14:45:55 RRSAgent has joined #ag 14:46:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/20-ag-irc 14:46:00 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:46:01 Meeting: AGWG Teleconference 14:46:06 chair: alastairc 14:46:09 present: alastairc 14:46:54 regrets: ToddL, JenG, JenniferS 14:46:57 agenda? 14:47:03 zakim, clear agenda 14:47:03 agenda cleared 14:47:12 agenda+ Subgroup check-in 14:47:24 agenda+ WCAG 3 Requirements updates 14:47:34 agenda+ Documenting "Good Enough" for defaults 14:47:36 Chuck has joined #ag 14:47:40 agenda? 14:47:46 agenda+ WCAG 2.2 issue review 14:52:22 GreggVan has joined #ag 14:52:49 dj has joined #ag 14:53:30 present+ 14:54:15 present+ 14:54:22 present+ 14:54:24 present+ 14:54:36 zakim, who is on the call? 14:54:36 Present: alastairc, dj, Chuck, Rachael 14:54:44 present+ 14:54:59 present+ GreggVan 14:57:36 regrets+ Rain 14:58:01 Ben_Tillyer has joined #ag 14:58:08 regrets+ 14:58:59 filippo-zorzi has joined #ag 14:59:36 present+ filippo-zorzi 15:00:31 present+ 15:01:20 zakim, who is on the call? 15:01:20 Present: alastairc, dj, Chuck, Rachael, kevin, GreggVan, filippo-zorzi, wendyreid 15:01:21 giacomo-petri has joined #ag 15:01:25 tburtin has joined #ag 15:01:31 present+ 15:01:34 dan_bjorge has joined #ag 15:01:34 bruce_bailey has joined #ag 15:01:36 present+ 15:01:41 present+ 15:01:55 MJ has joined #ag 15:02:05 Jennie_Delisi has joined #ag 15:02:06 present+ JennieDelisi 15:02:09 present+ tburtin 15:02:09 present+ 15:02:14 scribe+ 15:02:17 GN015 has joined #ag 15:02:28 present+ ShawnThompson 15:02:33 present+ 15:02:38 agenda? 15:02:41 Azlan has joined #ag 15:02:44 mike_beganyi has joined #ag 15:02:46 Makoto has joined #ag 15:02:49 present+ 15:02:53 present+ Kimberly 15:02:54 TOPIC: Introductions and Announcements 15:02:57 present+ 15:02:58 present+ 15:02:59 present+ Makoto 15:03:00 Kimberly has joined #ag 15:03:10 present+ GN015 15:03:19 present+ 15:03:26 sarahhorton has joined #ag 15:03:27 alastairc: Anyone new who would like to introduce themselves? 15:03:30 ... any news? 15:03:33 present+ 15:03:39 zakim, take up next item 15:03:39 agendum 1 -- Subgroup check-in -- taken up [from alastairc] 15:03:51 ShawnT has joined #ag 15:04:00 alastairc: Sub group check ins, for 4 weeks we were using this meeting for sub group meetings 15:04:03 present+ 15:04:05 ... and now have separate meetings 15:04:16 ... each lead has hopefuly set up time to continue working 15:04:19 present+ 15:04:22 present+ 15:04:24 ... subgroups were [list] 15:04:46 present+ 15:04:46 Glenda has joined #ag 15:04:49 q+ for voice interaction 15:04:56 ... could the faciliatators get on queue to give us an update 15:04:57 q+ for section labels 15:05:08 ... and next week we'll have some output to share for focus appearance 15:05:23 Jon_avila has joined #ag 15:05:26 q? 15:05:28 ... no news yet on non-text contrast, just catching up 15:05:33 ack Rachael 15:05:33 Rachael, you wanted to discuss voice interaction 15:05:36 q+ to report on keyboard only 15:05:52 Rachael: Voice interaction, one step behind the others, I will be reaching out to those who are interested, it is going into the exploratory phase 15:05:59 ... if you want to join, please let me know 15:05:59 ack giacomo-petri 15:05:59 giacomo-petri, you wanted to discuss section labels 15:06:04 q+ for implied meaning 15:06:09 giacomo-petri: Section labels, several of us have been on vacation 15:06:17 nina has joined #ag 15:06:18 ... we plan to hold a meeting on wednesday at 9 15:06:20 Poornima has joined #ag 15:06:27 ... option to extend to fridays if needed 15:06:31 present+ 15:06:54 ... jsut an update, we have spent considerable time establishing the foundation for labelling the sections without discussing the labels themselves 15:07:12 ... we wanted to start with the reasoning for sectioning, but it has gotten complex, so we've lost sight a bit 15:07:26 ... we'll discuss this week assumptions to help us proceed with the topic 15:07:45 ... define assumptions, develop glossary, and declare topics we won't get to at this time 15:07:54 present+ 15:07:57 alastairc: Let us know if you need any support! 