15:01:30 RRSAgent has joined #did 15:01:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/09/19-did-irc 15:01:34 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:01:35 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:01:46 Meeting: DID WG Weekly Telco 15:02:11 Wip has joined #did 15:02:11 decentralgabe has joined #did 15:02:15 present+ 15:02:18 present+ 15:02:54 TallTed has changed the topic to: DID WG Agenda 2024-09-19: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/2d6cdae9-7c4f-4fb7-93ce-35e2f579edc7/20240919T080000/ 15:03:05 swcurran has joined #did 15:03:12 present+ 15:03:14 present+ 15:03:24 decentralgabe has changed the topic to: DID WG Agenda 2024-09-19 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2024Sep/0012.html 15:03:36 Chair: Gabe Cohen 15:03:47 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2024Sep/0012.html 15:03:59 m2gbot has joined #did 15:04:53 scribe+ 15:05:01 Topic: Agenda Review, Introductions 15:05:34 dmitriz has joined #did 15:05:36 markus_sabadello has joined #did 15:05:38 present+ 15:05:42 decentralgabe: agenda is a process announcement, TPAC, did-core and did-resolution issue and pr processing 15:05:54 Topic: DID WG Process Announcement 15:05:58 scribe+ 15:06:13 present+ 15:06:21 present+ 15:06:50 wip: we will announce pending close issues for the week in the agenda. after the thursday call (either APAC/regular), those issues will be able to be closed 15:07:04 ... every week you will have a chance to challenge a pending close issue. unless you have concerns 15:07:25 Topic: TPAC Preparation 15:07:31 decentralgabe: any concerns? Hearing none, moving on 15:07:40 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1s6tf0VOKdIr3Gf_t7ROypyeg07Lk_myoOFby6AL4I7g/edit?usp=sharing 15:07:59 decentralgabe: This is the link to our TPAC slides. Please add your slides by this Friday if possible 15:08:20 ... We have discussed COVID policy as chairs. Masking is optional, but not required. Let us know if there are any concerns 15:08:24 q+ 15:08:31 ack Wip 15:08:37 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rhgWEgT_H98PwAMhBUBcRDNNVT28QPxuefP9U2cpBbY/edit?gid=179611341#gid=179611341 15:09:04 bigbluehat has joined #did 15:09:26 present+ 15:09:26 wip: please add yourself to the attendance sheet. and get slides in by Friday. 15:09:34 Topic: DID Core Issue/PR Processing 15:09:53 decentralgabe: Editors have any issues / PRs that need attention? 15:09:55 q+ 15:09:55 Subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/852 15:09:59 ack manu 15:10:24 manu: This one is waiting on merge conflict resolution 15:10:47 smccown has joined #did 15:10:52 present+ 15:11:12 ... We might have to do a more complete fix with this one. Or pull the PR in and make the fix later 15:11:16 q+ 15:11:31 decentralgabe: I noticed you tagged the author. If manu you can take it over that would be great 15:11:32 burn has joined #did 15:11:41 manu: Sure, I can take it over. 15:11:42 ack Ivan 15:12:07 q+ 15:12:09 ivan: Why do you think it is aclass 2 change? I think it is a class 3 15:12:22 ... using public key multibase effects implementations 15:12:22 ack manu 15:12:35 manu: It effects the examples, this is non-normative 15:12:47 ivan: Okay, yep its a class 2 15:13:01 manu: There is a separate issue that discusses upgrading to publicKeyMultibase 15:13:18 q+ 15:13:23 ack manu 15:13:26 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues 15:13:48 Subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/863 application/did+ld+json should be revisited 15:13:55 manu: Strategy to discuss the big rocks first. Class 3, then 2 then 1 15:14:20 ... 863 is about the media type. In did-core we said application/did+ld+json 15:14:35 ... open question what the media type should be. Cannot have did+ld+json 15:14:46 ... some implementors want to use json serialization others jsonld 15:15:00 ... Looking at potentially 2 media types 15:15:09 ... we could try application/did as the media type 15:15:50 ... with the new controller document which supports context injection. We can parse as json if it doesnt have a json if it does have a @context you can parse as jsonld 15:16:02 ... if you want to parse as jsonld but it doesn't have a context you can inject one 15:16:40 -> Controller document context injection section https://www.w3.org/TR/controller-document/#context-injection 15:16:43 ... Strongly suggesting we just do application/did to keep it simple 15:17:14 ... Need to be clear we are not allowing two different processing models 15:17:21 ... thoughts concerns about application/did 15:17:21 +1 to `application/did` 15:17:31 q+ 15:17:32 q+ 15:17:35 ack markus_sabadello 15:17:37 q+ 15:17:58 q+ to go into polyglot response if it becomes an issue. 15:18:03 my vote would be for application/did+json. To enable the eventual (and inevitable?) application/did+cbor 15:18:06 markus_sabadello: What does this mean for the abstract data model, if the controller document allows context injection 15:18:16 ack manu 15:18:16 manu, you wanted to go into polyglot response if it becomes an issue. 15:18:57 manu: Still have the abstract data model. You would still be able to use JSON. Or you can use jsonld. Fundamentally these are interpretted the same. The meaning is the same 15:19:47 markus_sabadello: I want to do this. Seems like we don't need the different representations anymore. 