WoT Use Cases

11 September 2024


Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima
McCool, Mizushima
JKRhb, kaz

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review

Mizushima: (adds Jan's name to the scribe list)
… today's agenda will be about minutes review, use case template, and TPAC
… any other topics?

Kaz: Just to make sure: Which item includes Michael McCools requirements?

Mizushima: Probably under four or five

McCool: Will talk about it in the context of TPAC

Kaz: Which item will be our priority? Use case template or TPAC and requirements?

Mizushima: All three

Kaz: My point is the order in which we will handle all of these items

Mizushima: I would like to delete the old use case template
… and change the name

Kaz: If that is a quick item, then it's fine

McCool: That's fine, and you are also just renaming the topic

Kaz: Regarding the item #4 TPAC and #5 Requirements, McCool mentioned those items to be handled at once, so would be better to give the moderation to Michael for the TPAC discussion


McCool: (takes over the screen share)
… I assume we are going to the F2F planning

Kaz: It's best if we first review the minutes

Minutes Review

<kaz> Sep-4

McCool: (Goes over the minutes of the last meeting)
… we adopted a resolution
… Kaz, is this a copy of the old resolution?

Kaz: The old resolution was cited here

McCool: That is not really clear here

Kaz: I will add "previous" to make that clearer

McCool: (continues the review)
… I don't see any issues, any objections to approving them?

Minutes are approved

Use Case Template

<kaz> PR 302 - Rename WoT-UseCases-Template.yml to WoT-UseCases-Template.yml.bak

Kaz: Let's first discuss the use case template, as it will be quick

Mizushima: (takes over the screen share again)
… this template will be for all the use case topics
… this PR renames the use case template filename, adding ".bak" add the end
… I first wanted to remove the file, but then I thought it would be better to keep it

McCool: That is fine, we already agreed to proceed that way

Kaz: Renaming the file is fine, but you could also move it to a different directory

McCool: Renaming it is fine for now, we can properly archive it later

Kaz: We should document that in the README file

McCool: We can merge the PR now and add a line to the README file later

Mizushima: I would rather like to not move a separate directory (?)

McCool: Usually, we move things to an archive directory, for now renaming it is fine so that is does not show up as an issue template anymore
… moving it to an archive directory later can be done later

Kaz: Would the template appear in the list of issue templates with the .bak file extension?

McCool: No

Kaz: In that case, fine to merge.

Mizushima: Any other opinions? Then I would like to merge



Presentation template

<kaz> TPAC 2024 WoT Wiki

McCool: (take over the screen share again)
… this is the TPAC agenda
… so we are discussion document refactoring and requirements
… I kind of think we should reorder the agenda items and discuss use cases first
… to follow a better order, especially when it comes to architecture
… then we have a very small amount of time for use cases and requirements templates
… if we need more time, we can also expand the discussion
… for now, I would keep the discussion at 10 minutes each
… I am also thinking that if we need to, we keep also shrink the time for document refactoring and expand the time for use cases and requirements
… need to do some more work for preparing this, though
… we will probably also talk about this in today's TD call

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/main/PRESENTATIONS/2024-09-tpac

McCool: Mizushima-San, I hope you can also prepare some presentation material
… I already have a template prepared on GitHub
… the file extension needs to be changed, though (from .potx to .ptx)
… so if you download it, you need to rename it

Mizushima: Yes, I think PowerPoint cannot open it at the moment

McCool: (renamed the file and adjusts the README file)
… anyway, that is the template, so please use it
… that's for TPAC

