads, it is important that issuers are aware of it and make it mandatory 17:11:04 ack manu 17:11:04 manu, you wanted to speak to how its used in CA DMV. 17:11:50 manu: repsonse to TallTed: putting CA DMV vendor hat on, we use vc and vp claim types in ca dmv implementation, we had to make the decision 2 years ago, we have a plan to upgrade, removing that in vc 2.0 is ok 17:11:58 s/must not be present in claim set/must not be present in JWT claim set/ 17:11:59 ack selfissued 17:12:06 ... I believe CA DMV wants to move away so removal is ok 17:12:08 q+ 17:12:29 selfissued: not new language, this was in first CR, the reason it is there is vc-jwt 1.1 which defined the use of claims 17:12:55 ack TallTed 17:12:57 ... that caused duplication of data model contect into the envelope, editorally this showed up as new text, but it's because it was moved 17:13:30 Our first CR https://www.w3.org/TR/2024/CRD-vc-jose-cose-20240425/ includes "The JWT Claim Names vc and vp MUST NOT be present." 17:13:36 TallTed: I don't care how long ago it was approved, it is putting a restriction on jwt in sd-jwt, you cannot restrict jwts within sd-jwts 17:13:36 This is not new text 17:13:41 q+ 17:13:45 ack selfissued 17:13:53 q+ 17:14:33 selfissued: as the author of jwt (with others) and many spec that profile jwt, it is fully the intent of the jwt spec to be profiled, it is up to profile specs such as this one, it is up to the spec to say what claims must be used, what are optional 17:15:04 brent: what TallTed said cleared this up, he said you can't limit things, but he clarified that it's not limiting for sd-jwts, but jwts ??? 17:15:06 ack TallTed 17:15:31 TallTed: if I have to object I will 17:15:49 brent: next step is for selfissued to raise a PR 17:16:20 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-jose-cose/pull/292 17:16:44 brent: PR raised by selfissued, comments by decentralgabe, 17:17:17 decentralgabe: spec was unclear about detached payloads, this PR adds that language, 17:17:25 ... they allow for detached payloads, so should we 17:17:30 q+ 17:17:58 ack selfissued 17:17:58 ... my company makes use of detached payloads, it's more efficient to store the signature separately 17:18:23 q+ to note that if we're profiling, we should profile to use cases for VCs... are we supporting detached payloads for other items? 17:18:46 selfissued: as discussed in the issue, the jwt spec and the cose spec permit detached payloads and we are using them normatively, if we do nothing they are allowed, if we merge this PR it doesn't change the meaning but it does explicitly say detached payloads are allowed 17:19:01 ack manu 17:19:01 manu, you wanted to note that if we're profiling, we should profile to use cases for VCs... are we supporting detached payloads for other items? 17:19:01 ... ok to close or merge, would object to change that would try to inhibit the use 17:19:56 manu: this came about because the default example changed, will note that I oppose this because it's the first time we're talking about using detached payloads for VCs 17:20:08 ... I have an opinion but want to see what the group has to say 17:20:24 as selfissued said, if it's allowed then it's allowed, and find decentralgabe use case compelling 17:20:29 q+ 17:20:46 ... concerned about hexadecimal signature in example, would rather follow the same format as other examples 17:21:02 ... waiting on feedback from decentralgabe 17:21:05 ack decentralgabe 17:21:28 q+ 17:21:30 decentralgabe: feel like there was regression in code, example should show full payload, it may be useful to show examples for attached and detached 17:21:32 ack manu 17:21:49 q+ 17:22:02 manu: concerned about detached payloads were viewed negatively and used as an example of the group not knowing what it is doing 17:22:18 present+ dmitriz 17:22:22 ... not technical concern, but do we want to invite criticism back in? 17:22:54 ... incubate in a group. Alternative is to write it up now, but concern without implementations 17:23:19 brent: proposal is to close this PR now, raise another one where the examples are only attached payloads 17:23:30 ack selfissued 17:23:38 manu: clear up the example to show full payloads 17:23:51 selfissued: if we close the PR we should close the issue 17:24:21 ... if we get other criticism about detached payloads I will take it on, they fail safe because of crypto 17:24:34 brent: but you are not disagreeing 17:24:37 selfissued: yes 17:24:57 +1 detached payloads are fine, signatures fail safe if the payload doesn't match 17:25:02 brent: anyone who would disagree about closing this PR and issue? 17:25:03 cc has joined #vcwg 17:25:16 brent: no opposistion 17:25:26 brent: end session, be back at 11 17:26:03 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:26:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/27-vcwg-minutes.html mandyv 17:26:10 Kyle_ has left #vcwg 17:55:51 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 17:57:52 JennieM has joined #vcwg 17:58:23 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 17:58:38 brent has joined #vcwg 18:00:10 selfissued has joined #vcwg 18:00:16 present+ 18:00:35 KevinDean has joined #vcwg 18:00:47 wes-smith has joined #vcwg 18:00:50 scribe+ 18:02:50 Brent: let's get started, we will start by talking about controller document 18:03:00 mandyv has joined #vcwg 18:03:17 sven has joined #vcwg 18:03:21 present+ 18:03:41 Brent: in controller document we have gotten feedback from PING and TAG, Jeff Yasskin will be here to discuss TAG, we can discuss the privacy review now 18:04:00 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 18:04:06 present+ 18:04:06 JennieM5 has joined #vcwg 18:04:16 Topic: Controller Document 18:04:28 JennieM7 has joined #vcwg 18:04:33 laurens has joined #vcwg 18:04:35 present+ 18:04:38 present+ 18:04:44 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/93 18:04:46 ... the issue that was raised is issue 93 18:05:02 ... this is a response from Nick Doty of the privacy group, going to have it on the screen for folks to read through 18:05:17 ... this is the privacy review, as you read, think about what specific issues need to be raised in order to address the concerns that were brought up 18:05:27 ... additionally, what are we going to do to address those issues 18:05:36 present+ pchampin 18:05:52 ... for those of you just joining us, we are looking at issue 93, the PING review of the controller document spec 18:06:05 manu has joined #vcwg 18:06:08 ... a question for the group is, what issues should be raised to track the concerns here, and what are we going to do about them 18:06:08 present+ jyasskin 18:06:09 q? 18:06:09 q+ 18:06:13 ack manu 18:06:34 JennieM has joined #vcwg 18:07:38 manu: I worked on an editor's response to PING, in general PING had good feedback, at a high level there was a concern about the specification being fairly generic, they did not understand the need for something like this. They said it was so abstract it was hard to understand use cases. The use cases here are similar to DID use cases, just with 18:07:38 URLs instead of DIDs. 18:08:38 ... Pointing to the DID use case could help. The review mentioned that it would be a lot of work to profile this document, and it's kind of hard to reason about the privacy properties of the document. We did mention that the document is largely about publishing crypto keys, there is a new PR that adds service descriptions to the document, but we 18:08:38 mention that the main reason controller document exists is because vc-jose-cose spec wanted something that did what DID documents did but without DIDs 18:08:48 ... we mention that DID core WG is planning on using this document as well. 18:08:51 q+ 18:09:18 ... Largely the response was that the privacy concerns are fairly limited based on the limited set of things that the document is supposed to be doing, as it is largely around crypto key communication, extensions largely out of scope 18:10:04 ... they mentioned they were interested in pairwise identifiers, might be good to couple that with W3C language around the origin model of the web, I noted that we do talk about it but could expand the section around identifier-based correlation risks to talk about the Web's origin model. This has been a regular request from groups to talk about 18:10:04 the Web's origin based security/privacy model. 18:10:08 dezell has joined #vcwg 18:10:40 ... They also noted that we say you shouldn't store personal data, but PING suggested that crypto keys are personal data, so a clarification that we meant name, address, etc, rather than crypto material. 18:10:51 Susan has joined #VCWG 18:10:53 present+ 18:10:57 ... Finally, there was a question around the difference between "id" and "controller", we have 2 issues open to discuss that. 18:11:18 ... A lot of the commentary was editorial in nature, I think that we're going to wait to hear from Nick or PING on exactly what he would like to see done. 18:11:50 ... We can raise issues on additional language, modification of existing language, etc. I didn't see a request for a fundamental design change in here, will want to clarify that. I did ask about these being largely editorial changes and for PING to let us know if that is not the case. 18:12:10 ack ivan 18:12:12 +present 18:12:13 ... Nick and the PING will look at this, do another round of comments, and either raise issues or we will raise issues on their behalf. 18:12:30 present+ Brian_McManus 18:13:17 q+ to open the bikeshedding 18:13:23 q+ to note that it's service descriptions as well... and noted that it's a "resource document" :) 18:13:27 Ivan: I must admit, when we started to work on this document, I really had difficulty getting my head around the naming. "Controller Document" does not fit what is there, as the emphasis of this document is to store references to crypto key material and metadata. That's all we are doing. I wonder whether we should rename the document to make it 18:13:27 clear what the document is talking about. I know there is a PR on the service. We will come back to this. 18:13:29 resakai has joined #vcwg 18:13:57 Brent: A couple more minutes on this topic then will move to another issue. 