ARIA WG - TPAC - Day 1

23 September 2024


aardrian, Adam_Page, alice, benbeaudry, Daniel, flackr, hdv, Jamie, jcraig, keithamus, masonf, Rachel_yager, sarah, scott, smockle, Yusuke, ZoeBijl
James Nurthen, Valerie Young
ZoeBijl, jcraig, spectranaut_, hdv, smockle

Meeting minutes

[everyone doing introductions]

VY: let’s go over the process review

first topic: monorepo

review: monorepo

one repo for all the specs

all other repos still exist for issues

makes making PRs easier

if you have related issues you can open an issue against the monorepo

the goal is to have things less spread out

review: normative pr checklist

we refined the checklist after monorepo


Github: w3c/aria#2245

getting closer to “can i use” for aria features

VY: new test for accname


VY: overall process for landing PRs is long

we’ve made changes over the last couple of years before landing

based on my experience on my experience

it’s nice to know that you’re reading something that’s already being implemented

probably we should review the PR backlog a bit more

any suggestions on that are welcome

specifically normative changes, adding a new feature, etc, maybe we should consider having a champion

having it more explicit would be nice

keithamus: the TC39 staging process is quite thoroughly excercised

it gives a series of gates

quality control

it might be quite a heavy process for ARIA WG

VY: also Mel brouhght this up

<keithamus> s/?? ??/thoroughly excercised process

keithamus: stage one is worthwhile exploring

keithamus: stage two: a draft specification is available for review

keithamus: stage three: is a signal for implementers to start developing the feature

keithamus: stage four: specifications have been reviewed and it is ready to merge into the main specification

it’s good for exploring ideas

not sure if suitable for ARIA

additional guidelines that say that each proposal needs a champion

we can take parts of that process or none of it

there’s precedent there

and if we’re interested in picking that up

VY: we’re not very good at marking when things ahve consensus

we mark it as “waiting for implementation”

but maybe we should tag it as “consensus”

keithamus: there are provisions for implementers

so when it hits stage three, they can move to implementation

this is to prevent them from implementing too early

gives room for prototyping and polyfilling


jcraig: which of those stages includes a call for IP review?

which of those would be the most appropriate to include the legal powers that be

keithamus: every year in may there’s an opt out period

usually that’s met with silence

around that time things get merged into the mainline

<jcraig> s/IT review/IP review/

Matt_King: ?? the process that keith was describing

JN: every two years you take a CR? through the process

Matt_King: with evergreen my question is

<keithamus> s/stage four: ??/stage four: specifications have been reviewed and it is ready to merge into the main specification

when is something in the spec

when would we say something is in the spec?

JN: when you merge the pr

that’s when it’s essentially in the spec

Matt_King: don’t we first merge into main?

and then cut into CR?

Daniel: as soon as you merge to main it publishes

Matt_King: so essentially the editors draft is published to TR

so merging is the decision point?

Daniel: starting by 2025 we’ll be able to do that

spectranaut_: by 2025 we’ll evergreen all specs

aaronlev: just talking about the process

having exact stages

that would be useful

but ?? that there aren’t many people that have time

because busy with jobs etc

so there might be a high burden on people like Scott

i wouldn’t want to commit to it unless i see that it wouldn’t slow is down to a crawl

so evergreen is for all specs including aam?

keithamus: so the tc39 process is an attempt to devolve the editorial burden

the idea of having champion burden the process through

so editors don’t have to do all the heavy lifting

i think that would be the benefit of having champions

aaronlev: is that something we could try ona few issues?

keithamus: i think there are a small handful of proposals

we’re looking how well it fits

it’s more for nascent proposals

spectranaut_: as far as i would think about thinking about this

just having a bit more clarity

when spec changes have consencus of the working group

implementation should inform the specification

i wonder if the staging process can help us

get clarity of where a feature is in the process

Matt_King: i love that idea

just having a PR

and being able to say this is in this stage and being liket his is what that means

JT: if stage three is ready for implementation

if something goes belly up in stage three

and during implementation there’s a major problem

how does that go back to the spec?

like we need to review

keithamus: it’s possible to demote issues to prior stages

we’ve had this with a few issues

with 2.7, we have most of, what you would call a final draft, seeking at least one implementer to implement it

<keithamus> https://tc39.es/process-document/

JT: ah so stage three is for all implementers to implement and stage two has one implementer?

keithamus: yea

i linked the process in the IRC so everyone can read it

spectranaut_: six minutes left

any questions about process?

or this particular idea?

smockle: do we have a sense of where our in -flight things are in this process?

spectranaut_: next we’re talking about popover

which is an HTML feature

has mappings in aam

it’s not an aria feature


what stage is that in?

SH: waiting for implementation

JN: do we have an implementation behind a featiure flag?

SH: not yet

<aaronlev> For the next talk on popovers, and for other talks today and tomorrow...

<aaronlev> New web platform feature improvements in HTML and CSS (things that have a significant a11y story):

<aaronlev> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lg5jC1vLSRBBLPHq-F0MnmQZfkuTUwaOKt7C2WImPCM/edit#heading=h.d7widsnuldsf

spectranaut_: let’s do this during the rest of TPAC

state which stage things are in

Matt_King: is there anything in the process that prevents people from implementing?

keithamus: there’s not anything particularly stopping you

but the issue won’t process before the group has consensus

Matt_King: if we did go to a process like this?

would we go to some sort of CFC process?

spectranaut_: might add more bureaucracy

spectranaut_: would be good to have similar stages

Matt_King: could be that the process is different for different issues

new feature should follow this

but editor changes probably don’t

[more introductions happening since new people joined]


<aaronlev> hi

AL: quite a few new HTML features being added

<jamesn> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lg5jC1vLSRBBLPHq-F0MnmQZfkuTUwaOKt7C2WImPCM/edit#heading=h.83kbi4fzoerk

dialog element for example does everything for you... so authors can't make as many mistakes

aaronlev: thanks jocelyntran for compiling this document

a/AL: /aaronlev:/g

aaronlev: run this in a nightly build of chrome

aaronlev: masonf has been working hard on the implementation of popover

diff b/w auto/manual hint type

<aaronlev> <button popovertarget="mypopover">Toggle the popover</button>

<aaronlev> <div id="mypopover" role="..." popover>Popover content</div

popover drawn in top layer, above max z-index

if you open an auto popover and there's an existing one (non nested) it will close any non-ancestor popover

masonf: you can have a stack of nested popovers too

web app can also manage any numbe rof manual popovers

popover handles some kb nav, like focus cycle containment and escape key to close

mk: if it's not next in the DOM, how does tabbing work?

aaronlev: think of the popover tab cycle like a separate tree or branch in the tab cycle

masonf: one example ov manual popovers is that you can have one popover associated with an individual triggering element

scott: can't; e.g. if the trigger is in the middle of a paragraph always put the popover "next to" the triggering element... popover in a paragraph example. most times you want it associated with a trigger button, but sometimes you can't.

aaronlev: popover type and target are separate from the concept of the user action that triggered it.. click/hover

working out how touch etc will work

masonf: discussing this in CSS WG tomorrow too

aaronlev: popover implemented well in all major browsers, needs more work in SRs

keithamus: autofocus attr also affect popover

<spectranaut_> jcraig: areas of interest, there is ongoing support that we add when we can, tyler have you worked on popover, but we are working on it

aaronlev: open issues like out-of-band popovers... e.g. trigger from server timeout

or user getting lost... modal versus non-modal issues.

