05 September 2024


Adam_Page, alisonmaher, CurtBellew, filippo-zorzi, giacomo-petri, keithamus, Matt_King, nina, ray-schwartz, sarah, scott, smockle, StefanS

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage


giacomo-petri: browsers handle tables without headers inconsistently

giacomo-petri: it is beneficial to clarify in standards how browsers should treat tables without table headers, for consistency

spectranaut_: Is there any history about how to handle this?

jcraig: Even if a table has headers, if it’s otherwise invalid, at least some engines (e.g. Webkit) will not try to expose a malformed table to the accessibility API, because that’d do downstream harm to ATs.

jcraig: Even an explicit role="table" is sometimes ignored. This is bigger than just missing headers.

jamesn: A longer conversation could be good. It could be good to have an algorithm. I’ve dug into this in a previous company. Even the size of the first cell is used as a heuristic for whether something is a data table or layout table.

Francis: GovUK had a good talk on the question “What is a table?” Things like background color, number of rows, whether header had bold text.

aaronlev: This could be a deep dive topic. The original algorithm in Mozilla was copied to other browsers. It was written by me in a day when there weren’t as many CSS properties and tables were commonly used for layout. Maybe that’s less common now, such that these heuristics are no longer needed?

aaronlev: Based on feedback (e.g. re: ease of navigation), it might be useful to expose things as tables.

<jcraig> https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/blob/main/Source/WebCore/accessibility/AccessibilityTable.cpp#L130

jcraig: I think the way to do this is to do a comparison of the major implementations’ data table heuristics.

<aaronlev> Blink's IsDataTable(): https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/blink/renderer/modules/accessibility/ax_node_object.cc;l=1600

jcraig: Example heuristics: Are there zebra-striped rows? Is there an explicit role defined? If we can get to the center of the Gantt chart between Gecko, Webkit, and Chromium, that’s probably enough.

aaronlev: The functions are long, but well-commented. They are mostly the same.

aaronlev: Maybe we shouldn’t do this; maybe we should just expose tables as tables. These rules were written 20 years ago, when tables were more commonly used for layout.

Matt_King: When tables are misused or over-used, the exposure of all those tables (sometimes layers deep), getting screen readers to deal with nested tables is really hard.

New PR Triage


spectranaut_: w3c/aria#1267 is a related issue

<aaronlev> Why authors should avoid aria-relevant

<aaronlev> https://medium.com/dev-channel/why-authors-should-avoid-aria-relevant-5d3164fab1e3

jcraig: Rahim has a lot of thoughts re: what we could do with IDL going forward; I’ll take an action to block the merge of 2326 because we should make decisions re: IDL as a group (e.g. whether to continue with DOMString reflection).

spectranaut_: Rahim mentioned brining an IDL topic to TPAC, last meeting

spectranaut_: It sounds like there’s nothing to do (on 2326), because it’s blocked

aaronlev: I co-wrote an article (pasted above) re: why aria-relevant is horrible and we should get rid of it. It doesn’t work, and it’s inconsistent; there’s other ways of doing the same use cases. It’s added when people add loads of aria attributes.

jcraig: VoiceOver has specific behaviors with regard to deletions (e.g. down-pitching). So, if you want to make that kind of behavior work with live regions (which is rare), then aria-relevant=removals is the only way to get that working.

aaronlev: We could deprecate aria-relevant.

jcraig: Here’s my reasoning for not deprecating—even flaky things in ARIA that either work partially or in a single implementation—so many of these APIs that have never been testable in a cross-platform way, and there's a very high likelihood that they will soon be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and-or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate././or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate.

WPT Open PRs


jamesn: Looks like a fix for a previous PR that was causing an error

spectranaut_: I’ll take a look at it after this meeting

TPAC planning

spectranaut_: We’ve cancelled the meeting on September 19th (the week before TPAC).

spectranaut_: James and I have been working on putting the amount of time per discussions, and constraints (ordering, presenter conflicts).

<jcraig> or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate.//or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate./

keithamus: What is the best way to reach out?

spectranaut_: Reach out to me and James, or edit the wiki page.

spectranaut_: Working to schedule IDL session.

Spec for menu/menuitem does not provide enough author guidance for structure

spectranaut_: Sarah found many examples of UI menu components and did a brief analysis. What does this mean for Aaron’s desire for an algorithm?

sarah: There are a lot of instances where the DOM structure isn’t hierarchical. In a lot of these libraries, every menu is rendered in another `div` at the end of the DOM. The closest menu item, walking up the tree, would always be the last menu.

aaronlev: So is the issue that there isn’t a previous one, or that the previous one is wrong?

sarah: You would get incorrect results, not no results.

aaronlev: So, we have to use `aria-controls`?

