ARIA WG - TPAC - Day 2

25 September 2024


aardrian, Adam_Page, alice, alisonmaher, CurtBellew, elguerrero, ethanjv, flackr, JaeunJemmaKu, Jamie, jocelyntran, jugglinmike, keithamus, Rahim, sabidussi_marco, smockle, YusukeSano, ZoeBijl
jamesn spectranaut_
ZoeBijl, smockle, Adam_Page

Meeting minutes

Update on ARIA-AT

[going over agenda]

MK: to start out with tomorrow at ten we have a breakout session about this very topic

boaz will be giving a presentation there

which will cover the bigger picture more

so if you’re interested in that go to the break out hall tomorrow at ten

let’s start with an introduction today

ARIA-AT, is aria + assistive technology

[zoom being annoying]

goal of the aria-at cg is to found a foundation

you’re going to think about platform tests

and normative requirements

essentially this is test driven development

instead of a set of known requirements

we first characterise what the world does

and then look at what AT do based on expectations

you’ll see a bit more what this means in practice later on

there might be some normative requirements based off of this work

really work from our discussion yesterday

we don’t want to reduce our competitive differentiation

if we have automated testing that can test all the defined baseline expectations

that’ll mean we don’t have to be afraid of breaking things

so obviously interop is intuivily understood by people in this room

for those people that test with screen readers

they have a real problem

they have no idea what the screen reader is supposed to do

they don’t know which sr to test with

they might test an alert and go “oh it doesn’t say alert, i’ll make it say alert”

now another sr might say “alert alert!”


people need some baseline expectations

that brings up this really important scope constraint

some part of our experiences, you can’t test them with all default settings

setting requirements should be clearly stated everywhere

the default experience is what we’re talking about

because i think most people use the default settings

more over people that build websites do so

our current focus in aria-at is that testing using the apg examples as our test cases

and we’re only testing on desktop sr right now

we know essentially that there are more people pulling their hair out over these experiences

currently only speech, not braille




Assertion Priority

these all defined in aria-at

for each test we have a list of assertions

some are common across the tests

like the role is contained, basic things like that

[matt going over the glosary: https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/Glossary]

There are MUST, SHOULD, and MAY defined

site: https://aria-at.w3.org/

the homepage has basic information about the project

good reading for anyone that wants to get a bigger picture

our primary deliverable is the interop report

i mention alert a minute ago

i’ll go over the plan for alert

[showing jaws results]

all tests look to be passing

it’s a simple test plan

it has one action

but has eight assertions

jaws passed all of those

there are four optional test and those passed as well

let’s look at the actual test plan

there are multiple commands for triggering the command

there’s a button to open the test plan

the example is simple, you press a button and it triggers the alert

it’s a little contrived because in the real world the alert would most likely be trigger by something else

for pressing the space bar we have four assertions

the first one is a MUST and says “Convey text 'hello'”

the second one is also a must and reads “Other behaviors that create severe negative impacts are not exhibited”

the third one is a should and reads “Other behaviors that create moderate negative impacts are not exhibited”

the last one is a MAY and reads “Convey role 'alert'”

this is an example of a test plan

let’s look at toggle button


notice in this one that apg example for the toggle button is also very simple

[going over test names]

MUST “Convey role 'toggle button'”

MUST “Convey name 'Mute'”

in this case “Convey state 'not pressed'” is a SHOULD

if it was pressed this would be a MUST

some AT will always announce the pressed state

this is an example of looking at what the default should be

this is the kind of stuff that, what would be the base level expectations

how do we define those now

and just like how we were talking about the whole tc39 thing yesterday

you might want to change the spec when you start testing

aardrian: i want to make sure that when you say AT you mean screen readers?

MK: we want to expand but yes for right now it’s only screen readers

aaronlev: shout out to a11ysupport.io

MK: their definition of what “supported” means is different

AT expectations for aria-actions

<sarah> https://gist.github.com/smhigley/37180c2ba6ba86bd2e1dba6e1a4de464

MK: the beginning part of Sarah’s gist is what we were talking about yesterday

one of the things that we want to align around is that there are essentially two high level expectations

sarah: the first part is browser requirements

[talking about authoring requirements]

there are two levels of screen reader support

the most basic one which is a must would be announcing the availability of actions

if you have like list of email where each email has “flag”, “read”, “other”

you wouldn’t list all of those actions for each item

it won’t read those names

that would be very repetitive

so screen readers should announce that actions exist

using whichever wording they desire

the second requirement is the announcing the number of actions

any interactive element with actions defined, there should be a way to pull up these actions

perhaps in a menu

getting the actions’ accessible names

and there’s a few markup examples in the gist

for that list of emails:


if a user would press that menu they could choose from the actions

all the while focus would remain on the email

i have two open questions

1. Should screen readers sometimes expose actions defined on ancestor elements when focusing child elements?

2. Can nodes focused with aria-activedescendant support actions defined on them?

MK: on the first one i want to add

yesterday we talked

so however

that makes this first question really important

let’s imagine that you have an article in a feed or a cell in a grid

and the screen reader user is reading inside this article or cell

and in the container that item

but the user is reading content inside the container

would that sr user’s reading cursor, on the decending node

should the sr

read up the tree and find out if the nearest ancestor has actions?

we should define that algoritm if anything, clearly

Brett-Lewis: i have a couple things

announcing actions would only happen on focus?

sarah: yes

Brett-Lewis: if i’m in the buffer and i encounter a button

if i want the actions

i have to move up the tree to focus that ancestor with actions

that way you can announce there are actions

maybe an unanticipated consequence

the disconnect between the virtual buffer and the focus

glad you brought it up Matt

MK: you think that’s…

i mean if you were reading a big article

and in the middle

you want to report it the post

do you think it would be bad if you could report and then jumped back to where you were

Brett-Lewis: but what if you don’t activate the action

MK: i think you can program around that because you’re very smart!


you could remember where focus was

Brett-Lewis: that’s harder to do

Jamie: the triggering element should still exist

jcraig: maybe we digress

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to mention iOS VoiceOver's current ways to convey actions are a multiple select list of: speak, play sound, change pitch, braille, or do nothing." there are some additional options too. Default is speak + braille. and to suggest :focus-within https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:focus-within

quick add-in

great points made

maybe what we could do and say is equivelant to css’ focus-within

so maybe not focus on the ancestor

but also when focus within the ancestor

by default voiceover on ios

will say “actions available”

also in braille

and the features available now

you can speak it

you can play a sound

adjust the label of the focusable

or braille it

or do nothing

those are examples

thank you for phrasing it in this way

sarah: i can add “play a sound” etc to our list potential approached

when you’re inside the referencing element

i would be more inclined to drop that for now

to not overcomplicate things for now

because it’s quite specific in scope

like video players

or being in cells

just because i don’t want to overcomplicate things

the focus-within thing is interesting

but it might conflict with things like aria-owns

i don’t know if i want to touch that

jcraig: focus-within wouldn’t work with an aria-owns relationship

MK: you could be reading inside a grid cell when the grid doesn't even have focus

sarah: and i don’t, i lean towards not making specs more complicating than that

aaronlev: so what i want to understand is that the brower engine would only have to expose aria-actions on the focused node

which would make things easier to implement

sarah: Jamie had ??

if you want to share that with me

Jamie: yea

sarah: i have two mappings


and the object attributes

that bucket of attributes

i put it in both

because jamie asked me if it was enough

github: w3c/aria#1805


aaronlev: how much value is there to the user for not exposing actions ont he ??