[discussion of some Windows AT mappings]

<aardrian> JAWS used to offer a command to navigate to targets with aria-controls, is there a similar concept on deck here?

aaronlev: seeking more people to contribute to the open issues

Matt_King: re: minimum roles ... seems like this may not be enough to signal to SRs to do something specific... concerned users will have to guess how new HTML features are supposed to work

aaronlev: "group" is not enough of a minimum role for popover, but we didn't have anything better atm

Matt_King: authors ideally shuold be able to use this without any thought into the popover implementation...

aaronlev: interesting prob, but I don't know the solution.

aaronlev: can't reasonably expect a random author to know about aria-details...

Matt_King: we do expect authors to know that

scott: went over this in some of the deep dives. provide support for the different patterns of popover that show up on the internet.

that's why minimum role is more than generic, but not more specific than group

so many types in the wild that there isnt anything more specific. author can provide a more specific role.

Matt_King: authors could use the APG examples to get something better.

scott: yes and more you don’t necessarily want to expose those if you’re not a sighted mouse user because they’re just annoying scott pls fill in

jcraig: it sound slike aaronlev was saying you can’t expect all authors to know about aria-details etc

you [Matt_king] said something along the lines we do expect people to know that

<Jem> +1 to James Craig

we should prioritise users over authors over user agent implementors (rest of the w3c mantra)

everything written by anyone on the internet, from big websites to someone writing a local blog, have a responsibility to the user

<flackr> +1

it’s the implementors job to make the best user experience regardless of what the author did

<scott> one way to showcase the power of popover is to provide a companion example to some APG demos - to show how an author doesn't need to declare an aria-expanded attribute, or have to write complicated focus management scripting, because autofocus and the popover's automatic tab focus behavior, and even aria-details relationships can be made

<scott> 'automatically'

cyns: accidental accessibility is important... users expect the web to work no matter what the author did.

spectranaut_: slightly different topic... there are mappings for this feature

diffs between that document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lg5jC1vLSRBBLPHq-F0MnmQZfkuTUwaOKt7C2WImPCM/edit#heading=h.83kbi4fzoerk and what's in html-aam today

aaronlev: need to sync that... doc is probably more recent

aaronlev: I don't mind if HTML-AAM lists TBDs

aaronlev: responding to Matt_King. yes these are more primitives that final controls, but it still makes the authoring experience easier, and the user experience better. ... less dots for the authors to connect.

keithamus: speaks to extensible web manifesto.. this is a building block

intent to deliver higher level functionality (menu list for example) using the same underlying popover mechanic

popover could be the primitive mechanic beneath many higher level controls

Matt_King: to the extent we can. avoid breaking well establishing patterns (ex. tabbing out of a non-modal dialog)

we should avoid behaviors that are inconsistent with those user expectations

<Jem> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/dialog-modal/

keithamus: are you saying dialog focus trapping that lets you get to the browser navigation bar is a problem?

Matt_King: yes

aaronlev and scott: this has been controversial.

alice: I think rather than non-modal dialogs, Matt was talking about dialogs allowing breaking out into the browser UI

jcraig: thanks alice for the note correction...

<jamesn> cd Jamie /me going to be open format - as we have at folks in the room how can we improve our coordination

<jamesn> s/

<jamesn> cd Jamie /me going to be open format - as we have at folks in the room how can we improve our coordination//

<jamesn> s/

<jamesn> cd Jamie \/me going to be open format - as we have at folks in the room how can we improve our coordination//

<jamesn> cd smockle

Jamie: if we have complete native features like dialog, the hope is that authors will choose that over some custom/partial/primitive... cautiously optimistic

clay: bullet inthe doc: "add details relation" will that be annoying for SR users?

aaronlev: better to give too much info than not enough

SR opportunity for UX innovation

"APG with popover example" was a great idea. who wants to sign up

<cyns> +1

hidde, keithamus signed up to create examples

sarah: rich hovercard examples.... you don’t necessarily want to expose those if you’re not a sighted mouse user because they’re just annoying

is there a convenient way for an author to say "yes I meant this to be a hint, event though there is no hint in it"

<cyns> I smell some test cases

aaronlev: please add those issues to the doc or repo?

Jamie: need to think about real-world use cases, rather than focusing on theoretical ones.

spectranaut_: break time

Process for ARIA working with AT, how can we do better?

jamesn: we’re talking with AT vendors

we have multiple in the room

we want to try and improve the process of working with the APG

without getting AT buy in to actually implement feartures we work on

even if the browser supports them

if they’re not exposed to the user they get lost

one example is aria-errormessage

we didn’t get AT buy in with that

B?: we did support it

but people didn’t use it

jamesn: question? how did you know nobody was using it?

B?: we ran with it being announced on pages

but we didn’t get any feedback

it’s still in our code

the other one that we supported early on were flows from and flows-to

aria-controls was also brought up today

and there’s always been this tension with how early do we support something?

and users need to be requiring

jamesn: should we require AT commitment as part of our process

spectranaut_: I think we should but we don’t at the moment

I collaboration with ATs was too adhoc to make that work

jamesn: some questions we need to think about?

1. should we require commitment from ATs?

2. ?? should we do that?

3. what kind of guidance should we give?

4. (secretly 3) should we @@@?

Matt_King: i will be giving an oveerview of ARIA-AT tomorrow

the net of all that is going to be how we’re making attempts at defining some expectations of some kind for AT

not normative

but testable

that i feel are the kind of things that we can work out in the implementation phase

aligned witht he stage three

i don’t have strong, semi strong, opinions about normative requirements

but more so ??

one thing we definitely learned from this project

is that the there are a lot of details that really matter

in terms of whether or not a feature delivers any value

i don’t think those can all be realistically specced like css for example

looking more to the aams

<Zakim> Jamie, you wanted to discuss clearly documented use cases, why this new thing is better than other options/patterns, AT commitments, AT contacts

they can help us reflect what people are using in real life

Jamie: not an AT anymore, but wearing a semi AT hat

clearly documented usecases for why we want certain things are really helpful

makes it so that at can see why we need it

and also why is it better than something we already have

that should make it easier for AT vendors to commit and get on board

as to the how

i’m not sure

what AT vendors are willing to commit to

There is conversation about browser vendors being more involved with WCAG without necessarily participating in all the meetings. We could set up similar relationships with AT vendors.

i think we could build those relationships with ARIA too

in terms of normative guidance

it’s reasonable to say that ?? should provide information about this element

<aaronlev> Support matrix for aria-errormessage: https://a11ysupport.io/

it’s more about intent than how they do it

hdv: from an author point of view, I think more tight integration between AT vendors and ARIA would be very helpful, as lack of support and consistent support leads to author confusion

people use aria even if they don’t know if it’s supported well

<Jamie> s/??? should/AT should/

they might now that it exists in the spec

more information about how ARIA is actually implemented would be helpful

jamesn: follow up question based on Matt

should we require someone proposing a new feature writing AT tests if it changes AT behaviour?

Matt_King: that’s too big an ask

i think that would be a community driven thing

<Zakim> Jem, you wanted to ask how we are going to talk about "AT should" and what has been changing in comparison to past practices.

