12 September 2024


David Booth, Detlef Grittner, Erich Bremer, EricP, Jim Balhoff
David Booth

Meeting minutes


erich: Snippet of converted file: w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf#149
… Will test this on a bunch of data

dbooth: they have the datatype indicated, like "POLYGON .... ))"^^geo:wktLiteral
… How easy is it to convert from DICOM JSON to this RDF format?

erich: I convert the files directly -- similar to DICOM JSON, but conversion to xsd literals.
… Also doing SPARQL Updates on the models I have in memory. Wrote my own magic property in jena to do it.
… My program has an option called LongForm, which does bare minimum conversion to RDF

detlef: THe conversion is pretty simple.
… Using an ontology, you know it is a polygon and you can use that format.

ericp: I'm down with that.

erich: Now converting 300k files. Will load them into virtuoso and see if this data element is in there.
… About 20B triples.
… And I'll enable geosparql and see if it really works.
… Mostly concerned about pathology, 1-2M polygons in one image.
… Lots of labeling w deep learning pipeline. Want see all tumor infiltrating sites within x distance of something.

Want to see that across the entire collection, for the pathologist to look at it. That will exercise the index.

ericp: Doing Mondo DB stuff, when does it become available for query after loading?

erich: IDK. Using our own sys for annotations and reviewing result sets.
… Want to do spatial queries across multiple pipelines -- linking them all together
… RDF is a great way to join all that data.

LLM trained on FHIR

eric: Saw a paper on it: https://ai.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/AIcs2300301


erich: Also added example of sequence handling to issue 146


detlef: individual items are descriptions of a region of interest. We wanted to add data there. 3 choices: 1. Add DICOM attribute if there's an official one, and you're altering the original file. Need to track the modifications in another attribute.
… Option 2. LIke relation DB approach, foreign linking. Ref the number of that region in the other file.
… Option 3. Direct linking approach, that requires a different structure -- not an RDF list.

dbooth: Direct linking == by a URI? Detlef: Yes.

detlef: Cannot do that w bnodes in an RDF list.

erich: Could use URIs in the RDF list.
… Skolomized, or URNs for example

ericP: How do JSON users access these things? Just go to the nth element?

Connecting DICOM RDF to FHIR RDF

dbooth: How do we write this up in the context of FHIR RDF work?

erich: Will see what work is already being doing on DICOM in FHIR

dbooth: I haven't heard back from Dave Beckett.

erich: Reached out to Sean Bechhofer. Haven't heard back yet.

FHIR RDF update for HL7

dbooth: Need to do a semi-annual update to the ITS group

W3C Linked Web Storage WG

eric: partly followup to SOLID work.
… Loosely chartered
… I'm co-chair

dbooth: Who are the big drivers?

ericP: Inrupt. Not IBM yet. Digital Landern. HM Government. INeck OpenLink software

dbooth: Any submissioni document on the table yet?

ericP: SOLID work would be considered an input.


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Succeeded: s|Saw a paper on it.|Saw a paper on it: https://ai.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/AIcs2300301

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: dbooth, detlef, eric, erich

All speakers: dbooth, detlef, eric, erich, ericp

Active on IRC: dbooth