MK: sarah and i talked about

making aria-actions “usable”

we’re not providing those relations until this thing is focusable

aaronlev: i’m ok with that

to indicate that actions are available

make sure there’s targetable ??

Jamie: it will be complicated with ???

jcraig: i think it’ll be ok

Jamie: if those elements are ??

then you into a whole bunch of problems

if the elements don’t have ids

alice: quote quote means that you set it via the idl?

from the browser side you have to check the ???

you have to check that nowhere in you’re ??

Jamie: it means that no where in your code you @@

jcraig: but does it matter?

the only time it differs when you’re not focused on it anyway

Jamie: haha, i’m possibly agreeing

MK: if it’s not resolved

but if it’s focused and not resolved ??

<Zakim> alice, you wanted to ask about name computation

alice: jamie commented he was also thinking about this

i was curious about your example

you have the tree item with all the buttons

how does that affect accname

sarah: there’s a pr against accname

which i made separate because of performance considerations

smockle: if every element with `:focus-within` had its actions exposed, then wouldn’t that bring back inherited actions, which we’d decided against yesterday?

<sarah> accName aria-actions PR: w3c/aria#2208

would that bring back inherited actions

jcraig: i can explain

i keep hearing people say that

i was never of the opionion that we resolved inherited actions?

like scroll-grou-button

<Jem> Thanks for working on aria - actions, @sarah! I think this can solve one problem I faced with the Medicaid app by the state of Illinois.

i believe we want those actions to work

likewise we want actions to work even when you’re inside a table row

i think focus-within could be a way to achieve that

maybe not with unlimited scope

but to an certain level up the tree

MK: when i said that i thought it was resolved

i thought we said that it would be authors responsibility

like they would have to put it where the actions are exposed

this means it doesn’t have to be on everything

we can avoid some unusual and hard to understand example

so in voice memos

in ios

there’s a set of actions on the voice memo

like play/pause/delete etc

when i’m focused ont he delete button there’s an action to delete

am i deleting the delete button?

same thing in the ios mail app

Jamie: yea if you’re on a message

there’s a reply action

MK: yea those links inside the email have actions too

like are you copying the link or the whole email?

<Jem> is it about "scope of action" discussion?

jcraig: you can also look at it from the opposite perspective

anything with actions it can inherit those from parents

you could aria-actions="" to overwrite this?

essentially unsetting

jamie: maybe it has actions though

but you don’t want the inherited ones

jcraig: yea i’m not saying you want to combine the element’s actions with those of its parents

so if a td has it’s own actions it wouldn’t inherit actions from the row

the author tedium i’m trying to avoid

is that the author will have to put those actions on each element

i’m saying that if you can null it out on items that you don’t want to have actions it would save a lot of hassle/code

Jamie: feels like a follow up item

<sarah> aria-actions="lol nope" < special cased

Brett-Lewis: if you inherit all these actions

say you’re in a td

and you inherit the actiosn from the table

that would effect the focus

jcraig: is that an implementation detail of jaws?

Brett-Lewis: no not at all


jcraig: that’s why i suggested focus-within

Brett-Lewis: even with focus-within @@

i now have to move focus to within that container

jcraig: to clarify this is an artifact of the virtual buffer

jamie: it would be the same in voiceover if you didn’t have the focus tracking

MK: can a sr make the current element focus the element?

can you make the sr change focus?

<Zakim> Jem, you wanted to ask what is next step for this proposal

jcraig: only if the element is focusable

voiceover is not going to modify the dom to do that

sarah: i still propose we drop the inherited stuff for now

with some exceptions such as browser-native UI like selectmenu?

i think we don’t have enough information on how people are going to use this for now

<Jem> +1 for making things be simple for now to explore further.

i’ll try to formalise the stuff that’s in the gist

maybe we can convince the chrome? people to implement this

jamesn: step 2.7 right?

[haha yes]

Prohibited name repair (prototype available in Chromium)

aaronlev: role=jamie


i had a bug where someone was complaining where

aria-label was labelling a list item?

aria-label was doing something different in ChromeVox than other srs

<scott> prohibiting name on list item is in the PR for the change in title to not contribute to name on generics

it doesn’t know, my world is confused now

we’ve been trying to work towards a more consistent web

and i spent too much time to fix this

i wrote code in chrome that…

trigger an assertion when you see this pattern because it wrong

and it returned a whole list

i figured out three reasons why people do this

1. people are using text-overflow: ellipsis and using the title attribute to show the full text

<scott> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/2292/files#diff-0eb547304658805aad788d320f10bf1f292797b5e6d745a3bf617584da017051

i also made a change in chrome, if it’s the same as the content don’t put it in the description

MK: can you explain the ellipsis?

aaronlev: it’s a visual thing

2. the author doesn’t know about the difference between the aria-label and the ??

3. because they put it on a custom element

and that element has an shadow stuff exposing naming

like a custom input with a real input inside exposing some stuff for accname

[some discussion about what accname is for]

what i did was create a vesrion of chrome

brett has played with it

you can run it with command line parameters

what it does

it assumes that when you put aria-label on something

if you put a name on something that’s prohibited

it becomes supplemental information

why not move it to the description?

i gave that out to folks to play with

Brett-Lewis: i played with it, it seemd fine

but maybe i wasn’t the best person to ask

i probably ignore the description a lot of the time

i didn’t notice anything harmful about it

aaronlev: this experiment, if people have questions about it, they can run it

jamesn: i thought i remembered that when tyou put an aria-label on a custom element that you would ignore the aria-label?

aaronlev: authors put all kind of things on custom elements

we can’t tell them to not do that anymore

it’s out there

it’s a natural thing to do

jamesn: the ??

like role you would want to keep

because you want to put the role on the custom element itself

the other thing is the ellipsis usecase

it’s almost as if we’re saying that’s a good thing for people to do

it would fail wcag

<Zakim> Jamie, you wanted to flag that mapping it to description is just kicking the inconsistency can down the road from name to description

Jamie: ?? or is that ??

aaronlev: if you}re willing to use chrome for a while…

Jamie: right but i’m saying i don’t see this problem a lot

i think it would be intersting to look at each use case

i understand the problem, but i don’t think it’s a good solution

to summarise

i’m worried about overloading description

aaronlev: i’m trying to ??

