15:01:29 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 15:01:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/28-vcwg-irc 15:01:34 Zakim has joined #vcwg 15:01:48 present+ 15:01:54 brent has joined #vcwg 15:02:35 brent has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2024-08-28: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/9bfb4063-230b-4f59-b14c-fbf670b8a51b/20240828T110000/ 15:02:37 present+ 15:02:41 zakim, start the meeting 15:02:41 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:02:43 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), brent 15:03:01 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Weekly Teleconference 15:03:06 Chair: Brent Zundel 15:03:47 scribe+ 15:03:48 present+ DavidC, manu, brent, hsano, wip, 15:03:50 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 15:03:53 present+ 15:03:56 present+ 15:04:39 selfissued has joined #vcwg 15:04:46 RobDeFeo: hi my name is Rob De Feo, I'm an implementer, CEO of ?org 15:04:57 present+ 15:05:06 bigbluehat has joined #vcwg 15:05:10 https://www.vidos.id/ 15:05:14 present+ 15:05:20 s/?org/Vidos.id 15:05:54 brent: any other introductions? 15:06:15 brent: ok, let's do agenda review. TPAC first, then wrapping up the VC DM, then bulk of our time on Controller Doc 15:06:15 q+ to provide updates on work items 15:06:23 ack manu 15:06:23 manu, you wanted to provide updates on work items 15:06:55 manu: update on work items, and should discuss - what's our publication plan for TPAC. As in, are we on track for CR2 for TPAC etc 15:07:10 brent: sounds good, we'll cover that 15:07:17 Topic: TPAC attendance 15:07:17 brent: first topic: TPAC attendance 15:07:25 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18As8BMku1s536XxrJNvKus-08w-bGc1bRqvqzrGPpE0/edit?usp=sharing 15:07:35 ... a number of folks indicated intention to attend, here's a link to our attendance spreadsheet 15:07:45 PL-ASU has joined #vcwg 15:07:52 ... some expressed interest in a 'pay for your own' group dinner 15:07:57 ... taking restaurant recommendations; or I'll do some research 15:08:06 present+ 15:08:40 JoeAndrieu: I'll volunteer, to recommend something 15:08:53 brent: please add dietary restrictions to the spreadsheet 15:09:52 ... so if you haven't yet, add yourself to that sheet, whether attending in person or remote 15:10:07 ... there's a 2nd tab on that sheet, please add topics of discussion. we have 3 sessions planned, 2 morning sessions that's just us, and a combined session with security folks 15:10:14 ... so, not a TON of time, but suggestions welcome 15:10:24 q+ 15:10:28 Topic: Work Item Status Updates 15:10:32 ack manu 15:10:52 manu: good news, core VC data model has had at least 2 editorial passess, full, with changes made 15:11:08 ... we are down to like 1 editorial issue, still need to fix the respec vc plugin, the cbor stuff 15:11:21 ... gabe is doing a pass on privacy & security considerations section, thanks gabe. we're in good shape 15:11:29 ... could potentially cut a CR2 this week or next week 15:11:52 ... we're in similar shape for VC Data Integrity, eddsa and ecdsa - full editorial passes, with mods and changes incorporated 15:11:58 ... and we can probably cut CR2s for all those specs as well for TPAC 15:11:59 JennieM has joined #vcwg 15:12:04 q+ 15:12:07 present+ 15:12:10 ... brent, there's one issue remaining on VC DI spec, that's the Mattr security issue 15:12:17 ... what are we planning on doing with that? 15:12:30 ... other than that, the spec is as done as it's gonna be 15:12:40 ... so that's 4 specs ready for CR2. 15:12:42 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 15:13:00 ... Bitstring Status List could probably get there by TPAC. although Controller Document developments are affecting that 15:13:06 ... so we'll need to discuss that 15:13:08 robdefeo has joined #vcwg 15:13:15 ... but as far as I can see, we're generally ready for CR2 15:13:21 ack decentralgabe 15:13:23 brent: gabe, I'll let you talk re VC JOSE/COSE 15:13:53 decentralgabe: we closed a number of issues in VC JOSE/COSE, still have a couple of issues 15:14:11 ... we have the media type issue, couple others. I'm actively working on the test suite, reach out if you want to help out 15:14:33 brent: reminder to folks - the original hoped-for schedule ... and reminder that our current charter is over as of January 2025 15:14:52 ... so what we're able to do will depend on whether or not our proposed extended charter gets approved or not 15:15:16 ... the proposed charter is for a couple of years, it lets us wrap up a couple of last in-progress parts. For the most part, the group is to maintain the various specs we published 15:15:21 ... but that charter hasn't been approved yet 15:15:38 ... original plan was - we need to publish the Controller Document as a CR draft by the end of August 15:15:43 ... so, really, this meeting. 