15:19:51 ack dmitriz 15:19:57 q+ to note that we could have CBOR in the future. 15:20:26 dmitriz: In JSON vs JSONLD we loose track of other things like CBOR and YAML. My vote is for application/did+json 15:20:33 ... implementations need to know how to parse the document 15:20:35 ack ivan 15:21:03 q+ to ask if it's "application/json", then what do we do for JSON-LD? 15:21:03 ivan: Understand dmitriz opinion. But, the VCWG has decided to use application/vc for verifiable credentials 15:21:10 ack manu 15:21:10 manu, you wanted to note that we could have CBOR in the future. and to ask if it's "application/json", then what do we do for JSON-LD? 15:21:58 manu: Not closed the door on CBOR or YAML. Could have did+cbor or did+yaml. But what do we do about jsonld. We could say application/did is jsonld 15:22:16 ... Or we would have to get a new suffix through the jsonld working group 15:22:41 ... Markus, the reason we would have different representations is to support CBOR and YAML 15:23:02 ... One more option, for JSONLD DID documents we could use application/jsonld 15:23:20 q? 15:23:22 s/we could use application/jsonld/we could use application/ld+json/ 15:24:23 decentralgabe: encourage people to consider discussion on an issue 15:24:35 markus_sabadello has joined #did 15:24:41 present+ 15:24:43 decentralgabe: time for one or two more 15:25:21 Subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/842 Request for Guidance on Normalization Rules Enforcement 15:25:36 manu: This is someone asking what the normalization rules are for URLs 15:25:58 ... Letting implementors decide what level of normalization they support 15:26:16 ... A response is the normalization rules for URLs is clear and exists in the WHATWG 15:26:35 ... We would need to check these apply cleanly to DID URLs 15:26:46 ... We could say we are using the WHATWG normalization rules 15:27:26 ... Others state on the issue that people in the field are normalizing in different ways. Very few specs say anything about this. 15:27:32 dmitriz: What is URL normalization? 15:28:04 These are the URL serialization rules in WHAT WG URL spec: https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-serializer 15:28:07 manu: This is about percent encoding. Having dots in the URL path. There is a concept called URL serialization 15:28:11 ... See the link above 15:28:50 ... apply a series of rules to get to a normalized URL 15:29:08 ... problem is DIDs don't have hosts. So we need to analyze this more deeply 15:29:27 ... This group needs to see if these rules negatively impact DIDs 15:29:30 q+ 15:29:39 ack markus_sabadello 15:29:47 ... If they don't we should normatively state the WHATWG are the normalization rules we follow 15:30:37 q+ 15:30:41 markus_sabadello: Not looked at this in detail. But in the context of DID URL dereferencing. If we also have a path, query string on DID URLs in the same way as on http URLs. Then my intuition is we should use the WHATWG rules 15:30:52 ack manu 15:30:59 https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/#dfn-serviceendpoint 15:31:24 manu: This is the location in the spec the issue is concerned with. 15:31:34 we COULD sidestep the normalization of service endpoints issue. and require fully qualified URLs 15:31:46 or not say anything about it. 15:31:51 q+ 15:31:52 (which would mean removing the normalization requirement) 15:31:54 ... Web browsers URL normalization rules are different from the RFC3936 rules 15:33:11 ... options are 1) remove it and not say anything about normalization. 2) Leave it as is and people have to do it, knowing the libraries they will likely use will do something different. 3) Or state that we use the WHATWG rules used by web browsers 15:33:26 ... I don't have a strong feeling about the direction 15:33:31 ack ivan 15:33:53 ivan: removing the text is a problem for interoperability. We should not consider this 15:34:11 ... I would see what is implemented in various programming environments 15:34:27 ... As far as I know all of these use the WHATWG rules 15:34:44 q? 15:34:44 +1 to what ivan said. 15:35:45 manu: I agree with ivan, lets look at the libraries and see what they do 15:36:03 ... We should also generalize the spec text to say that any URLs should be normalized 15:36:24 ... We will have to see what happens in specific DID URLs 15:37:16 ... Unfortunately there are no tests/examples that show the differences between normalization rules 15:37:30 markus_sabadello has joined #did 15:37:32 ... We would also need our own tests against some fairly advanced DID URLs 15:37:48 decentralgabe: Lets continue this at TPAC 15:37:52 Subtopic: DID Resolution PR 88 / 89 15:37:58 "https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/pull/88 15:37:58 https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/pull/89" 15:38:07 q+ 15:38:13 Simplify dereferencing of the DID fragment based on the media type 15:38:18 ack Wip 15:38:21 q+ 15:39:11 Wip: I put this on the agenda. We talked about it last week. Should the primary resource be the DID Document? it says 'first you get the DID Document in resolution, then primary resource...' 