00:03:12 RRSAgent has joined #tpac 00:03:16 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/09/26-tpac-irc 00:03:17 scribe+ 00:03:17 edward has joined #tpac 00:04:40 zakim, start meeting 00:04:40 RRSAgent, make logs Public 00:04:42 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), amy 00:04:49 meeting: TPAC 2024 Plenary 00:04:55 scribe: amy 00:05:15 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/ac-agenda.html 00:06:59 aprotyas has joined #tpac 00:06:59 Seth: Hello everyone. Please take your seats and we'll get under way 00:06:59 .. Just to say welcome everyone and thanks for coming to TPAC this week and this session 00:07:12 ... it's been great to meet a bunch of you so far. great conversations, hearing about everything 00:07:26 ... my 1st TPAC. even despite the power outage, carrying on even outside. 00:07:34 ... there's been a lot of work 00:07:43 ...Great thanks to our sponsors. thanks to Amazon Web, Google and Igalia. 00:07:50 ... thanks for sponsoring us. 00:07:59 ... we're doing a Plenary. we decided to make short plenary session 00:08:12 ... a lot of material will be in the same session. I'm here to share info for everyone. 00:08:23 ... a few items. For the technical agenda from the TAG and Team 00:08:39 ... technical interest and upcoming events. Then finance and some info from our membership survey 00:08:47 ... Then I'll talk about the New Board of Directors 00:09:14 ... For the technical stuff, for those here, bigger picture items. 00:09:17 ... the TAG continues design review, documents and supporting poople and developers 00:09:33 .. i want to emphasize the Ethical Web principles. they are an important aspect of what we do 00:09:53 ...they help align all that we do and underline the TAG's work. there's a lot of work going into making it to Statement 00:10:12 ... I want to talk about Security and Privacy. the population of online users increases 00:10:34 .. .it creates also desire to put the web to misuse. How do people ensure there's no misinformation, etc. 00:11:06 ... How do we ensure safety? "Society relies on the integrity of public info so we have a responsibly to maintain infuriation. 00:11:19 ... This is a big challenge. There's so much change. the web is a massive target 00:11:32 ... we've had several sessions in the past year. it wouldn't be a tech conference in 2024 00:11:45 ...w/out mentioning AI. there are threats and AI is accelerating many o those 00:12:00 ...the are positives bu there are many threats. copyright, mis and disinformation 00:12:17 tantek has joined #tpac 00:12:28 davehunt has joined #tpac 00:12:28 ...and fakes gets good. and how AI code generation can help attackers faster even as we try to make a softer web 00:12:32 .. thinking of misformatino and disinformation. we have a GH discussion on this. 00:12:59 ... i encouraged you to join if you have interest. Earlier this year Leonard @ at Adobe presented on Provence and scale 00:13:15 ,.. to trace the origin of media. these are well alighned w/ W3C work 00:13:26 ... we had a breakout on authenisticy on the web. there are good resources there 00:14:24 ... for Digital identity. they increase in scope and scale. DI have been in development fo rdecades 00:14:24 ... governments are now more interested in both providing and consuming this info 00:14:24 s/Provence/provenance 00:14:24 ..this means digital identity as we know it may change 00:14:24 ... this impacts our web, including privacy, means we need balance of security and privacy 00:14:28 ... with convenience and we need to land in the righ place 00:14:37 aprotyas has joined #tpac 00:14:44 ... Simone is an excellent author of a document on Idenity and talks about conflicting needs 00:15:12 .. .helps to understand the impacts. Also web platform incubator CG talks about user agents to mediate access to and presetanion of ids, like gov ids cards 00:15:40 ... last is FIWG and a charter is in process. This will allow users to authenticate. in a way that's compatible with/ protocols but also secure in how decisions are made 00:16:11 ... safety and privacy needs to be top of mind. working on mechanism and allowing th user to select ids for assertions and creteinals 00:16:29 ... but also for proveders to be as secure as possible. there are many stakeholders 00:16:40 ...we're not alone in this, including ISOC IETF but the web platform later needs to be standardized 00:17:02 ...we need a privacy standards doc which works w/ this in collaboration w/ peer orgs 00:17:21 ...i talked about gov identity. worth thinking about. if we think about gov identity , drivers license etc 00:17:37 ...there are benefits alongside from gov use, what if gov could 00:17:58 ... access credentials, there's a lot of ease. it requires identity security for you (you are who you say you are) and them 00:18:20 .... (they are who they say they are). but also privacy. there's a lot of info on ids. that you may not want to share 00:18:35 shiestyle has joined #tpac 00:18:37 ...we want targeted control. a dual national may want to share only one aspect of... 00:18:51 ... if you share id for alchohol ou may not want to also share address w/ age 00:19:05 ... we need privacy principles which keeps