RDF-star Semantics TF

20 September 2024


AndyS, doerthe, niklasl, ora, pchampin, Souri, TallTed, tl, william_vw

Meeting minutes

<pchampin> unfortunately I will only be able attend the 1st half-hour

ora: should scrutenize niklasl presentation today

ora already been some messages on mailing list

niklasl: split out parts on named graphs in separate slides

niklasl: only introduction remains currently - around 17 slides

ora: my slides are more or less complete; will refer to niklasl for details

<TallTed> s/niklasl: only/

ora: should likely not copy niklasl's slides into my deck

<TallTed> more detailed scribe documentation is at https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

niklasl: how to cope with questions on named graphs

tl: we've had discussions on named graphs; it's good to give an overview on status

AndyS: niklasl still has named graph example in current slides

<TallTed> s/s\/niklasl: only\///

niklasl: will leave that example in there, just to illustrate

niklasl: keen to keep it; but, may change my mind

niklasl: I can try and rehearse the talk now

ora: we can individually read the slides now and then discuss

<tl> https://niklasl.github.io/rdf-docs/presentations/RDF-reifiers-1/

everybody is reading https://niklasl.github.io/rdf-docs/presentations/RDF-reifiers-1/

<AndyS> Part 2: https://niklasl.github.io/rdf-docs/presentations/RDF-reifiers-1/graphs.html

<gb> CLOSED Issue 7 test *again* ghurlbot configuration (by ghurlbot)

<Zakim> pchampin, you wanted to comment on "reifiying predicate" S3 and to comment on "subgraph" in S3 of part 2

pchampin: on slide 3; you note a reifying predicate; consider putting in quotes as the naming is still under discussion

pchampin: in second presentation, issue re reification in named graphs on slide 3

link for second presentation: https://niklasl.github.io/rdf-docs/presentations/RDF-reifiers-1/graphs.html

pchampin: propose to word it differently

pchampin: would refrain from calling it a subgraph

AndyS: makes another suggestion to reword it

niklasl: will consider the suggestion

<Zakim> ora, you wanted to comment on ":source" on S14

ora: part 1, slide 14: code has more stuff than the diagram (source)

<Zakim> tl, you wanted to comment on slide #7 in part 1

<gb> CLOSED Issue 7 test *again* ghurlbot configuration (by ghurlbot)

tl: has fundamental issue; this is only a reifier of a possible truth ...

tl: ... diagram thus needs two parts

niklasl: diagram is meant to reflect both

tl: still seems incorrect; would suit the "old" rdf*

ora: how about putting assertion first? also, replace "truth" with "assertion"

TallTed: how about just "triple"

niklasl: that would be ambiguous

ora: part of problem is that "semantics" of diagrams are unclear

<pchampin> well, the abstract syntax and the concrete syntax (Turtle) are pretty much figured out, so we can rely on the code in the slides.

pchampin: it's the same abstract syntax, though.

ora: idea for diagrams: if we have a reifier, always have oval around reified triple

ora: use color to indicate asserted or not

<pchampin> or dashed vs. solid arrows

<pchampin> ora, you proposal breaks as soon as we have different reifiers

ora: clarify that we don't refer to to constituent parts

<TallTed> I think `<< :Alice :bought :LennyTheLion >> .` is problematic. It's not a statement. it's just a bare "noun". `<< :Alice :bought :LennyTheLion >>` (no terminal `.`) is less troublesome.

<doerthe> +1 to TallTed

ora: if we add too much nuance, then we will lose a lot of the audience

<TallTed> (and `statement` might be better than `truth`/`assertion` in title of slide 7)

<pchampin> TallTed, doerthe, it *is* a statement, though: it says "there is a reifier for (this triple)".

AndyS: comments on consistency of diagrams

<doerthe> ok pchampin, what is it syntactic sugar for then?

AndyS: unclear what reifier points to (a part of the triple)?

<pchampin> doerthe this is equivalent to what you have in slide 5. I agree this is odd, but it does make sense

<pchampin> think of it as [ rdf:reifies <<( S P O )>> ] .

