19 September 2024


David Booth, Detlef Grittner, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Concept IRIs

gaurav: Still stuck at 9 of 15 votes we need. Emailed Rob Hausam for help.


Tim Prudhomme's PR


dbooth: Need to verify that the changes to the generated FHIR RDF exmaples are all correct?


ACTION: EricP to run shex validation against new FHIR RDF examples

jim: I'll work on it in the next 6 weeks.


erich: Played with Virtuoso geosparql. Started throwing errors when I tried my data. THink it is related to default coord sys.
… Their flavor of well-known text is extended, but nart part of the standard.
… I reached out to address that.
… Didn't see Blazegraph support, but it's in the code.
… Updated issues 149.
… Trying to demostrate that it works in practice.

rob: Suggest Kevin ODonnel, int in DICOM
… About representations of imaging

eric: Do people mostly address these things by nth element of an array?
… Is that good enough?
… How do people make references to these things?

erich: In DICOM JSON it will be xy coordicates in an array.
… But when you put it into an RDF list it isn't performant.

ericp: Depends on language binding.
… In n3 I can look at it as a first-rest ladder. Or I can get it as an array in JSON.
… If I use a python lib, I could ask for the RDF graph, but I can get the lists in a special object for lists, which allow indexing.

ericp: Two issues: 1. can you efficiently get to nth element of a list. 2. Whether you have geosparql indexes.
… The reason RDF is not performat is because there is no hint to use geosparql indexes on it.

erich: They've added well-known text. Could add support for RDF lists.

ericp: Would be interesting to add that feature to communica.

erich: If it was added to geosparql it would help, but would need to be added to jena, etc.

jim: I'm currently adding some features to Communica

ericp: Dependency injection is complex

jim: I added the path querying from stardog to Communica, but tyring to figure out how to deploy it.


jim: It was created as a framework for research -- very modular.
… Also geared toward dynamic queries.
… Can access other SPARQL servers, files, etc. all at once, and does the joining on client side.

dbooth: Federation framework? Jim: yes

detlef: I like the simplicity of well-known text.
… Doesn't depend on other features.
… I can literally grap the text and parse it in JS.
… If you have geosparql plugged in then you have more possibilities.

erich: Might be good to suggest RDF list support to future version, but need to use current stds now.

Diffs of FHIR Examples from Tim Prudhomme's PR

Ericp: line 266 in new (empty fhir:binding ) is not in the old.

(EricP reviewed some diffs with Jim)


Summary of action items

  1. EricP to run shex validation against new FHIR RDF examples
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: dbooth, detlef, eric, erich, gaurav, jim, rob

All speakers: dbooth, detlef, eric, erich, ericp, gaurav, jim, rob

Active on IRC: dbooth