15:58:06 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 15:58:10 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/22-rdf-star-irc 15:58:10 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:58:11 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), pchampin 15:58:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:58:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/22-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 15:59:01 gb, status? 15:59:01 TallTed, the delay is 15, issues are on, names are off, full issues are printed 10 at a time; and the repositories are https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg https://github.com/w3c/rdf-common https://github.com/w3c/rdf-concepts https://github.com/w3c/rdf-n-quads https://github.com/w3c/rdf-n-triples 15:59:01 … https://github.com/w3c/rdf-new https://github.com/w3c/rdf-primer https://github.com/w3c/rdf-schema https://github.com/w3c/rdf-semantics https://github.com/w3c/rdf-trig https://github.com/w3c/rdf-turtle https://github.com/w3c/rdf-ucr https://github.com/w3c/rdf-xml https://github.com/w3c/sparql- 15:59:02 … concepts https://github.com/w3c/sparql-entailment https://github.com/w3c/sparql-federated-query https://github.com/w3c/sparql-graph-store-protocol https://github.com/w3c/sparql-new https://github.com/w3c/sparql-protocol https://github.com/w3c/sparql-query https://github.com/w3c/sparql-results- 15:59:05 … csv-tsv https://github.com/w3c/sparql-results-json 15:59:06 tl has joined #rdf-star 15:59:28 ora has joined #rdf-star 15:59:31 present+ 15:59:56 present+ 16:00:03 present+ 16:00:09 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/08/16-rdf-star-minutes.html 16:00:09 next meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/08/23-rdf-star-minutes.html 16:00:12 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 16:00:15 present+ 16:00:18 present+ 16:00:19 chair: ora 16:00:21 present+ 16:00:21 pchampin has changed the topic to: RDF-star WG — 2024-08-22 — https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/2d6cdae9-7c4f-4fb7-93ce-35e2f579edc7/20240822T080000/#agenda 16:00:22 fsasaki has joined #rdf-star 16:01:04 scribe+ 16:01:09 present+ 16:01:10 present+ 16:01:11 present+ 16:01:15 present+ 16:01:16 present+ 16:01:31 TallTed has changed the topic to: RDF-star WG — 2024-08-22 — https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/23bcb331-af6e-40af-98f1-11c029455d12/20240822T120000/ 16:01:49 enrico has joined #rdf-star 16:02:10 ora: Topic today is discussion about profiles 16:02:23 ... apologies for not getting my email out until yesterday 16:02:26 present+ 16:02:39 ... anyways, I had some questions in that email 16:02:39 scribe- 16:02:45 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:02:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/22-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:03:15 ... the fourth of these questions came to my mind only recently: 16:03:30 ... what are the implementation ramifications of the choices? 16:03:36 i/ora: Topic today is discussion about profiles/topic: discussion about profiles 16:03:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:03:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/22-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 16:03:56 q+ 16:04:04 ... How much implementation experience do we have in the group? 16:04:07 william_vw has joined #rdf-star 16:04:09 ack enrico 16:04:38 enrico: I replied to your email with material regarding the first three questions in your email. 16:04:55 Souri has joined #rdf-star 16:04:56 ... I believe we should have a best practice -- not a profile 16:05:01 present+ 16:05:36 ... Defining an LPG profile with functionality of rdf:reifies makes is loose 16:05:59 ... the option to define simple entailment using pattern matching 16:06:36 ... My opinion, using a syntactic condition / restriction, should be good enough. 16:07:13 ... Of course, round tripping with LPG is not possible. 16:07:21 ora: sure, no round tripping 16:07:33 ... okay, syntactic restriction is good 16:07:54 ... what worried me was that people could not build reasoners 16:08:15 enrico: With a syntactic restriction, the reasoners work. 16:08:34 ... any entailment over this fragment remains in this fragment. 16:08:40 ora: even better 16:09:18 ... Then, my fourth question (implementation-related ramifications) 16:09:35 ... Does anyone here implementation experiences with this stuff? 16:09:47 q+ 16:09:55 eBremer has joined #rdf-star 16:10:00 present+ 16:10:36 Souri: We have only done prototyping. Still waiting for the finalization of this groups' work. 16:11:00 ora: We have OpenCypher over RDF now (modulo blank nodes). 16:11:21 ... The main issues there were more about OpenCypher tooling (parsers etc) 16:11:51 Souri: We have experience with translating relational DB to RDF. 16:12:12 ... e.g., with R2RML 16:12:36 ... where each primary key ends up as a reifier 16:12:54 ... example with 'employed' table 16:14:11 ... 