Matt_King: Is `aria-owns` as good as (or better)?

Matt_King: When you are computing name from content for a menuitem or treeitem, when that item contains a group (or menu), then the accessible name calculation will not walk inside of that group when it’s calculating the name of the menuitem/treeitem.

aaronlev: Browsers do it, but it’s not specified.

<jcraig> s/\/.\/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate././

Matt_King: The reason I ask about `aria-owns`: It re-arranges the accessibility tree. But the presentation matters a ton if you’re in browse mode or virtual cursor mode.

spectranaut_: Are we closer to solving the original problem?

aaronlev: We can use `aria-controls` or `aria-owns`. We can’t use the previous menuitem to a menu, because of Sarah’s findings.

Matt_King: We need to prototype using `aria-owns`, e.g. in APG.

aaronlev: `aria-controls` is rarely-used, but it’s a safe way to get this information. If the APG is updated, and indicates `aria-owns` is a possibility, then we can update.

Matt_King: So—looking at Sarah’s examples—using the DOM structure would create more problems than it solves. Falling back to the default name (“menu”) would be better.

aaronlev: Agreed. And thanks Sarah.

spectranaut_: Are there any spec changes needed?

aaronlev: The spec for menu and/or menuitem needs to specify that the author should use `aria-controls`.

Matt_King: I want to leave that—whether authors should use `aria-controls` vs `aria-owns`—open for discussion.

Matt_King: Maybe we should do this experiment before updating the spec.

<Zakim> jamesn, you wanted to note that both owns and controls /could/ cause issues for web components until we allow cross root relationships

Matt_King: Proposing `aria-owns` when the parent-child relationship does not indicate

jamesn: Someone could explicitly name their menu, right?

aaronlev: People don’t generally name their menus, in a menubar. Would that cause redundant announcements?

Matt_King: I don’t like that, because if they put a different name than the name of the parent, it would be named confusing. Naming based on menu structure helps you keep track of where you are.

spectranaut_: So, next steps: Make an issue on APG to add an `aria-owns` example. Re: Suggesting either `aria-owns` or `aria-controls` in the spec text: Matt requested we wait on the example.

Matt_King: We can raise this on the APG call. We could take one of the existing examples (preferably an exact copy) and change the HTML and the CSS. It could be a fairly quick PR.

spectranaut_: It would be a good project for someone experienced working with HTML and CSS.

Matt_King: Ideally soon.

Adam_Page: I’ll volunteer to add that example.

Remove group as allowed child of tree

giacomo-petri: Next time, please.

spectranaut_: This has 3 approving reviews. We need tests for this.

spectranaut_: I’ll comment on this issue about what tests need to be written.

spectranaut_: Giacomo, please add questions for async discussion in the issue.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Here’s my reasoning for not deprecating—even flaky things—there’s very high likelihood that APIs that have never been testable, will soon be testable across browsers, in WPT./Here’s my reasoning for not deprecating—even flaky things in ARIA that either work partially or in a single implementation—so many of these APIs that have never been testable in a cross-platform way, and there's a very high likelihood that they will soon

Warning: ‘s/be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate.//’ interpreted as replacing ‘be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and’ by ‘or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate./’

Succeeded: s/be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate.//

Warning: ‘s/that they will soon/that they will soon be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate./’ interpreted as replacing ‘that they will soon’ by ‘that they will soon be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate.’

Succeeded: s/that they will soon/that they will soon be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate./

Warning: ‘s/be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate././’ interpreted as replacing ‘be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and’ by ‘or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate./.’

Succeeded: s/be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate././

Succeeded: s/will soon or/will soon be testable across browsers in WPT, either with AccessibleNode and-or/

Warning: ‘s/\/.\/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate././’ interpreted as replacing ‘\’ by ‘.\/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate./.’

Failed: s/\/.\/or the Acacia AAM testing that Valerie has been working on. Once we can see those test results, we'll be able to made a more educated decision about whether to deprecate././

Maybe present: aaronlev, Francis, jamesn, jcraig, spectranaut_

All speakers: aaronlev, Adam_Page, Francis, giacomo-petri, jamesn, jcraig, keithamus, Matt_King, sarah, spectranaut_

Active on IRC: aaronlev, Adam_Page, alisonmaher, CurtBellew, filippo-zorzi, giacomo-petri, jamesn, jcraig, keithamus, Matt_King, nina, ray-schwartz, sarah, scott, smockle, spectranaut_, StefanS