13:21:35 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 13:21:39 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-irc 13:45:47 meeting: RDF-star WG — Semantics TF 13:45:47 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/09/05-rdf-star-minutes.html 13:45:47 next meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/09/12-rdf-star-minutes.html 13:46:00 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:46:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 13:46:04 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:52:51 AndyS has joined #rdf-star 13:59:35 tl has joined #rdf-star 14:00:13 present+ TallTed, tl 14:00:36 enrico has joined #rdf-star 14:01:01 present= 14:01:05 present+ 14:01:14 william_vw has joined #rdf-star 14:01:18 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 14:01:24 present+ 14:01:30 (unsure if that's needed here) 14:02:17 @william_vw we all do it 14:02:38 pfps has joined #rdf-star 14:02:50 present+ 14:02:52 we handle the queue here 14:03:08 present+ 14:04:44 present+ Souri, niklasl, AndyS, doerthe 14:04:59 s/present=// 14:05:07 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:05:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:05:22 doerthe has joined #rdf-star 14:05:32 present+ 14:05:48 present+ 14:05:52 present+ 14:06:13 chair: enrico 14:06:52 topic: discussion about creating instances of reificationProperty class 14:07:24 https://spinrdf.org 14:08:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:10:37 q+ 14:10:42 FWIW SPIN RDF is a dormant project and not active. 14:11:18 ack niklasl 14:11:21 q+ 14:11:37 yes, right 14:11:54 niklasl yes indeed 14:12:12 q+ 14:12:34 ack tl 14:12:47 :r rdfreifies <<( :s :p :o )>>. :r rdf:object [ .... ] 14:12:55 q+ 14:14:01 ack andys 14:14:02 q- 14:14:16 I think it could work it does imply that the reifier is a member of rdf:Statement, which we probably need some recommendation for. 14:14:18 q+ 14:15:01 Yes, as AndyS says, SHACL Rules would be valuable to look at. 14:15:19 was also my idea, but I put myself of the queue because I am reading up at the moment 14:16:19 no, niklasl, reifiers are not statements! 14:17:33 OBJECT(triple term) = :o -- the function is on the tripleTerm not the reifier. 14:17:36 q+ 14:17:48 (after shacl inspection) 14:24:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:24:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:25:01 ack niklasl 14:26:38 ack doerthe 14:26:44 q+ 14:27:00 ack william_vw 14:28:02 q+ 14:28:27 (A possible way using OWL infer that a specific reifier is also a classic reification: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/niklasl/69428b043be6f1d33fd45f89cbe52632/raw/13cd391a1eebad5f975e4aae93fd2fd581fb4683/statement-entailment.ttl - note: this is related to but *not* the same as "unstarring".) 14:29:29 (Something similar could be used for e.g. sh:TripleRule https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl-af/#rules .) 14:30:44 q+ to ask if the rdfs:domain of an rdf:ReificationProperty is ... always a reifier? 14:31:25 @niklas no 14:32:12 enrico thanks, that makes sense 14:32:16 ack enrico 14:32:22 Oh no, sorry, you're right tl :) 14:32:27 ack tl 14:32:27 tl, you wanted to ask if the rdfs:domain of an rdf:ReificationProperty is ... always a reifier? 14:32:59 q+ 14:33:12 q+ 14:33:24 +1 (IIUC) that rdf:reifies is as strong as rdf:type (a core concept) 14:34:11 To note, I don't see much use for a reifier class... 14:35:00 ack niklasl 14:37:19 ack doerthe 14:37:23 q+ 14:39:41 Not even literals denote themselves (in 1.1)... 14:44:37 ack enrico 14:44:43 q+ 14:44:50 ack doerthe 14:45:21 q+ 14:45:41 q+ 14:50:15 ack niklasl 14:51:09 fight FIGHT F I G H T !!!!! 14:53:00 Example: https://agilemodeling.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/classDiagramAssociationClasses.gif 14:55:03 Other example: https://images.slideplayer.com/24/6992546/slides/slide_3.jpg 14:55:51 More example: https://vertabelo.com/blog/weak-entity-example/1.png 14:56:07 UML/ORM/E-R 14:56:25 ack tl 14:56:57 q+ 14:59:59 rdf:ReificationProperty rdfs:domain rdfs:Resource . # ? 15:03:09 q+ 15:03:17 ack enrico 15:04:08 ack andys 15:04:29 I believe I agree that we need rdf:reifies, which is more detailed, requiring assertion and separate reification (in my words). 15:05:34 q+ 15:06:14 I'm also not convinced of this right now 15:06:25 q- 15:06:26 (FWIW) 15:06:44 q+ 15:07:05 ack niklasl 15:07:13 q+ 15:08:43 q+ 15:10:55 they are all grown-ups :D 15:11:05 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 15:11:12 enrico has joined #rdf-star 15:11:18 present+ 15:11:21 q+ 15:11:27 ack william_vw 15:11:32 q- 15:12:02 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:12:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 15:13:30 ack tl 15:13:32 q+ 15:15:44 to refine my position, I would like to have literals in subject position, but I understand why they could be dangerous. I still don't see the danger from triple terms 15:16:32 q+ 15:17:06 i/RRSAgent, make logs public/scribe: none 15:17:18 ack enrico 15:17:19 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:17:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 15:17:26 ack niklasl 15:26:09 q+ 15:27:13 q+ 15:29:00 ack tl 15:29:01 q- 15:29:11 ack william_vw 15:29:12 ack william_vw 15:38:07 niklasl has joined #rdf-star 15:41:16 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/issues/27 15:41:17 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr/issues/27 -> Issue 27 Integrating different ontology designs through entailment upon triple terms (by niklasl) [use case] 15:46:44 i|RRSAgent, make logs public|agenda: https://www.w3.org/mid/B09C1215-D0EC-4E83-889A-BAAB7D9945DF@inf.unibz.it 15:46:52 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:46:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 15:47:44 +1 for a less-generalized RDF (Sgt RDF) 15:48:06 R-Triples ? 15:48:40 G-Triples and LG-Triples 15:50:35 Input restriction sounds promising. 15:52:26 Postel's law recommends outputting input syntax (and accepting but not necessarily keeping other stuff). 15:53:22 I'm signing off (lunchtime) 15:53:56 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:53:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/09/06-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:00:44 Zakim, bye 16:00:44 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been enrico, william_vw, AndyS, pfps, Souri, niklasl, doerthe, gkellogg 16:00:44 Zakim has left #rdf-star 16:00:49 RRSAgent, bye 16:00:49 I see no action items