18:13:58 ack JoeAndrieu 18:13:58 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to open the bikeshedding 18:14:01 q+ 18:14:10 decentra_ has joined #vcwg 18:14:32 zakim, close the queue 18:14:32 ok, brent, the speaker queue is closed 18:14:39 JoeAndrieu: Advocating taking the time for bike shedding, at one point this was called something else, it was framing the conversation around something that should be separated into VCs, we already have the idea that controller name is problematic, but we haven't taken the time to fix it 18:14:54 ack manu 18:14:54 manu, you wanted to note that it's service descriptions as well... and noted that it's a "resource document" :) 18:15:06 Isaac has joined #vcwg 18:15:12 pchampin has joined #vcwg 18:15:14 manu: we have talked about renaming it before and failed to find a better name, I suggested that this was a resource on the web, everyone hated that 18:15:23 ... it is expressing key information but could be expressing anything else 18:15:27 Ivan: let's not go there 18:15:37 q+ to say it SHOULD NOT say anything about the DID subject 18:16:02 manu: just saying we had that discussion, in the DID WG we discussed how it did not have service descriptions in it, based on a request by that WG I raised a PR to add service descriptions into controller document, no longer just a bag of keys, now more general tool to engage with the subject 18:16:07 ack selfissued 18:16:25 selfissued: yeah, we have tried to change the name before, I am repeating Manu, but nobody has come up with a better name, people know this name, it is a done deal 18:16:32 Brent: moving to issue 94 18:16:43 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/94 18:16:43 ... which is our TAG review issue 18:16:55 ... I am happy to frame this convo however you would like 18:17:30 q+ 18:17:37 zakim, open the queue 18:17:37 ok, brent, the speaker queue is open 18:17:58 I'm Jeffrey Yasskin, on the TAG, ready to talk about issue 94. 18:18:25 manu: first of all, thank you very much for the review, really appreciate it, I think that at a high level the TAG had a number of concerns around the document and some of the functionality in there. Some of it seemed to be more general uneasiness around some of the stuff that we are doing, and there were some very specific questions towards the 18:18:25 end. At a high level, the TAG acknowledged that it was useful to express a more generalized form of this. 18:18:48 ... Going through the comments, again with an editorial hat on I attempted to provide feedback on the review, there are some items we will need to discuss as a WG today. 18:19:12 ... The first concern was - this seems like a bag of keys specification, so a spec for expressing a set of keys, and there was a little doubt that it's not clear that other systems will find use in profiling this thing. 18:19:25 ... It would take considerable effort to profile it, and there is a question around that. 18:19:25 q+ 18:20:07 ack jyasskin 18:20:11 ... The response was that the reason we created the spec was that some WG members wanted it profiled, did not want to normatively refer to DID core, Data Integrity, we had to create a Switzerland specification that people could refer to. The DID core and DI specs as well as VC-JOSE-COSE will profile here. 18:20:30 jyasskin: the worry that it might not be widely usable is not an argument against publication, maybe only against generic naming 18:20:39 q+ 18:20:49 manu: the group has struggled with if this is worth it, we are now committed to getting it out there as we have dependencies in other specifications. 18:20:50 ack pchampin 18:21:24 pchampin: I think that the linked web storage WG should probably try to reuse part of this, this needs to be discussed by the WG but I will encourage this 18:21:37 manu: some of the activity pub community would like this, BlueSky is using DID documents and would look at this 18:22:44 manu: next item up, there was concern in the TAG that defining a generic format could introduce security vulnerabilities, citing things like alg:none, there is agreement that generalizing a security format can add vulnerabilities, at present we do not know of any, the only counteraction we can think of is to be in a position where we can actively 18:22:44 modify or errata the spec to clean those up. 18:23:01 jyasskin: That seems reasonable, security considerations to warn people about past vulnerabilities when they did this sort of thing 18:23:05 Wip has joined #vcwg 18:23:26 ... one example: VC work has needed a feature from json-LD to add a feature, that WG has not been quick to add that, it would be nice for this group to have a quicker response 18:23:55 present+ hadleybeeman 18:23:57 laurens has joined #vcwg 18:24:15 manu: There was also a note that said that you were happy to see that the document does not try to add a format that could be interpreted as JSON/JSON-LD at the same time, however there is discussion around using context parsing documents as JSON-LD using hash ??? values 18:24:24 ... concern around implicit interoperability that is not in the spec 18:24:34 ... and attackers may try to exploit the complexity of JSON-LD processing 18:24:52 ... This one wasn't as clear about what we could do, it sounded like the TAG wanted more language in the spec to clearly document how you can safely process a controller document 18:25:06 ... I will note that in the VC spec, we have gone to great lengths to tell people what the processing model is and what they should be aware of 18:25:13 ... Would langauge like that be helpful? 18:25:24 jyasskin: would like to introduce hadleybeeman 18:25:43 jyasskin: for this specifically, more strict instructions on how to process it would help 18:25:53 ... the next couple paragraphs are questioning if this should be JSON-LD at all 18:25:55 q+ 18:25:59 ... if that goes back to JSON it solves some of this worry 18:26:08 ack ivan 18:26:44 Susan has joined #vcwg 18:26:48 Ivan: I do not know which version of the document you looked at, because there was a fairly extensive discussion on the JSON-LD presence in the document, it is now much more isolated than before, the document speaks about the vocabulary in general, it is much more concentrated now 18:27:18 jyasskin: another thing that I saw in the discussion after we wrote this comment is that json-ld implementations are expected to internally inject the context instead of expect it to be present, that helps with the interoperability concern about mixing JSON/JSON-LD 18:27:54 manu: high level, the desire is to make sure that no matter if you do JSON/JSON-LD, the outcome is the same, the meaning of all of the fields doesn't change between those two mechanisms 18:28:03 ... we do need to write some more language to make that very clear 18:28:21 ... to insist that you cannot get a different result with JSON/JSON-LD 18:28:33 ... if you think you are in that situation you should throw an error immediately 18:28:50 ... we could add text to the specification that conveys that more clearly, that the semantics between the two versions are the same when it comes to how you should operate 18:29:02 ... "authentication" means "authentication" regardless of JSON/JSON-LD forms 18:29:32 jyasskin: I think that the TAG is likely to stay uncomfortable with this sort of document, but putting something in the specification to say it is a specification bug if you can get different results with JSON/JSON-LD 18:29:40 ... that would help 18:29:40 manu: we can certainly put that language in there 18:30:10 ... speaking to the longer discussion with the TAG, the alternative is to force a format, which will lead to objections in the group, in VCs we did that and it resulted in the group splitting and people going to IETF, now we have a market problem on our hands 18:30:27 ... what was holding everyone together was this dual mode thing, the experiment in the VC group did not result in a good outcome, I would expect the same result here 18:30:52 ... If the TAG has any suggestion on how to navigate that, it is not a tech problem, it is a political thing, the TAG, this group, and the VC group should engage more on the guidance for future groups 18:31:14 jyasskin: We could write something about when it is appropriate to use JSON-LD, we may not have time or expertise to do this, but it would be good to be clear about the technical reasons to pick one or the other 18:31:59 manu: That would be helpful. Moving on to the next comment, skepticsm that JSON-LD is necessary for controller document, extensibility could be achieved through registries. You recognize that the DID WG sees registries as decentralized but the TAG disagrees. 18:32:19 ... Removing JSON-LD would lead to formal objections, we are moving forward with everyone unhappy, that is the state we are in. 18:32:54 ... moving on to the inclusion around multihash and multibase, the TAG believes it is best to mandate that implementations align on base encodings and cryptographic digests 18:33:08 ... I mentioned that there are good reasons to pick different base encodings and hashes 18:33:21 ... the best way to encode data into a QR code is base45, for example 18:33:27 q+ to say maybe the spec could strongly recommend profiles of the document being opinionated 18:34:07 ... if you were to use base64url you pay a nasty price. The same is true for crypto digest algorithms, we are finding that in some of the newer selective disclosure and unsinkable disclosure technologies, using things like cryptographic circuits, certain hashing mechanisms are easier to implement in a cryptographic circuit than others by orders of 18:34:07 magnitude 18:34:23 ... Demonstrated by the European digital identity work, we could pick a specific hashing format and have it create negative consequences 18:34:25 q+ 18:34:41 q+ 18:34:43 ... The point is taken, if we could pick one digest algorithm and encoding that would improve interoperability, but at the cost of harming some of our use cases. 18:35:16 JennieM has joined #vcwg 18:35:27 ... Given that we know that the market has several different mechanisms, can we encode that in a different field. The cryptographic specifications do make a choice of mechanism. The choice is made at the crypto suite/key expression layer, and not controller document. 18:35:28 ack brent 18:35:28 brent, you wanted to say maybe the spec could strongly recommend profiles of the document being opinionated 18:35:43 Brent: maybe the controller document spec should strongly recommend or say that, when you profile this, pick one. That would be a step closer. 18:35:48 ack jyasskin 18:36:32 q+ to note that Multibase and Multikey are used elsewhere. 18:36:47 jyasskin: I had a couple thoughts. The first is that the base encoding is implied by QR codes or a couple other situations, but in controller document, it doesn't seem like you have to use the same base encoding as you might need for a QR code, you are conveying bits that you can re-encode or switch encodings on. I think I still prefer one base 18:36:47 encoding. The argument about hashes is interesting, and I wonder if the document could explain the benefit of hash choices. 18:36:49 q+ 18:37:19 jyasskin: it might make sense to have each crypto suite specification pick one specific hash, even if the controller document is more generic. 18:37:20 ack hadleybeeman 18:37:54 q+ 18:37:58 ack manu 18:37:58 manu, you wanted to note that Multibase and Multikey are used elsewhere. 