15:08:02 giacomo-petri: thank you 15:08:04 q? 15:08:07 ack bruce_bailey 15:08:07 bruce_bailey, you wanted to report on keyboard only 15:08:14 bruce_bailey: Reporting for keyboard accessibility 15:08:24 ... we're meeting wednesdays at 11 if anyone wants to join 15:08:32 ... we have a collection of outcomes that are all related 15:08:46 Francis_Storr has joined #ag 15:08:46 ... comparable effort, consistent interaction, keyboard only, keyboard trap 15:08:52 ... we mapped user needs to each outcome 15:08:58 ... lots of overlap for each 15:09:08 ... the next meetings will be focusing on methods and decision trees 15:09:16 q+ to talk about haptic stimulation 15:09:31 Makoto has joined #ag 15:09:45 ... we have a good one for keyboard command one, rename to custom keyboard command, and we decided on the last call to avoid defining content 15:09:56 ... I'll add a link to our google doc 15:09:56 q+ 15:09:58 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uE2WCxPmvNopdCbuZQm_-cGyEdxEouRmZ8UUIlyutoU/edit#heading=h.a7ehkd3tng7j 15:10:03 present+ 15:10:05 ack Makoto 15:10:05 Makoto, you wanted to discuss implied meaning 15:10:10 Latest draft of "Implied meaning" 15:10:10 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P7fOyEPVlqf1aXuJY0SO9LeC-E7EZllg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111729699644811578182&rtpof=true&sd=true 15:10:50 Makoto: I am taking over while Julie is on vacation 15:10:58 ... discussing and documenting two methods 15:11:07 ... we'll do the decision tree once those are documented 15:11:12 ... discussion has been good so far 15:11:23 ... if anyone else has anything to share, please go ahead 15:11:29 Frankie has joined #ag 15:11:38 present+ 15:11:43 q? 15:11:47 ack dj 15:11:47 dj, you wanted to talk about haptic stimulation 15:11:59 q+ dj 15:12:02 q+ 15:12:04 ack GreggVan 15:12:11 GreggVan: Bruce, what was the name and time? 15:12:23 DuffJohnson has joined #ag 15:12:33 bruce_bailey: Keyboard, wednesday 11am boston time 15:12:48 GreggVan: Do you have the link? 15:12:56 bruce_bailey: It's in the google doc 15:13:05 ack dj 15:13:21 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U5DbLdJIyuIJLdLMhn1F_A0NT_D_qe4MO49F_fJ_fEA/edit 15:13:35 dj: We don't yet have a time for the meeting, but I'll share how things have gone so far. 15:13:53 ... it's been productive, but once we have something scheduled we'll have some progress. 15:14:03 alastairc: I think that is everything, outside of publications 15:14:34 kevin: We are close to having a final presentation on the options, we're nearly there. 15:14:45 alastairc: We'll pencil it in for a future agenda. 15:14:55 ... trying to get these wrapped up before TPAC 15:15:05 jeanne has joined #ag 15:15:20 present+ 15:15:27 q+ 15:15:28 ... have outcomes, decision tree, methods, and hopefully some content ready for publication by end of year 15:15:51 bruce_bailey: Apologies, I was mistaken about having zoom links in the google doc, I'll post them here 15:16:21 zakim, take up next item 15:16:21 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, alastairc 15:16:25 ack bruce_bailey 15:16:26 zakim, take up next item 15:16:27 agendum 2 -- WCAG 3 Requirements updates -- taken up [from alastairc] 15:16:38 alastairc: Next topic is WCAG 3 Requirements updates 15:16:42 ... this went around last week 15:16:55 present+ 15:16:55 ... going to give an introduction for anyone who missed it 15:16:58 presemt+ 15:17:01 ... going to talk it throguh 15:17:04 [shares screen] 15:17:09 present+ 15:17:18 ... first file we shared is a diff of what has changed in this revision 15:17:30 ... mostly editorial changes, I would start from the introduction 15:17:43 https://services.w3.org/htmldiff?doc1=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2Fwcag-3.0-requirements%2F&doc2=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githack.com%2Fw3c%2Fsilver%2Fmain%2Frequirements%2Findex.html 15:18:01 GreggVan: Question, you said mostly editorial, but there's a big section crossed out 15:18:14 alastairc: We removed some old boilerplate stuff 15:18:33 ... we had one issue about the testability of the requirements 15:18:38 ... we had a subgroup working on it 15:19:07 ... we have come up with some updates to the design principles 15:19:22 ... we had one as a principle not a requirement, to include links to instructional videos and content 15:19:35 ... we will link to these things but we're not necessarily doing work on those things 15:19:45 ... changes to requirements to make them more objective 15:19:56 graham has joined #ag 15:20:02 ... the requirements become the exit criteria when WCAG 3 is published 15:20:17 ... some of them were a little fuzzy, we've tried to make them more criteria 15:20:33 ... [reads example] 15:20:38 ... familiar to people in subgroups 15:20:56 ... it is an update when its all bundled together, we'll need a call for consensus 15:21:05 can you provide a link to the page you are looking at 15:21:09 ... these are all essentially things that are addressing issues raised by people 15:21:16 https://services.w3.org/htmldiff?doc1=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githack.com%2Fw3c%2Fsilver%2Fmain%2Frequirements%2Findex.html&doc2=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githack.com%2Fw3c%2Fsilver%2FIssue44-Testable%2Frequirements%2Findex.html#design_principles 15:21:16 robu01 has joined #ag 15:21:24 https://github.com/w3c/silver/pull/739 15:21:44 ... links to everything are in the pull request 15:21:49 q? 15:22:16 alastairc: If everyone is happy, please give it a thumbs up in GitHub, or provide comment 15:22:21 ... we'll leave it open for a week 15:22:47 ... I was expecting more comments 15:23:07 ... going to move on to the WCAG 2 bits 15:23:32 q+ 15:23:33 ... please review and comment now, it helps the process a lot 15:23:37 ack GreggVan 15:23:40 q+ 15:24:01 GreggVan: In here when you say that "include multiple means of measurement" does that mean different ways to measure that give different results? 15:24:10 ... how can it be objective and give different results? 15:24:19 ... how do you know which one is correct? 15:24:24 ... or one process for measurement? 15:24:35 alastairc: In an outcome, everything would be summarized into a pass/fail 15:24:37 q+ to answer Gregg 15:24:44 ... but in this, we could have different measures within it 15:24:49 ... particularly with assertions 15:24:52 q- 15:25:00 ... it might need to meet a threshold 15:25:25 ack Rachael 15:25:29 and other evaluation methods. Some guidance may use true/false success criteria, verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring 15:25:33 GreggVan: I've figured out what I wanted to say, I'll add a comment 15:25:45 Rachael: I found a nit, I think we need to adjust the text 15:25:54 ... pasted what I wanted above 15:26:01 +1 15:26:03 ... don't want to trap ourselves in a measurement method. 15:26:17 q? 15:26:31 zakim, take up next item 15:26:31 agendum 3 -- Documenting "Good Enough" for defaults -- taken up [from alastairc] 15:27:09 kirkwood: A question, I see a reference to plain language here 15:27:14 ... linking to a definition page 15:27:26 ... do we have consensus on using the US gov definition of plain language? 15:27:42 https://www.plainlanguage.gov/ 15:27:48 alastairc: In requirements for WCAG 3, whatever the WCAG 3 requirement for plain language is, it will be applied to WCAG 3 15:27:56 ... make it circular 15:28:01 https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/109 15:28:16 Rachael: Moving to discussion 109, link in chat 15:28:21 ... i wanted to talk through it 15:28:51 ... take a step back, we're trying to do things this way so everyone has an opportunity to review and comment 15:29:01 ... following on a previous conversation, how would we document Sufficient 15:29:11 ... suggested methods for user stack 15:29:31 ... browsers, AT, etc, only suggested, but when met, authors would not need to do additional work to meet the outcome 15:29:50 ... right now in WCAG 2 we've done it implicitly, but never pulled out exactly when the stack is sufficient 15:30:22 ... because we are building a standard that is meant to live a long time in a time when tech is changing rapidly, we need something new tech can look at for guidance 15:30:29 ... we need to support the stack and the author 15:30:46 ... if we proceed in that direction, we need to document what is sufficient 15:30:54 Laura_Carlson has joined #ag 15:31:00 present+ Laura_Carlson 15:31:26 ... comments got a little sidetracked on what is included in each, the question is "if I am an author, how do I know when in WCAG 3 the user stack is provided the functionality?" 