15:16:01 ... it has recently gotten feedback from Google, along with a thorough walkthrough by Mike Jones, so currently a large number of open issues 15:16:07 ... so we're not ready for CR today 15:16:25 ... we need to continue working on it beyond today, to get it ready 15:16:33 ... this only becomes a huge problem if our next charter is not approved 15:16:49 ... if it IS approved, then we have time to get Controller Doc to CR, push other ones as we need to into CR2 etc 15:17:02 ... since a number of specs rely on Controller Doc. (vc jose/cose, vc di, vc data model) 15:17:16 ... if we get that new charter, we have more time. we still need to get it wrapped up as quickly as we can 15:17:18 q+ 15:17:19 ... but we're not sunk 15:17:32 ... if charter is NOT approved, scope of the Controller Doc needs to drastically change 15:17:37 ... or if it gets a formal objection 15:17:53 ... so most likely, we may need to axe the Controller Doc entirely, and return the original sections to jose/cose and vc di 15:18:09 ... basically revert to how they were as they went into first CR. and proceed with the second CR using that 15:18:22 ... saying, Controller Doc standalone was a nice idea, but this time around won't work. 15:18:24 q+ 15:18:28 ... happy to take comments on the queue 15:18:36 ... but that's the scope of the work for Controller Doc 15:18:41 ack selfissued 15:18:55 selfissued: I thought you were going to say that the third spec that relies on controller doc is the new DID spec (DID 1.1 WG) 15:19:12 brent: that'd be fantastic, and would be a disappointment to the group if Controller Doc has to be axed 15:19:24 selfissued: I'm optimistic we can wrap it up and get it done pretty quickly 15:19:36 ack manu 15:19:41 manu: agree with your analysis, Brent, 15:19:59 ... I think regardless of where the Controller Doc is, it'd be good to go into a second CR with the other 4 specs 15:20:08 ... primarily because we're as done with them as we can foresee 15:20:21 ... and if we go into CR2 and we're not, or the charter gets messed up, the whole timeline changes anyway 15:20:37 ... it'd be a good signal to send that out to the group and broader community 15:20:49 ... that it's a new snapshot, we finished a bunch of work, everybody should upgrade 15:21:05 ... so that's another proposal, basically we publish a CR2 for Data Model, Data Integrity, ecdsa and eddsa 15:21:12 ... signaling that we'll keep working on Controller Doc 15:21:30 +1 to Manu 15:21:31 ... so, signal we're going down that path, and only if charter falls through, we'll do a CR3 (reverting controller doc stuff) 15:21:53 ... we're almost past the point of no return on that; it'd be highly disruptive to drop controller doc at this time 15:22:06 brent: agree with that, my only concern about going to CR2 of those docs with Controller Doc in limbo is, 15:22:17 ... we should clearly indicate that "these sections might change" 15:22:25 ... lets jump into VC DM issues 15:22:29 Topic: VCDM Wrap Up 15:22:34 q+ 15:22:36 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3Afuture+sort%3Aupdated-asc 15:23:09 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1538 15:23:19 brent: this is Respec VC Plugin not working 15:23:37 manu: we did a new release, fixed a bug where it wasn't generating all the examples on TR, except for the COSE stuff, that's still broken for some reason 15:23:55 ... and regardless we'll need to figure out what happens with COSE, both from media type perspective and in terms of detached vs not signatures 15:24:04 ... it could happen literally the day before we go to CR 15:24:25 ... once Benjamin gets back, we'll fix the generation of the examples, and once there's closure on jose/cose and detached sigs vs not, we'll put that into the plugin 15:24:48 brent: sounds like this is tracking not only VC Respec plugin, but it's tracking the completeability of the examples themselves 15:24:51 manu: that's correct 15:25:00 brent: I'm fine with that, as long as everyone remembers that it's tracking both of those 15:25:04 brent: any other comments? 