RDF-star WG biweekly meeting

15 August 2024


AndyS, doerthe, Dominik_T, eBremer, enrico, fsasaki, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, niklasl, olaf, ora, pfps, Souri, TallTed, tl, william_vw
AZ, pchampin

Meeting minutes

ora: new member William van Woensel

william: member of Notation3 CG
… interested in RDF-star for quite a while, quoted graph terms in N3
… identifiers welcome
… invited expert

Approval of minutes from the last two meetings: 1 , 2

<Souri> +1

<ora> PROPOSAL: Approve minutes from 2024-08-01 and 2024-08-08

<gkellogg> +1

<niklasl> +1

<gtw> +1

<ktk> +1

<ora> +1

<AndyS> +1

<tl> +1

<doerthe> +1

<TallTed> +1

<olaf> 0 (abstain, as I wasn't there)

<william_vw> 0 (also abstaining)

<TallTed> s/interested in RDF\*/interested in RDF-star

<eBremer> +!

<eBremer> +1

<fsasaki> +1

RESOLUTION: Approve minutes from 2024-08-01 and 2024-08-08

Proposal for next week's discussion

ora: would like to have a final discussion on profiles

adrian: please provide a proposal in writing before next call

ora: will do, probably next week, at least to clarify what it is we are looking for
… would be interested to know about any objections to having profiles
… OpenCypher over RDF now supported in AWS
… any objections?

peter: very much too early for a discussion about profiles, because we're still trying to put the baseline in place

ora: understand, but ... would like to have a discussion about if we even support the idea of profiles, and I know that you Peter are against it.
… would it be considered haarmful to have profiles

pfps: profiles are an evil, but sometimes a necessary evil

ora: much rather like to have a single standard, but my organisation has specific needs

gkellogg: we do have different profiles already - classic and full

<ora> Neptune Analytics now supports openCypher over RDF: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/build-and-deploy-knowledge-graphs-faster-with-rdf-and-opencypher/

ora: have a more general discussion about profiles?

tl: discuss more details about AWS problems/profile requirement

ora: would like to have a profile that allows us to say we support RDF 1.2 but still not support many-to-many reifications

<niklasl> Thomas' mentioned mail after last week's discussion (about "LPG many-to-many"): https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Aug/0043.html

enrico: but that's a major problem for the RDF side
… maybe best practice

ora: if someone suggests this might disrupt RDF, implementations, or similar, then I'm happy to discuss

fsasaki: would prefer to have this discussion related to profiles rather sooner than later

<ora> PROPOSAL: Next week: general discussion about profiles (esp. "LPG-profile"), what's possible, what's not, caveats/pitfalls

adrian: is marcel otto using the many-to-many reifications?

niklas: he has re-invented them, because he used an earlier version of RDF-star

<ora> +1

<AndyS> +1

<Dominik_T> +0.5

<fsasaki> +1

<gtw> +1

<ktk> +1

<TallTed> +1

<Souri> +1

0 (scribing)

<enrico> +1

<doerthe> +1

<niklasl> +1

<olaf> +1

<gkellogg> +1

RESOLUTION: Next week: general discussion about profiles (esp. "LPG-profile"), what's possible, what's not, caveats/pitfalls

niklas: discussion about consequences of profiles (ups and downs), not so much about many-to-many

Review of pull requests, available at

<AndyS> https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/4

ora: interested in possible consequences of profiles, things that may be blowing up

ora: item 4 seems like an obvious candidate. is it old enough?

gkellogg: update to turtle
… changed name of reified triple production, to "reifying triple", maybe let this sit another week
… like to hear andy's opinion

andys: time constraints...

gkellogg: probable that we will be able to merge after next week
… changes in turtle that I would like to have eyes on

ora: what about the readme

ora: what about "informative definition of reified triple"?

gkellogg: not sure if it really belongs in RDF concepts
… best practices need a definition

olaf: about sparql specs, some examples with shorthand notation sensible, but not all of them
… some examples will need standard notation
… so we shouldn't change ALL examples to shorthand notation

gkellogg: agrees

AndyS: working on sparql grammar reflecting recent syntax changes
… testing ongoing

ora: guess that's it for pull requests

Issue Triage, available at

<ktk> https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/20/views/5

gkellogg: a lot of things in there probably just need to be disposed of
… should take time to trim this down to things we actually work on
… maybe at TPAC

ora: agrees w.r.t. TPAC

<TallTed> +1 to focus a call on triage. TPAC time is a possibility.

ora: did get travel approval for TPAC, so will be there
… anything we could dispose now?
… many small editorial things that shouldn't take much time to take care of

<gkellogg> w3c/rdf-concepts#34

<gb> Issue 34 Terminology for graph/dataset without triple terms. (by gkellogg) [propose closing] [spec:editorial]

gkellogg: rdf concepts line 9
… could be closed, is all done

aaaand ... closed

ora: a lot of untagged ones. would someone volunteer to tag them before we go through them?

<pfps> at various times I have gone through the list and tagged the ones that I could. I think I ended up tagging 20 or 30.

gkellogg: when they come from outside they should not be just closed but get some formal response

Any Other Business (AOB), time permitting

ora: thanks pfps

gkellogg: rdf:states needs discussion

ora: good idea, thoughts?