<TallTed> pchampin -- then *that* is what should be written.

niklasl: could make things even more complicated

<doerthe> ah, it is the other way around, I thought the bare triple term would be the <<...>> one, but it is the <<(...)>>

<pchampin> you can always replace << S P O >> with [ rdf:reifies <<( S P O )>> ]. Either on its own OR as the subject/object of another triple.

<doerthe> maybe something to say on the slide for others like me?

ora: perhaps accept that diagrams are more illustrative

<doerthe> pchampin, I understand, but mixed up the two representations

ora: can gloss over distinction between triple & triple term

AndyS: better transition between slides 6 & 7

I will have to leave in around 15-20 minutes as well

<doerthe> ok, that was bad, if PA leaves, we all go

<tl> will somebody restart it?

<TallTed> just rejoin zoom... it's because pchampin, the host, left the room.

tl: not satisfied with the slides for now

tl: same point as ora, i.e., have reifier point to ellipse instead of predicate

tl: this is an essential part of our solution - reifier + triple

tl: central problem = cannot refer to triple as it is asserted

tl: suggestion on transition from slide 6 to 7

ora: apart from diagram, other comments?

Souri: reifier should point to the whole oval on slides 5, 6

Souri: triples are unrelated aside from the fact they share the same SPO

william_vw: perhaps drop bullet 2 from slide 3

niklasl: will delete it from slide

niklasl: triple term is reference to propositional atom on slides

tl: should still explicate that these are 2 separate things

tl: points to fundamental disagreement on rdf:states

niklasl: will attempt to update slide 7 + verbal wording

<Souri> My understanding: The [] rdf:reifies <<( :s :p :o )>> triple should diagrammatically be represented as a blanknode pointing to a shaded s-p-o oval. A separate s-p-o should appear in the diagram for the asserted triple :s :p :o .

<doerthe> maybe do 6 and add the triple to the diagram (maybe with dotted lines)

<tl> Souri +1

continuing discussion on diagram representation

ora: oval around the triple is the "triple term"

ora: e.g., dotted lines to indicate asserted nature (as doerthe said)

ora: then, no repetition needed

tl: need more examples in slides

<Souri> The diagram in Slide 7 should ideally be: the diagram in Slide 6 + a new open s-p-o (not inside an oval). Then, we can, as a shortcut/convenience, show a compact diagram which has a non-shaded oval (or a dotted oval) to indicate it represents both the triples (shown in N-triple).

tl: not glad with one of the examples

niklasl: don't want to put animations in slides

niklasl: at least, will put oval around triple on slide 7

niklasl: still want to keep visuals close to syntax

AndyS: who is the Tuesday presentation aimed at?

AndyS: is it open to the general public?

Souri: triple & triple term simply happen to share the same SPO on slide 7

<tl> Proposal for Slide 7: "Reifier of a _possible_ Truth"

Souri: so, really 2 different things

Souri: usually we combine them, but still different things

tl: simply move graphic from slide 6 to slide 7 to make separation clear

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Succeeded: s/not_me/william_vw

Succeeded: s/@ora/ora:/

Succeeded: s/niklasl split/niklasl: split/

Failed: s/niklasl: only/

Succeeded: s/ora my/ora: my/

Succeeded: s/niklasl only /niklasl: only /

Warning: ‘s/s\/niklasl: only\///’ interpreted as replacing ‘s\’ by ‘niklasl: only\//’

Failed: s/s\/niklasl: only\///

Succeeded: s/pchampin slide 3; you note/pchampin: on slide 3; you note/

Succeeded: s/think of it as [ rdf:reifies <<( S P O )) >>]./think of it as [ rdf:reifies <<( S P O )>> ] ./

All speakers: AndyS, niklasl, ora, pchampin, Souri, TallTed, tl, william_vw

Active on IRC: AndyS, doerthe, niklasl, ora, pchampin, Souri, TallTed, tl, william_vw