15:25:12 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1551 15:25:19 q+ 15:25:26 brent: this is 'rename spec registry to 'VC Extensions'' 15:25:38 ... this is in parallel to the DID WG renaming their spec registry to DID Extensions 15:25:53 ... for us, renaming it to VC Extensions avoids the whole 'registry vs directory' issue 15:25:53 ack manu 15:26:04 manu: we made a WG resolution last time, I've made that change 15:26:09 ... it's at the new URL at github 15:26:21 ... however, I'll keep this issue open until Ivan makes proper redirects on the w3c TR website 15:26:32 brent: would anyone be opposed to making this change? 15:26:43 ... sounds like a straightforward move 15:26:48 +1 to this change 15:27:12 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/1555 15:27:30 q+ 15:27:32 brent: question - can we change 'Usage Patterns' to 'Patterns of Use' throughout the spec? 15:27:35 ack TallTed 15:27:57 https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=usage+patterns%2Cusage+pattern%2Cpatterns+of+use%2Cpattern+of+use%2Cusage%2Cuse&year_start=1800&year_end=2022&case_insensitive=true&corpus=en&smoothing=3 15:27:59 TallTed: pretty simple and straightforward, 'use' is preferred over 'usage', it's one of those words that seems more sophisticated, but is not, leads to more confusion 15:28:11 https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=usage+patterns%2Cusage+pattern%2Cpatterns+of+use%2Cpattern+of+use%2Cusage&year_start=1800&year_end=2022&case_insensitive=true&corpus=en&smoothing=3 15:28:26 brent: folks, if you think this is a good idea or not, let us know 15:28:28 +1 to making the change, it'll be easy 15:28:29 q+ 15:28:32 ... we also need someone to volunteer to do the work 15:28:35 ack manu 15:28:43 manu: I'll do it, should be an easy change 15:29:17 brent: we also have 1 PR 15:29:19 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls 15:29:25 ... this is gabe's review of the privacy section 15:29:32 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1554 15:29:59 decentralgabe: this is just privacy section, I'll do security next 15:30:07 robdefeo7 has joined #vcwg 15:30:12 brent: lots of comments, feedback incorporated. I encourage folks to look at the PR 15:30:17 ... anything else, related to VC DM? 15:30:39 Topic: Controller Document 15:30:48 q+ 15:30:48 https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/pulls 15:31:05 ack manu 15:31:25 manu: when we get to the issues -- couple things on controller doc, it would be good to understand which changes are editorial vs substantive 15:31:53 ... we've been telling people, hey we just copied & pasted the text out of DID Core, it's already been approved. but now we're potentially heavily modifying it, so we'll have to be careful there how we communicate it 15:32:00 +1 to trying to keep everything as editorial as possible 15:32:05 ... if you raise a PR, please make sure to mark it either as Editorial or Substantive/Normative 15:32:19 q+ 15:32:52 ack selfissued 15:33:19 https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/pull/41 15:33:31 selfissued: we should consider merging pr 41, the 'remove proof purpose' 15:33:36 ... I think comments have been addressed? 15:33:45 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/pull/41 15:34:43 q+ 15:34:46 https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/pull/43 15:34:49 ack selfissued 15:35:16 selfissued: it'd be good to get closure on 43 15:35:20 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/pull/43 15:35:36 q+ 15:35:44 brent: Ivan is not on the call. it's been open for about a week.. 15:35:44 q+ 15:35:45 ack manu 15:36:05 manu: what this PR does is, it removes 'digest' to all the JSON-LD contexts that can be used in the controller doc 15:37:18 manu: this PR removes that, without contemplating the side effects. it also removes the section on context injection 15:37:31 ... so, big -1 on this PR, I don't think Ivan was thinking through the side effects 15:37:53 ... needs work & discussion 15:37:55 ack selfissued 15:38:00 selfissued: if you read Ivan's comment from yesterday, I think he does understand 15:38:15 ... he makes the point that those who choose JSON-LD, they must choose the exact environment of how they use it 15:38:36 q+ to say this is about contexts used in the controller document itself 15:38:49 ... this spec is designed to be usable by a number of different audiences/environments. one of them is Data Integrity, one of them is vc jose/cose, and one is the new DID Core spec 15:38:55 ... and you'd use different contexts in different use cases 15:39:20 ... one of my