Media and Entertainment IG + CTA WAVE Joint Meeting

03 September 2024


Alexandra_Blasgen, Alicia_Boya, Bill_Rose, Chris_Lorenzo, Chris_Needham, Francois_Daoust, Fritz_Heiden, Hiroki_Endo, Hisayuki_Ohmata, Ilja_Gavrylov, Javier_Arellano, John_Riviello, Jon_Piesing, Kaz_Ashimura, Louay_Bassbouss, Paul_Hearty, Peter_Shorrock, Piers_O'Hanlon, Ryo_Yasuoka, Tatsuya_Igarashi, Thomas_Stockhammer, William_Rose, Wolfgang_Schildbach, Yan_Jiang
ChrisL, ChrisN, Igarashi

Meeting minutes


Chris: Welcome. Collaboration with CTA WAVE and W3C, closely related groups. Hope to organise future meetings to follow up on this and other topics.

CTA WAVE Streaming Media Test Suite - Devices

Slideset: https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/images/0/0b/2024-09-03-WAVE-Streaming-Media-Test-Suite-Devices.pdf

[Slide 1]

Louay: Jon Piesing and I will present. Jon with the first part, then I'll go into technical details
… We have a demo I'll show

[Slide 2]

Jon: CTA is the Consumer Technology Association. ANSI approved standards and trade association in the US market
… WAVE is Web Application Video Ecosystem, video on CE devices

[Slide 3]

Jon: Here's a list of specs that WAVE has delivered. Point specifications that solve real-world pain points
… Device Playback Capabilities spec, CMSD, CMCD, Web Media API Snaphot, and the Content spec
… We have test suites and tools, developed for CTA by Fraunhofer
… WAVE has been a contributor of updates to the DASH validator, with DASH-IF, DVB, HbbTV

[Slide 4]

Jon: The Device Playback Capabilites test suite exercises the Device Playback Capabilites spec
… How you'd deploy MSE and EME in a real world situation
… The majority is in sections 8 and 9, you can see the points that are covered
… It's a slightly old version of the document, some things added
… Playback of fragements, switching sets, and more. It's all CMAF
… We have audio and video media profiles
… We went back and forth on subtitles. But the reality is they're handled in JS, not browsers. We focused on things like timing, interested if we missed anything there

[Slide 5]

Louay: Many partners have contributed to the project. This slides shows the high level architecture of the test suite
… We'll share slides, with links to the GitHub repos
… And give some hints on how to get started
… Start with mezzanine content. Annotated audio and video content. CMAF content based on the mezzanine content
… We have a test runner based on WPT test runner. HTML and JS templates
… And the observation framework

[Slide 6]

Louay: Mezzanine content. It's annotated video content in many resolutions
… It gives you the opportunity to do automatic observation. So no need for human to do that
… Annotated in the video is a QR code, some information about the current frame, resolution, frame rate, timestamp. Human readable text for debugging
… A flashing square for A/V sync. The red triangle is for checking all the content is visible on screen
… Content based on pseudo-random noise

[Slide 7]

Louay: The CMAF test content is validated from the mezzanine content. Metadata in the form of a DASH MPD
… Groups of CMAF streams, content option combinations, options for debugging, resolutions for testing CMAF switching sests. Also tests for splicing and encryption
… We have sparse matrix of test content and options
… We have validation of the content as valid CMAF usng the DASH-IF validator

[Slide 8]

<kaz> cta-wave/dpctf-tests

Louay: After creating the content, we need to create test instructions. This is done in HTML and JS
… Sequential track playing, random access to times
… There's a template, using MSE and EME. Implements instructions for the DPC spec
… We're not using open source players like DASH.js, just a basic MSE player. Don't want additional features not relevant for doing the tests
… So we can see the test really implements what's in the DPC spec
… For sequential track playback, make sure the content plays from beginning to end
… How to do that? In a JS implementation, can rely on events triggered by the video element
… This isn't enough. If there are issues with integration of the browser in a device, the media element tells you the video is playing, but you see skipped frames or just a black screen
… Things yuo can't discover from a JS API, so need information observation externally
… An important aspect, while we're playing the content we show information on top of the content, showing the mezzanine annotations, and QR codes from the JS app
… So when recording, and in the observation framework, you can see differenes between what's shown on the screen and what's reported in JS
… Check whether it follows the DPC or not, and if the test assertion passes or fails