Requirements presentation

<kaz> Issue 301 - Requirements requirements

<kaz> McCool's slides on Requirements

McCool: (shows his powerpoint slides)
… most of this from last year, with some additions
… so we have the use cases that motivate certain requirements
… one use case might motivate one or more requirements
… then you have work items that satisfy requirements
… so when we add a new feature to our documents, we need to be able to trace it back to the use case that motivated it
… one thing that Ege mentioned ealier were user stories
… they are user-centric requirements to a certain degree
… so you state "what" and "why", and the persona is "who"
… so the persona is the stakeholder or stakeholders
… if you have multiple stakeholders, you can have a primary one and a secondary one, for example
… so managers and users could be differentiate in that sense
… you also have goals, which are technical requirements, and purposes, which are functional requirements
… if our requirements fulfill these aspects, then we have functional and technical requirements in all cases
… one important thing is that requirements need to satisfiable
… badly stated requirements can be hard or impossible to satisfy
… (shows examples for requirements that are satisfiable)
… Jan or Luca, do you guys know what the TD guys are thinking about requirements and is this in line with that

Jan: I am not sure

McCool: I think this was in line with what Ege had in mind
… I can probably join the call next week
… this is also for being able to group use cases together and create categories
… especially when it comes to security
… for example, privacy-related use cases
… so I have a set of potential categories
… security is a special case since you also have risks, and you have features that mitigate that risk
… so security will be a special aspect to deal with
… and risks might be related to multiple use cases
… use cases and requirements need unique identifiers, and these identifiers should be visible in the document
… requirements are similar to use cases in the sense that they need to be documented
… if the user story is not enough

Mizushima: Simple question regarding the diagram on slide 3: Isn't the arrow pointing into the right direction?

McCool: Depends on how you see the relation, if you assume that x is motivated by y, then it is correct. But I think we can just remove the arrow heads to avoid confusion
… we are going to add hyperlinks to the document
… that will reflect the directional relationship

Kaz: Thank you, Michael, I am basically okay with this direction
… I was talking with Ege and Micheal Koster about use cases and requirements from the TD perspective
… so this direction is okay, but we might want to start with the TD backlog and possible input from the industry

McCool: I was trying to get feedback, but there was little input and Ege is on vacation

Kaz: We can prioritize certain SDOs we've been liaising with as personas here (on slide 4)

McCool: We can do that, but I think it is important to identify the stakeholders first

McCool: The next step is now to make this public and get input
… that is why it is on the issue tracker
… the next thing to do is cleaning up the "Suggested Plan" slide
… the slides in general is pretty similar to what we had before
… the new thing is the user stories
… what we should do is do a test run, with the TD input
… but I also really want to get back to discovery and security and continue the work there
… that is all for now, if you have any more comments, it would be convenient if you put them into the issue tracker
… I will upload an updated version to GitHub

<McCool> w3c/wot-usecases#301

McCool: would be great if you could provide some feedback and put that into the issue

Kaz: will you upload the slides to the "wot/PRESENTATIONS/2024-09-tpac" area as well?

McCool: I will also upload to the wot repository and put it in the TPAC folder
… (uploads the slides)

<kaz> McCool's slides at wot/PRESENTATIONS/2024-09-tpac area

McCool: (Adds links to the presentation slides to the respective README file)

McCool: So that's all there, let me make a link to that (and add it to the issue in the wot-usecases repository)
… I will also mention it in the main call

Use case presentation

Mizushima: Please also check my material for TPAC

McCool: Please send me an email with the materials

Mizushima: I would like to share my screen

McCool: Sure, but we need to wrap up in five minutes

Mizushima: I would like to share my material regarding use cases
… on the first slides I would like to explain the use case process, similar to McCool-San's materials
… so in the process, the use case template and requirements template are used for inputs
… then on another slide I would like to explain the use case template
… using the page on GitHub
… then I would like to explain how to use the materials

McCool: Please update your screenshots, as there is still the obsolete template visible
… we can do a demo
… there are a few typos in the slides
… is the template in the slides the new one?

Mizushima: It is

McCool: I think it would be better to make the image bigger, crop out the obsolete black part, and zoom into the image
… so even it is not readable, people will try to read it, so try to make it readable and focus on the important parts

Mizushima: I will update the slides


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).