WCAG 3 coordination/Clear language subgroup meeting

19 sep 2024


julierawe, kirkwood, kirkwood_, rashmi, tburtin
John Rochford

Meeting minutes

<Frankie> I can't find the call information

<Frankie> Can someone drop a link? My; status switched and all my access isn't correct again yet.

zakin, next item

Implied Meaning update

Rachael suggested a new decision tree that puts more emphasis on user agents

I added Rachael's suggestion to the draft and also streamlined the draft


We are not meeting next week because of TPAC

Next Implied Meaning subgroup meeting is Tuesday, October 1st at 9am ET

Link to the draft's section about Method Decision Trees: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P7fOyEPVlqf1aXuJY0SO9LeC-E7EZllg/edit#bookmark=id.gqp6wex9ws77

Rachael's suggestion is now at the top of that section about decision trees

At our October 1st meeting, we'll discuss Rachael's suggestion and how it might affect that we build out the methods

I will send an email to the Implied Meaning group so people can look at Rachael's suggestion before we meet again

WCAG 3 card-sorting update

Rain has been busy with Making Content Usable structural changes and user interviews.

We will discuss the card-sorting responses in October

AG pull request to publish drafts of two outcomes



<rashmi> https://deploy-preview-112--wcag3.netlify.app/focus-appearance/

AG has a pull requests to publish drafts of Focus Appearance and Text Alternatives

The plan is for all WCAG 3 outcomes to use this template/formatting

rashmi "Focus Appearance" is smaller than "Get Started"

rashmi Hierarchy is not clear

rashmi The first tab ("Get Started") should change to something more like "Why" or "Overview"

julierawe It is interesting that there's no overview

rashmi "Get started" up in the breadcrumbs should be in bold so user knows where they are

<tburtin> I would like to see a 3:1 contrast minimum on the box that surrounds the “the keyboard focus must have a sufficient visual indicator.” It is very difficult to see in both light and dark modes

rashmi There should be an icon that identifies what the "home page" is (to the left of "WCAG 3 Outcomes")

tburtin It's challenging to use the preview in dark mode

tburtin The light blue or light gray rectangular box that indicates visual importance is hard to see—needs to be great to 3:1 ratio.

tburtin The box is also hard to see in dark mode

tburtin In dark mode, it's medium blue on black

kirkwood I didn't see the box at all

The text inside that box needs a label—how is it connected to the surrounding text?

We think the sentence inside the box is stating the outcome. This page needs clearer hierarchy.

The word "Outcome" is missing from the top of the page.

rashmi The purpose of this section is missing

tburtin AG has to think of what types of users will be coming to this page. This set of pages is really spread out.

tburtin The first thing users encounter needs to be clear description of the main concept.

kirkwood_ The way I would design this page is I would eliminate the big "Get started." It disrupts the order.

tburtin I would prefer "Focus Appearance" to be where "Get started" is

tburtin The whole navigation confuses me

tburtin Why does the user have to go to different pages? Why isn't this one page with accordions?

kirkwood_ It's overdesigned

rashmi Inconsistent headers for the different tabs. Only one uses the phrase "Focus Appearance"

rashmi Renaming "Get started" so it becomes "Introduction"—that may solve the problem

rashmi "User needs" should come before "Methods"

The group does not like the red bullets or and the red numbers

tburtin The red numbers are very hard to see in dark mode

tburtin Red communicates different things in different cultures

tburtin Red has the potential for accidential stroking or movement problems

tburtin The red is distracting

julierawe The red is so unusual

rashmi The Mental Health subgroup is adding a new pattern about colors

rashmi Red is not suitable for everyone. It has different meanings in different cultures. It is not good for everyone.

rashmi Scrolling with red can be harmful for users

kirkwood_ On the government side of things, we never use red

tburtin If you want to see what it looks like in dark mode, use this link: https://darkreader.org

rashmi There is no explanation that helps connect "Decision tree" to the "Methods" header. Need short description of how the decision tree fits in.

<julierawe> +1

tburtin The colors for the Method boxes are very light. Does this use 3:1 ratio?

rashmi "See more" takes you to another tab.

kirkwood_ "See more" is an accessibility no-no

tburtin It takes you to more tab panels

kirkwood_ "See more" is not descriptive enough

tburtin This should be one page with clear hierarchy and collapsible accordions instead of multiple pages to get what you need.

<kirkwood_> need clear hierarchy, and expandable sections… there is too much dependency on memory. its not consistent.

rashmi On "Get started," in "What to do," the "Distinctive" bullet is about comparing to other controls and also to non-focused state. Hard to understand.

rashmi Saying "style of other controls" is misleading. Shouldn't the focus be on focused vs non-focused.

In 2nd bullet, there is an acronym "TBC"—what does this mean? "To be completed"?

tburtin This is a lot of page-jumping

tburtin They're breaking everything up into tons of tab panels, and it's confusing

<kirkwood> “there’s a lot of page jumping” confusing

julierawe I will add a comment to Github. Everyone else should feel free to add more comments.

kirkwood You lose orientation.

<tburtin> The colors for the Method boxes are very light. Does this use 3:1 ratio? Adding is this the intent of the designer?

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


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Active on IRC: Frankie, julierawe, kirkwood, kirkwood_, rashmi, tburtin