[Slide 9]

<kaz> cta-wave/dpctf-test-runner

Louay: We have a test runner, software that can do test automation
… We use web platform tests, not only in the DPC but the Web Media API Snapshot. We extended WPT to be able to run on TV and STB devices
… We've contributed changes back to WPT. The difference is, the test logic it outsorced to a test server
… WPT can be run on a device under test, but can't do that on a TV device
… So we extended the runner, we have a server that manages the tests and results
… There's an option to configure the tests. Difficult to customise just using a TV remote
… This is why we have a companion app, can a QR code, configure the tests from the companion page
… We have a REST API for test automation. This is used in HbbTV test tools
… Also, when a test session completes, you can export results to HTML and JSON
… These are compatible with the WPT test runner

[Slide 10]

Louay: The observation framework can run on a PC or tablet, any browser platform that supports MSE
… Record all the test runs. We use a camera, e.g., a smartphone, to record the test session
… The OF analyses the recording automatically, extract QR code from each frame, process the data and compare to DPC spec
… Can depoy the OF to the same device or test runner. Or to a more powerful machine, because you're doing video decoding, media processing, so needs a device with good performance
… You can run it in a Docker container, but make sure the performance fits your requirements, e.g., to produce fast results

[Slide 11]

Louay: There's a landing pages for the test suite. This should be your starting point
… Go to the webpage, there's an explainer, link to the GitHub repository from where you can deploy the test runner

<kaz> cta-wave/dpctf-deploy

[Slide 12]

Louay: I'll show a demo video
… You see the device under test in our lab. It's in HbbTV mode
… There's a smartphone camera that records the test run, and a cable to the smartphone, it's the audio output from the TV
… If you just use the smartphone mic, it doesn't work, needs cleaner audio
… And you have the audio and video in the same file
… Scan the QR on the TV, then you can open a companion page where you can configure and select the tests to run on the TV
… We have long time playback tests, content more than 2 hours. It gives you a fast way to select the relevant tests
… Start the test run, and between each test you'll get a screen showing what the test is
… Tests are 30 or 60 seconds, or the longer 2 hour tests
… You can see annotations from the mezzanine content on the screen. A QR generated in JS
… Encodes hat is the last action, timestamp. Used in the OF
… The OF detects that the first frame is displayed, to check the content is played from the beginning to the last
… The test runner then starts the next test
… From human observation, we can see it's fine. But some things are harder to detect, so why we need the OF
… On the last page, it shows session completed. The companion screen shows all the info about the test run
… Number of passes and fails, buttons to download the results as JSON or an HTML report
… Now copy the recording from the camera and run the OF to check for passes/fails
… The report is automatically updated based on the OF results

[Slide 13]

Louay: Technical requirements. We support all OSs: Linux, Windows, Mac. We recommend Linux as it has native Docker support, it's the fastest and easiest way to deploy
… Docker Desktop means additional steps, but that's documented
… Need TLS server certs, it's important for EME tests, which requires HTTPS
… The camera for recording, to analyse 50 or 60Hz, you need double the frame rate, so 120Hz or higher
… We use Samsung S23+ smartphones, happy with the results

[Slide 14]

Louay: The test report is the same format as WPT
… OF shows additional assertions added to the test results. It shows the reason for any test failures

[Slide 15]

Louay: We did validation in our lab, and in HbbTV plugfests. We tested on the latest TVs coming into the market in the next year
… At DTG in London, in Fraunhofer, next event in October

[Slide 16]

Louay: HbbTV test setup. At plugfests we take a DVB modulator, where we configured a transport stream with HbbTV app pointing to the test suite landing page
… HbbTV developers will be famiilar with this

[Slide 17]

Louay: Testing on many devices. For each result session, we have tools to get results across test runs, summarise the information into a single table
… Easy to see which tests are performing well, and which need checking

[Slide 18]

Louay: Thank you. Happy to take questions


Alicia: You mentioned MPEG-TS, that part is separate from MSE testing? You have tests for broadcast applications?

Louay: This part is just to launch the landing page on the TV. Tests only rely on MSE and EME, no broadcast dependency

<jpiesing> I run the tests on a mobile phone when exercising them.