Jamie: ??

aaronlev: that’s the world we’re in

if we decided that would want to prohibit ??

aria-label is one of those attributes that authors know about

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to mention the accname text Aaron mentioned: "If the root node's role prohibits naming, return the empty string ("")." https://www.w3.org/TR/accname-1.2/#computation-steps and to share the specific PR: https://github.com/w3c/accname/commit/45dbaa2

jcraig: i was trying to figure out when we added the name prohibited line to the ??

comment from joanie

Add statement allowing for the possibility of naming being prohibited on the root node. Note: This change in and of itself has no implementation impact, but it allows other specifications to optionally prohibit naming for a top-level element. Furthermore, even if this prohibition is made within a specification, that prohibition will not have any impact on calculating name from contents.

aaronlev: If the node's role is "name prohibited " ignore it.

jcraig: no it says if the *root* node it prohibts naming ??

jcraig: but if it's part of a lower-level accname computation, you don't ignore it.

jamesn: correct

MK: maybe this is another topic

one of my biggest concerns

i’m a big fan of the goal

it’s not a criticism

if the browser is doing repairs

it does this thing

now it’s accessible

it’s not really the way…
… it’s a repair

aaronlev: in the experimental thing i did it does explain

like it puts an error in the console

MK: that’s all cool

i wonder if there should be more awareness about browser repairs

should that be specified

since it’s repairing

and since we do want interoperability

should we testing this?

and have more requirements around repairs?

aaronlev: sounds good to me

<Jamie> s/mk: /Matt_King: /g


<elguerrero> I'm going to drop off for now, got other bits of work to do but will try to rejoin later :)

Interactive Lists

<aardrian> If you're in the IRC and not in the room... we're starting!

sarah: interactive lists

we’ve had a number of issues

there’s a link to the gist in the agenda


there’s a number of issues with interactive lists

like meeting controls in a meeting

for example buttons for muting participants etc

they tend to be one dimensional, a series of repetitive content

lists of participants for example

or like a list of apps in teams

it’s structured and informational

but it can be very long

it can be virtualised

there’s a lot of instances dashboards with cards etc

essentially lots of one dimensional interactive things

definitely on windows and macos

this control is not a new one

it just doesn’t exist on the web

we have grid for two dimensional lists

listbox and option don’t allow nested interactive content

they otherwise have similar behaviour

things like toolbar are much more specialised

this is essentially a proposal for a one dimensional like grid is to table


but not explicit ?? for IAA

there’s kind of two possible ways that we could go to

[pause for questions]

<Zakim> smockle, you wanted to ask about additional use cases (e.g. issues in a GitHub issue list? messages in ChatGPT?) and to ask about the relationship with `aria-actions`


would this be useful for things like issues in a GitHub issue list? messages in ChatGPT?

sarah: yes

aaronlev: i have a question

is this something that can be vague?

like you can use one kind of list versus another

sarah: can you explain

aaronlev: are people going to be confused by the vagueness?

sarah: i hope it’s not too confusing

you use list when it’s not interactive

you use listbox when you make a combobox

and interactive-list for ??

aaronlev: it’s not a form control?

sarah: correct

jamie: first question is why

i don’t understand why we don’t want implicit ??

sarah: let’s go back to teams

it has a dashboard card

if you look to install an app

there’s no selection

you don’t have to announce the select status

Jamie: but neither would a single select

sarah: selection exists even if you don’t hear it

Jamie: sure but @@

what happens when you click one of the list items?

what would that mean?

sarah: it could do the install

but it could also be toggling a checked state

Jamie: i worry about that ux pattern

we’ve had that in firefox

if you have buttons or list items that aren’t explicit about what happens when you click them

MK: thinking about the differences of

to explore

the stuff isn’t selected when you move through it

maybe under the cover

but certainly focused

you know pressing return opens the email

in explorer it opens the file

in finder it triggers rename

so in that case we don’t actually have any type of selection going on

Jamie: it kinda helps

but with outlook

if you hit del it will delete the message

sarah: take a chat app

if you have a list of recent chats

the current chat is selected


MK: it’s just not a focus state

there’s no user value to it

Jamie: this is what i’m trying to query

it seems like that’s a ?? use case

with listbox, if we forget about the selection case

MK: since aaron tried to twist my brain

so i think the primary difference is that you wouldn’t want to reuse listbox

is because listbox works really well as a form control until you render it differently

Jamie: yea we don’t render listbox

MK: right

but in these list views we always want to show all the content

Jamie: i would use role list and allow for interaction

sarah: yes, that’s what this is doing!

but it doesn’t do mode switching

Jamie: that sounds fixable

MK: we had this challenge of not know what states

if it’s differnt roles you can inherit different kind of properties

i got it from two differnt things

i forget what they are

but carefully chosen which roles they inherit from

you don’t have these conditional statements of what’s supported or not

it’s kinda the whole menubutton argument

if it’s aria-popup it changes the role

Jamie: i want to lay into this more

if you’re saying it’s itneractive should it appear in a browser interface

we’re saying we don’t want it to be a form control

but also we do?

MK: no it’s like a grid

with a grid you want to interact with it

and with table you want to read i

and with grid you can do both

cyns: i’m hearing a lot of overlap with the aria-action conversation

are these complementary?

sarah: this is a new semantic structure

this is a supplement ??

this is grid to table, questionmark to list

that is onedimensional

some people use grid to do this

sarah: what would you suggest people do cyns?

cyns: a one dimensional grid sounds reasonable

MK: if you do that you can press the down arrow or right arrow etc to navigate

with a one dimensional list you can’t support that keyboard interaction

and so then you can wrap this list

everyone wants to use ul

and that’s cool

and then you style the ul

Brett-Lewis: my question is what cyns just asked

why isn’t this a grid

i’m not convinced we need a new role

ZoeBijl: Why isn’t this a one-dimensional grid?

<Zakim> ZoeBijl, you wanted to ask what’s the problem with using grid?

ZoeBijl: What’s the issue with keyboard support?

Sarah: One-dimensional grid feels like a hack, since grids are supposed to be 2 dimensional, with column headers, etc.

Sarah: Whereas with interactive lists, it can reflow, be vertical or horizontal. You can hack it with a one-dimensional grid, but conceptually it isn’t two-dimensional.

ZoeBijl: But you could have a table with one column, could you not?

Matt_King: Here’s an example: A list of links, presented as a table with one row…but then, if you resize the screen, it becomes a table with two rows (responsive). Semantically, still a list of 6 links.

Matt_King: The large icons in Windows Explorer are another example: If you press the down arrow, you can navigate from the first item down (vertically) to the item wrapped onto the next line.

aardrian: i want to respond briefly

<Zakim> aardrian, you wanted to ask how to differentiate this to authors from `menu`

when you say that sr users aren’t impacted

I deal with people, sighted sr users, that it does impact


with the list

i feel like that people will now go from navigation with role menu to interactive-list

is that a valid concern?

sarah: ??

MK: why not do that?

aardrian: there are authors that’ll say “well i’m nolonger restricted”

if that’s a valid usecase then don’t mind me

MK: i don’t think that’s a problem

sarah: i think the question should be whether you want to move through that with arrow keys or tabs

and this might be better than the alternatives?

aaronlev: i guess i’m not going to be the person to block this

but it’s going to be hard to understand which list to use

MK: let me write the apg entry and tell me if it’s hard

aaronlev: ok but this or an extra attribute for an existing role is a big difference

i’m not great with the srs, but like with jaws can i use ???

Brett-Lewis: yea you can certainly do that

aaronlev: i’m saying there’s a few other options that we should explore

jamesn: i like to say i fully support this

this is a pattern we have everywhere

at the moment we use single row grids

which is the best thing we have

there are lots of problems and we need to do better

what we have now is unsatisfactory

<Zakim> smockle, you wanted to ask about nesting interactive lists inside interactive lists

smockle: can we nest interactive lists

jamesn: no

we should make it so we can not

[smockle has been sent to jail]

Jamie: the reason is not included in the doc

is because we don’t want to add a thousand items to the list

but now we say we want to expose all of those

why aren’t we changing it for listbox items

why are we differentiating these things?

sarah: is that different from a static list?