'employed' table plays two roles 16:14:32 ... one, to contain one row per employee 16:15:09 ... two, same row to capture the relationship of the employee to their department 16:15:24 ... and he relationship to their supervisor 16:15:27 q? 16:15:30 s/he/the 16:15:51 ... That situation was a surprise to me. 16:16:06 ack pchampin 16:16:25 ... i.e., case where the primary key cannot become the subject but must become a reifier 16:17:05 pchampin: regarding the baseline that we have, it is not very different regarding the abstract syntax 16:17:27 ... compared to the CG version of RDF-star 16:17:36 q+ 16:17:38 ... and there exists implementation experience for that 16:18:07 ack tl 16:18:07 ... This impl.experience can serve as an input for the discussion. 16:18:23 tl: I wrote an email asking what the problem is. 16:18:51 ... I was trying to explore what the difficulty would be with the many-to-many option 16:19:15 ... I came up with three cases and didn't see a problem with any of them. 16:19:41 ... My question then is whether it is really necessary to take away this option. 16:20:07 ... You have to look through my examples. 16:20:07 +1 to pchampin on implementation. More impact because of initial text direction. 16:20:25 ... Do you have an example of data that gave you a problem? 16:20:40 ora: Edge properties. 16:21:15 ... We wanted to understand what the RDF-star correspondence for them is. 16:22:06 ... Issue when mapping from RDF to LPG in case of many-to-many. 16:22:54 tl: Only problem that I see is if you have a many-to-many annotation where the annotation is for the whole group of triples. 16:23:09 q+ 16:23:31 ora: Other question now. What do we think, more generally, about the idea of profiles? 16:23:32 ack gkellogg 16:24:02 gkellogg: Maybe it is premature to specify this. We don't have enough experience with it. 16:24:13 examples of many-to-many situations and how they might translate to LPG edges: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Aug/0043.html 16:24:27 ... We may instead have member submissions first. 16:24:34 q+ 16:25:21 ora: My understanding of what you say is that we would leave the door open for profiles that might emerge. That makes sense to me. 16:25:22 ack ora 16:25:39 q+ 16:26:02 ... Then, people may perhaps even come up with other ideas for possible profiles that make sense. 16:26:15 maybe write a Note that discusses LPG interoperability 16:26:19 ack enrico 16:26:51 enrico: Generalizing this discussion of profile, we still leave open the question of what the syntax of simple RDF is. 16:27:48 ... Do we want to have a distinction based on specific syntactic restriction? e.g., triple terms only in object position of rdf:reifies triples 16:28:35 ... In terms of semantics, an additional question is whether we want to add rdf:asserts. 16:29:13 q+ 16:29:22 ack niklasl 16:29:35 ora: Okay, I got my questions for today answered. We may thus move on to talk about rdf:asserts and the likes 16:30:06 niklasl: Before we move on, I have a question about the Amazon implementation and graph query languages. 16:30:30 ... Can one see the edge ID in such languages? 16:31:33 ... If not, perhaps you wouldn't see the whole RDF side when querying with Cypher. 16:32:02 ora: We had lots of discussions regarding such RDF views when using Cypher. 16:32:33 ... and there might be loss of the projections. 16:33:18 q+ 16:33:32 ... Round tripping RDF -> 1G -> RDF without loss, same for LPG -> 1G -> LPG. But potential loss for RDF -> 1G -> LPG or vice versa. 16:34:08 ... From our experience in the context of OpenCypher over RDF, some developers will never touch SPARQL. 16:34:41 ack Souri 16:34:47 ... Still use cases about combining an LPG and an RDF graph. 16:35:32 Souri: What situation did you have where an LPG cannot be translated to RDF 1.1 (using RDF reification)? 16:35:53 ora: Other observation was that none wanted to touch RDF reification. 16:36:18 ... (none of the customers) 16:36:53 Souri: Same experience. Customers don't want to touch SPARQL. Customers want edge properties. 16:37:49 ... Other reason for picking LPG is the lack of proper path queries in SPARQL. 16:38:09 ora: Limitation of LPG is that there is no schema language. 16:38:40 ... related pondering about how to bring RDF-star into ontology language 16:39:08 q+ 16:39:15 ack AndyS 16:39:20 q+ 16:39:54 AndyS: Where are we now regarding the LPG profile? Are you okay to have it outside the core specs? 16:40:10 q+ 16:40:45 ... Personally, I prefer outside of specs, before we don't have so much experience with all this stuff. 16:41:26 ack gtw 16:43:56 olaf has joined #rdf-star 16:44:01 present+ 16:44:03 scribe+ 16:44:05 gtw: To the point that we don't have impl.experience regarding this stuff, the same issue holds also about implementations of the many-to-many option. 16:44:23 ora: The same issue existed in the first RDF WG. 16:44:56 AndyS: Experience from SPARQL is that the first version can be more risk-taking. 