15:31:38 ... I provided one example. the AT interoperability done by ARIA 15:31:44 ... we could model ourselves on that 15:31:47 q? 15:31:50 ... and provide some additional rules on that 15:32:02 ... free, near free, provided in the operating system 15:32:13 ... tables where people could reference where they could rely on the user stack 15:32:33 ... or if this isn't something W3C/WAI shouldn't do, all up for discussion 15:32:39 ... please contribute! 15:32:42 q? 15:32:43 present+ 15:33:16 FWIW, information about federal Plain Writing Act which John Kirkwood referred to. https://www.plainlanguage.gov 15:33:21 jtoles has joined #ag 15:33:26 alastairc: It's not meant to be a complete list, the "internet pipes" are a dividing line 15:33:43 ... how do we know what would be enough for an author to rely on the stack 15:33:50 ... any questions? 15:33:57 q+ 15:33:58 https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/109 15:34:04 ack GreggVan 15:34:18 "Mulitple means of measurement" sounds like two ways to measure the same thing. Suggest the following change to fix this but preserve the intended meaning. (Note: assertions are also true/false - there is or isnt an assertion so I changed true/false to "true/false performance or outcome" to make it clear. 15:34:18 change 15:34:18 >WCAG 3.0 can include **_multiple_** means of measurement, in addition to true/false statements, allowing inclusion of more accessibility guidance. 15:34:18 to 15:34:19 >WCAG 3.0 can include guidance (provisions) that use **different** means of evaluation beyond just true/false performance or outcome statements, allowing the inclusion of more accessibility guidance. 15:34:26 Detlev has joined #ag 15:34:32 GreggVan: Wanted to share this, get input from the group. This is what I wanted to add to the PR. 15:34:45 ... [reading what is pasted above] 15:34:53 sarahhorton has joined #ag 15:34:57 ... didn't want to trip up anything regarding the use of the word outcome 15:35:09 ... assertions are still a true/false test 15:35:29 ... I wanted to have eyes on this before it goes in 15:35:51 alastairc: For everyone else, this goes back to the WCAG 3 requirements 15:36:06 ... can you put this in GH? 15:36:07 GreggVan: Already done! Just wanted more eyes on it 15:36:28 +1 looks good to me at first viewing, may have more comments in the discussion. 15:36:35 alastairc: Switching context back to sufficient coverage 15:36:41 ... going to move on to the WCAG 2 updates 15:36:45 ... last agenda item 15:36:56 zakim, take up next item 15:36:56 agendum 4 -- WCAG 2.2 issue review -- taken up [from alastairc] 15:37:03 ... Michael Gower sent around the issue review 15:37:04 nina has joined #ag 15:37:11 ... we had a couple of substantive items 15:37:25 ... update to the character keys shortcuts understanding 15:37:54 ... focus for this was to clarify "character keys" and not what keys are being pressed at the same time 15:38:02 ... clarifying that it's what is sending through a character 15:38:10 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/2455 15:38:13 ... it's more substantive in that it is changing the understanding document 15:38:22 ... please give a thumbs up or comment! 15:38:36 ... one of the other substantive one, G65 for breadcrumb trail 15:38:45 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/3951 15:38:49 ... it needed to acknowledge that the current location could be a hyperlink, but isn't mentioned currently 15:38:57 ... please thumbsup or comment 15:39:04 ... the other one with less discussion 15:39:45 ... F94, the test procedure talked about text resized to 200% vs the language saying "up to" 200%, bringing the text into alignment 15:39:54 ... encourage people to test to at least 200% 15:40:08 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/3986/ 15:40:08 ... the test procedure needs to be closer aligned to the success criteria 15:40:25 ... there were a few others, mostly bug fixes 15:40:31 ... please take a look 15:40:47 Please thumbs up on 3986 if you are comfortable with it. 15:40:48 ... any questions or comments on the WCAG2 side of things? 