Jamie: no it’s the same

sarah: to aaron’s point that we should reuse an existing role


it shouild be this

rather than a static list

another was similar to adding another role

i lean more towards using lists than listbox

because with list, if this isn’t supported you don’t get mode switching

but you still get a list

you get the content

you could still navigate

aaronlev: but basicallty making list items that can get focus

sarah: yes

the mappings are very similar

Matt_King: i’m a little surprised there’s people…

we made it a priority to get this done this year

we’re a little late

I appreciate the concerns

<alice> s/people.../people expressing concerns about this/

and it’s not that we can’t change ??

but i’m a little surprised jamie, that either collapsing all the items

with listboxes

i think the difference with the listview is that it’s not the main content of the page

like a list of chat it’s not the main content

the chat would be

the only way to get to the caht is go through the listbox and then search feels like a problem

most people want to navigate by heading

this doesn’t prevent that

this ?? us a way to allow thaat

?? in focus mode

it gives authors and users more flexability

scott: [talks into a muted laptop]

i wanted to just first say that this is definitely a thing that needs to be solved for

there’s a lot of these patterns

of different levels of quality

i’ve seen the single column examples

and it’s been befuttling to our users

so i think this is something that we need

but i’m sympathethic to what aaron said

it’s a role that has a lot of overlap with other things

like listbox, tree, grid

so is this then just another way of making a tree?

i don’t have a solution for that?

but i do want to talk to what aaron was saying

is this something that can be added onto another role

or to adrian’s point, do we know what people are going to use this for?

and how do we define it in such a way that they use it correctly?

like define why you shouldn’t use this for those situations

Brett-Lewis: Matt you said something that made me question

you were talking about a chat app

you could search for a message easily

are you thinking about this dynamically loading?

Matt_King: that wouldn’t change

you would load however much is showing

Brett-Lewis: so with grid you get infinite scroll

Matt_King: yea that would be supported

Brett-Lewis: you can then get unpredictable behavuour when searching the buffer

you would still need to define the search

but it might be confusing to sr users to what is actually loaded

sarah: that might be a separate issue

because it’s not dependent on what role is added

aaronlev: what do people think of sarah’s idea to ??

sarah: there are things on the spec side

certain things that are supported

i had a list of in my proposal

[github grumble]

like haspopup

full list of examples: https://gist.github.com/smhigley/a613aab8287726f61202869e2f479553#draft-updated-spec-language-for-listitem

aaronlev: we don’t have to change the presentational ??

Matt_King: if focusable it’s a widget?

<CurtBellew> I can't hear very well so I might have missed it. Was there conversation around the Open Question - "Should we allow nested listview ..." ?

that’s what we did with the separator

it’s not great

aaronlev: especially since it’s confusing, i won’t remember this next year

i’m just concerned

Matt_King: i know, but we need to be able to create different kind of experiences


<aardrian> <menu>


can you define them?

<aaronlev> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/pCqp6TBN/

jamesn: so i mean i don’t fullty understand between hgaving a new role and having a new attribute

and i don’t really care which one we have

ZoeBijl: We need to provide guidance, e.g. in the APG, for using list roles correctly

jamesn: as long as we have a solution

even an imperfect solution is better

sarah: ?? easier to write

because that’s the same

to the three lists issues

i’m in favour of ??

it has bad usability

if we say you should use ?? inside a ??

would that be better?

aaronlev: i mean…

how does saying not to do it help people from doing it

<scott> people know trash when they interact with it?


aaronlev: I linked some text above listing the different options I heard discussed here a role with great apg adivce

like listing the cons

sarah: yea

MK: there’s an aria-interactive pr

<spectranaut_> Aaron posted this above, repeating so that its in the generated notes, wants feedback on these options:

<spectranaut_> Can we create pros/cons list for different approaches?

<spectranaut_> Options for interactive lists:

<spectranaut_> - New role, but with great spec text and APG content

<spectranaut_> - Single column grid, seems hacky

<spectranaut_> - Single level tree

<spectranaut_> - aria-selected=undefined on focused option + options support non-presentational descendants

<spectranaut_> - What if I shift+I (or AT next/prev list item would just navigate them all)

<spectranaut_> - Reuse list/item but allow focus on listitem, support non-presentational descendants

<spectranaut_> - New property on a different role

<aaronlev> I/Shift+I idea is basically, can we improve screen reader UX to mitigate the issue?

<CurtBellew> I can't hear very well. Was the first question in Open Questions addressed "For screen reader vendors: do you forsee any issues with allowing virtual cursor navigation inside ..."?

sarah: my current list of things to do is

pros and cons

what to do with focus

reusing a role

<scott> i said tree, and i'm still washing my mouth out with soap

aaronlev: is a person looking up lists ??

i was also interested in if the sr ux can be improved

CurtBellew: i think you can hear me but i can’t hear much from the room

i was curious about the open question: "For screen reader vendors: do you forsee any issues with allowing virtual cursor navigation inside ..."?

it causes trouble if people start putting stuff in one cell

aardrian: i think he’s correct

but nobody is serious about the grid

jamie: but now we’d just be cramming more items into a listitem

Matt_King: are you saying it’s a problem when a grid cell contains a lot of content

CurtBellew: yea

to replicate this functionality

the problem is that you can’t navigate between items in that cell

the user just wants to copy one part of the cell

and if you can navigate inside these items

would that be a possibility with this role?

Matt_King: there are solutions out there

that would enable to go into a grid cell

apg grid cell navigation guidance: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/grid/#gridNav_inside

scott: one other question is about…

and i didn’t see it in the pr

but i couldn’t read all of it

this might be more approriate for reusing a role

because people want to ??

there’s no good author guidance on how people can identify what the accessible name should be

that’s def a problem i see with other interactive list things right now

people don’t know where the accname begins or ends

i don’t see anything in the pr that talks about that

it might be nice to have before we choose a solution

Matt_King: i thought i put it in there

it might be in the listview item spec

when you’re in forms mode

you don’t want to hear all the content inside

not most of the time anyway

scott: the only thing i notice is must specify an accesible name

i was hoping for more guidance

like name from encapsulation

something an author can look up

Matt_King: i thought i added more

there’s some language in article that talks about creating a better experience by using a combination of label and description

sarah: also a potential name from heading?

<CurtBellew> Thanks

Other new HTML features

related explainer: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lg5jC1vLSRBBLPHq-F0MnmQZfkuTUwaOKt7C2WImPCM/edit#heading=h.83kbi4fzoerk

aaronlev: so based on the last helpful conversation

we have a few items left

still some html and css we haven’t talked about

<spectranaut_> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lg5jC1vLSRBBLPHq-F0MnmQZfkuTUwaOKt7C2WImPCM/edit#heading=h.83kbi4fzoerk

i’d like to go over them and go over the status

we’ve not talked about command and ??

or exclusive accordion

then there’s my favourite which is the customisable select

and then there’s text fragments which jamie can talk about

and then there’s css inert

let’s start with the customisable select

we want to have less aria in the world

we want them to use html semantics where possible

everytime someone uses a new widget library these things are implemented differently

creating chaos for users

we want to document this

the rules can no longer say what the default select is

instead it’ll come with default styles that can be adjusted

for example the button can or cannot show the currently selected option

the awesome thing though, which is also scary, you can also put other things in there

you can’t do that right now i think

mason: with the flag in chromium you can do it

aaronlev: i know everyone is excited to put iframes in options


above or below the select there’s real world use cases such as ??

and the other could put anything there as well

for the first type

Matt_King: what does the content model become?

mason: we have a proposal but it’s not final yet

so input is appreciated

aaronlev: then there’s the what can authors now do

to make stuff accessible and look the way they want?