15:39:24 +1 to WIP about primary document 15:39:25 ack markus_sabadello 15:39:59 markus_sabadello: agree, lets not have a big discussion about the naming of primary and secondary resource. I have been using the terms as introduced in original rfc3936 15:40:27 ... PR 88 is an attempt to remove language related to processing the fragment. This depends on the media type 15:40:47 ... Currently the text is specific to a JSONLD document. The intent of the PR is to simplify and remove this part 15:40:53 q+ 15:41:22 ... regarding the discussion of primary and secondary resource lets have a special topic about it. It effects a lot of things 15:41:36 ack manu 15:42:22 manu: Fine with 88 being merged. Agree there was confusion with primary and secondary resource. I also found the current spec text clear on that 15:42:31 ... not blocking 88 15:43:25 decentralgabe: We will plan on a special topic call for 88 and 80 around this resource discussion 15:43:27 Topic: DID Resolution Issue/PR Processing 15:43:54 decentralgabe: Any specific PRs / Issues to discuss 15:44:09 Subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/pull/49 Issue#48 fix Capitalization fix for DID spec 15:44:17 q+ 15:44:23 ack Wip 15:44:58 https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Apending-close 15:45:26 markus_sabadello: Closing the above issues after this call. 15:45:35 https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/issues/29 15:45:36 ... A couple of other issues I would like to mark pending close 15:45:53 ... issue 29 about the term DID resolver being defined correctly 15:46:01 ... I think this is addressed in the spec 15:46:03 +1 to closing this one 15:46:04 +1 to closing 15:46:07 https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/issues/30 15:46:38 ... Also issue 30 that can be marked pending close. It is about dereferencing and whose responsibility it is 15:46:45 ... The spec also addresses this 15:46:51 smccown has joined #did 15:47:11 +1 to closing this one as well 15:47:35 q? 15:47:59 ... I marked a couple of issues as good first issues. COntributions welcome. 15:48:05 https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/issues/17, https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/issues/18 15:48:25 ... These issues are about the relationship between DID core and DID resolution 15:48:42 ... It would be good to clarify this relationship in the spec with a couple of sentences 15:49:09 +1 to explaining relationships 15:49:10 Subtopic: good first issues -- https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/issues/17, https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/issues/18 15:49:11 ... Explaining that DID resolution happens against DID core etc 15:49:21 ... Anyone want to write about this? 15:49:36 decentralgabe: Be great to get these issues assigned 15:50:09 I'm happy to write some text for 17 & 18 15:50:23 decentralgabe: Thanks for volunteering smccown 15:51:26 markus_sabadello: Quite a few issues are labelled enhancement to the did-resolution spec 15:51:48 ... Important to figure out the fundamentals and get common understanding across the WG 15:52:02 ... Would rather focus on these big fundamental topics 15:52:09 +1 to focus on big issues first 15:52:39 i/Agenda Review, Introductions/present+ TallTed 15:52:53 Kim: Did you mention the first DID method Wg 15:53:05 ... We want to do a DID Method Wg kick off before TPAC 15:53:22 q+ 15:53:31 ... This is an ad hoc meeting to settle some of the details for how the group will function 15:53:43 ... I have more information here: https://blog.identity.foundation/did-method-standardization-initiative-progress-update-and-next-steps/ 15:53:44 more info: https://blog.identity.foundation/did-method-standardization-initiative-progress-update-and-next-steps/ 15:53:56 ack ivan 15:54:13 ivan: For the minutes, this is not a W3C Working Group 15:54:47 Kim: This is a DIF working group that includes a sharing agreement with the W3C. There is some followup work happening at TPAC to launch a W3C WG focused on DID Methods 15:55:05 ... Idea would be to hand over work from the DIF Wg to the W3C Wg eventually 15:55:35 decentralgabe: There is a meeting on this at TPAC on the DID Method standardization 15:55:40 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:55:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/19-did-minutes.html pchampin 15:55:51 ... Thanks all, see you next week at TPAC 15:55:59 present+ 15:58:05 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:58:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/19-did-minutes.html pchampin 15:58:15 m2gbot, debug 15:58:16 comment would have been created for: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/852 15:58:17 comment would have been created for: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/863 15:58:18 comment would have been created for: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/842 15:58:19 comment would have been created for: https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/pull/88 15:58:20 comment would have been created for: https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/pull/89 15:58:21 comment would have been created for: https://github.com/w3c/did-resolution/pull/49 15:58:22 Something wrong happened: GitHub 19:35:10 Zakim has left #did 23:09:35 dmitriz has joined #did