14 August 2024


flackr, Patrick_H_Lauke
mustaq, smaug
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick_H_Lauke, Patrick H. Lauke

Meeting minutes

‘Logical’ values for the ‘touch-action’ property #505


Patrick: as discussed in last meeting, i left comment on that issue about our decision to defer to Level 4

Add persistentDeviceId to PointerEvent #495


Patrick: as discussed in our last meeting, I've now merged this into Level 4 / gh-pages branch

Triage unlabelled issues https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues

Patrick: want to see if anything is urgent and needs to be added to Level 3, or if we can defer

Rob: the issues asking for clarification may be things we want to do for v3, but need time to review

ACTION: review any unlabelled issues and mark them as v3 or future

Meta-issue: update WPT to cover Pointer Events Level 3 #445 w3c/pointerevents#445


Rob: I have something started

<flackr> https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5759832

Rob: discovered that Chrome at least doesn't seem to match spec behaviour. matches in one direction but not other

Rob: spec seems to imply that you can never capture a pointer if it's not in the active document. In chrome the capture works in one direction but not the other

Rob: haven't checked whether Firefox or Safari do the "correct" thing yet. depending on the outcome, we can come back and debate if the spec needs to allow capturing in one direction but not other

Rob: if i remember correctly, the issue I found was that if you try to set capture into an inner frame, Chrome allows it, but by spec we shouldn't

Rob: i'll post a repro example to the issue, then we can debate (and get results from Safari/Firefox to inform discussion)

ACTION: futher exploration needed

Level 3 and Level 4

Patrick: I've gone ahead and followed PLH suggestion to set up a Level 3 branch, and treat gh-pages as Level 4

ACTION: Patrick to catch up with PLH to make sure the new branch structure doesn't auto-publish to wrong place

<flackr> In https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#setting-pointer-capture the failure when trying to capture to a different document is completely silent - no exception thrown

<flackr> > If the pointer is not in the active buttons state or the element's node document is not the active document of the pointer, then terminate these steps.

Patrick: so we want to make a change to spec anyway to clarify / don't keep failure silent and instead throw error

Patrick: I can see how you'd possibly want to allow capturing down (from parent document into frame) but not other way around, as it could be a third party script that should not be allowed...

Rob: keep in mind it can't be cross-origin

[Rob gave a very brief additional context/discussion on the thinking behind w3c/pointerevents#512 to gauge interest/use cases. We will discuss this further in future meeting]

RSSAgent, set logs world-visible

Summary of action items

  1. review any unlabelled issues and mark them as v3 or future
  2. futher exploration needed
  3. Patrick to catch up with PLH to make sure the new branch structure doesn't auto-publish to wrong place
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Maybe present: Patrick, Rob

All speakers: Patrick, Rob

Active on IRC: flackr, Patrick_H_Lauke