and for the third group we want to put an error in the output

Matt_King: the stuff inside the options is super solvable

but i’m curious about the stuff between the options

that stuff is the scariest part to me

when you’re inside of a select

aaronlev: the plan is if it goes outside of the bound

outside of the usual of can we present this as an option

it’ll switch to a dialog

tab will not close the box

it’ll cycle within it

Matt_King: what is between the options changes the implicit aria semantics?

aaronlev: yes

i don’t know why they would put a table in there for example

but it’ll go into dialog mode

mason: anything other than div will be nonconforming atm

aaronlev: if we can’t make it accessible why tell authors to do something

why would we always tell authors that they’re wrong

if we can just make it work

mason: we’ll start on the conservative side

Matt_King: with opt group

or role group with label

i’m wondeirng if let’s say there’s a heading with options

and you figure it’s a heading with options, oh will it change?

aaronlev: we don’t have a solution yet

but what you propose has been talked about

we need to restructure for that though

which is a big burden on browsers

i would rather just switch to virtual buffer mode

<Zakim> sarah, you wanted to ask about scripting focus and detecting the difference between the old select and the new one

sarah: i wanted to ask, i, was chatting with someone that told me that we would not allow interactive elements in options

my worry is that this will impact keyboard support?

how does that work with focus?

or active element for that matter?

aaronlev: you bring up a good point

we normalise that with our implementation of the accessibility tree

there’s a button that you can put as the first item in a select

and another button that allows you to style when the thing is closed

for actions we reroute that so it looks like the old select

sarah: what are the possibilities for what active element can point to?

aaronlev: ?? we can’t touch

so now you have ??

sarah: how do you tell the difference between this and old select

aaronlev: you could use the computed style

sarah: ah ok

we do a lot of focus management library stuff

where we track document.activeElement

we track how it behaves

we do a lot of focus tracking and management

aaronlev: this is a new dom

this is like a little mini webpage

it’s the thing that you can style

it has a little box that you can style

within it’s all dom elements

the current select could overlap the browser window

the new one can’t do that

sarah: my issue is that you can’t tell the difference

mason: ?? no focusable things

all of those things are now in the user ?? root

and you have your own stuff

sarah: that doesn’t ?? the focus management

aaronlev: we can take it offline and we can discuss the use case to our group

jamie: i’m struggling to understand

if you can put a random element in select

why not use a popover

mason: lot’s of things come with select

form participation which is a big one

you get all of these things with styleable selects

we try to solve the fact that people are making different implementations

jamie: yes, but if you put random stuff in a select you’re breaking those expectations

once you remove the limits of what can go inside you change the clarify of selects

and changing it from a select to a dialog on the go is terrifying

terrifying: from an at or browser perspective, the rule change because someone adds an element that’s not expected, we have to figure out with every mutation if we need to change the role of all those elements

so we need to figure out what needs a recalculation

aaronlev: i don’t see how we can make this work for all cases

we don’t want it to work as a dialog at all times

Jamie: right

they’re using a select because they want form participation

tehy also want to put other stuff

but surely we need to disallow certain things

aaronlev: it’s the web, i think it’s better to just make stuff work

we want people to use this to make it accessible

Jamie: yes but if we don’t know all use cases we can’t make all of those accessible

you’ll at least have infinite-1 of inaccessible cases

one thing we put in the spec

we needed to limit stuff that inert could do

we got agreement on that because otherwise people would use inert on things that break the web

allowing for an infinite amount of use cases would set us up for making things worse

aaronlev: one thing we have in place is the parser

not making it render isn’t a solution that we want

saying “please don’t do this” doesn’t really work either

mason: you can today build a select with javascript that looks like a select

you can build whatever you want

one of the advantages

is that we can detect what people do and what they put inside of it

so we can tell people what they’re doing wrong with these

aardrian: so it’s a form control

the value attribute isn’t going away

do you have rules to accomodate these ?? buttons and values?

mason: It submits the text contents, which yes can be a lot.

Matt_King: when i was thinking about the content model i was thinking of that as the thing that


one thing that you would expect is for it to describe the user constraints?

i was wondering

if the roles can change dynamically

is the select

is the aria role of the select nolonger a select

does it become a button that opens a dialog?

or is it still a select?

aaronlev: we haven’t worked that out

maybe a button with expanded?

Matt_King: yes so how does that work?

if you can have a select that’s then mutated?

aaronlev: there’s two different things

for 99 percent of the usecases

where people use this legitamately this is pretty cool

we just need to make it so it doesn’t destroy your computer

with the mutate case there might be legit usecases

like if you have a few options

maybe they’re being added dynamically

and a little text field comes up at the top

it’ll work just as if you changed the aria role of the ancestor

you’ll get new events etc

at least in chromium the ids of the elements will stay the same

so srs can keep track of things

aaronlev: i just want to get feedback

i know it’s new, so please think about it

sarah: my question is about when i built the similar thing for our js library

which i want to replace

i had to add an extra attribute for the human readable value

because the value isn’t necessarily the main text

so like text matching

(typing to jump ahead)

is there a way for authors to define that?

aaronlev: i’ve not thought about that yet

sarah: you need to type ahead and if you need the same pattern for editable

aaronlev: i think the editable is important

<Zakim> smockle, you wanted to ask about auto-closing

Matt_King: the type ahead is super important!

smockle: if i have a customisable select with five options

if i have a load more button in the select

does the select close?

mason: that would be a dialog then because it’s not an option

it would leave the popover open

aaronlev: on to exclusive accordion

basically an improvement to details/summary

when you open up one of them it’ll close the others

Matt_King: is it always exclusive

aaronlev: no

jcraig: if you don’t use the name attribute it’s not linked

aardrian: do they have to be next to eachother in the dom?

aaronlev: no, they can be anywhere just like radio buttons

aardrian: how does it work with group label?

do i use an aria-label?

aaronlev: you could use a fieldset with a label

<Zakim> ZoeBijl, you wanted to ask is there a way for the user to overwrite it?

<hdv> ZoeBijl: is there a way for the user to override it?

<aardrian> Group label is still not built into accordion spec.

<hdv> ZoeBijl: where I've seen it, eg Google store has this, there is stuff I want to know and compare and then I can't look at the requirements

aaronlev: i don’t know

jcraig: there’s lots of websites with terrible usability

like horrible colours or always on dark mode

these are tools that web authors or native authors can use

they can already do these things with javascript

so let’s focus on things that we can change

in this case

we shouldn’t put our head in the sand and say "don't do this" because web devs are already doing it in less accessible ways.

if we disallow this we’ll end up with worse usability

jamie: so effectively this’ll be a button with an expanded state

aaronlev: ??

even though it’s essentially a button

so it’s allowed but srs don’t support it

jamie: let me rephrase

the only difference between this and summary/details

is there an intent to expose the posinset and setsize?

aaronlev: yes

jamie: just so the user has some idea that they’re exclusive

??: are those supported on details/summary

jamie: we can take this offline

i was curious about the mappings

Matt_King: just the name feature is making it exclusive

so it’s not an accessibility issue? more a usuability thing

aaronlev: i wanted this group to be aware of it

Matt_King: can they all be collapsed?

aaronlev: yes

Matt_King: and if they don’t have the name attribute

is there a spec for how you would group them?

aaronlev: not right now

aaronlev: there’s gotta be a parent to it

aardrian: He said in a grouping context.