Jemma: when i joined aria a long time ago

i was told we don’t dictate what AT should do

and now we’re talking about what AT…

now we have AT vendors here

wondering if i’m missing something in this discussion

is about the principles

jamesn: originally we got a lot of feedback from AT

telling us they didn’t want us to tell them how to do something

but we now know that they appreciate us speccing how something needs to be exposed

Matt_King: back to where jamie started

it was extremely helpful to have real world examples

showing user value

and business value for at vendors as well

on that specific topic the process that aria-at is following right now and that we’re going to pilot with aria-actions

we have one, thanks to adam, functioning example

we’ll take a look at the experimental features too

in the discussion tomorrow

we’d have multiple

and then from that the aria cg can work with the at vendors on

what are some baseline expectations?

my biggest concern

is characterising it beyond that is testability

at least at this point in time it’s better to have something looser than that

at least until there’s more confidence in the process

and to hdv’s point, knowing support levels/interoperability is the goal of aria-at

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to address objections vs prioritization, and to clarify a comment I heard last night about "slowing down" and to discus the "at least 2 required vendors" req in more detail

jcraig: jamesn and i were disucssing this in the hallway

if there’s something coming in the spec

we, as in general, tried to object to things that are not implementable or are a bad idea for implementations

but nothing in the spec would fall into that category

like aria-errormessage

another thing to clarify is that it’s a matter of prioritisation

basically everything that’s in the spec all the chain down

it’s just not made it’s way to that prioritisation

<Matt_King> yes

some stuff has a lower priority than existing bugs in implemented features

when aria first started there wasn’t even a plan for testability

it was essentially microdata that was jammed in the html

what’s happened over the years, the spec editors wrote a bunch of stuff that didn’t make it all the way through the chain

i want to get back around to this idea of testability

to clarify

we’re now at a position where we can reasonably test some things in an automated way in existing and emerging WPT

spectranaut_ will talk about the next step in that (automated platform mappings) later in agenda

the comment about slowing down is that there’s already a lot of ARIA out there that doesn’t work

we don’t want to add another layer of ARIA that doesn’t work in a different way


plus some of the new html features like aaron discussed this morning

that’s kind of the focus of this slowing down

my interpretation is that we should focus on the automated testability

<Jem> James Craig's comments help to answer to some of my questions. - improved automated testing procedures, which are different from the past.

cyns: ??

we’re at a point now where I think we can start to fill that gap

and so yes there’s the don’t box people in and stop them from innovating

but also there needs to be a place to argue

provide feedback

like working in a public group makes it easier for everyone

i think some of the at people agree

aaronlev: as others have mentioned

i don’t think at people don’t want any input

but do appreciate some documentation

the only thing that gets stuff done and get it done well

is when authors start using the new markup

thinking back to css and you get all the bloggers talking about new features

who’s doing that for aria stuff?

we need an authoring community

showing off the new stuff

what i need from at vendors is that want to wait until people are using it

Clay: ?? what kind of setting AT should support?

can we tell AT vendors what we think would work well? in terms of settings?

like aria-notify

we would probably want that setting supported in at?

aaronlev: what i was thinking

i’m not a sr user

people that need to have that conversation should be at users and vendors

<Zakim> Jamie, you wanted to say that things have changed, lessons have been learned

as a browser vendor i don’t want to be too involved

Jamie: there has been a change in terms of what at vendors want to discuss

not having any guidance doesn’t help anyone

i think in the last few years there has been more appetite

<Zakim> Matt_King, you wanted to ask about aria-hotkeys

Matt_King: way back to where, two things, jcraig, i was under the impression that you had comments on aria-keys?

is there anything that we should just not put into the spec?

github: speced/respec#4633

cyns: we get input from sr users

and we don’t get as much input from other at users

i tried to do user research

i’ve been thinking a lot about how we as a wg could fund some user research

getting real answers about what users want

i don’t know how that funding would work but how can we make that happen?

just an idea that i want to put out there?

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to discuss can-i-use? respec vs bikeshed markings and to review this in that context speced/respec#4633

jcraig: responding to matt about features

i don’t know that i objected to aria-grabbed

<Jem> I think we can have a partnership and collaboration with the disability advocacy group.

jcraig: aria-keyshortcuts i had concerns about

like the french keyboard has some intersting keys

like other keyboards have other limitations

like gmail has different shortcuts for french users

so as long as those keyshortcuts are adjusted to locales it should be fine

[something about an objections]

it’s not that it’s not implemented because of a formal objection

one of the things someone mentioned was this can i use site

effectively showing you if you can use a css feature

it has notes about browser version support etc

can also have notes about accessibility


Github: speced/respec#4633

one of the ways in which we may consider doing this is an in spec can i use

some note or graphic that shows the support

maybe some automated or periodically manual updating

there’s a lot of AT

we can’t list all of them

but we can have the major screen readers for example

maybe add this to respec?

<Jem> I wonder how this "can I use aria "will be different from AT project.

jamesn: we’re at time

<Jem> so "can I use" is more about 'browser" focused.

maybe we can get some conclusions

it feels like everyone is on board with getting formal or informal buy in from AT vendors

and it seems like everyone is on board with us giving feature guidance, basically how it _could_ be implemented

not normative

Jamie: as long as AT vendors are involved in the process

jamesn: yes

for the third one of our requirements, maybe we can pass on that for now until we have more experience? with the stuff leading up to that

StefanS: how will this buy in be communicated?

jamesn: through the github issue is my guess?

spectranaut_: we’ll iterate on that

Jamie: maybe github labels

User agent and authoring requirements for aria-actions

<Jem> https://gist.github.com/mcking65/adb77e66dda4fd024607606528d770c7

Matt_King: in the notes column in the agenda I added this link

Matt_King: I hope these goals aren't too ambitious

Matt_King: the goals are across all aria-actons discussions, we have critical decisions to make re requirements

Matt_King: I spent a fair amount of time after some discussions, APG, Sarah, others have worked on this

Matt_King: I don't think we can have a full discussions of some of these questions, so please read the first couple of questions


Matt_King: we need to answer this for all implementations as we don't want differences between the implementations

Jamie: I think the first question has already been answered

Matt_King: great we don't need to set precedent between the two

sarah: the change was made a couple of weeks ago

Jamie: nuance needs to be resolved but will be fine

Jamie: has it been discussed with @@@ ?

sarah: no not yet

jamie: probably won't be a problem

Matt_King: ok let's move to question two

Matt_King: “Must user agents expose aria-actions in the order the IDs are specified by the author?”

Matt_King: I believe we want to make sure authors can control the order of actions

Matt_King: my proposal is that we add a normative UA req regarding this

sarah: I agree, I had intended for the order to respect the order of ids

sarah: unless anyone has concerns re the implementation of that

sarah: unless it's better in AAM

Matt_King: I think in other places, where we do it, we have it in ARIA

Jamie: and would be tedious to describe for every AT, as people who read AAM might not read the right section of ARIA

jamesn: we want authors to know as well, they won't read the AAM

Matt_King: let's talk about the third question: “To which descendants must user agents propagate aria-actions?”

Matt_King: in the spec says you could have a container element of some kind, like a dialog, that is referenced in spec def, or a table cell, table row, row group, they could all have actions

Matt_King: where are those actions going to get exposed? it seems to me, since element inside the container can have action and can also inherit action, that the UA has some responsibility for exposing those potentially and propagating them down the tree?

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to ask what the use case is for inherited actions

jamesn: what's the use case for inherited actions?