18:37:59 hadleybeeman: I wonder if you have considered standardizing for use case, it would make a big step towards standardizing for interoperability. For example, for QR codes, standardize for base 45, you would have done the hard work for the implementers. 18:39:02 q+ to address multibase/multihash and disagreement within the TAG 18:39:25 manu: The reason multibase and multi hash are in the controller document is historical, ideally they would be totally different specifications, they are in there because the implementation community was using multibase/multihash, not just controller documents that could use them, long history of different use cases. That said, the reason it is 18:39:25 there is we needed normative documentation. I believe that work should be done, but I don't know if the right place is the controller document specification, for example nothing we are doing has anything to do with QR codes. 18:40:03 q+ 18:40:10 ... In the future, these specs should probably be pulled out into their own specifications. In the meantime we could write that language in there, not opposed to that. 18:41:08 hadleybeeman: we are regularly reminding ourselves that we have no power, you can do what you like, I will say that we have had this conversation before regarding interoperability around crypto, and that will continue to come up as a stumbling block. We will continue to say there are opportunities here. I was imagining per-use case profiles for the 18:41:08 ecosystem. 18:41:20 ... That then makes it easier for implementations to be interoperable. 18:41:33 scribe+ 18:41:36 ack wes-smith 18:42:11 wes-smith: Wanted to speak to point about specifying pros/cons of differen hashing mechanisms. That can be difficult to do wrt. cryptographic circuit stuff, new set of requirements and tradeoffs, difficult to note that sort of stuff ahead of time. 18:42:41 ack KevinDean 18:43:20 KevinDean: as someone from the supply chain and barcodes, I would strongly recommend against aligning anything with an encoding mechanism for a specific barcode format. There is work underway to add support to other formats with different compression and encoding algorithms. 18:43:38 hadleybeeman: Is it complex enough to not write up that nuance? 18:43:54 q+ to move on to next input 18:43:56 +1 KevinDean 18:44:06 KevinDean: if you knew ahead of time you could, but from experience at GS1 with QR codes, we found that the compression algorithms built into the barcode format was about as good as anything we could come up with ourselves, not worth the extra effort. 18:44:13 ack jyasskin 18:44:13 jyasskin, you wanted to address multibase/multihash and disagreement within the TAG 18:44:48 jyasskin: The team has not come to consensus on if multibase/multihash is good to use, have already talked about how the spec profiles to only a few of the options therein, the TAG will continue discussing that. 18:44:50 ack ivan 18:44:54 s/team/TAG/ 18:45:25 q+ 18:45:48 Ivan: as someone who is pretty much a newcomer in crypto related things, I have the impression that doing something like what you refer to goes beyond the scope of W3C. The crypto community is huge and has an enormous amount of work going at various organizations. Not up to W3C to make judgement calls on key formats, hash functions - the only thing 18:45:48 we can do is give the possibility for various things to be used, up to various implementations to decide what to use. Not W3C's business. 18:45:51 ack manu 18:45:51 manu, you wanted to move on to next input 18:46:04 ack selfissued 18:46:23 selfissued: Ivan I was once in a W3C WG that called itself Web Crypto that made choices about what algorithms and formats to use/deprecate. 18:47:17 manu: jyasskin this is about your comment on the TAG continuing to think about it. There is a common misconception around the multi formats that they suggest that you could use any of them in an application. What we are trying to say is no - you should pick one. The reason the multiformats exist is that the reality is that we have many different 18:47:17 formats, and applications are using them without using any kind of header. 18:47:30 ... The problem with base encodings is that you cannot tell the difference between them. 18:48:10 ... The multiformats are an attempt to encode that into the data itself, so the data is self describing, so if you know they are using a multiformat, interoperability is increased because the first byte tells your application how to process the rest of the data. 18:48:58 ... The multiformats exist because specs/application developers have picked wildly different things, we are trying to put a header on those things and unify how to recognize a byte stream. The TAG has that deliberation, please convey that this is not the Wild West, we are saying to please pick one thing, but across applications we can increaes 18:48:58 inter. 18:49:02 We'll make sure that's part of the TAG discussion in the future. 18:49:02 s/inter/interop 18:49:45 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 18:49:47 manu: One of the feedbacks is that it seems risky in some cases - this has to do with who can make changes to a controller document. We have a field that can point to something else in the world, controller doc not always self contained, other authorities can have the ability to change a document. 18:50:12 ... That doesn't make sense on the web, it was designed for decentralized ledgers, blockchains, DHTs, things where you can point to other things in the world and the ledgers have rules about document updates. 18:50:28 ... The commentary from the TAG is that it can be dangerous to point to an external resource without pinning that resource. 18:51:55 q+ to security considerations 18:52:11 ... And it's true, there is a risk there. The first question is, the controller document can choose to take on that risk or not. There are use cases where external pointing is useful, e.g. parent child relationship, this document has a guardian that is external. Or, an account recovery service that is external to your document. That's where we are 18:52:11 conveying that external parties might need ability to change a controller document. It is possible to create a hash for that, we have a digest property that allows you to pin external data to your document. However, if you do this, you don't support key rotation on the other side. You can get to a place where the external party cannot make changes. 18:52:32 ... We could add language to describe how to pin external data, but it would remove the ability for external key rotation. 18:52:44 jyasskin: This was not a request for a particular change, just to add text to security considerations. 18:52:50 q+ to talk about digest pinning 18:52:53 manu: agreed, but we should raise an issue about digest pinning. 18:52:56 ack jyasskin 18:52:56 jyasskin, you wanted to security considerations 18:53:02 ack JoeAndrieu 18:53:02 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to talk about digest pinning 18:53:29 +1 Joe 18:53:33 JoeAndrieu: Just want to be a voice against digest pinning, DIDs unique ability to have indirection between identifier and crypto material. 18:53:51 Brent: I think the group would oppose mandating digest pinning, maybe would support language making it optional. 18:55:03 manu: Last set of feedback from the TAG has to do with a potential caching attack against keys. Currently in the spec we use a full URL to identify key information in the document (or you can), the question from the TAG is, if you have a full URL for Key A, and the attacker sees Key A, uses the same URL as the other person, and we have dmitriz over 18:55:03 there, we know that the good actor wants to interact with dmitriz, we will interact with dmitriz first with Key A. 18:55:20 ... There is some kind of confusion attack where dmitriz caches the bad actor's Key A not the good actor's Key A. 18:55:30 ... The question from the TAG is, have you thought about this, how does it work. 18:55:53 ... dlongley responded and said that the algorithm explicitly says not to cache, but if there is a misimplementation there could be caching. 18:56:00 ... suggestion from the TAG was to use local identifiers. 18:56:30 jyasskin: I did get this in the issue, it seems like a complication that arises because you are using JSON-LD where local names don't really exist where you wind up with names that look global but are only usable if they are in the requested document. 18:57:53 manu: just to clarify, local names do not exist, but fragments do, fragments could achieve what you are suggesting. We could also say that URLs are invalid if they do not align with the base of the document and add tests to a test suite to test that. The concern is that we would have to be careful about how we do that, as there are use cases we 18:57:53 have explored where you may keep key information that's yours external to the document. We would have to work through details, the controller is an example where you point outside of the document, and that is part of the security model. As a result of that feature, we have to care about external links, need to assume that is part of the core 18:57:53 operating model. 18:58:03 q+ to ask a related question. can a DID document point to a verification method defined elsewhere? 18:58:14 ack JoeAndrieu 18:58:14 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to ask a related question. can a DID document point to a verification method defined elsewhere? 18:58:35 JoeAndrieu: manu answered my direct question, which is that in DID document A, I can define a verificationMethod that is defined in another DID document/controller document 18:59:11 ... you are saying we have always had that feature. If we believe that the VDR controls the state of the DID document and the resolver is correctly executing, a bad actor would not be able to act on the threat you described. 18:59:42 q+ 18:59:45 q+ 19:00:06 manu: they can, it's a confusion attack, meaning that you have DID doc A,B, DID doc B uses same identifiers as DID doc A, I could see there are variations of the attack where small misimplementations make the attack work, people need to defend themselves. I want to note this has nothing to do with JSON-LD and exists because we are using URLs so our 19:00:06 security model is more complex. 19:00:07 ack JoeAndrieu 19:00:46 JoeAndrieu: either I don't understand who is referring to who or I disagree. If DID document A is pointing, say attestation method, refers to a verification method in Document B, the listing of that in DID A is entirely under the control of DID document A, not DID document B 19:00:56 babygazelle has joined #vcwg 19:01:14 manu: that's not the attack. DID A has a URL that is Key A. DID B, the bad actor, will use the same URL that's in DID A for the purposes of confusing someone what the proper key is. 19:01:31 ack jyasskin 19:01:44 +1 to describe this conundrum 19:02:02 wes-smith has joined #vcwg 19:02:06 scribe+ 19:02:20 jyasskin: don't need to solve this right now, can put it in security considerations. 