29 August 2024


David Booth, Detlef Grittner, Erich Bremer, Jim Balhoff
David Booth

Meeting minutes


erich: Virtuoso can key off of the datatype string for polygons, so we don't need to use an RDF list.

erich: Support for geosparql is the most of what we can expect for support.
… There's an add-on for jena tdb also.
… I use this well-known string approach along with intersecting wth hilbert.
… Choice of well-known text means there's already a lot of support.

detlef: Oracle claims support and also StarDog.

erich: GeoSparql work is still going on.
… Seems like the best choice to me.
… Want to try enumerating which tags contain polygon data, to convert from binary to well-known text.
… It's a custom datatype that says it's formatted as a well-known text.
… Spatial indexing question will arise if we bring it to the DICOM group. They are now looking at that issue.

erich: Planning on working on that next.
… David Clooney said not to use dicom namespace, without a process.

detlef: Sounds like a good approach. Could go forward w that.
… Need to convince DICOM group.
… But they're looking for an abstract data rep -- could put arbitrary things in.
… Electrocardiogram is a point also.
… I think that works.

erich: You can go backward also.

detlef: Would be amazing to be able to find max X in a sparql query.

erich: Re FHIR group, they want to RDF-ize some DICOM terms. Why, if you can just use DICOM text strings?

ACTION: DBooth to put Erich in touch w Dave Beckett.

Errors in FHIR RDF example

ACTION: Jim to compare FHIR RDF diffs to see if Tim Prudhomme's PRs are good to merge

jim: SPARQL CDT proposal from Amazon was submitted to the SPARQL group.

w3c/sparql-dev#200 (comment)

jim: They have a fork of jena with it implemented.


Summary of action items

  1. DBooth to put Erich in touch w Dave Beckett.
  2. Jim to compare FHIR RDF diffs to see if Tim Prudhomme's PRs are good to merge
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


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Maybe present: detlef, erich, jim

All speakers: detlef, erich, jim

Active on IRC: dbooth