people at the center of what gets shared 00:19:17 ... a .lot of work to do. TAG released statement on 3rd party cookies 00:19:34 .. .a lot is about the user experience and making sure user privacy is respected 00:19:51 ...they suggest using tech designed for purpose. the've cited FedCM on this 00:20:04 ... also that APIs and solutions amy provide minimal risk surface 00:20:16 .. but also be thoughtful in disparate development communities don't allow them to be exploited 00:20:24 .. ti's complex to think about APIs 00:20:38 ... this goes w/ Privacy principles. it starts w/ what do we mean by privacy 00:20:53 ... and outlines design pricinples. then web developers to ensure we get privacy in the work we do 00:21:04 ... w/ Tara Whalen we're poised to go more work on privacy 00:21:21 ... for Tech updates. on i18n there's not big news, just a lot of important work 00:21:53 ...layout requiremetns. we've done this for 35 languages. including Lao, aboriginal syllabics and others 00:22:02 .. .for WAI we're submitting WCAG to ISO 00:22:19 .. this is importatnt because several countries can use ISO but not W3C 00:22:41 ... they are also looking forward to WICT? in October to show how it links w/ document software 00:22:59 ... this will help support orgs w/ a11y requirements to meet their needs 00:23:17 .. . in AI and accessibility there's work there for ML and AI 00:23:35 ... for staffing we've been building up team, for WG support but broader mission 00:24:05 ... to progress the standards and excel at mission critical work like translations to support orgs around the world 00:24:05 ...thanks to a11y groups around the rowrld 00:24:24 ... On Advance APIs, the TAG is working to be sure they get multiple implementors 00:24:38 dsinger has joined #tpac 00:24:42 .. to help give features that are "webby" to be open and interoperable and across horizationals 00:24:54 .. there are a lot of ways ot be involved. across horizaitonals and be aware of work 00:25:03 ... we can't talk about everything in a short plenary but this is some of the key work 00:25:18 .. if you have thoughts or want to get involved, reach out to Team or tAG. 00:25:28 .. .one important way to get involved is the TAG election 00:25:43 ...we bell vie more candidates means better outcomes. we feel diversity is important 00:26:06 ...we want the TAG to represent the web users themselves. if you have questions about the TAG talk to DanA 00:26:23 ... he's happy to talk. while there's commitment they do a lot of work to get the best work out of everyone 00:26:43 ... there are 4 seats open so opportunity for everyone 00:26:54 ... For corporate updates. I shared a detailed report to the Consortium but some top of the wave stuff 00:27:05 .. .overall we're fianancially healthy 00:27:29 ...we have a growing surplus. TPAC is our biggest expense. we have surplus to meet this. our revenue exceeded budget 00:27:39 .. thanks to all for that, esp those who joined 00:27:57 ... we have fewer expenses, we paused on hiring a bit to see where we were 00:28:12 .. next is how we understand our reserves. we end the year at 8.9 months. 00:28:31 ... this says if we stopped getting $ how long could we run. typical is 6 months so we're healthy 00:28:43 .. this is a strong place. next is programatic. 00:28:53 .. this is important to us as 501c3 00:29:08 ... programatic measures for every $ given how much is spent in benefit. vs. admin 00:29:27 ... most grant making like to see 75% or higher. we match that so that's good for us and you too 00:29:51 .. we have an audit in process. i'm excited. i'm one of the few people to say that 00:30:01 . ..the audit committee did a great job in finding an auditor 00:30:17 ...they've looked at 2022 and are now going on to 2023 00:30:32 ... once it's finalized i can release that so we have a solid foundation for future 00:30:43 .. .last update for BoD our budget was approved. 00:30:58 .. we're looking at conservative budget for 2025 for economic headwinds 00:31:17 .. .to plan accordingly. expenses will be up. we're hiring. so some will be seeing hiring hitting buget 00:31:36 .. and events like TPAC. we'll still be at surplus. so all that is great shape 00:31:53 .. .2024 hires. if you'r ein the room we start w/ Simone Onofri 00:32:00 .. .Ken Franquierio is not here but we're happy to have him 00:32:26 .. Tamsin Ewing, Syvlia Candena, Tara Whalen, Tzviya Siegman 00:32:45 .. a few part time hires. CFO Ken Traoshinsky, Emma Fraser who does Board and AB work 00:32:58 s/Franquierio/Franqueiro/ 00:33:04 ... great new team this year. I"m near completion for director of legal and compliance 00:33:22 .. .hepfully to make cycles faster. i'm excited about that and we have great candidates. 00:33:27 s/Syvlia/Sylvia/ 00:33:36 .. Membership, as w/ Tzivya we're trying to invest more into member relations. 00:33:57 .. building into North America. if those who have not seen Tzviya yet, please reach out 00:34:02 s/Candena/Cadena/ 00:34:06 ...we want closer relationship and closer community 00:34:20 ... so we have better relations w/ member and community 00:34:39 ... we sent a survey, we sent 824 mail and got 1200 results 00:34:53 .. that's orders more than expected. we have brief data. there's a lot more to come 00:35:10 .. .but a tip of the info we're garnering. 