WoT Use Cases

04 September 2024


Kaz_Ashimura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima
McCool, kaz

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review

Mizushima: agenda at https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_UseCase_WebConf#Sep_4th%2C_2024

Mizushima: start with logistics, then look at other topics


Mizushima: Sept 25/Oct 2 cancelled due to TPAC, Oct 23 will not be available

McCool: for TPAC, I think we need to cover use case template (which needs to be "done") and also the requirements process
… we probably will only have at most 30 minutes, and need time for discussion
… so if we do a presenation, it should only be 8-10 slides at most
… the main goal should be to get clarity on the usecase-requirements process

Kaz: the next question is who and how

McCool: think Mizushima-san can do use-case process review, I can do requirements prep; first draft for next week, then final polishing week after
… we should also pull in others to review, e.g. Ege to represent the TD TF.

Kaz: are you, McCool, ok with being temporary co-moderator for now?

McCool: yes, for now

Mizushima: who are the speakers? myself, you, and ege?

McCool: I think 15 minute pres, 15 minute discussion; one or two speakers, ege can join discussion

McCool: suggest using plain PPT template, e.g. from last year (or if I have time, I will create one for this year)

McCool: mz to do draft of uc part, 4-5 slides, I will do requirements part (also 4-5 slides)
… do intro/conclusion next time

Kaz: I will look up what else is needed for a template, e.g. standard opening material

<kaz> HTML template (just fyi)


Mizushima: Approve https://www.w3.org/2024/08/07-wot-uc-minutes.html ?

<kaz> Aug-7

Mizushima: last time Ege proposed a new usecase template

Mizushima: ege proposed a simpler template
… also discussed how to improve process
… including possible co-moderator

Mizushima: Any objections to approving? None... approved.

Use Case Template

Mizushima: discussed Ege's proposal

Mizushima: w3c/wot-usecases#300

<kaz> PR 300 - New Use Case Template Proposal

<kaz> PREVIOUS RESOLUTION: Discuss the new template given in usecases PR w3c/wot-usecases#300 in the main call today and call for a resolution to adopt it on Sept 4 - in the meantime, do test cases based on TD use cases and request feedback and suggested changes in the PR.

Kaz: last call achieved consensus as above - call for resolution, request feedback in the meantime

McCool: so one comment I want to point out, mentioned by Ege in the PR, that the template is for current WoT users, not new users. He feels there is enough work to get caught up with current users. I'm ok with that - we already have a lot of material to work with.

McCool: also, for TPAC, we could ask Ege to present on the template, although since he is on vacation right now, mz should still do the initial draft of those slides, based on the new template (assuming we adopt it).

McCool: suggest we resolve to adopt the template right now, subject to a few refinements based on experience capturing TD (and possibly Discovery) use cases.

Kaz: agree

Luca: also agree

proposal: Adopt the new Use Case template in https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/300, subject to possible refinement after testing.

RESOLUTION: Adopt the new Use Case template in https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/300, subject to possible refinement after testing.

Mizushima: merging PR#300


McCool: myself to be temporary co-moderator - can call for a resolution in the main call today
… my focus will be on requirements
… maybe only for a few months, to get requirements organized

McCool: my proposal for requirements can be via the "presentation"
… we may or may not use a YAML template
… we need also to talk to Koster and Ege; can concentrate on existing requirements from TD and Discovery

McCool: also suggest we don't worry about technical vs functional

Kaz: think also we need to look at communication streams; TD task force will talk about that later today

Mizushima: can TD representatives join this call?

McCool: maybe, maybe not, but what I think is we should just ask them what they want

Mizushima: other TFs should also let us know what they need

Kaz: note that as recorded in the minutes from the Aug-7 call (as Mizushima-san is showing on his display), we wanted to start to ask the TD TF about their existing use cases first

McCool: other TFs are not really active right now - except Profiles

McCool: luca, how should be organize requirements from profile
… in fact this may help clarify what profiles are for

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

  1. Adopt the new Use Case template in https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/300, subject to possible refinement after testing.
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).