APA Weekly Teleconference

04 September 2024


demelza, Dr_Keith, Fazio, Fredrik, gautierchomel, iali, janina, matatk, NehaJ, niklasegger, PaulG
janina, matatk

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review & Announcements

matatk: No specific news

TPAC 2024 Planning

<matatk> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2024

matatk: Above link is APA's Wiki for this year's TPAC.

matatk: Lists our meetings and will collect minutes, etc

matatk: Calendar also now lists rooms for things, also a map

matatk: Notes choice offered on masking policy, APA Chairs are requesting masking

matatk: It's because our primary activity is with other groups.

Fazio: Asks about exemption policy? Is it innoculation?

matatk: No, medically determined inability to wear the mask

Fazio: Also question about getting masks

janina: Expect masks will be available, but likely not the one you'd choose!

Task Force & Deliverables Updates

matatk: Anything new?

iali: Is there anything I missed?

iali: We have open questions

<Demelza> +demelza

iali: Want to catch up

matatk: We have mtg with CSS where we have a specific question/proposal relating to moving pronunciation forward

matatk: Just enough CSS-Speech for presentational; and our spec could be intrinsic to content

matatk: CSS's answer will inform our path forward

PaulG: Also my understanding; I'll be virtual

<matatk> The CSSWG meeting is on Monday: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2024

matatk: Notes CSS mtgs are very well attended; So we expect helpful outcome

New Charters Review

Spatial Data on the Web

<matatk> - issue: w3c/strategy#474

<matatk> - proposed charter: https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/2024/sdw-wg.html

matatk: Notes some interesting work proposed; sensors, time, etc

matatk: Remember this is a charter, what they produce will get our review, but ...

. We're thinking it makes sense for us to be listed as a specific liaison

. Believe members would want to giveinput

janina: I think it's important we get involved early because the group may need help with the sorts of semantic data that they may not otherwise realize would be helpful. Also ability to control the rendering.

PaulG: Will become part of XR, so we don't want foundational accessibility support missing

PaulG: See it as an extension of XR

matatk: We're proposing we support; but please add APA as liaison formally

[Group agrees to request liaison]

Not New on TR

Media Session

- spec: https://www.w3.org/TR/mediasession/

- explainer: https://github.com/w3c/mediasession/blob/main/explainer.md

- wiki: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Media_Session_Standard

Two things to discuss: (1) accessibility of controls such as the proposed 'skip ad' button; and (2) the proposal to Extend MediaMetadata to capture video chapter information (<w3c/mediasession#273>).

matatk: An API ...

. First link is spec, second is Explainer ...

. Then our Wiki from previous discussion

matatk: Proposal to have skip adds button

. so an event handler

. TAG wants it generalized, skip chapter, etc

matatk: When we previously reviewed we found no issues

matatk: next, they're proposing mediametadata, gives Adapt a way for AAC to be used

. We can ask at TPAC in our MEIG mtg

. PIP implications need to be considered, too

. Any volunteers to help review?

<Zakim> janina, you wanted to note Epub interest, also to ask about a11y of ads

janina: Epub has long had an interest in skippable structures - so this is a well-known concept. How well it's been implemented in UAs we may debate. It's more than just media that would want this skippable structures approach - a wider conversation?

janina: We had a discussion about only accepting accessible ads - is this the time to bring that up?

PaulG: Notes medical necessity if ad flashes;

PaulG: Prioritizing user needs is something to support

Fazio: Wasn't similar issue on reloading spec that caused excessive scrolling?

matatk: Can discuss, noting baking in certain business models may or may not be the thing to work on

matatk: Notes previous other approaches to handle flashing; we should go for the generalized solution

matatk: Recalls a11y ad was to leverage incentives

Fazio: Notes his auditing tool is auto assessing with AI -- determine whether should or should not display

matatk: Not just flashing ...

Fazio: Yes, all kinds

PaulG: Content warnings? Was that where this idea started?

PaulG: Honoring people's preferences

PaulG: Good question today is how would we support this kind of capability?

matatk: We're looking at the spec for support of UX for a11y

. Next for metadata use cases

. Also How to start moving to communicating user preferences

. How to apply them in practice

. Reminded of Dave Swallow: "Trigger warnings can be triggering."

. So how to specify once and use verywhere

. Believe there's room to discuss that; some of that metadata could be the topic

. Suggest we put our symbols and portable prefs into the discussion for now

PaulG: General metadata for where details are specified later

PaulG: Where to put the taxonomy is current issue

NehaJ: What's the ask now?

. We need to review their docs; When is a bit flexible; We're all super busy ahead of TPAC

[Neha and Dr. Keith stepping up to review]

matatk: Metadata is important to APA; the WG group very much needs spec review now

matatk: Clarification on what people can review would be helpful

neha, definitely

Dr_Keith: Same

CSS Update (Paul)

<PaulG> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10720, https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10715, w3c/csswg-drafts#10722

PaulG: One topic ...

PaulG: has to do with scroll

PaulG: Carousels should be responsive

PaulG: Have compelling reasons for CSS specification of Carousels!

matatk: Would this help in too much UI bouncing around?

matatk: But nothing for us at this point?

PaulG: Yes, still some options under discussion; but it'll be back

PaulG: If anyone interested, or with thoughts I have not presented ...

Actions check-in

Other business

Be done

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


All speakers: Dr_Keith, Fazio, iali, janina, matatk, NehaJ, PaulG

Active on IRC: Demelza, Dr_Keith, Fazio, Fredrik, gautierchomel, iali, janina, matatk, NehaJ, niklasegger, PaulG