Matt_King: there is one cited in the definition: closing a dialog from some place inside of the dialog

Matt_King: I don't particularly like that one

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to respond to "inherited actions"

jamesn: do we need it or can we make it so that we don't need inherited actions?

jcraig: I can speak to that… one of the examples is closing a dialog

jcraig: sometimes users do a different action that closes the dialog or folder, bit like the equivalent of the escape key. You don't necessarily want to think about going back to a higher level before that would work

jcraig: one place where this could be complicated is: how do you reconcile that list? From an authoring perspective, this would be something that could result in a giant list, eg in SAP / Oracle like interface it could be a giant list… say something has the same name, how does the user know which is which?

jcraig: eg in a Gmail table a row has a delete action… maybe you want that delete action on the parent row as well… I think if we have to add something like identifiers it's going to break the simplicity… I don't know the answer

jcraig: one of the way it could work is if there is an action with the same name, we keep the local one

jcraig: so when they both have a delete action we keep the delete action localy and not the inherited one

Jamie: first thought I have re this is that it feels like a potential world of pain to me… can see the list growing to 30-40 actions

Jamie: close dialog is an interesting case, but not a match for aria-actions in a lot of times

Jamie: there was discussion in AOM I think re when ATs trigger that action, synthesize an Esc key event

Jamie: how many use cases are there if we don't count dialog… I worry this may turn into something that people don't use

Jamie: one final comment… the spec currently requires something is focusable in order to have actions, which brings the dialog into questions

sarah: yes… maybe we can make that more explicit

sarah: I agree … I don't think actions should be inherited, if there was a use case authors could do that

sarah: I think we wanted to have an example of a container type widget with associated actions

sarah: maybe video player

jcraig: the play/pause button, in theory the play button on my keyboard should trigger the same

jcraig: video player is a reasonable example

cyns: much easier to add it later

Jamie: agreed

Matt_King: if we're taking away inheritance, what about the video player example? Re the question of focusability

Matt_King: most of the things are not focusable, so there is no focusability requirement now

<Zakim> Adam_Page, you wanted to give example for aria-actions on container

Matt_King: if we take away inheritability we probably need to restrict aria actions to specific elements

Adam_Page: another use case for aria actions on a container: a scrolling code block where you can copy the contents of it

Matt_King: how do you do that without inheritance? then you could only access it when focusing the contianer

sarah: yes

Adam_Page: yes that was my intention

Adam_Page: in this example if makes sense to have the action on the container

Matt_King: when we're talking about inheritance… if you specify aria actions on an element, without inheritance the user of the AT has to be focused on that element in order to activate the action

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to discuss focusability and to talk about the click implementation

Matt_King: are we all good on that?

jcraig: I want to make sure everyone understands the reason of this pattern. One of the things that slowed implementation of getting complex web widgets to be accessible is a change that the W3C TAG made in relation to ARIA AT… there is a new design principle, which I agree with in theory, there is no way that a newly designed web feature should leak the details of a user using assistive technology

jcraig: this isn't ARIA specific, CSS and HTML leak this all the time

jcraig: one of the great things of this aria actions proposal is that this way, it can almost entirely mask the use of AT, because it synthesises a click event

jcraig: eg in Gmail, you are on a row, when you click with mouse on a specific action for that row, it fires on that… what aria-actions inheritance helps with, I want to do things like mark it as spam or move it, authors don't need to set the actions on all the nodes

jcraig: part of the reason there is a requirement for visibility (not focusability), if we try to fire a click event on an element that wasn't rendered, the application may not work

jcraig: because at some point you might get a click event on. Brilliance behind this pattern is that it doesn't leak more details about the AT than it has to… so holds in line with the principle of the TAG

jcraig: the element with the aria actions attribute on it does have to be focusable

<Zakim> Jamie, you wanted to clarify "most of the things are not focusable"

jcraig: so there isn't a req for focusability on the element receiving the action, but there is on the el that is exposing the action

Jamie: re the leave node question: is the concern with that the cell is focusable?

jcraig: first cell have a checkbox in it

Jamie: does that need the actions? not sure how that is a problem?

jcraig: just because I am on the checkbox I don't want to be able to delete or move the message?

Jamie: you've decided to go deeper at that point

Jamie: if you focus the row, which is what you normally do, you get the acttions…

Jamie: if we allow the AT to walk the ancestor chain, it can say these actions are here and could do something like a submenu

Jamie: allowing for the ancestor thing, the AT has a better idea of what the structure looks like, which you woulnd't have if browser would flatten that

jcraig: agree with that

jcraig: I think implementation would probably work as you described it

Jamie: just wanted to flag that flattening is not the only way

sarah: I just added the open question, “should screenreaders sometimes expose actions” to my doc

sarah: even in these examples, I don't think we should have inheritance by default, don't think it is hard for an author to duplicate actions

sarah: there are too many contextual things, it depends on the context what level of inheritance is most useful

sarah: there was a discussion in the PR, that authors should nesure that actions exist in the DOM when the refercing element is focused by the user agent or AT… I wonder if we should make that must and remove the AT bit

StefanS: I think this discussion would be more helpful if we start with a simple example and then go to more complex one

StefanS: more concrete examples should help here

StefanS: and define what the best practice for it would be

<Zakim> smockle, you wanted to ask about aria-activedescendent

smockle: could aria-activedescendant containers in trees have actions ?

<Zakim> Matt_King, you wanted to ask about interop of if AT walk up tree

Matt_King: StefanS, we are going to talk about AT expectations … we do have a simple example in the APG

Matt_King: there are references in the top of the doc to go to the APG

<Jem> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/tabs/examples/tabs-actions/

<Jem> APG example - Tab actions by Adam Page

Matt_King: re Jamie: when ti comes to what AT can and cannot do… most important is interoperability, would be concerned if one AT does lock up the tree and the other doesn't

Jamie: oh yes I think it should be explicit

Matt_King: if I understood jcraig right, he said the referencing element that has aria-actions on it, must be focusable… if that's correct the allowed roles would have to be changed, because right now it is basically everything

sarah: everything except elements that cannot be named… eg nameable elements

Matt_King: so right now, we don't have people make elements that are in the structural part of the tree focusable just to have aria actions

Matt_King: we don't want to encourage people to make regions focusable so people can have actions on them

sarah: I think the question is encouraging vs limiting

sarah: eg I wouldn't tell people to make an article focusable

sarah: I think what we came up with last time is that nameable elements can be focused in some cases, eventhough in general you would not want to do that

Matt_King: right now there isn't anything in prose that says @@@

New CSS Features

<Jem> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lg5jC1vLSRBBLPHq-F0MnmQZfkuTUwaOKt7C2WImPCM/edit#heading=h.83kbi4fzoerk

Session: New CSS Features


Question: Are we discussing ‘where to map’ CSS stuff today?

aaronlev: No, not today.

aaronlev: Right now, it’ll go in html-aam.

aaronlev: We’ll start with CSS Anchor Positioning. Jocelyn is very close to landing this in Chromium.

aaronlev: In the discussion on GitHub, people prefer a 1:1 relationship between the elements.

aaronlev: The relationship will be similar to `aria-details`: starting with the anchor, pointing to the thing anchored to it

sarah: Are there any role restrictions?

aaronlev: Should we restrict when we do the automatic aria-details relationship?

aaronlev: `aria-details` can go on anything, so I’m not sure this should have any additional restrictions

aaronlev: Anything with `aria-` causes an element to be exposed in the Accessibility Tree.

Matt_King: Do the APIs have a way to tell AT why the relationship exists?

aaronlev: We’re planning details-from for that.

Jamie: Real-world use cases is something we need to talk about more.

Jamie: NVDA, for example, and I think JAWS, if there is a details relationship, it gets exposed. I’m not sure there is a reason to differentiate; the user just needs to know ‘there is more stuff related to this thing’ (and be able to get there).

Matt_King: When I hear about a details relationship, the fact that there *is* a details relationship doesn’t tell me I should care. It would be helpful to expose the meaning.

Jamie: Three are many cases of that, e.g. if a button has a dialog, you don’t know what that dialog is going to be.

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to ask if the detailsfrom API Aaron mentioned can be extrapolated in all scenarios from the inverse details relationship, or are you proposing a new content attribute `aria-detailsfrom`

jamesn: I’m concerned this will lead to a proliferation of details, another instance of the `aria-controls` problem where it gets turned off.

aaronlev: We will provide an additional hint to ATs

aaronlev: We’ll expose all the information we have, then ATs can make the best decision for their users.

aaronlev: Skipping to ::scroll-marker

Deep link to ::scroll-marker: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lg5jC1vLSRBBLPHq-F0MnmQZfkuTUwaOKt7C2WImPCM/edit#heading=h.dl0t4by92h39

flackr: :scroll-marker and scrolltarget creates a table of contents for your scroll, to support e.g. making a carousel.

flackr: A group of navigation links, it should expose how many there are. You should be able to give a descriptive name.