19:02:26 please do! 19:02:34 Brent: thank you for the time and review, anything else you want to express to the group from TAG, are we on the right track? 19:02:54 jyasskin: there are likely to be some concerns that the WG decides not to address, that is fine, you are on track to address the rest of the concerns. 19:02:54 q+ 19:03:04 ack manu 19:04:06 manu: jyasskin, you and I had a nice brief chat about continuing engagement with the TAG as we mature the work, the TAG will continue to have concerns about the work that the DID and VC WGs are doing, this is not resolvable in 6 months. Everyone being aware of that is good, I don't know what the engagement mechanisms is other than horizational 19:04:06 review, but some discussion here goes beyond horizationtal review comments, e.g. the discussion on multibase. What is the venue there? 19:04:40 hadleybeeman: you can always open a TAG issue/TAG review, we would love to have discussions there other than "here is a done spec, please check it". We can offer help at the architecture stage, share our experience, connect you to people, etc. 19:04:53 q+ 19:05:13 ... Similarly, TAG issues don't have to be "this is a particular feature", they can be "let's talk about this big question", whether that is broad or use-case specific. 19:05:19 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:05:32 ... We are happy to discuss it, and the way we do that is by beginning the discussion on Github as an issue and can continue the discussion in multiple ways. 19:05:51 ... we are here to help, genuinely, as trite as that sounds, and are not a rubber-stamping "you are finished" body. 19:06:27 q+ 19:06:33 ... The more we can have discussions around what we can help the better off we will be. We have had exchanges with other WGs that have brought finished specs to us seeking rubber stamp, we can look at it, but we don't want to be in the position where we are checking other people's homework. 19:06:35 ack KevinDean 19:07:08 ack ivan 19:07:08 KevinDean: Just would like to add a big +1 to that, I am still a member of the GS1 architecture group where we have the same model helping groups progress standards and ensure alignment, I would reiterate, as with the TAG, we don't bite. 19:07:45 Ivan: We don't have to go into the details here, but what you say is something that should be better reflected in how the process works. The way current transitions go, and staff contacts communicate with the people in charge of these things, is different than what you said. 19:07:53 hadleybeeman: There was some discussion of that this week. 19:08:08 q+ 19:08:43 Brent: we have about 20 minutes before lunch and could spend that time in any number of ways, we could bike shed a name for the spec, we could dim the lights and have a relaxing time, we could jump back into issue 93 which is the privacy review, although I feel like we covered that, or we could jump into other issues or PRs 19:08:48 q+ 19:09:00 selfissued: If we can finish the privacy review and propose something 19:09:21 manu: agreed that would be useful, I also went through and marked a large number of issues as editorial that we could do in CR, with a goal of measuring how close to CR we are 19:09:22 ack manu 19:09:43 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 19:09:52 subtopic: next topic? 19:10:04 ack ivan 19:10:06 ... I think that the vast majority of the remaining issues are editorial, so we could handle them in CR, which would accelerate us into CR, the TAG and privacy reviews have added things for us to do, but they are largely editorial. I feel we could transition to CR after we do the TAG/privacy things, we could discuss that. 19:10:31 Ivan: I don't know how crucial it is, but I put in some comments this morning about the PR for the service thing, I don't know if we want to discuss that here or leave it for the usual channels. 19:10:41 Brent: Timeboxing a 10 minute conversation about issue 93. 19:11:05 ... We will then spend the rest of the time looking at the issues in general to see how close we are to CR. Should that wrap up before lunch, we will go into the PR, but that can be during our normal calls. 19:11:07 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/93 19:11:32 q+ 19:11:40 ack manu 19:12:15 manu: I think these are largely editorial, the things that have specific things we could write are editorial, the other things we need PING to respond on, I didn't see any massive design changes we need to make. In some cases they have the same questions we do, e.g. difference between subject and controller. 19:12:46 Brent: my recommendation is to reframe them, instead of saying "is this right", say "here is our interpretation of what you said and how we are moving forward, let us know if that is incorrect" 19:13:04 ... we are operating in good faith and making the best assumptions we can, where we absolutely need a response I can reach out as chair to PING 19:13:14 ... for the most part we have a decent idea of what we are looking for 19:13:27 Brent: anything else on 93? 19:13:33 selfissued: sounds like a plan 19:13:38 Brent: next topic, how close are we to CR 19:13:43 subtopic: Controller to CR? 19:14:44 ... looking at those issues, as we can see we have our horizontal review, we have self reviews and responses we have talked through, we will have a number of changes in response to what we heard from TAG and what we believe PING is looking for, other than that these are the issues. They have been triaged, you can see the labels here. All of them 19:14:44 are marked as during CR except for 67. 19:14:57 ... which is marked both discuss and "pending close". 19:15:09 manu: we can talk about it now, we just need selfissued's eyes on it. 19:15:12 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/67 19:15:22 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:15:54 ... We had duplicate content on the spec between Data Integrity and controller document. Ivan raised a PR to remove the content that was merged. selfissued suggested that we move a line from the controller document to the Data Integrity spec, but that text already exists in the DI spec, so that's why I have marked it pending close. 19:16:05 Brent: selfissued, we believe we have addressed your concern, need your feedback. 19:16:20 selfissued: so we did delete the hash of the data integrity URL, if that is the case I will agree to close this. 19:16:46 Brent: that was the only issue marked as not during CR, except another one, role of the subject 19:16:55 q+ 19:17:02 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/33 19:17:20 manu: that one is during CR as well, I believe JoeAndrieu has language for that that will be PR'd, in theory we can address that, one option is to mark it at risk and change the defn during CR, which is appropriate, or we can handled it now 19:17:21 ack ivan 19:17:29 mandyv_ has joined #vcwg 19:17:41 Ivan: I will repeat what I said on the DID working group, the whole discussion of controllers that took place on Tuesday at the DID WG should in fact take place here 19:17:46 ... the DID spec only refers to the controller document 19:18:03 ... I must admit I was a bit lost with the discussion so cannot go into details, but there are some issues from the DID WG that should be transferred here. 19:18:47 manu: that's only pre CR if JoeAndrieu believes there is some kind of huge normative change that we are going to make that is going to change... I don't know why we couldn't deal with it in CR if we mark it "at risk". I don't think it would change an implementation, whatever we end up doing. 19:19:04 Ivan: It's difficult to say that, you put a feature at risk, not the definition of a feature. 19:19:12 manu: then it's not at risk, it's just going to maybe change. 19:19:16 q+ to say the feature at risk is good 19:19:35 ack JoeAndrieu 19:19:35 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say the feature at risk is good 19:19:36 Ivan: if the defn now is acceptable for everyone, if JoeAndrieu gets to the point that something need to be fundamentally reengineered, that needs to happen now. 19:19:50 q+ 19:20:46 JoeAndrieu: not sure why putting it "at risk" is not good enough, we have the issue where dlongley, selfissued, and I went back and forth about what you prove and how this document lets you evaluate proofs created by the controller, that is an editorial cleaning up. What is at risk is the property "controller", and what text is in the spec right 19:20:46 now nobody supports. The language will probably trend towards "should, and if you do, you must". 19:20:54 ack ivan 19:20:59 ... That feels like cleaning up that is close enough to consensus that we will get there. 19:21:34 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:21:48 Ivan: As a reminder, the "at risk" thing is used when you go to CR with a property but you are not sure it will be implemented. It's not questioning the definition itself, it is whether it is implemented or not, you reserve the right to ignore that term. What you are discussing is not that, it is the definition of the controller. You are not 19:21:49 removing controller altogether. 19:21:57 JoeAndrieu: removing controller is on the table. 19:22:18 q+ to agree 19:22:29 ack JoeAndrieu 19:22:29 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to agree 19:22:30 Ivan: In CR you can remove it without further ado if it is not implemented. The CR needs to prove that the spec can be implemented. At risk shows that something can or may not be implemented. Leaning too much on at risk in this discussion. 19:22:48 JoeAndrieu: You have convinced me Ivan, I will get something on this this week, will get us to CR hopefully soon. 19:23:04 ... This brings in issue 75. 19:23:16 Ivan: need to liaise this back to DID, this is where the two WGs are related. 19:23:38 Brent: any other issues that the editors feel the group should discuss? 19:23:46 manu: the name of the document 19:23:50 Ivan: no >:( 19:24:11 Brent: I will queue up the conversation, we are stopping at 12:30, folks can continue to talk about it over lunch 19:24:21 q+ to call it a verification document 19:24:32 ... this conversation is strictly time boxed to 6 minutes 19:24:34 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/100 19:24:40 ack JoeAndrieu 19:24:40 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to call it a verification document 19:24:58 q+ to say what's in it. 19:25:00 JoeAndrieu: just want to say that a lot of my confusions around what a DID document has or should have was clarified when I understood how verification methods and relationships worked, so why not verification document. 