Meeting minutes
<janina> /join #rqtf
<janina> /join #rqtf/join #rqtf
Agenda Review & Announcements
<Fredrik> Someone#s iPhone is very talkative.
TPAC 2024 Planning
janina: The APA wiki page links to APA TPAC meetings
… and to the overall TPAC schedule. You can - and are encouraged - to sign up to as many meetings as you like
… You can sign up as an observer if you are not in the groups.
… You may be interested in the ARIA + Immersive Web WG meeting (the link to this is in the wiki page above).
… If anyone wants to join, sign up as an observer.
janina: If you attend something that we (APA) haven't, please let us know what drew you there, and what you learned.
… It helps us greatly to learn about what other groups are doing.
Fazio: in 2019 I was encouraged to go to whatever meetings interested me. You could just sign up. Maybe different for online as you need the link? Isn't it encouraged to go to other groups in person.
janina: Yes - though it's polite and useful to the chairs of the groups you're attending to know in advance. Don't think you will get kicked out, but helpful to let people know by signing up to the meetings.
janina: If you're not there in person and you see something on the calendar, you'll need to sign up as an observer.
janina: Participation is encouraged.
Fredrik: Does anyone know if the TPAC calendar is interacting with the W3C calendar system, so it lands in your calendar?
matatk: yes
matatk: Defo for when you're a group member; not 100% sure for if observer, but think it's intended - try and if you have problems, let us know.
janina: Let's talk about Accessibility Maturity Model and Equity CG *checks if Jenifer is on the call*. We proposed an agenda for the meeting between the groups - is David OK with the agenda?
Fazio: Agenda is OK to me
<Fazio> Office of Disability Employment Policy is using the W3C Maturity Model
janina: We have a task force that David Fazio facilitates whose work is soon expected to be ready to publish. There is other activity in W3C on maturity modelling in general, with which we want to remain coordinated, whilst also publishing our existing work. We want to keep coordinated so we are not stepping on toes, and also to move things forward
for publication as they're ready for it.
janina: If orgs are willing to write statements of support for the Accessibility Maturity Model, we welcome them for our announcement.
Fazio: between now and TPAC we anticipate closing almost all remaining GitHub issues.
janina: Expecting another publication update, and asking for comments, out of an abundance of caution, after TPAC.
Fazio: Sounds good.
EPUB accessibility at TPAC
janina: Seems most people in EPUB accessibility are not going to be present IRL at TPAC. Typically APA has had success when organizing a call with EPUB accessibility people that comes ahead of the main Publishing Maintenance WG.
janina: We are trying to assess if we have anything more to say about fixed layout, and if we have anything we'd like to suggest on mainline EPUB development before the next major revision.
… When in maintenance mode, it can be helpful to think about big changes we would like to see in future, so we are ready when it comes.
… It could be many years before the next major version is developed, but would be good to have our wishlist ready.
… Could be hard to schedule that call, if it's to happen during TPAC, due to timezone.
gautierchomel: I won't be attending TPAC due to time zone differences. Charles, George, and Wendy may be attending.
janina: We understand, re time zones!
gautierchomel: We have good communication within the group, so anything that comes up we'll all get to know about - I'd love to be there, but will get to hear about what happens.
… The wishlist point is good and could be helpful. A lot of work was done to release 3.3. Now things are more calm.
… Lots of work on the accessibility TF. Would be useful to have a wishlist from APA to see how to reactivate the work of the main publishing group.
janina: Thanks gautierchomel
Task Force & Deliverables Updates
janina: We touched on this with the above content, especially re Accessibility Maturity Model.
janina: Expect something from RQTF on AI soon, too!
janina: There's an update to FAST coming too.
Dr_Keith: what's the expectation/support requested of this group for upcoming RQTF group?
janina: It's a product of this group (APA). We are interested in whom we should give a heads up to, to get some feedback. We want to make suggestions for what W3C can do as a whole.
Fazio: This is hot ticket item, and perfect timing.
Fazio: The topic is drawing leadership attention.
janina: We're a way away from a working draft, but want to start talking about it.
Fazio: I can have our CTO look into it; he can advise.
janina: Attention on the substance will be helpful. Ahead of the substance, we want to make sure we're including everyone who needs to be included, so nobody feels left out.
New on TR
Federated Credential Management API
<Roy_> - tracker: https://
<Roy_> - spec: https://
Roy: They're working on an API to allow users to log into sites in a privacy-preserving manner (replacing third party cookie-based approaches).
Roy: They don't mention accessibility in the document.
Fazio: This might plug in to accessible authentication.
janina: There's that, plus other activity in APA - this is part of the security and privacy interest group (also we want to kill CAPTCHA). Please assign to me and Lionel.
<Fazio> Looks like it could relate to accessible authentication success criteria
<Fazio> does this tie into verifiable credentials
janina: Don't want to let this lie; ties into other things.
janina: WAI has been a success in terms of managing accessibility-related work; there are similar coordination points for other API activities.
<Roy_> https://
Roy: the link above is for all work relating to this proposal. This is different from verifiable credentials.
matatk: There's a big area about identity - this work specifically I think is about replacing some existing 3pc-based sign-in mechanisms with something more standardised.
… There is opportunity for the UA to provide the 'sign in with...' UI - could be a win for accessibiltiy.
Actions check-in
<janina> issues/
janina: That's a useful link for anything (W3C and beyond) on GitHub that's assigned to you.
Other business
janina: AOB?
Fazio: We have proposed a TPAC breakout on AI and auditing.
Dr_Keith: Do any of you know of semi-automated tools for adding audio description to videos?
matatk: Meaning with ML? That sounds like an exceptionally difficult problem to solve in a reliable way, due to context and what's important.
janina: Captioning is one thing where it can work - it can suggest something, and the author can make the required corrections.
Meryl: If you're looking for captioning info, I can provide pointers.
janina: It's perfectly OK to use the APA list for things like this.
… keeping each other informed is important.
janina: There is a list for sharing info.
Fredrik: Do you have the address to hand.