16:45:23 q+ 16:45:44 ora: But that's not how standardizing traditionally works. 16:45:59 ack fsasaki 16:46:32 fsasaki: To gtw's point, the W3C process requires implementations. 16:46:33 ack william_vw 16:46:56 william_vw: Now to the rdf:asserts topic. 16:47:07 ... I had a lot of questions there. 16:47:36 ... Tried to get more information on the mailing list. 16:47:39 AndyS has joined #rdf-star 16:48:10 ... Souri, do you have an RDB to RDF mapping? Can you elaborate on it? 16:48:39 Souri: Miss-understood someone else's proposal. 16:48:57 fsasaki has joined #rdf-star 16:48:58 ... I tried arguing more on the independence. 16:49:26 s/implementations/implementations in the candidate recommendation process step, so there is still an opportunity to gather and document implementation experience and revise the many to many feature/ 16:49:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/22-rdf-star-minutes.html fsasaki 16:49:45 ... Truth and hypothesis is at a very basic level that may cover a lot of cases. 16:50:33 ... in RDF, a triple is a small unit (only three elements), which is different form RDB 16:50:59 ... I wanted ID to be integrated into SPO 16:51:16 ... Such that it can have a truth value. 16:51:29 ... without having to add an extra triple. 16:51:50 ... which also avoids extra triple patterns in SPARQL queries. 16:52:18 q+ 16:52:26 ... To the question of leaving things out of the standard now, I am worried that adding such things later takes years 16:52:41 ... in the meantime people will start doing their own thing. 16:52:43 q+ to point out that we have chosen the "living standard" mode 16:53:24 william_vw: So, any meaning becomes application dependant. 16:54:13 ack tl 16:54:14 ... It was unclear to me why you focused specifically on these particular meanings mentioned in your emails. 16:54:36 william_vw has joined #rdf-star 16:54:48 tl: Very binary consideration whether triple is true or not. 16:55:25 ... Asserted or not is essential and belongs into the spec. Everything else can be application specific meanings. 16:55:42 q+ 16:56:20 ... Annotations syntax is currently mapped to rdf:reifies, which is a mismatch. It should be mapped to rdf:asserts 16:56:33 ack pchampin 16:56:33 pchampin, you wanted to point out that we have chosen the "living standard" mode 16:56:42 ... We are really defining something there, and we are currently doing it in the wrong way. 16:57:28 ack niklasl 16:57:39 pchampin: Just to point out that we chose to leave the spec open as a living standard. hence, adding new features would not be as long and tedious as several years. 16:58:00 q+ on writing a note 16:58:09 niklasl: I wrote emails half an hour before the meeting. 16:58:54 ... I don't see the problem. My example should show that. 16:59:09 william_vw has joined #rdf-star 16:59:34 ... We might talk about it tomorrow in the SemTF 16:59:43 ack Tpt 16:59:43 Tpt, you wanted to comment on writing a note 17:00:01 Tpt: We can just write a Note if we are not confident adding something into the standard. 17:00:56 enrico: We have a SemTF meeting tomorrow. We can talk about ... (?) 17:01:25 ... I made the point that we have had infinite discussion. The WG should make a decision. 17:02:08 Tallted: Asking that everything to be voted on will be put on the mailing list in good time, with precise definitions. 17:02:10 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:02:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/22-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 17:03:07 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/23bcb331-af6e-40af-98f1-11c029455d12/20240822T120000/#agenda 17:03:07 clear agenda 17:03:07 agenda+ General discussion about profiles (esp. "LPG-profile"), what's possible, what's not, caveats/pitfalls -> 1 https://www.w3.org/2024/08/15-rdf-star-minutes.html#t02 17:03:16 meeting: RDF-star WG focused meeting 17:03:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:03:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/22-rdf-star-minutes.html pchampin 17:07:41 olaf has left #rdf-star 17:25:35 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 17:34:08 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 17:50:21 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:05:43 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:24:57 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:48:21 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:16:26 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:40:21 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:08:24 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:08:27 gkellogg_ has joined #rdf-star 22:24:03 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 22:49:56 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 23:29:11 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 23:49:05 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star