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to ask is there a demo available?

flackr: `scrollButton(direction)` lets you set up “next” and “previous” buttons for scrolling a carousel in a specific direction

<Jem> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/carousel/

<Jem> https://github.com/flackr/carousel/tree/main/scroll-marker

flackr: These APIs were designed to follow these demos.

aardrian: What was decorative?

flackr: “decorative” was the wrong word; it is functional.

<cyns> Examples from w3c/csswg-drafts#10912

Matt_King: If that scroll marker group is auto-generated by the browser, how does the author control if they want tabs vs buttons? Do they have that control?

<cyns> The aria apg demo and @argyleink's carousel has the previous and next buttons next to each other in focus order despite the latter having them visually separated.

<cyns> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/carousel/examples/carousel-1-prev-next/

flackr: The author of the site styles the scroller with a scroll marker group, containing `::scrollmarker` ← this pseudoelement is the control.

<cyns> https://gui-challenges.web.app/carousel/dist/

Matt_King: How can you specify the semantic role of that scrollmarker?

flackr: You cannot give a role to a pseudoelement; it’ll have one by default: button.

Matt_King: But shouldn’t they have the tab role?

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to reask my prior question about focusgroup,

Jamie: The scroller could have a role, and we could infer the scroll marker’s role from it

jcraig: When you have a scrollmarker; how does this work with focus group or autofocus. Would you expect there is always a focus group for the container associated with the scroll marker?

flackr: The scroll marker group is implicitly a focus group.

jcraig: How would you define—when you scroll to this group—where keyboard/screen reader focus is supposed to land?

<cyns> Can someone who is in Zoom present this https://gui-challenges.web.app/carousel/dist/

flackr: If you click e.g. the 3rd scroll marker, focus will remain on the marker.

<Jem> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/patterns/carousel/

jcraig: Can this widget be gamed to be something other than a scrollmarker?

jcraig: Not gaming the role, but repurposing the scroll marker concept to get some jumpy UI on the screen?

jcraig: e.g. a selection widget or form element

sarah: Like if you needed an element to trigger focus mode

jcraig: Radio button jumps to mind

flackr: I suppose there are examples where people use a carousel as a selection mechanism (e.g. levels in a game, Mario Kart tracks).

<Zakim> Jamie, you wanted to note that setting next focusable element doesn't cover the screen reader UX

Jamie: From a screen reader perspective, setting the next focusable element doesn’t tell folks where to direct their attention now, before they press tab.

flackr: It is similar to fragment navigation, which is in the HTML spec.

Jamie: We need to make sure this gets mapped equivalently

<Zakim> sarah, you wanted to react to sarah

sarah: If you query `document.activeElement` when one of the scroll marker pseudoelement is focused, what do you get back?

flackr: Ideally, you’d get the pseudoelement, but that’s not supported yet, so the proposal is that you’ll get the scroller. When you focus any inner controls, the activeElement is the container.

sarah: How can you programmatically focus one of those?

flackr: You cannot.

<ZoeBijl> +1 to sarah’s question

sarah: Is there a reason to do this with pseudoelements?

flackr: If you put anchor elements in a focus group, they take on the same qualities. The reason to do this with pseudoelements is to support generated content.

flackr: Pseudoelements is the only way to support the dynamic pagination use case.

aardrian: HTML has mappings and queryable things. CSS doesn’t. That worries me. Has the team working on this looked at previous work: panels, panel sets?

flackr: This is not trying to solve all things for a carousel component. This is a crucial part for a carousel, but it also has other use cases. It solves some of the semantic challenges: Sometimes authors present something that is a list of elements in one way on one device and another way on another device, like with media-queries.

flackr: This allows you to change the visual presentation of your structural list into a carousel presentation. It is not trying to be a carousel. It is a table of contents for scrolling content.

cyns: Are the next and previous buttons pseudoelements?

cyns: Where should next and previous buttons be placed? There is inconsistency among demos.

<Zakim> ZoeBijl, you wanted to ask why is it the only way to support dynamic pagination?

cyns: My gut would be to put them together in the accessibility tree.

ZoeBijl: Why would dynamic content require pseudoelements?

flackr: This doesn’t require JS.

<cyns> should psuedoelements for previous/next buttons be together in focus order, even when they are visually before and after the content?

aaronlev: Moving to CSS reading order; `reading-flow`

aaronlev: You put this attribute on a container, then all elements will be re-ordered. Example values: `normal`, `flex-visual`.

aaronlev: Only DOM siblings are reordered.

aaronlev: It reorders the accessibility tree to match the visual order, similar to `aria-owns`.

aardrian: Which takes priority: ARIA or CSS?

aaronlev: ARIA.

aardrian: `display: contents` is still an outlier because it blows away the box.

aardrian: I saw all the values this has—does this support absolute positioning and floats?

aaronlev: No, not currently.

Jamie: There is an implementability concern for us

Rahim: What is the relationship between `reading-flow` and `order`

Rahim: The `order` spec says it’s not to be used for anything beyond visual ordering.

`order` changes visual order of flex children; `reading-flow: <something>` gives the accessibility tree the ability to match that

cyns: Isn’t `float` usually siblings? Couldn’t `reading-flow` work with `float`?

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to ask about a display:contents clarification of aaron's comment and to mention CSS/HTML is also meeting about this same issue right now!

aaronlev: `float` is usually legacy; I don’t think we should do anything about `float`

jcraig: If you’ve got a `main` with a list with `display: contents`, then those list item children don’t get promoted into the child content of the `main`—then can `reading-flow` on `main` affect their order?

<aardrian> aardrian

aaronlev: DOM siblings can be reordered relative to each other.

<Zakim> Jamie, you wanted to ask where the non-DOM siblings go

aardrian: I gave feedback: Let’s not do this in tables.

jcraig: This doc says that anything out-of-view is `inert`. That seems wrong.

flackr: “outside of the particular scroll port” is better wording than “out-of-view”. Document updated.

RRSAgent: make minutes

Interface Definition Language (IDL)

[quick five minutes break]

Rahim: good afternoon

talking about aria from the html markup

getting this right is important

for a number of reasons

aria should be easy to use

thinking about accessibility in general

this complex topic requires doing a bunch of groundwork

so we’ll have a somewhat longer introduction

at the half way mark we’ll pause for questions

the story starts with idl in general

[example of a button]

code has a html button and some javascript setting and requesting attributes

web interface definition language (idl) describes web APIs and their methords and properties

browsers implement these so they’re interoperable

for our button element it inherits from our buttons element

similarly for the type property

this is also a string

it’s found in the IDL type definition?

you might notice I’m using the “type” attribute property

IDL and content attributes aren’t the same

they’re two things that are represented by one thing

highlighting some of the differences


while IDL attributes are used to programmaticallt interact with the DOM and its nodes

we use them as accessors directly


content attributes aren’t simply text

for example the disabled idl attribute is true or false

the content attribute is a string equal to these values

content attributes are string based

To summarize, content attributes are what is in the HTML markup

They are string-based, are serialized as part of an HTML document and sent over the wire

And interestingly, the Web IDL spec states that content attributes also serve as the “ultimate source of truth upon which the web platform is built”. Which makes sense because ultimately, a webpage is a text-based document and scripting/interactive behaviors should be separate and distinct from the text-based representation.