15:41:07 alastairc: Rachael, can we look at the project plan? 15:41:12 Rachael: Yes! 15:41:18 TOPIC: WCAG 3 project plan 15:42:02 [sharing new screen] 15:42:14 Rachael: Wanted to talk about where we are and the new schedule 15:42:17 ... we've stuck to it 15:42:17 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/WCAG_3_Timeline 15:42:26 ... where are we now? 15:42:36 Frankie has joined #ag 15:42:58 ... We have gotten to Q32024, we have started the items in Q2's list, we haven't written a list of assertions, we need to continue that conversation 15:43:12 ... we have worked through the contributors format for WCAG3 and will be updated 15:43:18 tburtin has joined #ag 15:43:23 ... moving into Q3, we want to have a retrospective at TPAC 15:43:35 ... people back in Jan/Feb, people were wondering what we were doign 15:43:43 ... it was hard to tell then how our pace was 15:43:58 ... we want to do retros every 6 months, assess how we are doing speed-wise 15:44:04 ... that is on the schedule for Q3 15:44:06 +1 on sending additional information 15:44:13 ... we have 2 publications we would like to get out 15:44:20 ... suspect we will slip into Q4 15:44:21 Chuck has joined #ag 15:44:27 ... we want to update the conformance section with 2 models 15:44:51 ... prepped, working on a test website set to show testable examples 15:45:04 ... bring that together at TPAC and talk through how well the different models work 15:45:30 ... we want to put an explainer including a best guess on our release plan 15:45:35 ... publications sup group will report on that 15:45:43 ... we will see all the pieces come together. 15:45:49 ... goal for the month after TPAC 15:45:58 ... still working through the Core Issues 15:46:09 ... retro is where we can discuss process on that 15:46:16 ... as we move into the end of the year 15:46:35 ... more outcomes, discussion of core issues, and review and address public comments. 15:46:43 ... does anyone feel we're missing anything or have any comments? 15:47:06 alastairc: Looks like we're pretty much on track, it's a relief! 15:47:19 ... if people don't have questions, I'd like to catch up some time with my subgroup 15:47:27 ... perhaps we can split into subgroups at this point? 15:47:57 non-text contrast 15:48:00 [putting together breakout rooms] 15:48:21 alastairc: Who else would like to meet? We have non-text contrast, keyboard only 15:48:23 Keyboard Only 15:48:25 Haptic 15:48:27 dj: Haptics? 15:48:32 Section labels 15:48:45 Implied Meaning is the last one I believe 15:49:47 zakim, end meeting 15:49:47 As of this point the attendees have been alastairc, dj, Chuck, Rachael, kevin, GreggVan, filippo-zorzi, wendyreid, giacomo-petri, dan_bjorge, bruce_bailey, JennieDelisi, tburtin, 15:49:50 ... MJ, ShawnThompson, Azlan, Kimberly, mike_beganyi, Makoto, GN015, sarahhorton, ShawnT, ljoakley, Jennie_Delisi, Poornima, Glenda, Frankie, jeanne, Francis_Storr, kirkwood, 15:49:50 ... Laura_Carlson, graham 15:49:50 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v1 15:49:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/20-ag-minutes.html Zakim 15:49:58 Makoto has joined #ag 15:49:58 I am happy to have been of service, wendyreid; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:49:58 Zakim has left #ag 15:50:16 RRSagent, make logs public 15:51:32 present+ 16:02:45 Kimberly has joined #ag 16:28:32 Chuck has joined #ag 16:36:13 Frankie has joined #ag 16:43:21 jtoles has joined #ag 16:45:08 Avon has joined #ag 16:45:11 present+ 16:45:23 q+ 16:45:41 ack bruce_bailey 16:46:11 scribe+ 16:46:23 bruce_bailey: How much are we web-oriented still? 16:46:43 q+ 16:46:59 q+ 16:47:01 ack Rachael 16:47:10 q+ 16:47:11 Graham has joined #ag 16:47:41 ack Detlev 16:48:03 Rachael: Anything about platforms won't be required. 16:48:27 q+ 16:48:32 Detlev: Is it intended to be browser-specific, or should the decision tree focus on a particular platform. 16:48:37 q? 16:48:48 Zakim has joined #ag 16:49:18 RRSAgent make minutes 16:49:24 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:49:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/20-ag-minutes.html alastairc 16:50:49 Kimberly has joined #ag 16:52:13 Chuckim: DJ is in queue 16:52:50 Chuckim understands DJ-im 16:54:04 present+ 16:56:03 q+ to note Graham concern in chat 16:56:08 queue: bruce_bailey 16:56:19 alastairc: bruce_bailey is on queue 16:56:43 queue: [no one is on queue] 17:59:04 GreggVan has joined #ag 19:03:17 Zakim has left #ag 19:03:34 GreggVan has joined #ag 19:07:34 Glenda has joined #ag 21:07:46 oops present + 23:59:51 GreggVan has joined #ag