Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

19 September 2024


Addison, Atsushi, Bert, Fuqiao, JcK, Richard
Addison Phillips

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review

Action Items

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-actions/issues

<addison> #122

<gb> Action 122 reach out to alan to see if we can schedule i18n/css to morning (on aphillips) due 2024-09-24

addison: the answer from CSS is basically no
… but we'll try to have some time of our meetings for CSS topics

<addison> close #122

addison: does that sound like a plan?

<gb> Closed issue #122

<addison> #119

<gb> Action 119 write back on css 10844 saying maybe RLM/LRM from direction of elided chars (on aphillips) due 2024-09-19

<addison> #121

<gb> Action 121 add additional comment to css 10844 to emphasize logical truncation (on aphillips) due 2024-09-24

addison: #119, discussed in the i18n & CSS meeting

<addison> close #119

<gb> Closed issue #119

addison: I have an additional action item

<addison> #115

<gb> Action 115 review i18n-activity#1783 (on r12a) due 2024-08-22

<addison> #90

<gb> Action 90 steal some of henri's text from scroll-to-text-fragment for string-search (on aphillips) due 2024-04-18

<addison> #89

<gb> Action 89 update i18n specs to support dark mode (on xfq) due 2024-04-18

<addison> #33

<gb> Action 33 Close issues marked `close?` or bring to WG for further review (on aphillips)

<addison> #8

<gb> Action 8 Follow up on the status of Canvas and formatted text (on aphillips) due 18 Jul 2023

<addison> #7

<gb> Action 7 Remind shepherds to tend to their awaiting comment resolutions (Evergreen) (on aphillips, xfq, himorin, r12a, bert-github) due 18 Jul 2023

<addison> #4

<gb> Action 4 Work with respec and bikeshed to provide the character markup template as easy-to-use markup (on aphillips, r12a) due 27 Jul 2023

Info Share

RADAR Review

<addison> https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/91/views/1

addison: we have a new incoming request from WebAssembly 2.0
… they have requested that we do this in 2 weeks
… and one week is TPAC
… not gonna happen

xfq: I can review this, but not before 2024-10-03

Bert: still working on Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Rules Format 1.1

addison: WebXR Device API is on me

Pending Issue Review

addison: wrt WebXR, I found one potential issue which we will discuss in a couple of minutes

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Apending

addison: otherwise that one is done

<addison> #1907

<gb> Issue 1907 not found

<addison> i18n-activity#1907

<gb> Issue 1907 Adopt GB18030-2022 (by w3cbot) [pending] [tracker] [s:encoding]

<addison> i18n-activity#1906

<gb> Issue 1906 input profile name limited to ASCII lowercase? (by aphillips) [pending] [s:webxr] [t:application_internal] [wg:immersive-web]

xfq: I haven't looked at the details yet, but some Chinese vendors are looking forward to browsers adopting GB18030-2022

atsushi: input profile name is not a human readable string
… it's an identifier

addison: they have a lot of things like that in the spec
… which are only for internal consumption
… but this one seems to leak
… you don't want those to have every localization on earth in them
… but internal identifiers shouldn't leak like this

atsushi: I understand there will be some string used for display

immersive-web/webxr#1121 (comment)

<gb> CLOSED Issue 1121 Input profile name generation and normalization rules incomplete (by aphillips) [i18n-needs-resolution]

<atsushi> https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-input-profiles/tree/master/packages/registry

addison: I'll add a note about this preview response
… to the issue when I file it
… if you really feel that no one will ever see these, then never mind

<addison> i18n-activity#1903

<gb> Issue 1903 XML and XMLName should account for U+061C (ALM) (by aphillips) [pending] [t:char_string]

addison: I was working on MessageFormat and implementing bidi
… one of the things that we noticed in the course of doing that was U+061C ARABIC LETTER MARK is permitted in XML identifiers and XML names
… including NameStartChar
… this is because XML was written before ALM was created
… and ALM is kind of an unusual beast