19:25:02 ack manu 19:25:03 manu, you wanted to say what's in it. 19:25:16 q+ 19:25:16 q+ to talk services 19:25:44 q+ 19:26:07 q+ 19:26:16 ack decentra_ 19:26:18 manu: that's a good candidate. We are potentially going to add services into this, modulo concerns, if we do that it is about engaging with an entity, so an option is an "engagement document", verification methods and services. I am not saying we do this, but someone could use this for expressing their social media accounts, things like that. "How 19:26:18 to get in touch with and authenticate an entity". 19:26:40 decentra_: would make sense to call it an "identifier document". All these docs have identifiers, seems like an obvious name. 19:26:40 ack brent 19:26:40 brent, you wanted to talk services 19:26:56 Wip has joined #vcwg 19:26:58 q+ maybe "Identifier Descriptor" 19:27:12 q- maybe 19:27:30 q- "identifier, Descriptor" 19:27:50 Brent: I added myself to talk a bit about the services thing. Controller document as we conceived of it came from ??? specs which were taken from the DID specs, there was a question around "where are our services", the assumption during the DID call was that there was a common document, after thinking about it I think that services should not be 19:27:50 pulled up into controller document. 19:27:56 ack ivan 19:28:10 q+ to say maybe "Identifier Descriptor" ; we are using services to reach the controller of the identifier 19:29:16 Ivan: two things, what you just said, from a general POV, is the same as what I was saying in my comment on a technical POV, and I don't want to go into the details now but would also favor not to have the services. The other point is that, for you guys certain crypto things are natural, that is not true for outsiders. For me, the fact that you 19:29:16 have a document that can combine crypto information with identifiers is a central element that an outsider understands. The crypto element is central to the whole thing, and I would like that to be reflected in the title. 19:29:17 ack pchampin 19:29:32 pchampin: I don't like "engagement document", maybe "entity document"? 19:29:35 [general laughing] 19:29:47 ack JoeAndrieu 19:29:47 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say maybe "Identifier Descriptor" ; we are using services to reach the controller of the identifier 19:29:55 "cryptomogriphication document" 19:30:40 q+ to go to lunch 19:30:42 ack bigbluehat 19:30:42 bigbluehat, you wanted to go to lunch 19:30:44 With that we're done (Joe gets the last word) =) 19:30:53 mandyv has joined #vcwg 20:06:17 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 20:24:49 cc has joined #vcwg 20:24:55 brent has joined #vcwg 20:31:38 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 20:47:49 wes-smith has joined #vcwg 20:50:56 brent has joined #vcwg 20:51:44 decentra_ has joined #vcwg 20:53:14 JennieM has joined #vcwg 20:56:57 GregB has joined #VCWG 20:57:07 present+ 20:57:27 present+ 20:57:38 wes-smith has joined #vcwg 20:58:15 manu has joined #vcwg 20:58:52 present- Brian_McManus 20:59:22 Wip has joined #vcwg 21:00:05 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 21:00:50 scribe+ 21:01:15 present+ 21:01:25 brent: Welcome to the final VCWG session before the joint session with the security group 21:01:27 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 21:01:34 ... This session focuses on all other rec track docs 21:01:58 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 21:01:59 present+ 21:02:04 ... our main goal has been to understand what we need to do to get these documents done 21:02:05 present+ 21:02:22 pauld_gs1 has joined #vcwg 21:02:24 present+ 21:02:26 ... We will hopefully pass some resolutions to move these rec track documents to their next phase of existence 21:02:37 ... additionally we will be talking test suites 21:03:10 ... This will take up the next 90 minutes 21:03:16 Topic: Every Other Rec Track Document 21:03:30 brent: beginning with the proposals 21:03:46 q? 21:04:08 manu: there are three proposals that are very similar to publish VC data integrity the ecdsa and eddsa cryptosuites as CR2 21:04:23 ... these are in pretty good shape with at least 2 impls of the features 21:04:51 ... for data integrity there is 8 impls. Ecdsa has 6 implementations and eddsa has 8 implementations 21:05:12 ... We dont expect to see any features with less than 2 implementations, if we do we will add feature at risk markers 21:05:17 q+ 21:05:20 ... where necesssary 21:05:37 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rjt4fgajEqqQzdF72JUeh6_h4gICQanExOfcoW4l0GM/edit#slide=id.g302b406d124_0_31 21:05:40 ack ivan 21:05:41 Bert has joined #vcwg 21:05:43 ... The proposals are at the above slide 21:05:52 Isaac has joined #vcwg 21:05:59 ivan: in the propsal text we should not put the explicit URL 21:06:06 ... as they can get outdated 21:06:18 ... We have not talked about bbs yet 21:06:32 present+ Bert_Bos 21:06:48 brent: changes to the proposal, get rid of the links from the text 21:06:49 present+ 21:06:52 KevinDean has joined #vcwg 21:06:55 present+ 21:07:10 cc has joined #vcwg 21:07:17 q? 21:07:20 JennieM3 has joined #vcwg 21:07:41 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 21:08:05 scribe+ 21:08:21 SinYong has joined #vcwg 21:08:34 JennieM has joined #vcwg 21:09:01 ivan: Suggest adding one resolution for all three documents 21:09:14 manu: makes sense, reworking the proposal 21:10:16 manu: 3 outstanding issues on data integrity. 2 are ready for P.R, the other has been discussed and resolved 21:10:27 brent: Any suggestions or modifications to the proposal? 21:11:14 selfissued: Why is vc-jose-cose not on the list? 21:11:27 brent: We are going to do that, I didn;t know vc-jose-cose was ready 21:11:50 s/didn;t/didn't/ 21:11:55 brent: Is this proposal okay, selfissued? 21:12:44 selfissued has joined #vcwg 21:12:48 present+ 21:13:32 selfissued: This does not include vc data model? 21:13:38 ivan: That was resolved yesterday 21:13:50 PROPOSAL: Publish the latest VC Data Integrity, ECDSA Cryptosuite, and EdDSA Cryptosuite specifications as a 2nd Candidate Recommendations with a 30 day review period after PRs for AT RISK features and all current open issues have been addressed. 21:13:52 brent: Not hearing any change requests 21:13:53 +1 21:14:02 +1 21:14:02 +1 21:14:02 +1 21:14:02 +1 21:14:02 +1 21:14:02 +1 21:14:02 +1 21:14:02 +1 21:14:18 +1 21:14:34 +1 21:14:35 +1 21:14:48 +1 21:14:51 RESOLVED: Publish the latest VC Data Integrity, ECDSA Cryptosuite, and EdDSA Cryptosuite specifications as a 2nd Candidate Recommendations with a 30 day review period after PRs for AT RISK features and all current open issues have been addressed. 21:15:01 brent: Hearing no opposition, we are resolved 21:15:18 ... manu anything else to discuss related to data integrity, lets talk about bbs 21:15:38 subtopic: BBS 21:16:02 manu: We are not ready to go to CR2 with BBS. GregB has done a great job finishing off the base specification at the IETF 21:16:15 ... There are two new specs added to do with pseudonyms 21:16:27 ... The review is not yet complete at IETF (cryptographic review) 21:16:55 GregB: This is different from general cryptographers. There is an assigned person. This has been outstanding till January 21:17:16 ... We are trying to get ready for last call, but waiting for the person for the review panel 21:17:33 manu: A number of other IETF groups also depending on BBS and pushing for this to get done 21:17:53 manu: Also bringin in other folks with specializations in BBS to get this throrugh the IETF 21:17:56 q+ 21:18:10 ... We have two interoperable implementations that meet all the features 21:18:33 ack ivan 21:18:35 Isaac has joined #vcwg 21:18:38 ... Had the review at IETF been done, we would have been ready to move this to CR2. But since it isn't we are waiting on IETF for this 21:19:14 ivan: There was a comment on BBS in the charter that mentioned the timing challenges with IETF. I will reply telling them we are aware of these challenges 21:19:23 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 21:19:37 ... I also said there is no normative dependencies on other specifications to BBS so it does not hold up any other specs 21:19:51 brent: Are there no other things left to do on the BBS data integrity spec? 21:20:10 GregB: There are two key features that we are getting demand for: Anonymous holder binding and pseudonyms 21:20:32 ... The API on the IEFT is getting cleaned up, this will affect our spec 21:21:03 ... Pseudonyms allow remembering parties who use BBS with anon holder binding and unlinkability 21:21:03 q? 21:21:10 q+ 21:21:24 ... Other places need these features 21:21:28 brent: Any further questions? 21:21:29 q- 21:21:42 manu: There is very little that needs doing 21:21:57 subtopic: VC JSON Schema 21:22:00 brent: Right, but there may be normative changes due to changes in the base ietf spec that are holding us back 21:22:17 decentralgabe: We are missing another implementation for the test suite 21:22:27 brent: No normative changes require a second CR phase? 21:22:32 decentralgabe: No 21:22:56 subtopic: VC Bitstring Status list 21:23:01 manu: vc bitstring status list is not ready for CR2. But, it is doing pretty well 21:23:14 ... It has been held up, due to us focusing on other specifications 21:23:23 ... There are 8 open issues, a number are editorial 21:23:23 q+ 21:23:39 ... There are 5 normative issues that could use some discussion 21:24:00 ... Because of those issues being normative, we are not ready for CR2 21:24:19 ... Additionally, we are lacking the implementations against the test suite 21:24:28 ack brent 21:24:29 ... We are waiting on these issues being resolved 21:24:46 brent: Mesur is intending to demonstrate an implementation of the bitstring status list 21:24:59 manu: Great. We are expecting many more 21:25:10 brent: Okay. lets look at some issues 21:25:33 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-bitstring-status-list/issues/93 21:25:37 manu: First issue is aligning the bitstring structure with the token status list structure at IETF 21:25:37 q+ 21:25:52 ... We all agree alignment would be great. I do not know the status of this alignment 21:26:19 ... At this point, we are either aligned or not. I don't know how much energy there is to change the structure of the statuslist 21:26:21 ack brent 21:26:27 ... Be great to hear from the group 21:26:56 brent: The associated issue tracking this on IETF side is still open, but the last I heard was there was too great a drift. There i no IETF appetite for alignment 21:27:12 ... So we either do extactly what they did, or we continue with what we have 21:27:27 ... Option A: is to do nothing 21:27:48 ... Option B is to do a lot of work to align with IETF. But no gaurantee that their spec is stable 21:27:51 q+ to provide DB's opinion. 