Louay: If you have a smart TV app, you could have another way to launch the landing page

Alicia: What protocol is used to get the tests into the TV?

Louay: The test runner uses a REST API to the test server, HTTP. When the test runs on the TV, results reported locally, then results sent over the REST API to the server

<jpiesing> Some SmartTVs allow URLs to be pushed to the TV using a home network protocol like DIAL. That can also be used to push the URL of the test runner to the TV.

Alicia: Does the DVB modulator just send the URL?

Louay: Yes

Wolfgang: You said you run the test suite at the HbbTV plugfest. Any area where you find failures, any hot spots?

Louay: Focusing on the test runner and process for running tests, it's stable, no issues on TVs we tested
… But a group of tests, initial frames skipped or not displayed in the video, something we've observerd
… Working on audio observations. One challenge is getting the audio from the TV. We use line-out, but not supported on all TVs
… Now use HDMI for capture

Piers: Have you tried using DIAL for launching the app?

Louay: You can also use DIAL, but we use the DVB modulator, as in the plug fests we run other tests as well
… If you have control on the local network. There might be limitations on device discovery at plugfests
… So we rely on having our own setup

Piers: Is the media configurable, whether it comes from the CTA media streaming site, or can you host locally?

Louay: We try to avoid dependencies on the open internet. Streams are available on a CDN, but we download them and run locally
… It's important when you deploy, the device under test and test runner should be as close as possible. We're not testing content delivery over the internet. We want to avoid dependencies on network conditions
… Can be a server in your orgsisation. We have a dedicated server for the TVs in the lab. You could use a laptop.
… One challenge is having a TLS cert, for JS tests
… and a domain name

Chris: I found some limitations with the WPT tests, e.g., EME persistent usage record tests are still there despite the feature being dropped by Media WG.
… Also the Media Playback Quality tests only test for the API surface being present, not the functionality. Any suggestions for improving WPT?

Louay: Can't use JS to check the results, e.g., video plays but is delayed, you don't get this from the API. So you need an external system to check the playback starts from a given event
… It's something we solved with the test framework and mezzanine content, and external observations. Things you can't capture via APIs
… Needs an external system to give more detail
… How to do more automatically? Currently need to copy file and upload to a server, could make a fully automated pipeline, but that needs additional resources

Chris: Any specific tests for VideoPlaybackQuality, e.g., dropped frames?

Louay: Not specifically, but the QR code gives you info about quality level with MSE, but analysing that it's displaying as it should, e.g., when upscaling is applied. Could be a future discussion, we just make sure the bitrate representation is displayed now from the info in the QR code

Alicia: I have this problem about the audio, writing WPT, but didn't work well. I put in single tones, to seeif the audio changed. But then you also depend on Web Audio API, but the test ended up flaky
… Not sure if it was an MSE but or with Web Audio. You could do something similar, where yuo can make beeps that are easy to analyse with FFT

Louay: We rely on external framework to measure those things

Jon: The audio is a pattern based on pseudo-random noise. The OF can analyse the pattern and confirm it's the audio that's expected

Alicia: That could test if it's not in sync
… Also about the domain for TLS certs. Is that configurable?

Louay: You can configure it, but need to create your own domain

Alicia: That's very cool

Chris: Lots of value here. WPT focuses on automatic execution, API interactions, things not needing human review

Louay: Some need user interaction, which can break the automation of the tests

Chris: Improvments in WPTs or web APIs

Thomas: It's about dissemination of the information. Make a bit of a promotion. We're open to collecting feedback, e..g, do we need new tests? We focused on basic codecs, so look at more advanced codecs?
… Things could be stimulate. Needs to people to understand the value. Any W3C platforms we can use for dissemination, including demos

Alicia: I can use something like this. We've been trying to get more tests running WPE. There's a need for tooling. Personally, I'll advocate to have people look at this in my company

ChrisL: The BBC Tech Meetup could be another way to promote: https://www.meetup.com/bbc-tech-meetup/events/

Chris: There's also the video-dev Slack

Kaz: Could have a TPAC breakout session?

Louay: I'll try to join remotely, but happy to support

Chris: Look forward to future meetings to continue the discussion


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).