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to mention I intended to ask adrian about the non-contiguous concern

Matt_King: just making an assumption i guess

jcraig: i forgot to ask

i have concerns about these non exclusive accordions


well that’s weird

but we moved on

so i can see ????

like something other than we saw with radios

aardrian: so what i see is heading, more disclosures, a heading, more disclosures, a heading, a form to fill out, etc

they’re not adjacent but the devs still want them to be exclusive

sometimes they’re another layer down

unlike radiobuttons where you use them in a very specific context

jcraig: so they’re using it to save screen real estate?

aardrian: yes

they see it as a reason to do ?? and all this other stuff

<Zakim> ZoeBijl, you wanted to say i’m not opposed to making things accessible and i think making things accessible easier is good

so yea it’s not adjacent, it has a different dom structure, but they want to ????

<hdv> ZoeBijl: agree with James that we should make this stuff accessible and make making things accessible easier

aaronlev: there’s two pairs of attributes

one is command and commandfor?

mason: those have been bikeshed

aaronlev: the other is interesttarget and interestaction

?? is more about hovers

still has a lot of birth pains

things like touch support

lots of people are working on it

<jcraig> Command/Commandfor deep link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lg5jC1vLSRBBLPHq-F0MnmQZfkuTUwaOKt7C2WImPCM/edit#heading=h.dl7oto2uiwfe

just want to let you know that these things exist

command and commandfor

some examples for the different command







eventually it’s going to be a superset of popovertarget

mason: strict supersete

aaronlev: if people want to talk about css

jcraig: command=close

behind the scenes there’s no javascript

mason: correct

all of these commands are not javascript

jcraig: great

[something about the scrub gesture]

from the point of assistive technology ??

this is somewhat similar to the structure of the ui events


smockle: could we use this for aria actions?

in that there’s controls and you have a container?

aaronlev: i don’t know

jcraig: showmodal etc is a very finite list

actions can be anything

it’s custom

smockle: that makes sense, thanks

jcraig: but don’t dismiss it, let’s keep digging

sarah: maybe this could be a subset -- actions is more flexible, but we could investigate using the same API mappings for commands

or it has the same api mappings maybe

alice: i was interested in picking up what james was saying about the accessibility benefits

that seems true for the buolt in actions

i don’t know how the custom actions benefit

mason: the built in actions have ??

there’s a naming scheme

you can use that to support? the custom actions

alice: still trying to wrap my head around what the custom actions are for

mason: it’s not a ?? it’s a custom element

so it’ll be a 'my-custom-action'

jcraig: the big focus dance that we’re doing is keeping the ?? on stream

if we ant to leverage this new api for aria actions it ??

if it overloads this mainstream api it could ??

<Zakim> Jamie, you wanted to ask about AT sniffing risk

jamie: if we dispatch these events without for example esc

if this close event comes from out of nowhere

doesn’t mean the app can tell it wasn’t from one of its triggers

that sounds like an at sniffing method

like a quite obvious one

jcraig: you can already do that in various ways

Jamie: i wonder about the tag principle here

no leaking AT principle

and whether that’s risky

i don’t have a definitve answer

but i wonder

jcraig: will it prevent fingerprinting?


but nothing out there will prevent that anyway

jamie: these actions need a trigger anyway right?

that’s what the command attribute is for


normally those would need to come from a certain trigger

now it doesn’t

is that correct?

jcraig: ????

Jamie: ah i thought it was understood that browsers could trigger these in different ways

mason: if you have a button and it has a command button

the event that is fired

the source is the button that triggers it

there’s nothing in the spec that ??

jcraig: google has made some proposals that’s specific to their back button

perhaps they could work that into this api

mason: the back command

sarah: this custom close event ??

jcraig: if it was an android back button you wouldn’t know it was a sr

sarah: yea i need to think about it more

as an author it’s hard to see what the back button does with the command

Acacia AAM automated tests

[everyone’s hiding from the ice cream legislators]

spectranaut_: The idea behind Acacia is to extend WPT with automated AAM tests

alice: Extending WPT infrastructure beyond computed role and computed name


alice: I’ve written an extensive image description

image description: Block diagram illustrating how these new tests fit in to existing infrastructure. Full image description available in RFC.

alice: The browser process is on the right; on the left we have assistive technology and WPT. These talk to the browser via HTTP (web driver). The assistive technology talks to the browser via Platform Accessibility APIs

alice: We want to test the content mapping code, as opposed to the Blink accessibility tree.

alice: Acacia uses the exact same platform APIs

alice: Extends `testdriver` (a wrapper around webdriver). If you include `test driver` to get web driver commands (like clicks), you also get the accessibility API queries

github: Igalia/wpt#2

The Acacia prototype runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows. It is very minimal right now: You can get the name and role of a node.

alice: You’re getting the role the platform understands.

alice: Not yet implemented for UIA.

RFC: https://github.com/Igalia/rfcs/blob/wpt-for-aams-rfc/rfcs/wpt-for-aams.md

alice: This is a significant change to WPT. It requires an RFC, which is opened, but still in review. There are open technical questions. We’re meeting with the browser testing and tools group this Thursday to work through these questions.

github: web-platform-tests/rfcs#204


spectranaut_: Test design is more up to us.

spectranaut_: I’ll run a demo.

github: Igalia/wpt#2

spectranaut_: The PR has notes about pre-requisites needed to run the prototype (e.g. python dependencies to install)

spectranaut_: There are 2 example tests, they are running on Linux. They succeeded.

[on-screen: A test was run from the command line, then a browser window opened with the test results]

spectranaut_: Test design assumptions: One test file per entry in AAM. There is one test file that contains assertions for all the mappings, but only mappings supported by the platform where you run the test are tested.

spectranaut_: WPT.fyi doesn’t have the concept of tests that only run on a specific platform.

spectranaut_: Test logic and HTML in the same file

spectranaut_: For now, tests show up as “pass” on WPT.fyi for platforms other than the platform you run on (even though no tests actually run)

example test: https://spectranaut.github.io/examples/wpt/role_blockquote_test.html

spectranaut_: If you expand the “Asserts run” disclosures on the blockquote test page, you’ll see the message that “No asserts ran”

spectranaut_: Two test designs we are considering: “bag of properties” and “testable statements”

spectranaut_: “bag of properties” is the test design in the prototype.

spectranaut_: We have a `get_platform_accessibility_node` function on `test_driver`. It gets every accessibility property the backend knows, then sends it as JSON to the frontend, and it tells you the API it queried (since the frontend doesn’t know which platform was used).

spectranaut_: Moving on to “testable statements”.

spectranaut_: For background, we have manual tests in core-aam.

spectranaut_: The API is a function that takes the name of the test, the id of the element you’re testing, and an object that has a key for each API, and the value is a list of testable statements, e.g. “property role is block quote”)

spectranaut_: Do you all have thoughts about these two test designs? Which do you prefer? Do you have other ideas?

spectranaut_: We could send a python string to the backend, for example.

Jamie: First question: Do we need the `--enable-rendering-accessibility` flag?

<kschmi> https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/accessibility/#how-chrome-detects-the-presence-of-assistive-technology

Jamie: There are rules in e.g. Gecko, where, if you poke certain APIs, the accessibility tree will be generated (even without manually specifying commandline flags)

Jamie: Context re: the inline python approach to testing: Assertions are great for role and states. But table interfaces or text don’t match well with `is` or `equals`. Testable statements can be restrictive. Declarative frameworks can be more verbose than being able to just specify a few lines of code.

