Chinese Layout Task Force Teleconference

11 September 2024


Bobby, Eiso, Eric, huijing, r12a, xfq, Yijun, Zhengyu

Meeting minutes

Restructure clreq per standardised headings



xfq: Today we have the honor of having Richard answer questions about the new structure of clreq

[r12a introduces the new structure]

r12a: The organisation of material is driven by function rather than implementation
… for example, underlining of text may be described under Text Emphasis for many languages, but belongs under Quotations & Citations when we are dealing with book title underlines in Chinese
… we have 5.2 Quotations & citations and 5.1 Phrase & section boundaries
… you could say that Quotations & citations are a kind of phrase boundaries, yes, they are
… the reason that it is a separate section is that people often talk about it as a feature
… the same probably applies to most of the subsections in 5. Punctuation & inline features, rather than just have a big section
… questions or comments welcome

Eric: we welcome the new structure

Eric: I think it works for our clreq document

Eric: Zhengyu might have some questions

<Zhengyu> Sorry for texting to comment.

<Zhengyu> Basically I think the new TOC/structure works.

<Zhengyu> If clreq adopts the new structure, we may need to re-compose the details of the punctuation section to fit the new classification.

Eric: Some section names may not be appropriate, such as 2.1 Vertical text
… It is unreasonable to have only vertical text and no horizontal text
… Can we change the name of this section?

r12a: I can understand what you mean

r12a: we can do a couple of things

r12a: we can put horizontal text before vertical text

[Discuss how to handle 2.2 Bidirectional text]

Eric: there's no level 2 heading for Composition of Chinese and Western Mixed Texts

r12a: if it's about text spacing between an adjacent Han character and a Western character, it goes to 6.3 Text spacing

r12a: if it's about Western characters in vertical text, it goes to 2.1 Vertical text

Eric: it's workable

Eric: because the origional mindset is that many readers may want all the Chinese and Western mixed texts content to appear together

Eric: I wonder what other people think?
… Can we create our own level 3 or level 4 headings?

r12a: yes, very much so.

xfq: We may need to rewrite some sections.

r12a: I didn't do that, but I did think about that.
… I think there's not too much to do in that respect
… Each section feels separate to me.

Eric: some ISO standard style guide does not allow text to be added directly after a section and before a subsection (e.g., after 2 and before 2.1)

xfq: I don't think W3C has any style guide in this regard
… Back to the 2.1 Vertical text topic, what should we do?

r12a: my approach is to start with vertical text, and describe the differences between vertical text and horizontal text in a subsection

r12a: the other possibility is @@1

Eric: How about we add two sections under 2. Text direction, something like: Main Writing Directions and Secondary Writing Directions
… However, for Japanese, horizontal and vertical text are used almost equally.

r12a: I'll think about what to do and reply to you this Friday

Eric: What we need to think about now is whether the level 2 headings can cover the entire clreq.

Eric: As for the specific text, we can discuss it later.
… I have no objection to putting Forms & user interaction under Page & book layout, but some digital native readers may find it strange.
… Bobby, do you have any opinion?

Bobby: jlreq @@2

Eric: about whether underline is a punctuation mark or text decoration, @@3

r12a: somebody needs to go through this new document and decide what changes need to be done

r12a: I'm not sure I'm the best person to do that

r12a: as we're getting into very low level stuff

Eric: I think for clreq it's better for us to rearrange things

Eric: first we need to fix the level 1 and level 2 headings, then we can modify the content

r12a: OK
… on Friday I'll give some thoughts to this text direction thing we discussed
… otherwise I'll hand it over to you now to do rearrangement

Eric: any other comments from anyone?

<Yijun> SGTM

huijing: it all sounds good

Eric: nice meeting you today, Richard

xfq: We will wait until the new document is organized and reviewed before replacing the current clreq ED.

Next teleconference time

October 16 (Wednesday), 19:00-20:00 (UTC+8)

And maybe another special meeting on September 20 to discuss the new structure

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).