75% male, 50% developers 00:35:25 fluffy has joined #tpac 00:35:35 martin has joined #tpac 00:35:47 ... 4-% in orgs w/ 10 or fewer employees. 55% started W3C in last 10 years. 40% in last 4 years. that keeps us vital and moving foward 00:36:04 .. .38% only work w/ W3C but many work w/ other SDOs 00:36:35 ..,..many felt we compared w/ other SDOs. strongest was "openness" "fairness, quality of standards and overall perception 00:36:42 ...that's really great and that's everyone here 00:36:57 ...tahnks to everyone who participated. we have more to do, more insights 00:36:57 ...we 00:37:13 ... will use key insights to embrace changes based on feedback. this will not be the last time we survey. 00:37:26 .. an annual survey. new topics, critical areas and we'll continue dialogue 00:37:40 ... for those excited bout BoD. the election is completed 00:38:01 .. one more thing before I name names. i want to thank everyone who ran. the commitment 00:38:19 .. just being on a Board is a thankless job. so thank you to everyone who was willing to be on the Board so thank you everyone 00:38:30 ... I'd like to welcome newly elected or re-elected Board 00:38:39 Koichi Moriama 00:38:47 ... Chris Needham 00:38:57 ... Florian 00:39:04 ... Eric Siow 00:39:08 .. Leonie Watson 00:39:18 ... Chris Wilson 00:39:18 s/Moriama/Moriyama/ 00:39:37 Honngru Zhu 00:39:43 I look forward o working w/ all of you. thank you 00:39:56 ... I want to thank the outgoing board for all they've done. it's been grueling few years 00:40:21 ..the impact made i hope it makes it worth it. it's been great to work wit you all and the drive for the good of the org 00:40:40 ...esp before i arrived w/ the corp entity. and your insight too has made joingin great 00:40:45 .. .i want to thank those stepping down 00:40:48 ...Mark Nottingham 00:40:54 elenalape has joined #tpac 00:40:55 .. Robin Berjon 00:41:05 ... Thanks to all you've done. it's been a pleasure 00:41:10 s/Honngru/Hongru/ 00:41:26 ... and of course David Singer! 00:41:34 (many in the crowd put on bow ties) 00:41:43 ... to those who don't know David is retiring from W3C and Apple 00:42:09 ... he's been here so long. i want to thank you. taking on the chair of thankless jobs. but one of the most essential. 00:42:31 ...we face existential challenges and i've appreciated knowing you and i personally thank you 00:42:41 .. i want to ask a few colleagues to join 00:42:57 (Chris Wilson, Leonie Watson and Tess Hober join) 00:43:23 Leonie: I don't remember when i 1st met David, he's one of the most erudite and egalitarian people i've met 00:43:39 .. .and i'm glad to call him a friend. David it's been a privilege and an honor so thank you so much 00:43:54 Chrs: I want to add, i stated on the AB 10 years ago. it's always been a privilege to work with/ you 00:44:12 ... paritcilary when i disagree. but in the most respective and admirable wya. i want thank you for all you've done for W3c 00:44:44 Tess: I'm Tess, Apple AC rep and David's colleague. i tthougt about it and realized I couldn't summarize David 00:45:02 .. .all he has done. I've learned more from David, how to do this, standards work, find consensus than anyone sel. 00:45:22 .. i know this is true for many here. ask him about MK, Unicode, about why apple has a class a 00:45:46 .. why there's a piano in aisle 4. late night compromises and getting stubborn engineers to talk 00:46:04 s/class a/Class A subnet/ 00:46:09 ... all the work across continents. you won't regret it. he might also recommend a great restaurant. it's been my great pleasure to work with/ you 00:46:28 Seth: we want to present you with a token of appreciation and i won't 'ask you to peek 00:46:43 David: so many have used honor and privilege but that has been mine 00:46:59 ... i have felt so supported and it's been the greatest work of my life. thank you so much 00:47:18 Seth: thank you for joining. outsize impact. i appreciate all you've done 00:47:26 Seth: thanks to the team who has made this possible 00:47:33 davehunt has joined #tpac 00:47:37 ... i'll say all the names (says names) 00:47:54 .. a big thank you to them. an even bigger thank you to Vivien and system and IT support 00:48:16 .. fabulous job and great work. w/ additional noise. as i fi it's not hard enough to come into a new hotel. 00:48:26 ... last but not least absolutely is Alex 00:48:44 ...the fact that you deal with things / aplomb, construction, power outages. thanks for the work you do to bring order to it 00:48:58 ... wrapping it up we'll have the 30th anniversary. others will join us 00:49:13 ..we'd like everyone to be seated by 6pm. we'll close the doors at 8:10 00:49:29 ..Chris will guide us through. thank you eveybody 00:51:13 rrsagent, make minutes 00:51:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/26-tpac-minutes.html amy 00:53:12 martin has joined #tpac 00:54:37 nigel has joined #tpac 00:57:08 markafoltz has joined #tpac 01:00:50 nigel has joined #tpac 01:05:51 AramZS has joined #TPAC 01:15:40 davehunt has joined #tpac 01:29:53 shiestyle has joined #tpac 01:48:38 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