Jamie: Here’s an example of where you’d want that kind of scripting: Events. We have UIAutomation tests in Gecko: Testing that a pattern is available, that doing something on that pattern fires the right event.

spectranaut_: We do want to support testing events too

Jamie: We have thousands of lines of UI Automation tests now.

Jamie: We could explore how one of those could be expressed with testable statements.

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to ask if the platform-specific relevance could be stored in wpt-metadata and filtered in wpt.fyi?

jcraig: I had an idea about WPT.fyi: There’s a side repo WPT metadata, where you can add metadata (but maybe not to a subtest). However, if tests were rearchitected (to a file per platform), then those files could be filtered out.

<Zakim> ZoeBijl, you wanted to ask for pros and cons of the different test methods, the testable statements look cleaner but i’m wondering if there are limits to that method

<alice> web-platform-tests/wpt-metadata

ZoeBijl: To me, testable statements look clean. I was wondering about limitations; pros/cons?

spectranaut_: It gets us further from the underlying API. Another layer of abstraction/translation. Changing everything into a string, JSON to be passed around.

ZoeBijl: Do you have a preference between bag of properties and testable statements?

spectranaut_: Testable statements is my preference.

Rahim: What is the ultimate ambition for this? Would mobile testing be in-scope? What’s the end goal?

spectranaut_: The first goal is to test the AAMs. As Jamie alluded to, there are many things we can’t test in ARIA, because they aren’t a strict mapping. AAMs have been our focus so far. The AAMs only talk about desktop browsers.

WPT doesn’t run on mobile, either.

<jcraig> Actually alice spectranaut_ maybe subtests are supported now... Example with product-specific bug links... https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt-metadata/blob/master/html-aam/META.yml perhaps a new "platform" key?

masonf: There’s a certain approachability to getComputedName, getComputedRole that deal with the computed tree. But platform API testing is more complicated. Is there benefit to doing more with the generic computed accessibility tree?

spectranaut_: The WPT accessibility interop group has been exploring ways to test the computed tree more fully.

spectranaut_: Someone not familiar with accessibility would find it easier to test the accessibility tree, vs these per-platform-API tests.

jcraig: Maybe, in these Acacia-style tests, the internal (not platform-specific) role could be tested too, alongside the platform role.

<Zakim> cyns, you wanted to share this old UIA testing project microsoftedge/a11y

jcraig: Let’s talk more offline.

cyns: There’s value in both: computed tree testing and in testing platform APIs

cyns: I could see a test file that has both the computed role and what it would be across the various platform APIs. I want automated testing in both layers.

cyns: I linked to an old C# project (microsoftedge/a11y), testing against pre-Chromium Edge.

<Zakim> jugglinmike, you wanted to learn about expected contributor demographics

jugglinmike: The diagram is very useful.

jugglinmike: Do we expect test contributors would be experts in all the mappings?

jugglinmike: It may be possible for someone to write tests for one mapping, but not all of them. Would partial coverage cause problems?

spectranaut_: Very few people will know much about these APIs, especially *all* of them. We haven’t thought much about people contributing tests for just one API.

spectranaut_: The main goal is to test the AAMs, and AAM tests will be written for all the platforms.

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to react to jugglinmike

jcraig: If there’s no mapping, you could send a failure, instead of a pass. To get people to contribute mappings to the AAM.

ksc: The bag of properties resembles existing WPT tests. The other looks radically different.

ksc: Proposal to reduce duplication: You could create a different map. I’ll follow-up.

Jamie: A lot of the time, we could express non-core-aam mapping as core tree tests. We’d only need to deal with edge cases that don’t use ARIA’s mappings.

<Zakim> alice, you wanted to talk abotu the computed tree

alice: Yes, that makes sense.

alice: There are a lot of things in HTML-AAM where the entire table is “Use ARIA mapping”. In that case, we’d only need to test the computed tree.

alice: For the computed tree, there’s only computed name and computed role, so there are a lot of things we can’t test yet.

spectranaut_: There’s the concept of computed role, but there isn’t always a 1:1 mapping with the platform API role. Example: Button.

Jamie: core-aam is going to have thousands of tests. html-aam is going to need some, but only for edge cases.

<alice> https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aam-1.0/#el-a as an example of the "Use WAI-ARIA mapping" thing

Jamie: We do need get computed accessibility node.

<jcraig> https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/WOysHs93/

<jamesn> AAMUtils.verifyAPI(

<jamesn> 'role=foo',

<jamesn> 'test',

<jamesn> {

<jamesn> "SOME_PLATFORM" : [

<jamesn> [ "property", "WARNING", "is", "NOT_YET_MAPPED, <AAM issue link>" ]

<jamesn> ],

<jamesn> }

<jamesn> );

jcraig: I was exploring how to send a failure that could raise a warning about a missing mapping.

spectranaut_: HTML-AAM has button, and says “See WAI-ARIA button role”, but there are 3 entries in ARIA for button.

<alice> https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aam-1.0/#el-button

<alice> "A button's mapping will change if the aria-pressed or aria-haspopup attributes are specified."

Jamie: As soon as you get a case like that, then you would need an additional test.

sarah: Is there going to be a way to test that events were fired?

spectranaut_: Yes, eventually.

flackr: Can we convert the tree of computed roles into the platform expectations, and use that as a way to port tests to different platforms?

spectranaut_: That’s related to the convo we just had about skipping platform-specific tests when the computed tree is sufficient.

<kschmi> / Assuming you have an AAM_MAPPINGS JSON object representing the table on https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aam-1.0

<kschmi> / you could have a single statement:

<kschmi> assert_equals(AAM_MAPPINGS[node.role], AAM_MAPPINGS[node.role][node.API]);

<kschmi> / Instead of:

<kschmi> if (node.API == 'atspi') {

<kschmi> assert_equals(node.role, 'block quote', 'Atspi role');

<kschmi> } else if (node.API == 'uia' ) {

<kschmi> assert_equals(node.role, 'block quote', 'Atspi role');

<kschmi> } else if (node.API == 'AX')

flackr: You could have a test helper to automatically generate those tests.

aaronlev: That would be messy, because of differences in implementations.

updated agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/TPAC-2024-ARIA-Meetings#tuesday-september-24

rfc: web-platform-tests/rfcs#204

alice: Call to action: If you want to follow-up, there’s a link in the presentation to the RFC. We want more comments in the RFC.

Jamie: I linked the Gecko test, if anyone wants to take a look.

