15:05:21 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:05:25 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/29-hcls-irc 15:05:29 rrsagent, make logs public 15:05:35 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:05:38 Chair: David Booth 15:05:41 Topic: DICOM 15:06:17 erich: Virtuoso can key off of the datatype string for polygons, so we don't need to use an RDF list. 15:07:35 erich: Support for geosparql is the most of what we can expect for support. 15:07:56 ... There's an add-on for jena tdb also. 15:08:33 ... I use this well-known string approach along with intersecting wth hilbert. 15:09:14 ... Choice of well-known text means there's already a lot of support. 15:09:38 detlef: Oracle claims support and also StarDog. 15:09:53 erich: GeoSparql work is still going on. 15:10:12 ... Seems like the best choice to me. 15:10:53 ... Want to try enumerating which tags contain polygon data, to convert from binary to well-known text. 15:11:44 ... It's a custom datatype that says it's formatted as a well-known text. 15:12:21 ... Spaitla indexing question will arise if we bring it to the DICOM group. They are now looking at that issue. 15:12:36 s/Spaitla/Spatial/ 15:13:29 erich: Planning on working on that next. 15:13:51 ... David Clooney said not to use dicom namespace, without a process. 15:14:38 detlef: Sounds like a good approach. Could go forward w that. 15:14:59 ... Need to convince DICOM group. 15:15:22 ... But they're looking for an abstract data rep -- could put arbitrary things in. 15:15:45 ... Electrocardiogram is a point also. 15:16:15 ... I think that works. 15:16:24 erich: You can go backward also. 15:17:02 detlef: Would be amazing to be able to find max X in a sparql query. 15:18:47 erich: Re FHIR group, they want to RDF-ize some DICOM terms. Why, if you can just use DICOM text strings? 15:19:26 ACTION: DBooth to put Erich in touch w Dave Beckett. 15:22:25 Topic: Errors in FHIR RDF example 15:23:55 ACTION: Jim to compare FHIR RDF diffs to see if Tim Prudhomme's PRs are good to merge 15:25:45 jim: SPARQL CDT proposal from Amazon was submitted to the SPARQL group. 15:26:02 https://github.com/w3c/sparql-dev/pull/200#issuecomment-2316298150 15:26:19 jim: They have a fork of jena with it implemented. 15:27:09 ADJOURNED 15:27:24 Present: David Booth, Detlef Grittner, Erich Bremer, Jim Balhoff 15:27:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:27:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/29-hcls-minutes.html dbooth