IDL attributes, also called JS properties , enable more dynamic developer interaction with attributes and serve as a bridge between what’s in the HTML and its usage with JavaScript

Although they’re different representation of a singular thing, It makes sense to keep content and IDL attribute values synchronized

More formally, spec often states that an IDL attribute reflects its content attribute

[showing some examples]

the example is updating a input element’s id

showing that now getting this attribute shows the updated value

another example shows updating the type attribute via setAttribute

in this example we’re doing the same but the value is being set to “foo”, an invalid value

getAttribute("type") will default to text

what if there’s no [type] content attribute on the element?

Getting the content attribute returns null (i.e., the value we would expect for an attribute’s absence) although the IDL attribute still returns ‘text’

It looks like browsers are using a default value of ‘text’ for the ‘type’ content attribute; this is better than rendering nothing in scenarios where ‘type’ is invalid or missing in the HTML markup

In short, attribute validation is one of the things we get from IDL among other benefits which we’ll discuss shortly

The “foo” IDL attribute doesn’t magically show up in the HTML markup as a content attribute

In fact, it may be wrong to call it an IDL attribute at all because “foo” isn’t defined as a property of <input> elements via IDL, but I can use it, set it nonetheless like on any JavaScript object

regarding reflection in html do different things

- Some are true/false like disabled or inert attributes

- Some attributes are enumerated, i.e., they have a set of permissible values. For example, the ‘type’ attribute for <input>

- Some attributes are simply strings, such as “id”

- Some attributes are numeric, such as colspan and rowspan, and so on and so forth

The takeaway here is that content attributes can be categorized into types, and IDL attributes definitely have their own types as well

I like to think of content attribute types as an abstract description of what an attribute’s values can be and IDL attributes as the API type in a programming context

For example, title has no value constraint but is implemented as a DOMString (basically a string) for its IDL type, disabled is a boolean logically and implemented as such for its IDL type

classList represents space-separated tokens but implemented as DOMTokenList and colspan represents a non-negative integer but implemented as unsigned long

For the purposes of reflection, the content attribute type and IDL attribute type are both important

Let’s take a look at all of the content attributes in the previous slide and see reflection works for each of them

The ‘title’ content attribute has no value constraint, and its IDL attribute type is DOMString

When the 'title' content attribute is missing, it reflects as the empty string

When the content attribute is set to the empty string, it reflects as the same

And when the content attribute is set to a value such as “a large button”, it reflects “a large button” for the IDL attribute

The ‘disabled’ content attribute is a boolean, and its IDL attribute type is also boolean

If the ‘disabled’ content attribute is present without a value or set to the empty string, or set to any string for that matter, it reflects as “true”

If it’s missing, the content attribute returns null and the IDL attribute value is false

We saw in previous slides how the ‘type’ attribute for <input> elements reflect

As an enumerated attribute that is a DOMString, its IDL attribute can only be set to limited, known values such as text, checkbox or radio.

And, enumerated attributes are special because they have what is called a missing value default and invalid value default state which handles what to do for missing or invalid values.

When we supplied an <input> with type=”foo” in the earlier example, the browser defaults to a value of “text” which is the invalid value default for this attribute

ariaActiveDescendantElement is the only ARIA IDL attribute that reflects as nullable Element

which means that when the attribute is missing or set to the empty string, it returns null

And when the content attribute is set to a valid ‘id’, it returns an element node reference

The ‘popover’ attribute is also an enumerated attribute but it reflects as a nullable DOMString?; where IDL attribute types have a question mark, this means that they support a special value of “null”

that’s what the spec means by nullable

it means that it supports this “null” value

If a popover attribute is missing and returns null, this is semantically important; i.e., the null state means the element has no popover state

The ‘type’ attribute, on the other hand, reflects as a non-nullable DOMString (that is, without the question mark) because null isn’t a permissible value for ‘type’. An input element having no type doesn’t make sense, but an element having no popover is logical

You’ll notice that nullable DOMString reflection for enumerated attributes works similar to non-nullable DOMString reflection with the exception of the IDL attribute reflecting null when the content attribute is missing, so we can easily detect an absent value via “null”

So generally, enumerated attributes can reflect as either DOMString or nullable DOMString?, can be limited to known values and have two special states: missing/invalid value defaults

For nullable DOMString reflection, the flexibility of allowing a “null” value comes at the cost of requiring that the content attribute is enumerated which makes logical sense because the null value has a meaning, like no popover state

when a developer tries to set a null value to a non-nullable attribute

IDL will delete the attribute?

Non-nullable DOMString reflection such as id or title take any value and simply returns it or the empty string

a couple of other examples

classList represents space-separated tokens and IDL type is DOMTokenList

When the content attribute contains one or more classes, it reflects this as a DOMTokenList

And when the content attribute is the empty string or missing, it returns null for the content attribute and an empty DOMTokenList for the IDL attribute

And lastly, as a numeric type, colspan for <table>’s td element is a non-negative integer that has an IDL type of unsigned long

You can see the benefit of IDL reflection here because any content attribute value that isn’t a positive integer (when parsed), defaults to a value of 1 for IDL purposes

But I would note here that numeric IDL types such as Long/Double aren’t nullable because this aligns with how numeric types are treated in programming languages (by using a default value of 0 or 1 or NaN, not a number)

So, that’s an overview of common reflection models for some HTML attributes

I’ve mentioned all of these except the last row here which is FrozenArray<E> reflection, i.e., an array of element nodes references such as activeElement or ariaDescribedByElements so their reflection is also unique

I definitely bears noting that reflection is well-defined in HTML spec and other languages should lean on it where possible which includes ARIA

Alright, my presentation is called ARIA IDL and we haven’t even talked about it yet!

But level-setting on HTML reflection, IDL attribute types and some of the nuances of different reflection models will definitely help with the upcoming discussion

here’s a screenshot of an ARIA IDL definition block

Rahim's slides are here, by the way: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1U31P2w8PeEb8w3TKnCVpSjfVA7IZMgCKOoh6_fvLQI0/edit#slide=id.g28b01e34d8e_0_100

in this block you’ll notice that it’s comprised of only attributes at present, and I think the upcoming ariaNotify API will be the first operation or method we define for ARIA IDL

And importantly, currently, every single ARIA attribute reflects as one of three types:

- Nullable Element

- Nullable FrozenArray<E> (which takes an element)

- Nullable DOMString

Let’s walk through the reflection model for each

ariaActiveDescendantElement is the only ARIA IDL attribute that reflects as nullable Element

And when the content attribute is set to a valid ‘id’, it returns an element node reference

All of the ARIA attributes which take a set of IDRefs such as ariaDescribedByElements, ariaLabelledbyElements, reflect as nullable FrozenArray<E>

This means that when the content attribute is missing, it turns null; when its set to the empty string it returns an empty array and when it’s set to one or more valid IDREFs, it returns an array of element node references

And thirdly, and most importantly, the overwhelming majority of ARIA attributes reflect as nullable DOMString

When the content attribute is missing, for example aria-atomic, aria-expanded, we get null on the IDL side; when it’s set to the empty string we get the empty string and when it’s set to any string value, we get exactly that string value (such as the string “true” or even the string “undefined”) for the IDL attribute

This accords with ARIA spec that essentially states missing ARIA content attributes should reflect as null or the literal string value of the content attribute

There’s a problem here though; because I just said that a nullable DOMString? IDL attribute must be enumerated. As it states in the HTML spec.

However, ARIA attributes are not enumerated

Since ARIA attributes are not enumerated, like <input>’s ‘type’ or popover attributes, consequently, they don’t align with HTML’s reflection model and spec for nullable DOMString?