21:28:01 +1 to option A. the effort feels unnecessary and likely unproductive 21:28:05 ... For B we would be effectively having a normative reference of their specification 21:28:15 ... I am fine if this issue would be closed 21:28:16 ack manu 21:28:16 manu, you wanted to provide DB's opinion. 21:28:34 manu: As DB, we have implemented what is currently in the spec. We have no interest in changing this 21:28:41 ... So +1 for option A 21:28:52 brent: Marking it with pending close 21:29:06 ... Any additional issues? 21:29:06 manu: 2 issues 175 and 176 21:29:14 ... Around status messages and status size 21:29:18 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-bitstring-status-list/issues/175 21:29:28 q+ 21:29:31 ... There is maybe only one implementer for this feature at this point 21:29:37 https://github.com/w3c/vc-bitstring-status-list/issues/176 21:29:48 ... Dont think it is currently marked as at risk 21:30:08 manu: Actually it is already marked at risk 21:30:11 ack brent 21:30:17 ... So we are waiting for implementations 21:30:30 brent: My understanding is mesur implementes these features 21:30:44 manu: Great. I think Spruce may also be using it, so leaving it in awaiting implementations 21:30:50 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-bitstring-status-list/issues/174 21:30:59 manu: Moving on. The next issue has to do with the time to live (TTL) feature 21:31:10 ... The spec currently states TTL default is 5 hours 21:31:38 ... The status list becomes invalid after 5 hours. Some implementations do not want to do this. Retail stores sometimes go offline for a week at a time 21:31:50 ... They still want to be able to process things after a 5 hour timeout 21:32:19 ... An option here would be to state TTL is completely optional with no TTL default. This would allow others to profile this and constrain TTL per their use case 21:32:20 cc has joined #vcwg 21:32:23 +1 TTL optional 21:32:41 brent: Do we know the reasons it was not wrote optional in the first place 21:32:53 manu: MikeProrock wrote this language. We should ask him 21:32:56 brent: I can do that 21:32:59 q+ 21:33:05 ack JoeAndrieu 21:33:23 JoeAndrieu: What does the language say should happen after TTL has been passed 21:34:11 https://w3c.github.io/vc-bitstring-status-list/#bitstringstatuslistcredential 21:34:11 q+ 21:34:20 https://w3c.github.io/vc-bitstring-status-list/#:~:text=credentialSubject.ttl 21:34:41 ack JoeAndrieu 21:34:57 JoeAndrieu: I have issues with this language. It feels like an application related thing. That the Verifier should refresh the cache 21:35:07 q+ 21:35:12 ack manu 21:35:13 q+ 21:35:16 ... Sometimes they will not be able to. So saying that they MUST NOT use cached data is an overreach 21:35:22 q+ 21:35:39 manu: I agree, but the problem with weakening it makes the TTL kind of irrelevant 21:36:22 ... many of us do not like the TTL at all. Potential for conflicting representations with HTTP headers 21:36:36 ... Additionally there is the validFrom and validUntil fields 21:36:38 present- 21:36:48 ... This is a questionable/problematic feature 21:36:56 ... A few implementations plan on just ignoring it anyway 21:37:02 q+ 21:37:09 ... For those that want it, they can use it but there are dangers 21:37:10 ack KevinDean 21:37:38 KevinDean: Wondering if it would not be acceptable to state that if the target is unreachable, the Verifier may proceed with the older cache of the status list 21:37:50 ... I think TTL is an important parameter in some cases 21:37:55 I would be in favor of Kevin's suggestion 21:38:01 ... It should be the application can decide what to do if it is unreachable 21:38:03 ack dmitriz 21:38:20 dmitriz: Puzzled why we are discussing the valid issues of TTL. This is a direct redundancy of validUntil 21:38:38 ... two problems. 2 fields that do the same thing. Secondly, should we make the TTL property optional 21:38:40 +1 21:38:41 ack JoeAndrieu 21:38:43 JoeAndrieu: I agree with dmitriz 21:39:05 q+ 21:39:06 ... It feels like if we enshrine it as a property that is optional we are giving people the option to advertise something that is confusing and optional 21:39:08 q+ 21:39:10 q+ to note the use case. 21:39:12 ... It introduces the wrong mental model 21:39:30 q? 21:39:34 ack decentralgabe 21:39:51 ack wes-smith 21:39:51 decentralgabe: Fine with removing it. Wondering if there is some aspect of this property that is useful though 21:40:22 +1 to that 21:40:29 ack manu 21:40:29 manu, you wanted to note the use case. 21:40:32 wes-smith: Adding some nuance. The TTL and validUntil are not the same thing. TTL is around how long the cache of the status list. Wheras validUntil is on the core credential 21:40:33 +1 to Wes 21:40:38 ... They are different but conflicting 21:41:06 q? 21:41:08 cc has joined #vcwg 21:41:08 q+ 21:41:09 manu: The usecase around TTL is, you want to set a long expiration time for your status list. But tell the verifiers that you may make changes within a certain window 21:41:17 ... TTL is around caching semantics 21:41:31 ... That said, http caching headers are about this too 21:41:39 q+ to say "MUST" makes the semantics the same as validUntil 21:41:53 ... A counterpoint is that you might not have access to the system that fetched the status list. This is where TTL on the status list itself may be useful 21:41:56 ack JoeAndrieu 21:41:56 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say "MUST" makes the semantics the same as validUntil 21:42:20 JoeAndrieu: reputing the usecase. because this is MUST it says that the status list is not valid after the TTL 21:42:29 ... Therefore you would have to expire 21:42:46 q+ 21:42:54 ack wes-smith 21:43:20 q+ to say you can use an expired credential 21:43:20 wes-smith: Responding to JoeAndrieu. I agree if TTL has expired you can't use it. The verifier would fail to verify because the status list has expired 21:43:29 ... This still does not make TTL and validUntil the same 21:43:34 ... Does that make sense? 21:43:35 ack JoeAndrieu 21:43:35 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say you can use an expired credential 21:43:49 q+ 21:43:56 JoeAndrieu: You can use an expired credential. Validation happens after verification 21:44:07 ... This language says I cannot use it in conformant software 21:44:19 q+ to suggest a way forward. 21:44:22 ack wes-smith 21:44:33 ... This prevents the usecase that manu mentioned. If it is a MUST that the list is no longer valid then it excludes this usecase 21:44:35 ack manu 21:44:35 manu, you wanted to suggest a way forward. 21:45:07 manu: concrete proposal to shift the language to a MAY. This makes the semantics different from validUntil. You can continue to use it past the TTL 21:45:14 ... Any objections to this change to the TTL field 21:45:22 ... This will make the TTL field a purely optional thing 21:45:40 ... If it is there, then you should check. 21:45:45 q+ 21:45:53 ack Wip 21:45:58 scribe+ 21:46:07 Wip: Are we saying the TTL will have no default value there? 21:46:25 manu: I would suggest it doesnt have a default value. Because it is usecase specific 21:46:47 ... e.g. a trading floor might have microseconds 21:46:53 ... I dont think picking a value makes sense 21:47:01 q+ 21:47:02 ... applications can profile it 21:47:05 ack dlehn 21:47:24 dlehn: The issue says 5 hours, but the spec currently says 5 minutes 21:47:53 brent: Sounds like there is enough input for someone to raise a PR 21:47:57 manu: yep, I can take that 21:48:02 brent: Any other issues 21:48:28 manu: We still need to discuss decoy entries. 21:48:46 ... Waiting on nick doty to let us know if we addressed his concerns 21:49:10 brent: We are acting in good faith. If this ends up holding us up, lets close it 21:49:29 q+ to ask for analysis 21:49:31 manu: The PR that got merged was an issue marker stating that in general decoys reduce the privacy of the status list 21:49:41 ... We haven't talked about it since then 21:49:48 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-bitstring-status-list/issues/150 21:49:59 ... We need to say if we think decoy values are harmful. say nothing. Or recommend decoy values 21:50:07 q+ 21:50:15 ... I think decoy values are harmful, because adding decoys shrinks the set size 21:50:20 ... Reducing privacy 21:50:21 q+ to ask about decoy values 21:50:39 ... The argument here is that you should set bits in the list randomly. Don't waste any bits in the list for decoy values 21:50:48 ack JoeAndrieu 21:50:48 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to ask for analysis 21:50:51 q+ 21:50:54 ... We could also say you can use decoy values if you want. Seems conterintuitive though 21:51:04 JoeAndrieu: I am not convinced on this argument 21:51:29 ... The k-anonymity argument is how many people can I be confused with. I think with decoys I can be confused with a decoy. That is a good thing 21:51:31 ack KevinDean 21:51:50 KevinDean: I agree with JoeAndrieu. It is possible to create a properly randomised list. And one that is expandable over time 21:52:02 ... I can drop a link to this 21:52:16 ack wes-smith 21:52:16 wes-smith, you wanted to ask about decoy values 21:52:35 wes-smith: I am confused with what manu said about decoys cutting the group privacy of the set 21:52:52 ... Is the idea over time that verifiers can learn which entries are decoys in the list 21:53:04 q- 21:53:09 manu: Yep that is one attack. The other argument is why don't you just use a much larger set 21:53:42 Fisher-Yates shuffler Python code: https://github.com/KDean-Dolphin/Python-Shuffler. IIW presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wtT2GUQrl7lKCarHYkWvyPbcRmm1Dvji/view?usp=sharing. 