15:56:02 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 15:56:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/09/19-rdf-star-irc 15:56:06 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:56:07 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), pchampin 15:56:37 meeting: RDF-star WG focused meeting 15:56:40 present+ 15:57:03 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/e7387703-d1cb-4215-a7e1-eec9b4af24d4/20240919T120000/#agenda 15:57:03 clear agenda 15:57:03 agenda+ TPAC preparation 15:57:03 agenda+ Future Modus Operandi Proposal [2] 15:58:12 eBremer has joined #rdf-star 15:59:23 present+ 15:59:25 present+ 15:59:31 present+ 16:00:02 pfps has joined #rdf-star 16:00:05 tl has joined #rdf-star 16:00:22 fsasaki has joined #rdf-star 16:00:32 present+ 16:01:03 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 16:01:15 ora has joined #rdf-star 16:01:21 present+ 16:01:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:01:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/19-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:01:39 present+ 16:01:39 regrets: enrico, olaf 16:01:39 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:01:40 present+ 16:01:43 chair+ 16:01:56 present+ 16:02:01 present+ 16:02:15 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/09/13-rdf-star-minutes.html 16:02:15 next meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/09/20-rdf-star-minutes.html 16:02:21 scribe: eBremer: 16:02:27 scribe: eBremer 16:02:30 zakim, open item 1 16:02:31 agendum 1 -- TPAC preparation -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:02:37 s/scribe: eBremer:// 16:02:48 present+ 16:03:04 ora: sent his first draft of tpac presentation 16:03:40 ora: slides are in the wiki for permanent record 16:04:25 ora: Niklas will explain all the details 16:05:27 Niklas: will let know for sure before 16:05:50 present+ 16:05:52 ora: move more towards a deliberate way of working 16:06:42 ora: anyone have anything else to say on tpac 16:06:46 q+ 16:06:51 ack tl 16:06:56 q+ 16:07:29 tl: is it possible to say when we will discuss each topic 16:08:12 ora: decide now when we will discuss each topic 16:08:26 gregg: will discuss json-ld star 16:08:43 ack pchampin 16:08:49 ... sent out slides already 16:09:06 pchampin: tpac is a hybrid event 16:09:55 ... encouraged to use the zoom rooms 16:10:21 ... have had two hybrid tpacs since covid 16:10:39 ora: please send email to use dedicated zoom room 16:11:13 pchampin: calendars do not contain an agenda yet 16:11:56 AZ has joined #rdf-star 16:12:00 present+ 16:12:51 tl: arguing for rdf states 16:13:13 ... not sure if tpac is the right time to jump into this discussion 16:13:30 ... but doesnt want to keep pushing it into the future 16:13:36 ora: how do people feel about this? 16:13:45 william_vw has joined #rdf-star 16:13:54 present+ 16:14:13 present+ 16:14:15 ... doesnt see why tpac cant be one of these times for this 16:14:31 q+ 16:14:34 tl: would work for him 16:14:38 Souri has joined #rdf-star 16:14:43 ack TallTed 16:14:44 present+ 16:15:12 Zakim, next item 16:15:12 agendum 2 -- Future Modus Operandi Proposal -- taken up [from 2] 16:15:46 tallted: future discussion in these meetings will be based on specific issues, and I wouild suggest we would well be served by taking that policy for tpac agena tiems as well 16:16:15 adrian: move to issue based tracking 16:16:48 ... can prioritize these issues 16:17:06 ... start this next week at tpac 16:17:26 ... time to go into issue-mode now 16:17:59 ora: anybody have thoughts on this? 16:18:23 q+ 16:18:29 ack TallTed 16:19:10 tallted: github issues have markdown to make things clear, but you cannot use markdown if you respond via email...go through github instead of email 16:19:18 ora: good suggestion 16:19:36 q+ 16:19:37 ora: any other thoughts on this? 16:19:41 ack AndyS 16:19:46 andys: i think it is a good idea 16:20:10 ...and if they dont fit directly on one of the specs...suggest putting them on sparql query.. 16:20:25 ora: I believe this was our taking all along. 16:20:34 s/sparql query/sparql-query repo/ 16:20:59 ora: what do we call it? priorition of the backlog? 16:21:07 q+ 16:21:22 adrian: keep the admin vs. the more in-depth 16:21:39 s/priorition/prioritization 16:21:43 ... we never did get to the end of the triage because we always had other stuff 16:21:49 q+ 16:22:17 adrian: cant always go through everything so to limit time... 16:22:25 ack pchampin 16:22:30 ... or something like that 16:23:29 pchampin: maybe we could install a rule of keeping some time for the audience button for the sparql parts.. 