RRSAgent: make minutes

td, th naming doesn't align with ARIA

<aardrian> w3c/html-aam#543

aardrian: this is about td/th naming not aligning with ARIA
… this might go deeper than I originally expected
… right now, within tables, cells and headers get their name from content
… aria-label has mixed support
… across browsers + AT
… cumbersome for SR users
… sometimes authors will leave cells blank
… not mentioned in issue, but think back to abbr attribute, not element
… allowed on th to provide name
… not supported

TylerWilcock: might be a heavy lift

aardrian: might be a little more work than just “we should allow this”
… a related issue: WG concluded to add name prohibited for listitems
… broad questions to discuss:
… if we were to allow name from author, how do we deal with columns with sort controls?
… because sort order should contribute to accname
… would it override text? Or augment it?
… my thought is to disallow it
… imitate listitems
… recognize that cells can contain interactive controls
… simplifies a bunch of stuff

jamesn: there are some places where abbr attribute on th *is* supported
… at least one SR and at least one browser in the past

Jamie: when an author naming technique is used, in your experience, is it intended to be primary or secondary content?

aardrian: primary
… because the author tried to visually hide it or abbreviate it

Jamie: if aria-label on a td were secondary, then we’d say we never really want that to override the content
… on the other hand, if it’s being used for primary, that doesn’t work

aardrian: take a calendar pattern
… where days are Mo, Tu, We, etc.
… and then authors give full day names in aria-label

Jamie: that’s tricky, because the abbreviation is visually presented
… SR users might prefer knowing that

sarah: another use case
… when column headers have additional controls that are relevant to the header but not to the cells in its column
… like a “Select all” checkbox
… I’ve tried using aria-label to override the column name
… but it doesn’t work

matt: in some situations, abbr works
… it does great in tables, at least with JAWS
… it does not work in our current datepicker, I do know that

aaronlev: we don’t expose it in Chromium

aardrian: if there’s already some support for the abbr attribute, then it complicates things in terms of knowing what naming technique wins

matt: the only time you hear the abbr is when the cell is being referenced in its role as a column header

aardrian: if there is an abbr, it wouldn’t necessarily conflict with name from author on a column header or cell
… but we do still have the concern of nested interactive controls

matt: if you’re reading the cell that has abbr on it, then you only get name from contents

Jamie: abbr is tricky

aardrian: we can carve it out
… let’s simplify
… consider a th
… it’s got a Sort button, or Check all
… if we throw aria-label on there, what is our expectation?

Jamie: right now, the browser exposes both the name and the control
… the a11y tree is exposing all that information
… that’s what’s currently happening; not correct or incorrect
… so we can ask what the AT *should* do with that

aardrian: the 2 questions: 1) how to handle headers with controls, and 2) does the accname from author overwrite or augment?

Jamie: the second question is AT-specific
… I wrote a blog post about this a few years ago
… this is a hairy subject

Matt_King: I think the fundamental problem is that there are AT behaviors or expectations that aren’t codified anywhere
… right now, AT does legacy things
… and now authors are trying to get AT to do other things

aardrian: we can start by codifying what they do today

Matt_King: the APG’s sortable table is potentially a helpful example for this

Jamie: the general expectation from authors is that aria-label overwrites
… for a region for example, aria-label does not serve as primary content

Matt_King: I encourage everyone to read the “Providing accessible names and descriptions” section of the APG

Jamie: if we assume aria-label is assumed by authors to be primary content, then we should prohibit that where we wouldn’t want that
… and then repair by adding it to accdesc, as aaronlev proposed earlier

smockle: when we do that repair, do we raise an error in DevTools?

aaronlev: yes, that’s in the experiment

aardrian: sounds like there are good resources out there, I’ll check those out, please comment on my issue

<Jamie> https://www.jantrid.net/2015/12/woe-aria-surprisingly-but-ridiculously.html

<smockle> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/practices/names-and-descriptions/

<aaronlev> Here is Chromium's console error when there's a prohibited name

<aaronlev> error << "An accessible name was placed on a prohibited role. This "

<aaronlev> "causes inconsistent behavior in screen readers. For example, "

<aaronlev> "<div aria-label=\"foo\"> is invalid as it is not accessible in "

<aaronlev> "every screen reader, because they expect only to read the inner "

<aaronlev> "contents of certain types of containers. Please add a valid role "

<aaronlev> "or put the name on a different object. As a repair technique, "

<aaronlev> "the browser will place the prohibited name in the accessible "

<aaronlev> "description field. To learn more, see the section 'Roles which "

<aaronlev> "cannot be named' in the ARIA specification at "

<aaronlev> "https://w3c.github.io/aria/#namefromprohibited."

<aaronlev> << "\nError details:" << "\n* Element: " << GetElement()

<aaronlev> << "\n* Role: " << InternalRoleName(RoleValue())

<aaronlev> << "\n* Prohibited name: " << prohibited_name

<aaronlev> << "\n* Name from = " << prohibited_name_from << "\n";

<aaronlev> Sorry about the word wrapping

2025 Prioritization

jamesn: this will be open format
… if there’s something you’d love to work on in 2025, please say so

jcraig: focus on testability (WPT, Acacia, etc.)... Other HTML and OpenUI features or existing native HTML features... If there are other ARIA changes requested, I'd like us to be able to test them before we change them.

cyns: do user research
… ask users who are less experienced with AT than people in this room
… about these features we’re considering

Nathan: WPT tests for Firefox that go into common tests
… avoid duplication
… and other browsers could imitate

Jamie: start figuring out how we will map these new HTML/CSS features that don’t fit into elements
… text fragments, for example, is not an element, it’s a concept
… we know what what the mapping should be, but where and how will we put that in the spec

Brett-Lewis: much of my job is fixing bad ARIA
… so it’s helpful to have these abstract conversations about how things should work

jamesn: which leads me to say “how do we better work in collaboration with AT makers”

jcraig: there’s a significant portion of the browsers that has to ask “what did the author intend here?”; it’s more than bad ARIA, it’s bad web

ChrisCuellar: ARIA-AT, particularly buildling out automation
… really curious about user research idea
… accnames and descriptions and how they’re being used
… working with bigger datasets

aaronlev: not everything is ARIA; how do we get people to write better accessible rich internet applications
… focus on HTML/CSS
… reward for effort
… wish this group would spend more time on HTML/CSS
… maybe have joint meetings at some cadence
… DOM as well
… error messages in DevTools are also powerful

jcraig: is there a concept of testing the error log in WPT?
… there should be, especially if we lean into presenting more of those error messages
… there could be some optional tests to look at what went into the console

aaronlev: also want feedback on the DX/usability of the console messages

spectranaut_: besides the acaccia testing, also excited to see better mappings into the a11y APIs

Daniel: getting the new charter up and running
… moving some of our specs to CR
… excited to have them in the room. Will have some impact on how browsers render PDF

Matt_King: last year, the top 3 were: notifications, actions, listview
… so I’d like to follow through on those, get them over the finish line
… also very excited about alignment with HTML

aardrian: more collaboration with HTML/CSS
… they are producing new stuff constantly
… and also things related to tables

sarah: I support aaronle’s cadence of joint meetings

<aardrian> because tables must be tamed

sarah: also aria-actions
… get that over the finish line
… listview (?)
… and probably more stuff around indexing

alisonmaher: ariaNotify

smockle: also ariaNotify
… and expand what can be tested with WPT
… computed tree or otherwise
… ties into many of the new features being proposed
… gives us more confidence in what we’re specifying and delivering

alice: testing
… +1 to more alignment and collaboration with HTML/CSS
… computed a11y tree in addition to AAM tests

jamesn: what I heard is:
… testing
… HTML/CSS collab
… finishing things we started
… and usability

Rahim: +1 to aaronlev, spectranaut_, aardrian
… css-aam
… is another thing I’d like us to tackle
… and a path forward on IDL

Ray: +1 to HTML/CSS integration

jcraig: +1 to PDF-AAM, I will be writing first draft and then handing off to Paul

jamesn: back to conclusions
… have a monthly HTML/CSS call
… we should probably limit new ARIA features to those that support new HTML/CSS features

<ZoeBijl> ZoeBijl: +1 to james

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to add another at the end

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version hash-ids-233 (Thu Sep 19 19:33:56 2024 UTC).