21:53:44 ... Otherwise you have to perfectly model the rate of issuance to real people to decoys then you can statistically determine which entries are likely to be decoys 21:54:06 q+ 21:54:08 ... e.g. if someone is issuing decoys at 4am (a bad example) then you can easily detect when decoys are being added 21:54:19 ... This is how the reduction of privacy occurs 21:54:33 q+ 21:54:41 q- 21:54:43 q+ 21:54:47 ... The language says in general it is harmful to add decoys. Because it requires expertise to add decoys. It is a roll your own crypto type thing 21:54:55 ... Easy to do the wrong thing 21:54:56 ack brent 21:55:20 +1 to the security best practice 21:55:21 brent: In general, is it possible to start the bit string status list with a randomised string 21:55:27 ... Then every entry could be a decoy 21:55:44 q+ 21:55:55 manu: Yes, but if you know the issuer always issues inactive things. You know the k-size 21:56:31 ack wes-smith 21:56:37 brent: It sounds like a way to address this issue might be. Perfect deployment of decoy values would increase the privacy protections of the set. However, the degratdation that occurs though improper use of decoys leads us to not recommend this approach 21:57:04 wes-smith: Thanks for clarifying. The language that we started with is not the best language. Decoys do not harm privacy, BUT it is hard to use the correctly 21:57:06 ack decentralgabe 21:57:34 decentralgabe: Thanks this makes sense now. We should add language around updating status lists and the risks around eroding privacy 21:57:48 q+ to say it's about not rolling your own, not NOT using decoyr 21:57:55 ack JoeAndrieu 21:57:55 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say it's about not rolling your own, not NOT using decoyr 21:57:59 ... I agree you can use decoys in a safe manner, but not sure it is worth talking about in the sepc 21:58:23 q+ 21:58:30 ack manu 21:58:31 JoeAndrieu: The language around not rolling your own is on point. But there might be tools written by experts that people can use 21:58:40 manu: I am concerned that this does not exist yet. 21:59:01 ... People will try to do this, but may not do it well 21:59:29 brent: I think that is all the CR normative issues for bit string status list 21:59:34 ... Any notion of the timeline for this 21:59:56 q+ 22:00:04 manu: This wont be ready by january. Because of the other specs that are in need of attention 22:00:09 ack ivan 22:00:31 ivan: I would prefer to keep the goal of January. We are not that far away 22:00:43 q+ 22:00:56 ... The result from the discussion with jeffery today was that there are 3 or 4 editoral changes required to the controller document 22:01:04 ... The only outlier is BBS spec 22:01:13 ack manu 22:01:14 ... I believe it is still possible to aim for January 22:01:28 manu: Reminding everyone it could go fast if people did a PR 22:01:39 cc has joined #vcwg 22:02:02 ivan: This is true. Many things are independent PRs that can be done in parralel. 22:02:23 q+ 22:02:32 brent: I think we have a solid idea for all our specs and next steps 22:02:39 q- 22:02:47 ... We had a great conversation with vc-jose-cose. We know what is left 22:02:52 q+ 22:03:01 ... At what point do we anticipate a second CR from vc-jose-cose 22:03:06 subtopic: VC JOSE COSE timing 22:03:11 ack decentralgabe 22:03:19 q+ 22:03:24 decentralgabe: After the media types PR goes in there a no other normative issues to resolve 22:03:33 ... we should go to a second CR after that 22:03:42 q+ 22:03:45 brent: Any issues passing a resolution to talk to that 22:03:46 ack manu 22:04:10 manu: During that conversation I raised there is still no language around mandatory reveal of contexts. We should address that before CR2 22:04:13 ack ivan 22:04:32 q+ to talk timeline 22:04:39 ivan: My understanding is Phillipe has already contacted IETF after our discussion this morning 22:05:07 ... If we have a positive response that I agree we can go to second PR. This may take a couple of weeks 22:05:08 q+ 22:05:09 ack brent 22:05:09 brent, you wanted to talk timeline 22:05:34 brent: Talking timelines for vc-jose-cose. decentralgabe has raised a PR to address the resolution passed this morning 22:05:42 ... After the review period the PR will be merged 22:05:55 ack TallTed 22:05:59 ... Our first meeting back we may have a conversation about advancing jose-cose to CR2 22:06:18 q+ 22:06:39 TallTed: The text I flagged in 305 is no longer what I expected. It makes me concerns with the git history throughout the spec 22:07:18 selfissued: I am about to create a PR to address this. It turns out a PR that did exist has been deleted. I will flag you as a reviewer to the PR 22:07:37 TallTed: That is all good. However, I cannot find the commit that shows the change removing language that I raised my commends against 22:08:06 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 22:08:14 s/commends against/comments against/ 22:08:42 JennieM has joined #vcwg 22:08:42 brent: Please continue to look at the history for us TallTed 22:08:45 this is it? 41b73cca80ebfee7b221087414681504275e9b7c 22:08:58 TallTed: This should not be possible in git 22:09:06 q? 22:09:16 ack selfissued 22:09:27 q+ 22:09:37 manu: This is why we always do rebase commited so as not to confuse git in these ways and loose git history 22:10:05 ... If you do merge commits you can point to alternate histories 22:10:14 dmitriz: rebase commit turns git into a blockchain 22:10:27 ack decentralgabe 22:10:35 manu: Yes, this is why you dont do merge commits 22:10:57 decentralgabe: I posted the commit in, it was a result of the squash commit i used 22:11:21 Topic: Use Cases and Requirements update 22:11:43 q+ 22:12:12 I have disabled squash and the repo it won't happen going forward 22:12:15 ack TallTed 22:12:25 TallTed: Sorry, the commit you found decentralgabe is not quite right 22:12:42 ... There is disclaimer test that includes test that I added 22:12:50 q+ 22:13:18 selfissued: If you approve the PR I just sent that language will come back 22:13:21 ack selfissued 22:13:27 TallTed: That is good. I am still concerned with how this came about 22:13:49 present - 22:14:04 Have to drop off gang. Great to see the progress. 22:14:08 KevinDean: Reminder the UseCase document can be found at the ??? URL 22:14:22 ... Some material may move the the VC-overview document 22:14:28 ... We are still looking for some new usecases 22:14:51 ... The short usecases are small simple usecases. These exist already. They are self contained and generally unrelated to other usecases 22:15:08 ... There are 30 currently, not generally looking for more. But if there are good ones we may consider replacing 22:15:17 https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-use-cases/ 22:15:23 s/at the ??? URL/at https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-use-cases/ 22:15:49 ... The extant use case are from usecase that exist in the market. Either in production, or proof of concept. Looking for a title and very short description and URL 22:16:28 ... Finally, focus use case is a deeper diver into a VC application. This is highly detailed. With title, background, list of actors, validation requirements and threat model 22:16:46 ... We proposed a timeline, but did not get much contributions 22:16:50 ... We would like to close this by the end of 2024 22:17:04 q? 22:17:27 JoeAndrieu: One major addition in this version of this usecase was the GS1 usecase. Particularly that deals with delegated authorization 22:17:32 ... Thanks KevinDean 22:17:54 https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/157 22:18:01 ... There is another trade supply usecase that we are working to unpack. This aims to make a concrete case for selective disclosure in products going through the supplychain 22:18:04 q+ to speak to tradetrust use case. 22:18:09 KevinDean: This is issue 157 22:18:45 JoeAndrieu: I want to mine the test suite for implementers to find people using VCs in the wild 22:18:58 ... Right now the extant usecases is empty 22:18:59 ack manu 22:18:59 manu, you wanted to speak to tradetrust use case. 22:19:10 hadleybeeman has left #vcwg 22:19:19 manu: Do the tradetrust folks(issue 157) want to speak to their usecase 22:19:21 cc has joined #vcwg 22:20:14 q+ 22:20:17 q+ 22:20:39 ack KevinDean 22:20:49 q- 22:20:51 SinYong: If I issue an invoice to you, you may want to hide your name from me. To obfuscate from the invoices. This applies to suppliers of products.You have to pay to ship you product from point a to point b. You do no want your downstream parties to know how much you paid 22:21:03 q+ 22:21:04 q+ to ask does the final signature retain original authority? Do we have crypto that does that? 22:21:24 q+ to note that this is signalling for a lack of a securing mechanism that allows this sort of behaviour. 22:21:32 ack manu 22:21:32 manu, you wanted to note that this is signalling for a lack of a securing mechanism that allows this sort of behaviour. 22:21:37 KevinDean: That is true in many supply chain cases. I may need proof that I am a retailer, without knowing exactly who I am 22:21:53 manu: This is a really important usecase, because it signals we do not have a cryptosuite that is capable of this yet 22:22:12 ... This use case is, I get a VC and want to selectively redact information on that VC without violating the signature 22:22:17 q+ 22:22:22 q+ 22:22:33 ... Each point in the supply chain can redact additional data from the VC 22:22:47 ack JoeAndrieu 22:22:47 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to ask does the final signature retain original authority? Do we have crypto that does that? 22:22:53 SinYong has joined #vcwg 22:23:15 JoeAndrieu: Is this possible? There is innovative/novel cryptography that can do this 22:23:20 ... I just want to know it is possible 22:23:24 +q 22:23:29 ack Isaac 22:23:29 manu: Yes, it is possible 22:23:48 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 22:24:33 q+ 22:24:35 SinYong: When we do our project, the holder ???, We do not want to issue VCs to every party along the supplychain. We use the VC to represent a tree structure. It does not issue the VC to any particular holder 22:24:37 ack KevinDean 22:24:56 Kyle has joined #vcwg 22:25:14 KevinDean: interesting. In redaction you still have the same public key to identify the issuer. This can't go with the credential. It may still give the opportunity to identify who the supplier might be 22:25:15 ack SinYong 22:25:22 ack cc 22:25:37 Isaac has joined #vcwg 22:25:46 q+ on threat model and trust model 22:25:52 ack denkeni 22:25:52 denkeni, you wanted to comment on threat model and trust model 22:25:56 cc: Our merkle proof signatures are going to bepublished and made into an extension 22:26:29 denkeni: We are starting to explore an open ecosystem of VC and DIDs. We could contribute our research back to the community. 22:26:52 ... Our first focus is on the threat model. Do we need to deal with the W3C threat modelling group here? 22:26:52 q+ to speak to Threat Model group 22:26:57 brent: I think yes 22:27:08 q+ to mention our "threat model" notion 22:27:13 ... We will be meeting with the security people after the break 22:27:14 ack manu 22:27:14 manu, you wanted to speak to Threat Model group 22:27:36 manu: +1 to brent. Simone is putting together a threat modelling approach for multiple groups to go through 22:27:44 ack JoeAndrieu 22:27:44 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to mention our "threat model" notion 22:27:47 ... There is going to be collaboration in the future 22:28:14 JoeAndrieu: We do have a section about threats in the use case document. But this is not based on any of the work. What we have is closer to a risk analysis 22:28:18 q+ more on threat model 22:28:19 ... A much simpler model. 22:28:30 ... It would be great to use whatever Simone is producing 22:28:32 ack more 22:28:32 more, you wanted to comment on threat model 22:29:22 denkeni: I know in W3C the threat modelling is an overview. In our work, we have a more detailed threat modelling of specific usecases. We are focused on threat modelling for issuers, holders and verifiers. We may be able to contribute this 22:29:44 brent: Any additional comments? 