16:23:49 ... maybe try to keep some time for the rdf and some time for sparql 16:25:11 ack TallTed 16:25:31 ora: 2 kinds of things...the things we will be discussing and then the issues we simply triage to specific people.. 16:25:57 tallted: doing this triage...should be set with a fixed rottation... 16:26:14 ... then proceed through until we finish it, and then start again 16:27:10 s/rottation/rotation/ 16:27:16 q+ 16:27:24 ack AndyS 16:27:25 adrian: you propose we pick up where we left off rather that start at the top? 16:27:32 tallted: correct 16:28:10 andys: something thats going to be quite necessary as is just triaging some issue and just throwing them away. 16:28:23 ... weve got alot of issues. Many of them are very small. 16:28:42 ... the chairs are going to have to take control... 16:29:10 ora: since we have time, should we try to do a little triaging 16:29:20 adrian: probably a good idea 16:29:37 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/5 16:29:43 ora: look at long triage list 16:30:39 ora: best way to reorder this? 16:30:55 adrian: first add labels to those which have none 16:31:33 The label:"discuss-f2f" 16:31:59 gregg: several tags we dont really use 16:33:17 ora: go through list and least pick the ones that seem like good candidates 16:33:23 AZ has joined #rdf-star 16:33:58 adrian: propose we filter on each discussion. now go though them... 16:36:33 gregg: we havent thouroughly discussed what we want to accomplish with unstar 16:37:13 andys: next week, draw up a list of conditions for the unstar operation ... 16:37:39 q? 16:38:18 q+ 16:39:01 I have been bugging pchampin about this as well :-) 16:39:27 gregg: we have a whats new in rdf deliverable... 16:39:30 q+ 16:39:37 ack AndyS 16:39:50 AndyS +1 16:40:10 ack niklasl 16:40:31 andyS: need to start pushing the details and make sure we got deep agreement on topics. not just we think we have agreed... 16:41:11 niklas: concise presentation about there are things that need to be discussed before this can be easy to write... 16:41:27 tl: I think it will come up with rdf states 16:42:17 side comment -- every time I *hear* rdf:states (different from seeing it on the page), it makes me think solid/liquid/gas or the like. Language is troublesome. 16:43:09 TallTed I agree - it sometimes makes me think of state machines... 16:43:14 niklas: something needs to be the primer... 16:43:31 andys: the primer wouldnt be able to go into such depth.... 16:44:35 gregg: new shapes group starting up... 16:46:41 https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-service-description/ 16:46:52 Consider https://github.com/w3c/sparql-service-description/issues/26 to be out of scope. 16:46:52 https://github.com/w3c/sparql-service-description/issues/26 -> Issue 26 shape languages and validation features (by phtyson) [needs discussion] 16:48:27 q+ 16:48:34 ack tl 16:48:54 q+ 16:49:51 q+ 16:49:54 tallted: have the effect of it being a living standard...not formally described in w3c practice.. 16:49:58 ack pchampin 16:50:14 pchampin: ted is right...the term living standard not part of the w3c process 16:50:15 Classes of changes: https://www.w3.org/policies/process/#correction-classes 16:50:29 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 16:50:40 ...living standard not an official term in w3c 16:51:14 ack gkellogg 16:52:26 q+ 16:52:38 gregg: there is html class that indicates this document may change... 16:53:37 q+ 16:54:15 ack tl 16:54:30 ack AndyS 16:56:47 q+ 16:57:01 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:57:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/19-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 16:57:08 ack niklasl 16:57:42 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:57:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/19-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 17:12:13 pfps has left #rdf-star 17:18:41 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 17:34:52 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:54:31 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:10:40 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:17:09 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star