Meeting minutes
gerard: Have you seen that paper https://
debbie: looks very comprehensive
names for conversational assistant
debbie: we can rule out Personal Assistant
debbie: sometimes "virtual assistant" is used for people
debbie: what's left "digital assistant", "conversational assistant"
gerard: i wish we could develop something like the PDA now, with personal data stored on the device. It should still be fine to search the web and send anonymized data
… Siri, Alexa, Google, are all trying to get your data to do advertising
gerard: on the web you still have cookies
debbie: we can't decide with just the two of us.
debbie: maybe "intelligent assistant" would be an option
… should not use voice or chatbot
gerard: conversational assistant sounds good to me
gerard: PDA is still useful
debbie: but that might confuse the hardware and software
gerard: in French we have the word "major domo", like a butler
debbie: I'll send a message with the alternatives, including the ones that Gerard and I think should be ruled out, and the one that the two of us like, which is "conversational assistant", so that we can continue the discussion on email.