22:29:47 SinYong has joined #vcwg 22:29:59 ... Not hearing anything. meet back here in 1 hour 22:30:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:30:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/27-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 22:31:37 q? 22:51:24 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 23:09:10 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 23:22:42 Bert has left #vcwg 23:24:40 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 23:26:16 brent has joined #vcwg 23:26:29 GregB has joined #VCWG 23:27:47 selfissued has joined #vcwg 23:27:52 present+ 23:32:16 present+ 23:32:49 JennieM has joined #vcwg 23:33:25 wes-smith has joined #vcwg 23:33:51 scribe+ 23:34:08 Susan has joined #vcwg 23:34:22 present+ Josh_Thomas 23:34:24 simone has joined #vcwg 23:34:27 Brent: Welcome to the final VCWG session of TPAC 2024, this is our joint session with Security. This is scheduled for 90 minutes. 23:34:28 Kyle has joined #vcwg 23:34:44 Wip has joined #vcwg 23:34:50 ... The goals of this session: first, find actionable feedback for us to take on the specs, second, for us to know what the process should be moving forward as far as specs moving into CR and PR and onward. 23:34:59 ... as that relates to further security review. 23:35:10 mandyv has joined #vcwg 23:35:22 present+ Brian_McManus 23:35:31 Topic: Meeting with Security 23:35:33 morimori has joined #vcwg 23:35:38 present+ simone 23:35:45 cc has joined #vcwg 23:35:47 ... first, does the Security group have anything they would like to share with the VCWG as far as the review specs? 23:36:09 simone: happy to be here, there are some volunteers that have already started working, people you already know such as Jaromil (?) 23:36:47 ... there is a long list of documents to be reviewed, my idea is to move forward together into threat modeling to put security risks + threats as well as privacy issues together, to kill two birds with one stone 23:36:52 present+ 23:37:05 ... the threat model in this case should only be the start - we are already testing information leakage in BBS 23:37:19 ... if the implementation and test vectors are ready we can do this testing 23:37:53 ... working with ETH Zurich to find researchers to do this analysis 23:38:07 ... also will talk with IETF to discuss the BBS work 23:38:35 ... we also need to work with the CG for post-quantum tools 23:38:46 ... next steps involve ZKPs for post-quantum, we do not have that capability yet 23:39:07 ... initial feedback, the thread model is already ?? pages, there is more work to be done on credential formats 23:39:47 s/thread model is already ??/threat model is already 50/ 23:39:52 ... we can organize a meeting structure to better understand what we are working on together, reading the spec is nice but it's easier to discuss with the WG 23:39:53 q+ to note interest in a threat model call wrt. VCs and the securing specifications. 23:39:59 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 23:40:23 ... we should also try to better understand what collaboration with other entities is needed, e.g. IETF 23:40:24 q+ ZKP for PQC? 23:40:38 ack manu 23:40:38 manu, you wanted to note interest in a threat model call wrt. VCs and the securing specifications. 23:40:38 ... there was an idea to have Security Directorate support for our standards, there is joint work potential there as well 23:40:54 manu: just to note interest in participating in the threat model work, especially as it relates to VCs and their securing specifications 23:40:56 s/Jaromil (?)/jaromil/ 23:41:24 ... as far as timeline is concerned, we are going into second CR phase, we are hoping to go into proposed recommendation realistically by January, so not a lot of time 23:41:46 scribe+ 23:41:57 ... I am wondering if we could split the review up into two passes, we have another 2 years in the group and can maintain the documents, I am wondering if we could do a high-level review to find major concerns from a security perspective as soon as the group has started 23:42:15 ... then move into a work mode where we do longer term analysis. Quick review before PR then continuous review. 23:42:33 simone: you have in the charter that you will update the spec if a security issue is found 23:42:40 ... that's a nice approach. thank you 23:42:50 ... if there are some blockers, I don't think there are 23:42:59 ack ZKP 23:42:59 ZKP, you wanted to discuss PQC? 23:43:00 ... what we have now, I don't see any imminent issues 23:43:34 morimori: what did you mean using ZKPs to deal with post-quantum 23:43:50 ... why is ZKP being used for post-quantum 23:43:56 simone: it's a long-term objective 23:44:02 q+ to speak to unlinkable postquantum approaches. 23:44:05 ... when we were thinking about these security sections 23:44:12 ... we wanted to note that there was future work to do 23:44:27 ... it's good to point to things that need addressing in the future 23:44:35 ... they're notes to address later 23:44:50 ... each time we do a review, we can update it with the latest info 23:45:08 morimori: maybe PKC could attack the recent crypto in ZKP 23:45:15 ... maybe I'm wrong...but tihs is interesting 23:45:20 simone: it's OK. these were just notes 23:45:35 ... sorry for the confusion 23:45:42 ... this is really to keep it on our radar 23:45:51 Here is an example of people looking at ZKP in lattices. In particular they are trying to achieve the same properties as BBS I believe https://web.archive.org/web/20220428172452id_/https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/509.pdf 23:45:58 ... the approach we are trying to implement is to start from the threat model 23:46:05 ... and note areas of possible concern 23:46:12 ... and security is always a trade-off 23:46:22 ... so we work to keep an eye on the future 23:46:30 brent: to recap 23:46:47 ... there isn't any outstanding issue that would prevent us from moving the specs forward 23:47:05 ... so when we submit CR2 requests we should be able to say "security review has been done so far" 23:47:34 simone: yes. we can stay in touch as the threat model document develops 23:47:37 q+ 23:47:43 brent: but we can move forward, correct? 23:47:52 simone: yes. the threat model document is general 23:47:57 ... and we want to do it together 23:47:57 dezell has joined #vcwg 23:48:04 brent: not a problem. 23:48:08 present+ David_Ezell 23:48:09 ivan: we need a yes or no 23:48:20 brent: we need to know if we're waiting on this work 23:48:36 simone: we should organize a 2-4 hours about answering this question 23:48:39 ack manu 23:48:39 manu, you wanted to speak to unlinkable postquantum approaches. 23:48:49 present+ Brian_McManus 23:49:12 manu: so, you're saying we should meet with the group for 2-4 hours and at that point we should have an answer? 23:49:15 simone: yes. 23:49:27 manu: maybe the editors can commit to that 23:49:34 ... can we do it in the next couple of weeks? 23:49:36 simone: yes 23:49:47 ack ivan 23:49:53 manu: so, we can do CR2, then this meeting, and hopefully go to PR after 23:50:01 ivan: the transition request takes 1-2 weeks 23:50:10 ... so for us, getting through this is our top priority 23:50:22 ... at this moment, this has a higher priority than working on the threat model 23:50:37 KevinDean has joined #vcwg 23:50:40 present+ 23:50:48 ... with all the timing and delays from the security review, we need to move forward without waiting on the threat model document 23:50:56 simone: the threat model has existed since march 23:51:03 ... so it's already been worked on 23:51:17 ... but now that I am working alone...it may take longer to review 23:51:26 ivan: is the plan that the review will be done by the new group? 23:51:28 More up to date paper: Practical Post-Quantum Signatures for Privacy (https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/131) 23:51:29 q+ 23:51:40 simone: yes, but the group is not formed yet 23:51:58 ivan: then I with drawl all my optimism 23:52:19 ... with all the overhead of setting up the new group...we will be waiting for weeks...if not longer 23:52:35 ... the soonest we could meet at the soonest early November 23:52:45 ... it's almost October 23:52:58 ... and then there's a review meeting... 23:53:11 ... we cannot submit the publication request without the review being done 23:53:20 ... so mid-November would be the soonest it could be on the Web 23:53:34 ... adding 30 days review...we're essentially in January...because holidays 23:53:46 q? 23:53:53 simone: I am sadly working alone 23:54:17 ack manu 23:54:21 q+ 23:54:22 ... I can check with others who can possibly contribute 23:54:30 manu: I think the timelines are reasonable 23:54:40 ... given all the constraints 23:54:56 ... it would not be healthy to have a single reviewer, so waiting makes since 23:55:06 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 23:55:09 ... as long as it can be one of the first things that this new group works on 23:55:17 brent: we were supposed to be done in July 23:55:22 manu: I get it...but... 23:55:26 ... this is where we are 23:55:30 q+ 23:55:31 ... everyone's doing the best we can 23:55:51 ... and the things we can do is to help find contributors to the security group 23:55:54 ... so they can start sooner 23:56:04 ... we're also throwing a lot of documents at them 23:56:17 ... and it's not a walk in the park...there's a lot going on in our group 23:56:21 ack brent 23:56:26 ... the editors are happy to help. 23:56:37 brent: in recognition, there is no security group 23:56:43 ... our request has consequently timed out 23:56:53 ... we will move forward with our documents 23:57:07 q+ to note it's fine for us to go to CR2. 23:57:13 ... because there's not security group, we are not able to wait on this group to do it's job since it doesn't exist 23:57:27 ... I'm not saying it should have somehow been done by one person 23:57:40 ... but we're in this transition where we need a review and there's no one to do it 23:57:50 ... and it's needed in the past...but here we are still needing it 23:58:01 ... my preferred course of action is to not continue to wait 23:58:09 ... let's transition our documents 23:58:25 ... with the plan to continue to do security review as this group becomes available 23:58:32 ack ivan 23:58:33 ... our charter covers security changes 23:58:34 q+ to note difficult to go beyond PR. 23:58:47 ivan: staff hat on, I'm happy to do what you say 23:58:59 ... but I fear we will be asked to wait for at least the PR publication 23:59:13 ... whether the delay happens on CR2 or PR is a technicality 23:59:21 ... so we can just submit it and see what happens 23:59:34 ... this delay will happen at some point, and this is the last minute that we can do this 23:59:47 ... so I will submit the request for the new charter to be accepted