issues was - by including the DI context as required, that's not considering the other different use cases 15:39:34 ... it's inappropriate to list DI-specific stuff in this spec. so, I think Ivan has it exactly right 15:39:34 ack dlongley 15:39:34 dlongley, you wanted to say this is about contexts used in the controller document itself 15:39:47 strong -1 for it being merged for all the reasons that have been raised in the existing PR. 15:39:54 dlongley: the context hashes that are specified in the controller doc are for the context that define the terms used, like key material 15:40:02 q+ 15:40:10 ... if other people want to use other contexts or use cases, nothing preventing them from doing that 15:40:17 ack manu 15:40:21 q+ 15:40:40 manu: removing the context -- when you go to implement this stuff, and you don't have the information that's being removed, it creates implementation problems 15:40:47 ... this completely hobbles jSON-LD implementations 15:40:59 ... so, objection to the PR in its current state 15:41:16 selfissued: maybe we should bring it back up when we have Ivan, but responding to Dave, 15:41:35 ... saying 'if you use JSON-LD, you must use the DI context' -- that's the non even-handed part 15:41:36 ack selfissued 15:41:53 brent: i agree that we're likely to make more progress on this PR with Ivan present 15:42:07 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/pull/42 15:42:38 smccown has joined #vcwg 15:42:50 q+ 15:42:57 ack manu 15:43:04 manu: we did have a discussion related to this in the DID WG 15:43:09 q+ 15:43:18 ... I forget what was said, but I think Joe, you said that you saw a way through this 15:43:29 ... that you felt it would be a normative change in the DID WG 15:43:48 q+ to ask a dumb question 15:43:53 ... I don't quite think we still have alignment, other than that the text in the spec is wrong as it stands 15:43:53 ... so, there's multiple interpretations of it 15:43:58 ack JoeAndrieu 15:44:18 JoeAndrieu: I think we can get there, we do need a broader conversation. maybe the right thing is for me to identify the places with spec text changes 15:44:30 ... I do think there's some deep inconsistencies in mental models in the spec, we need to clean that up 15:44:33 ack brent 15:44:33 brent, you wanted to ask a dumb question 15:44:42 q+ 15:44:44 brent: why does the Controller Doc spec need to talk about subjects at all? 15:44:47 ack manu 15:44:58 q+ to agree. it shouldn't 15:45:01 manu: we do it today because we have to talk about the thing that's identified with the 'id' 15:45:12 ... and we've been talking about that as the subject (of a DID or controller doc) 15:45:23 ... sometimes (and this is debatable), this is the controller (of the controller doc) 15:45:53 ... but if we call that 'controller', it becomes confusing when there's a controller field 15:46:04 ... so like we'd have to say "the .id of the document is the controller, unless there is a .controller field, then that overrides" 15:46:29 ... the Controller Doc was supposed to be just a resource on the web. it's been specialized over the years to talk about key material, but it didn't start out as that 15:47:02 ... we call a controller doc's .id field 'the subject' because that's what it is, in the graph sense 15:47:12 brent: so to recap to make sure I understood, 15:47:26 ... we're using the term 'subject' because there's an .id property (of controller docs) 15:47:42 q+ 15:47:46 ack JoeAndrieu 15:47:46 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to agree. it shouldn't 15:47:50 the `id` identifies the thing ("the subject") that the other information (e.g., like verification methods) is related to 15:47:53 manu: yes sort of? 15:47:55 JoeAndrieu: I agree, Brent, we should not be mentioning subjects at all. 15:48:02 ... it's a big source of confusion, we should clean it up 15:48:12 ... the mapping between an identifier and some real world state, that's what VCs do 15:48:26 ... what I think the Controller Doc is doing, and I proposed some language in another issue, 15:48:43 ... is it's using the 'subject' in the RDF sense only, to make statements about the _identifier_ 15:49:00 ... the binding to real world entities, we should nuance out 15:49:11 q+ to say that this isn't about real world, it's about saying that the other JSON keys are used to relate stuff to the thing identified by that identifier -- regardless of what other things it may refer to 15:49:14 ... that's the domain of the Confidence Method in the VC world, it's not