12:47:15 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 12:47:19 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/28-rqtf-irc 12:47:19 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:47:20 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jasonjgw 12:47:40 meeting: RQTF meeting 12:47:44 chair: jasonjgw 12:47:46 present+ 12:47:49 scribe+ 12:48:02 agenda+ Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and accessibility. 12:48:02 agenda+ Immersive captions. 12:48:02 agenda+ Miscellaneous updates and topics. 12:49:03 janina has joined #rqtf 12:56:21 present+ 12:56:25 agenda? 12:56:57 Roy_ has joined #rqtf 12:59:03 shawn has joined #rqtf 13:00:59 JPaton has joined #rqtf 13:05:39 Raja_Kushalnagar has joined #rqtf 13:07:05 zakim, next item 13:07:06 agendum 1 -- Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and accessibility. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:07:13 present+ 13:07:34 present+ 13:07:52 present+ John_Paton 13:08:01 scribe+ 13:08:39 present+ 13:08:47 zakim, who's here? 13:08:47 Present: jasonjgw, janina, shawn, John_Paton 13:08:49 On IRC I see Raja_Kushalnagar, JPaton, shawn, Roy_, janina, RRSAgent, Zakim, jasonjgw, gb, Rachael, alastairc 13:08:57 zakim, who's here? 13:09:00 Present: jasonjgw, janina, shawn, John_Paton 13:09:01 On IRC I see Raja_Kushalnagar, JPaton, shawn, Roy, janina, RRSAgent, Zakim, jasonjgw, gb, Rachael, alastairc 13:09:02 present+ 13:09:19 present+ Raja 13:10:36 jasonjgw: daft has been created 13:10:54 scott_h has joined #rqtf 13:11:29 present+ Scott 13:11:34 more detail is needed and we are started to pull that together to insert into the document 13:11:40 zakim, who is on the phone? 13:11:40 Present: jasonjgw, janina, shawn, John_Paton, Roy, Raja, Scott 13:11:42 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rqtf/2024Aug/0002.html 13:11:56 present+ 13:12:54 q+ to ask about higher level from W3C perspective 13:13:03 janina: thinking of things that should be in scope. an AI assisted user agent would be good and likely possible 13:13:51 q+ to -- and also communicating in a resource 13:14:06 q+ to say other than wihtin the doc? 13:14:07 janina: the possiblities seem to be presented in the draft scope not not highlighted or as obvious as they could be 13:16:42 jasonjgw: we'd like to work the scope section into the draft 13:17:12 jasonjgw: that will be done 13:17:35 shawn: I'd like to view the topic from a higher level 13:17:41 Topic: Positioning AI document from W3C 13:17:44 ack me 13:17:44 shawn, you wanted to ask about higher level from W3C perspective and to -- and also communicating in a resource and to say other than wihtin the doc? 13:22:02 shawn: We need to think about how this work will be considered by other groups and ensure that it is clear externally that we are working within the remit of this group and not overstepping our boundaries. 13:23:16 janina: agreed. ways to do this may include to make sure we are citing previous work done on the topic. 13:25:07 shawn: it may be useful to announce the work is happening before TPAC (even without a draft) 13:26:52 scott_h: To explain the background of how the draft was put together. There has been a lot of discussion about a, what accessibility issues could be address by AI and b, what tools could be enhanced by AI. 13:28:33 scott_h: To address the question of stepping on toes the aim is to cover those areas of interest. 13:28:50 q+ to ask about other work 13:29:18 q+ to notes https://www.w3.org/WAI/research/ai2023/ and Jutta and Shari 13:31:17 JPaton has joined #rqtf 13:31:31 scribe+ 13:31:38 q+ to ask before draft 13:32:42 ack me 13:32:42 shawn, you wanted to ask about other work and to notes https://www.w3.org/WAI/research/ai2023/ and Jutta and Shari and to ask before draft 13:35:27 shawn: this is a hot topic which will get a lot of attention. Part of encouraging positive engagement is to bring in leaders in the field such as Jutta and Shari. I'm happy to make those introductions. It may be useful to invite them to input as early as possible to make sure everyone is thinking in the same direction. 13:36:52 q+ to note prupose of this doc (Janina saying it can influence future work at W3C) 13:37:53 janina: This makes sense and is in-line with how work often progresses. Let's draw up a list of who would be good to speak to in the early stages of the work. 13:41:48 shawn: The discussion here around working on the accessibility aspects of AI should be clear internally at W3C but should be made clear for those outside W3C who will also have access to the documentation and may need that background. 13:42:00 1. start "requirements analysis" as a separate doc in GitHub 13:42:00 2. contact influencers in the field to get their support 13:45:02 q+ to ask for separate document, not in the draft itself 13:47:54 shawn: I would like to request that the requirements analysis is in a separate, less formal, document to encourage participation. 13:49:06 jasonjgw: I would like a version of it in the main text in case people are not happy to follow a link to a separate document. This doesn't seem to be mutually exclusive. 13:51:15 shawn: It might be good pre-TPAC to have a high level page, not the formal draft, that people can land on first. 13:53:38 scott_h: this could maybe be a one pager on the "who, what and how to get in touch" of the work? 13:54:01 shawn: That sounds good. 13:55:09 zakim, end meeting 13:55:09 As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, janina, shawn, John_Paton, Roy, Raja, Scott, scott_h 13:55:11 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:55:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/28-rqtf-minutes.html Zakim 13:55:19 I am happy to have been of service, jasonjgw; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 13:55:19 Zakim has left #rqtf 13:56:16 janina has left #rqtf 14:20:28 Roy_ has joined #rqtf