WoT-WG - TD-TF - Slot 1

04 September 2024


Daniel_Peintner, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barba, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes


Koster: (goes through the agenda)
… concentrate on two topic
… TPAC and Use Cases



Koster: minutes from the Wednesday meeting
… (quick scan)




Use Case process

McCool: basically, we had the use cases call this morning
… Ege's proposed simpler template was approved
… Daniel mentioned some feedback to be applied
… we should give a week to Daniel to propose updates
… next thing is organizing requirements

<Tomo> new use case template

Daniel: it's Jan and myself who tried the simpler use case template

McCool: ok
… why don't you and Jan create a PR?

<dape> w3c/wot-thing-description#2039 (comment)

Daniel: my commen in an issue as above

McCool: maybe you should create an Issue for UC also

wot-thing-description Issue 2039 - Using the New Use Case Template and Gathering Experience

Kaz: in that case, what to be done?
… will the UC TF look into the TD issue 2039 directly?

McCool: yes
… then look into backlogs from TD repo for use cases and requirements
… may or may not include the YAML template
… maybe the features could be dealt with by multiple use cases
… would say if we have some requirements process, create use cases and let the UC TF know
… please point us to the issue
… regarding requirements, don't think we need to handle functional requirements vs technical requirements at the moment
… requirements could be very simple
… need to start to think about requirements
… could start with one-liner
… given users need certain function
… if you have a different idea, that's fine and please create an issue about your idea
… next week, let's walk through the draft

Koster: ok

McCool: any requirements written down by the TD TF?
… would capture use story

Kaz: no concrete discussion about that yet
… just wanted to start use case extraction based on the existing TD issues
… so let's think about our basic process first

McCool: Yeah

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/labels/Requirement%20Extraction

McCool: there is one label saying "Requirement Extraction"
… on the wot-usecases repo as above

<McCool> w3c/wot-usecases#301 for requirements process feedback

Kaz: and the details about the UC/Req process to be done during the UC call next week. right?

McCool: right
… will generate some draft for that purpose
… discussion during TPAC also
… need to justify all the features

Koster: makes sense
… any comments/questions?


TPAC planning

Koster: talked earlier during the main call about the TD slot at TPAC
… regular WoT track and breakouts


tpac2024-breakouts issue 23 - One Year Update: Using LinkML in Web of Things Specifications

Koster: a session about LinkML usage
… do we need to refine this further?
… ok for now?

Kaz: maybe we should double check Ege/Mahda about if they want to mention not only LinkML but also the other part of the WoT toolchain in general

Koster: might have impact to the title

Kaz: right
… so should be confirmed

Koster: Ian Jacobs is handling the breakouts

Kaz: right

Koster: any other comments?


tpac2024-breakouts issue 24 - Registries for W3C Specifications

Koster: this is about registry

Kaz: IRC channel name might be too long :)
… another session about "Registry" uses #webcomponents
… so maybe we could simply use "#registries" might be ok

Koster: ok
… (gives a comment on the GitHub issue)
… what about conflicts

Kaz: will mention we'd avoid conflicts with WoT-related proposals within my Issue on Smart Cities

Koster: maybe we might want to suggest "WoT Track"

Kaz: yeah
… can mention that too
… don't think we need to update all the issues one by one

Koster: anything more for today?

Kaz: maybe we could skim the topics for the TD slot during TPAC. right?

Koster: right

TPAC TD agenda items

Kaz: maybe the agenda topics there on the TD agenda wiki might be the candidates, i.e., Toolchain, Reusable connection, Project/Backlog, Registry, Binding vs Profile, Resource management

Koster: ok
… note we just have one hour for TD during TPAC
… we need to think about our priority for TPAC meeting

McCool: use case extraction also

Koster: (looks at the Backlog section of the agenda wiki)
… "7. Reviews of the individual bindings to extract use cases"

McCool: note that we'll have OPC liaison separately
… who's doing what
… 1. give updates to the group
… 2. TD discussion
… separately

TPAC WoT wiki - Day 2 - Liaisons section

Koster: HTTP3 connection might be of interest

Kaz: at least we should add "HTTP3" or "QUIC" to the list of missing protocols
… given the relationship with the liaison topics, it might be better to put the TD session right after the Liaisons session at TPAC?

McCool: makes sense

TD session at TPAC

McCool: btw, it would take 5mins or so for meeting organization at the beginning of the meeting each day

Koster: will add that change
… any more discussion about TPAC for today?



Koster: no meeting tomorrow or Thursday next week

Daniel: who to update the W3C Calendar?

Kaz: will do


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).