JcK: Tim Bray is trying to push a new spec about @@

Bert: we have some sort of process for making errata on documents that we don't have a WG anymore
… we can try it out

addison: I'll look into that

Engage Privacy?

addison: I had a chat with Shane Carr
… he is effectively the chair of the JavaScript i18n group at Ecma International
… and he does some other things with Unicode
… one of the things that he was interested is whether we were gonna meet with privacy
… we've seen this pattern of attempting to add @@ features
… fingerprinting vector vs good for international users

xfq: we have a breakout session for horizontal groups at TPAC


<gb> Issue 65 Horizontal reviews at W3C and beyond (by plehegar) [session] [track: Standards]

xfq: if we have time, we can mention that in the breakout session

addison: yeah, but that's usually about the process
… I don't know if the accessibility people have the same problem

<gb> Issue 477 [wg/css] CSS Working Group Charter (by svgeesus) [Horizontal review requested] [Accessibility review completed] [Internationalization review completed] [Security review completed] [charter]

ACTION: xfq: reach out to the privacy person (Tara?) about meeting at TPAC

<gb> Created action #123

TPAC Planning Review

<addison> https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/i18n-core/calendar/

<addison> https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/900ac419-eda7-404d-9750-d87b8c83dc05/

<addison> https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/57789807-76fd-4d76-a1f9-e434efa7a4a9/

addison: one of the main tasks on Monday will be to flesh out our joint meetings with CSS and accessibility and WHATWG
… then we have a meeting on Friday
… the agenda is very similar to the first agenda
… I would welcome people suggesting topics for any of these days
… agenda+ emails work
… if we have specific things for any of the groups

I18N ⇔ CSS Review

addison: most of you were on that call

<addison> https://www.w3.org/2024/09/17-i18n-minutes.html

addison: we were very productive
… we have 100+ issues open at any given moment in time
… florian has an outstanding action item about logical vs physical

r12a: they have a lot of things to do, and we have a lot of things that we're waiting for them to do
… in the meantime, there are lots of other issues that could be resolved much more quickly
… which are not getting any attention
… let's push them harder on getting these things done in reasonable timeframe

addison: I think I agree
… I think we should have a couple of big items if we think there are reasonable chances
… but if there's low hanging fruit, maybe we should go and say, hey, we have low hanging fruit
… easier things that you could resolve
… if you can't move the moveable object, maybe move the moveable ones

addison: who can make a list?

r12a: we've got some already, because some of them are marked needs-resolution

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Awg%3Acss

r12a: as I mentioned on Tuesday, there's also the gap analysis pipeline
… writing mode sideways
… it shouldn't be too hard
… Gecko already does it

ACTION: addison: we'd like to see writing-mode sideways implemented (in spec, just need traction)

<gb> Created action #124

r12a: and if we had WebKit and Gecko doing it, then we might be able to make Google do it
… that's something to socialize during TPAC

<addison> https://github.com/w3c/i18n-activity/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AAgenda%2BI18N%2BCSS

r12a: because it's been a while now, and not too hard to implement


r12a: please recruit people
… during TPAC

[Discuss how to recruit and retain more participants for the i18n WG]

r12a: I still think we need to work on the format of the agenda
… I know we did that already, but the first dozen lines is always the same from week to week
… and I don't have time to dig down and find out what interesting new topics we're gonna discuss

addison: I'm totally open to changing the format

r12a: I think the very first thing should be the topics for this week, and then the regular stuff that we also go through

addison: I can do that

addison: for those of you traveling, safe travels
… I'll see you in the county of Oranges

Summary of action items

  1. xfq: reach out to the privacy person (Tara?) about meeting at TPAC
  2. addison: we'd like to see writing-mode sideways implemented (in spec, just need traction)
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Succeeded: s/years/issues/

Maybe present: r12a, xfq

All speakers: addison, atsushi, Bert, JcK, r12a, xfq

Active on IRC: addison, atsushi, xfq