<Souri> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-star-wg/2024Aug/0077.html

gkellogg: prefers other ways that don't rely on more predicates, might look hackish

souri: the more i think of it i find it is essential, not a hack
… (shares screen)

<enrico> I agree with gkellogg

souri: explains an example where :Bob is associated with different companies, annotated with different time periods, overwrites "unassertedness"
… we need rdf:reifies AND rdf:states
… it's not a hack. most things in the world are actually asserted. would like to have a 1:1 correspondence from annotations to asserted facts

enrico: we can model this from the baseline
… there's not so much difference as to warrant another predicate
… also: what does it mean to be asserted
… a triple may mean a wedding, a certificate, a xxx
… for that we have different term identifiers
… time dimension is more an extension

TallTed: struggling to understand example (provides detail)

ora: you make statements about statements. s can be asserted or not. those two things are independent

Souri: (screen again)
… rdf:reifies is the only triple that has triple term as range

rdf: reifies is not some arbitrary property, the spec defines it
… we need an association between triple and what we say about it
… but this is different from reification

<TallTed> "reification" is *exactly* "associating an identifier"!

rdf: especially LPG and ??? need a 1:1 association

<doerthe> @tl (I write, as this meeting is about to end) your statement about asserting triples in the original RDF-star proposal is not entirely true as the semantics back then was defined through rdf-reification, if we have that, it is still possible to remove the asserted triple itself. So basically, we only had no shortcut for only reifying a triple

<doerthe> without asserting it, but that was always possible. (But you scribe, I should write a mail to not stress you)

<enrico> Announcement for tomorrow's Semantics TF: Discussion on the semantics of rdf:states, in comparison with LPG, relational DBs, and other use cases.

<gkellogg> This remindes me of the RISC vs CISC processor wars (reduced vs complex instruction sets).

rdf: rdf:states is not a hack, but a very important thing to have. I feel very strongy about it and would like to discuss this more

<TallTed> right, it's the *shortcut*, the *syntactic sugar* that we're adding. Being able to both assert and annotate in one "statement", rather than having to repeat what is being asserted in order to annotate it.

ora: out of time, suggest to pick this up at our earliest opportunity

enrico: will be on agenda for tomorrows semantics TF

<ktk> s/haarful/harmful/

<ktk> s/aaand.../and.../

<ktk> s/have a discussion about profiles/let's explore and clarify the use of profiles/

<ktk> s/rdf: /tl: /

Summary of resolutions

  1. Approve minutes from 2024-08-01 and 2024-08-08
  2. Next week: general discussion about profiles (esp. "LPG-profile"), what's possible, what's not, caveats/pitfalls
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Succeeded: s/leaving. As of this point the attendees have been enrico, gkellogg, TallTed, AndyS, pfps, niklasl, thomas, doerthe, Souri//

Succeeded: s/interested in RDF+/...interested in RDF*

Failed: s/interested in RDF\*/interested in RDF-star

Succeeded: s/new member william/new member William van Woensel

Succeeded: s/...interested in RDF*/...interested in RDF-star/

Succeeded: s/ora:would like to rest issue of profiles/ora: would like to have a final discussion on profiles

Succeeded: s/any objections/would be interested to know about any objections

Succeeded: s/open cypher/OpenCypher/

Succeeded: s/teh/the/

Succeeded: s/an other/another

Succeeded: s/gkellog: probably/gkellog: probable

Succeeded: s/peter:/pfps:

Succeeded 3 times: s/gkellog:/gkellogg:/g

Succeeded: s/gkellog/gkellogg

Succeeded: s/tanks/thanks

Succeeded: s/1.1 mapping/1:1 correspondance

Succeeded: s/ reifies: is / rdf:reifies is

Succeeded: s/tomorrow/tomorrows semantics TF

Succeeded 2 times: s/teh/the/g

Succeeded 1 times: s/taht/that/g

Succeeded: s/classic and triple terms/classic and full/

Succeeded: s/would like to have a discusion/would like to have a discussion/

Succeeded: s/soemone/someone/

Failed: s/haarful/harmful/

Succeeded: s/someties/sometimes/

Succeeded: s/reifing/reifying/

Succeeded: s/wat/what/

Succeeded: s/anotehr/another/

Failed: s/aaand.../and.../

Succeeded: s/isthe/is the/

Succeeded: s/correspondance/correspondence/

Succeeded: s/looking fr/looking for/

Failed: s/have a discussion about profiles/let's explore and clarify the use of profiles/

Succeeded: s/if someone says that this blows up RDF or implementions or etc, then happy tp discuss/if someone suggests this might disrupt RDF, implementations, or similar, then I'm happy to discuss/

Succeeded: s/that i'd like to/that I would like to/

Succeeded: s/grammer/grammar/

Succeeded: s/explains example how/explains an example where/

Succeeded: s/being in different working companies/is associated with different companies/

Succeeded: s/annoatted with different times/annotated with different time periods/

Succeeded: s/maa/may/

Succeeded: s/ahve/have/

Succeeded: s/imdependent/independent/

Failed: s/rdf: /tl: /

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: tl

Maybe present: adrian, niklas, peter, rdf, william

All speakers: adrian, andys, enrico, fsasaki, gkellogg, niklas, olaf, ora, peter, pfps, rdf, souri, TallTed, tl, william

Active on IRC: AndyS, doerthe, Dominik_T, eBremer, enrico, fsasaki, gkellogg, gtw, ktk, niklasl, olaf, ora, pfps, Souri, TallTed, tl, william_vw