something Controller Doc can address 15:49:15 q- 15:49:19 ack manu 15:49:27 IMO, this isn't about real world, it's about saying that the other JSON keys are used to relate stuff to the thing identified by that identifier -- regardless of what other things it may refer to 15:49:30 manu: this is the HTTPRange14 discussion 15:49:36 ... we don't want to go down that rabbit hole 15:49:41 q+ it is NOT httprange14 15:49:53 ... I get what you're saying, and it is a long running debate 15:49:59 ... on semantics of identifiers 15:50:14 ... but we've been using this thing consistently with graph terminology, nodes and edges etc, 15:50:33 ... if we make the Controller Doc special in some way, we'd have to specify it in a bespoke way 15:51:20 `{id: "some_url", "thisIsAPropertyOfWhateverTheIdPropertyRefersTo": "foo"}` <-- i think that's all "subject" is about here ... it's not about a "real world", just binding the identifier to the properties, etc. 15:51:22 https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc 15:51:53 brent: the goal of the issue conversation is to determine - is it triaged correctly, is someone assigned, do they need anything 15:51:58 ... I'm gonna jump ahead and say - for most of these that are assigned, folks know what needs to be done 15:52:04 ... we'll begin with number 49 15:52:07 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/49 15:52:22 brent: this is labeled as 'Editorial, ready for PR' 15:52:27 q+ 15:52:34 ... which indicates that fix should be straightforward. does anyone disagree with the labeling? 15:52:37 ack manu 15:52:37 ... also, need volunteer 15:52:41 selfissued: I'll do it 15:53:01 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/51 15:53:11 brent: another editorial, ready for pr labeled issue 15:53:20 ... straightforward change suggested. need volunteer 15:53:39 q+ 15:53:47 ack manu 15:53:54 manu: this was raised by Orie, he just wanted an example 15:54:14 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/53 15:54:30 brent: same, editorial, ready for pr 15:54:35 q+ 15:54:42 ack manu 15:54:48 manu: I'll note we already have this in the spec, we link to the sections 15:55:01 ... just to clarify - are you asking to just put those links in another column on the table? 15:55:13 selfissued: yes 15:55:32 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/55 15:55:38 brent: same as before, editorial, ready for pr 15:55:49 q+ 15:55:53 ... Mike makes a suggestion for some minor changes 15:55:54 ... need volunteers. 15:55:57 manu: I can work on rewording 15:55:58 ack manu 15:56:01 q+ 15:56:20 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/56 15:56:24 ack selfissued 15:56:42 selfissued: this is one of a few of such issues, has to do with - is there an actionable way for a naive reader to find the thing 15:56:58 q+ 15:57:04 ack manu 15:57:08 manu: yeah, I can raise a PR to do that 15:57:15 selfissued: thank you 15:57:25 brent: ok, one more 15:57:27 q+ 15:57:28 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/controller-document/issues/57 15:57:37 q+ 15:57:48 ack selfissued 15:58:07 selfissued: a meta point, if manu believes it's ready for PR, and I believe it's ready for PR, I'd like authorization from the WG for the two editors to collaborate & create PRs 15:58:11 q- 15:58:12 brent: absolutely, that'd be fantastic 15:58:30 ack manu 15:58:37 TallTed: to be clear, those are PRs that are then open for comments, yes? 15:58:40 brent: yes, of course. 16:00:21 zakim, who is here? 16:00:21 Present: hsano, TallTed, DavidC, manu, brent, wip, decentralgabe, dmitriz, selfissued, bigbluehat, PL-ASU, JennieM 16:00:23 On IRC I see smccown, JoeAndrieu, JennieM, bigbluehat, selfissued, brent, Zakim, RRSAgent, DavidC, hsano, dmitriz, TallTed, Jem, dlehn, csarven, shigeya, manu, dlongley, cel, 16:00:23 ... rbyers, jyasskin, hadleybeeman, rhiaro, ivan 16:00:32 present+ 16:00:45 present+ JoeAndrieu 16:01:14 present+ dlehn 16:01:30 present+ dlongley 16:01:32 present+ 16:01:44 zakim, end the meeting 16:01:44 As of this point the attendees have been hsano, TallTed, DavidC, manu, brent, wip, decentralgabe, dmitriz, selfissued, bigbluehat, PL-ASU, JennieM, JoeAndrieu, dlehn, dlongley 16:01:47 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:01:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/28-vcwg-minutes.html Zakim 16:01:56 I am happy to have been of service, brent; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:01:56 Zakim has left #vcwg 16:02:01 rrsagent, bye 16:02:01 I see no action items