However, there are a number of very good reasons why ARIA uses and in fact requires nullable DOMString?

First, the absence of many ARIA content attributes has meaning which means “null” is semantically important; e.g., a missing aria-checked means that the element doesn’t support being checked, which is different than aria-checked=false which means an element supports checkedness but is not currently checked

Second, as a consequence of this, numeric ARIA values have defaults which are role-specific; e.g., on an element with role=”slider” missing aria-valuenow, the default involves calculating valuemin/valuemax. A numeric IDL type such as Unsigned Long, wouldn’t work because a single default value across all roles wouldn’t universally hold true

And since we can’t do role-specific reflection with the HTML reflection model, nullable DOMString seems like the next best thing

Nullable DOMString reflection additionally means that a11y APIs can handle complex validation downstream since the browser is not performing any further validation

either it’s null or the string value

And lastly, Nullable DOMString reflection works for ARIA attributes that are unconventional (for lack of a better word) in the values they take, e.g., ariaRelevant or ariaKeyShortcuts

there are strong reasons for nullable DOMString reflection, it does introduce several challenges that may not make it the most optimal solution long-term

First, the majority of ARIA attributes reflect as nullable DOMString although they are not enumerated attributes, which means that ARIA IDL does not fully align with HTML reflection of nullable DOMString

As such, there is misalignment between ARIA and HTML and a lack of clarity between what undefined a value means from both a spec and JavaScript perspective

Another challenge is that ARIA isn’t currently able to take advantage of robust feature detection

For example, if aria-invalid had a new attribute value, the browser could specify what happens as part of invalid value default or a fallback if the user agent doesn’t support the new value. Think of <input> ‘type’ property and how it falls back to “text”

This links into the general challenge of general lack of support for HTML-style IDL validation, such as missing/invalid value default for enumerated attributes, and default value for numeric attributes

There’s also ambiguity around why numeric ARIA attributes such as aria-valuemin/valuemax reflect as strings

as a devleoper

you might intuitive think they’re numbers

but they are strings

at present

And lastly, what does ARIA do with future attributes? Should they continue reflecting as nullable DOMString?, could they become truly enumerated attributes, and if new attributes reflect like HTML, should current attributes be revisited to align with the best possible IDL type?

it creates a divergence ??

a future where we want to have a numeric type

Resolving some or all of these challenges would have benefits, among them simpler developer usage of ARIA, feature detection and more robust attribution validation that aligns with ARIA’s primary host language HTML.

So, to this end, let’s wrap up by taking a look at some proposals that James Craig and I came up with for improving ARIA IDL

These proposals are roughly ranked from worst to best, or perhaps least desirable/tenable to most

there’s about six of them

The first proposed solution involves removing role-specific default values on a per-attribute basis

For this proposal, attributes like aria-orientation, aria-selected and aria-pressed could always default to “undefined” regardless of the element’s role

Benefit of doing that we’re going to align with the HTML spec pretty well

We would have our missing attribute default

it would also simplify some of the validation

the draw back

it doesn’t necesarily align with ??

it’s unclear how this impacts the user experience

the spec currently says that ??

this one definitely is probably a non starter

For the second proposal, the ARIA spec could align with HTML reflection with role-specific IDL

For example, if aria-orientation is missing, the attribute’s reflection model would first compute the role, and determine the value of aria-orientation depending on the role

Here’s a high-level view of how that could work

it could be defined as an enumerated attribute with IDL type of nullable DOMString

We could have multiple keywords that map to a a single state

the missing value default could be called auto

This proposals is definitely more easily said than done

the benefits are pretty clear

easier inter?? between aria and html

we would definitely align closer with HTML reflection

it would be relatively simple to continue using a similar model

the main drawback

that jcraig educated me on

implementing role specific ideal would require execution of accessibility runtime code

perhaps it could result in some sort of circular refence

jcraig: it could result in major rewrites in browsers

Rahim: other drawbacks



at the browser level

webkit aria-orientation detects ??

ARIA spec could align with HTML reflection without role-specific IDL. So, on an attribute-by-attribute basis, we would determine which attribute could be converted to an appropriate IDL type and reflect as the best possible type

A good example of this is aria-modal which could be converted easily to an enumerated attribute

Note that aria-modal has no default value which makes it relatively easy to align with enumerated, nullable DOMString? Reflection

missing value default would be false

invalid value default would also be false

some attributes will require default values that are role specific

another benefit all aria idl attributes could have standard processing model

which would simplify specs

the drawbacks are that we have role specific needs for idl reflections

For proposal #4, the ARIA WG could await formalization of reflection in another spec (such as HTML).

there’s work that’s taking place, AnneVK, Domenic

it would take into account ARIA’s needs

<ZoeBijl> s/Anna/Anne/

HTML spec could be the place where all of this is specified and quantified?

propsal #5 we could keep what we have

For proposal #5, ARIA could keep string reflection as is and new IDL attributes for some attributes

A great example of this would be the class content attribute which actually has two corresponding IDL attributes

this is already done in HTML

if i want to add class i would have to concat the value

and removing it would require string manipulation

classlist already solves this

a benefit is allows ARIA to keep current string-reflected attributes as is

like aria-valuemin could have a new IDL attribute

like ariaMinValueNumber

New attributes will benefit from HTML-style IDL (e.g., enumerated, numeric)


May introduce confusion on ARIA JS usage since multiple IDL attributes can map to a single content attribute

May complicate implementations

And finally, proposal #6, ARIA could keep string reflection exactly as is without making any change

benefits are that it currently works

requires minimal work

allows for role-specific validation to occur downstream at AT layer


May not be ideal to have fully customized reflection for ARIA from IDL purist perspective

Doesn’t fully resolve undefined confusion

Confusion on IDL treatment for new ARIA attributes

[aria-notify session will start ten minutes late]

keithamus: i had a question around the implementation difficulty of computed reflections

are we saying this is not tennable?

because of the disconnect of the aria attributes and IDL?

could we get a lazy getter?

struggling with the implementation difficulty side?

jcraig: role computation in most accessibility runtime is done in the accessibility code

browsers are tuned to be as fast as possible

what this takes is to carve out all places where we’re computing these roles

and take it out of the accessibility runtime

there’s a lot of risk

Jamie: it’s not only aria roles but also implicit role

that can impact how the defaults can be computed

jcraig: there’s heuristics to be considered too

it’s a huge amount of work

it’s possible

but there’s a risk

keithamus: another thing to clarify is that we don’t have to map missing and invalid attributes

they’re optional to ?? attributes

we could do this in smaller steps

where we could say go through all the domstring? idl

map the missing ?? to all ??

so filling the gaps

jcraig: yea for all the enumerated attributes it could be possible to continue that way

keithamus: it sounds like folks aren’t sure on the value add

<Jem> This is the discussion of paradigm shift.

the reflection is a very important education tool

it helps, it’s a run time validation, you can see what ?? by just noodling in the accessibility inspector

to validate your web application, which relies on computed values, is important for weba pps to test their ??

Rahim: ?? that’s not formalised in the HTML spec

so yes it could be that there might be a day where you can simply ?? as a nullable domstring

it doesn’t circumvent the issue of calculating a ??

in my mind i think that having the ability to know what the role is

makes what aria ?? so difficult

cyns: a lot of great inormation

thanks for explaining

what i didn’t get is what the problem is that we’re trying to solve

is it just html or does it face users?

