APA Weekly Teleconference

11 Sep 2024


Dr_Keith, Fredrik, gautierchomel, janina, matatk, NehaJ, niklasegger, PaulG
niklasegger, janina

Meeting minutes

<janina> /join #rqtf

Agenda Review & Announcements

janina: Usual agenda, someone wants to add something?

matatk: Important discussions/ decisions in Agenda Point 5

TPAC 2024 Planning

<matatk> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2024

janina: Wiki to our arranged meetings is ready, we will keep it up to date

janina: One highlight: WCAG 3 and the presentation of the proposed conformance model

janina: Another one on tuesday (9am California time): Important Epub meeting

<Zakim> matatk, you wanted to discuss health procedures

<matatk> Minutes, re EPUB questions: https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-apa-minutes#t03

matatk: Main questions for our agenda on the hybrid Tuesday at TPAC

matatk: Think we have answers for most; some q's are more open

<Zakim> matatk, you wanted to react to a previous speaker to discuss epub agenda

Fredrik: Is it likely that the WCAG will remain on schedule?

janina: Actually not sure, but right now they are on time!

matatk: Notes we asked in person attendees to maks;

matatk: It's makes most sense ofr us now

<matatk> https://www.w3.org/2024/09/TPAC/health.html

matatk: Masks from W3C will be available

<Zakim> matatk, you wanted to discuss TPAC health stuff (in the right order this time :-))

Task Force & Deliverables Updates

janina: Nothing new to report

<matatk> https://www.w3.org/2024/09/11-rqtf-minutes - XR Accessibility in RQTF

<matatk> janina: Note that we will add a link to the slides - which are super important!

janina: Interesting discussion in RQTF about XR? Discussion about gaps and possibilities, see minutes

Explicit Review Requests-WebGPU

WebGPU and WebGPU Shading Language

<Roy> - https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/WebGPU

<Roy> - Working Draft: https://www.w3.org/TR/webgpu/

<Roy> - https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/WebGPU_Shading_Language

<Roy> - Working Draft: https://www.w3.org/TR/WGSL/

Roy: Groups asked if we are fine with these documents. I think we are, they are quite low level

janina: Any concerns?

matatk: No concern, but I still want to look into it. I think before TPAC is doable

HR A11y Review Comment Tracker

[WCAG2ICT] Closed functionality list - suggested additions

<matatk> APA tracking issue: w3c/a11y-review#201

<matatk> Original issue (raised by us during review): w3c/wcag2ict#466

<matatk> WCAG2ICT changes made: https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/pull/486/files

janina: We had some suggestions for improvement and they have made some changes

(matatk shares his screen and shows the changes in GitHub, see links above)

[WCAG2ICT] Seeking clarity for key term 'underlying platform software'

<matatk> APA tracking issue: w3c/a11y-review#202

<matatk> Original issue (raised by us during review): w3c/wcag2ict#465

<matatk> Related issue (rasied by Mitchell Evan): w3c/wcag2ict#414

<matatk> WCAG2ICT changes made (for Mitchell's issue 414): https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/pull/467/files

<matatk> WCAG2ICT changes made (for our issue 465): removed 'underlying' from Note 1 under https://w3c.github.io/wcag2ict/#applying-sc-2-1-1-keyboard-to-non-web-documents-and-software and https://w3c.github.io/wcag2ict/#applying-keyboard-interface-to-non-web-documents-and-software

<matatk> gb, off

[WCAG2ICT] Suggest slight clarification of audience and outcomes

<matatk> APA tracking issue: w3c/a11y-review#203

<matatk> Original issue (raised by us during review): w3c/wcag2ict#464

<matatk> WCAG2ICT changes made: https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/pull/488/files

matatk: Overall, I think they addressed our points very well. Does anyone have any concerns?(no concerns)

(... minute just above was for subtopic "Seeking clarity for key term 'underlying platform software')

<gb> matatk, issues and names were already off.

matatk: I again think this one is sufficiently addressed. Any concerns? (again no concerns)

matatk: I will accept the changes later

CSS Update (Paul)

<PaulG> w3c/csswg-drafts#9855

PaulG: Discussion about the visibility of the scrollbar

Actions check-in

Other business

janina: Please note that post TPAC, I think, maturity model will have a comeback before the end of the year. We need to start thinking about it, we will recharter next year

<PaulG> https://illuminate.google.com/

PaulG: Illuminate turns complex science papers into short podcast, if someone is interested see Paul's link above

<Fredrik> Already having the NAUR, why not continue the Tolkenian AURs with AINUR?

<Fredrik> (the above then being meant for the AI user requirements - yeah, lots of backronyming required...)

Be done

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Succeeded: s/point/subtopic

Maybe present: Roy

All speakers: Fredrik, janina, matatk, PaulG, Roy

Active on IRC: Dr_Keith, Fredrik, gautierchomel, janina, matatk, NehaJ, niklasegger, PaulG, Roy