Rahim: the number one challenge there is this alignment with how ARIA currently reflects

when Anne and I discussed it we called it a bug

from an IDL purist persepctive aria is doing something different from what the html spec allows

using attributes from the authors perspective ??

but aria-modal is a string? why? it’s confusing to authors

the number one benefit is to have developers have a much simpler understanding of aria

use it in a simpler and easy to understand way

cyns: so the issue is that it doesn’t match html?

jcraig: no

there are implementer benefits

like copying stuff from idl

keithamus: like code generation?

jcraig: yea

which would be more reliable if we write this implementation

one of the things we can agree on here is that there are ??

because we have these things in the spec before html did it

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to react to cyns to respond to cyns ?

before we had idl at all

maybe we can agree to not break these patterns in the future

cyns: ????

keithamus: add our own reflection rule

the same but different

which is used exclusively for aria properties

cyns: our perhaps html didn’t consider all the use cases

jcraig: it doesn’t ?? but it does ??

cyns: what’s html stopping from doing that

jcraig: being able to add a IDL attr by role rather than by element type give us the most benefit in the long term but I can't speak to how complex that implementation would be in IDL

cyns: that helps

but i still don’t quite understand the issue at play here

Rahim: with svg

i’m not sure ??

i think there’s some nuance here

Matt_King: i love all the pro’s and con’s

there were a few downsides to number 5

min number and max number

could there be a 5.1?

where you can get past that developer confusion?

Rahim: great question

keithamus: there’s precedence for that

there’s idls for input value

because input has different types

value as number will parse it differently from value as string

we could do the same thing here

i dislike it personally

it aids to developer confusion rather than fix it

Jamie: are we proposing changing the existing IDL attributes?

browsers are all shipping

but I don’t think we can change the existing idl attributes without breaking the web

Rahim: i don’t think we need to change the attribute types

it wouldn’t involve underlying attribute types

Jamie: as soon as we change ?? we need to change the underlying once

jcraig: yea even just the enumerated ones

Jamie: we could support token ??

jcraig: ???

Jamie: it could be that html exposes semantics that we don’t know about here

sometimes html specifies semantics that aren’t defined in aria?

unless the accessibility layer is running we don’t know those things

jcraig: html always wins

Jamie: aria-disabled

if we said the default for that is false


jcraig: aria-disabled is a @@@

we never defer to aria in that particular case

if button doesn’t have disabled but does have aria-disabled it’s not disabled?

<Zakim> Jamie, you wanted to ask: can we do any of these things without backwards compatibility breakage?

Jem: i like the idea

it would be good if things were easier

but if there’s only one thing we can work on

which would it be from your proposals

Rahim: it would be converting all the enumerated attributes that do not have a role-specific default defined somewhere

that way we get defaults, validation, feature detection

jcraig: all of the enumerated attributes that do not have a default specified somewhere

cyns: was it one of your numbered options

Rahim: it’s on slide #77

jcraig: there’s a few things we can do further down the line

maybe we don’t want role specific defaults?

?? in addition to the string

we can decide those individually

Rahim: will work on PR

hoping to get that reviewed

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria/wiki/TPAC-2024-ARIA-Meetings

RRSAgent: make minutes

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Succeeded: s/?? ??/robust/

Failed: s/?? ??/thoroughly excercised process

Succeeded: s/robust/thoroughly excercised/

Succeeded: s/four: ??/four: effectively landed/

Succeeded 5 times: s/KA:/keithamus:/g

Succeeded: s/concensus/consensus/

Succeeded: s/IT/IP/

Failed: s/IT review/IP review/

Succeeded: s/aroudn/around/

Succeeded: s/stage two: ??/stage two: a draft specification is available for review

Succeeded: s/stage three: ??/stage three: is a signal for implementers to start developing the feature

Failed: s/stage four: ??/stage four: specifications have been reviewed and it is ready to merge into the main specification

Succeeded: s/??: as/DM: as/

Succeeded: s/DM: /Daniel: /

Succeeded: s/effectively landed/specifications have been reviewed and it is ready to merge into the main specification/

Succeeded: s/nacent?/nascent

Succeeded: s/VY/spectranaut_/

Succeeded: s/???/CFC/

Succeeded: s/buearocracy/bureaucracy/

Succeeded: s/can't/can't; e.g. if the trigger is in the middle of a paragraph/

Succeeded: s/autofocus attr also affect popover/keithamus: autofocus attr also affect popover/

Succeeded 8 times: s/MK/Matt_King/g

Succeeded: s/over developers over ??/over authors over user agent implementors/

Succeeded: s/scribe: spectranaut_/scribe+ spectranaut_/

Succeeded: s/@@@/you don’t necessarily want to expose those if you’re not a sighted mouse user because they’re just annoying

Succeeded: s/@@@/you don’t necessarily want to expose those if you’re not a sighted mouse user because they’re just annoying/

Succeeded: s/aria-message/aria-errormessage/

Failed: s/??? should/AT should/

Succeeded: s/but they’re more involved with WCAG?/There is conversation about browser vendors being more involved with WCAG without necessarily participating in all the meetings. We could set up similar relationships with AT vendors./

Succeeded: s/from an author point of view/from an author point of view, I think more tight integration between AT vendors and ARIA would be very helpful, as lack of support and consistent support leads to author confusion

Succeeded: s/values/vendors/

Succeeded: s/support/support levels/

Succeeded: s/ in an automated way/ in an automated way in existing and emerging WPT/

Succeeded: s/spectranaut_ will talk about that later in the day/spectranaut_ will talk about the next step in that (automated platform mappings) later in agenda/

Succeeded: s/???/grabbed/

Succeeded: s/scribenick: hdv/scribe+ hdv/

Succeeded: s/topic: popover//

Succeeded: s/jamesn/Jamie

Succeeded: s/ATs trigger that action/ATs trigger that action, synthesize an Esc key event/

Succeeded: s/jamesn/craigj

Succeeded 2 times: s/craigj/jcraig/g

Succeeded: s/smockle: I think/StefanS: I think

Succeeded: s/AT/Accessibility Tree

Succeeded: s/is returned/is focused

Succeeded: s/aardrian: No, not/aaronlev: No, not

Succeeded: s/cd jcraig//

Succeeded: s/clsoer/closer/

Succeeded: s/reqrites/rewrites/

Succeeded: s/a way/await/

Succeeded: s/Anna/AnneVK/

Failed: s/Anna/Anne/

Succeeded: s/HMTL/HTML/

Succeeded: s/a new value/a new IDL attribute/

Succeeded: s/like a min value/like ariaMinValueNumber/

Succeeded: s/a11y/accessibility/

Succeeded: s/the ?? it could /the enumerated attributes it could /

Succeeded: s/that would ?? that would /being able to add a IDL attr by role rather than by element type /

Succeeded: s/most benefit in the long term/most benefit in the long term but I can't speak to how complex that implementation would be in IDL/

Succeeded: s/??/IDL/

Succeeded: s/converting all the attributes/converting all the enumerated attributes that do not have a role-specific default defined somewhere/

Maybe present: a/AL, aaronlev, AL, B?, clay, cyns, jamesn, Jem, Jemma, JN, JT, Matt_King, mk, Question, Rahim, RRSAgent, Session, SH, spectranaut_, StefanS, VY

All speakers: a/AL, aardrian, aaronlev, Adam_Page, AL, alice, B?, clay, cyns, Daniel, flackr, hdv, jamesn, Jamie, jcraig, Jem, Jemma, JN, JT, keithamus, masonf, Matt_King, mk, Question, Rahim, RRSAgent, sarah, scott, Session, SH, smockle, spectranaut_, StefanS, VY, ZoeBijl

Active on IRC: aardrian, aaronlev, Adam_Page, alice, benbeaudry, cyns, Daniel, flackr, hdv, jamesn, Jamie, jcraig, Jem, keithamus, masonf, Matt_King, Rachel, Rahim, sarah, scott, smockle, spectranaut_, StefanS, Yusuke, ZoeBijl