Maturity Model Task Force

14 August 2024


AngelaBarker, Dr_Keith, Fazio, jlkline, level, Mark_Miller

Meeting minutes

<gb> /issues/112 -> #112

<gb> /issues/98 -> #98

<gb> /issues/118 -> #118

New Business

No new business

WAI Group Note Messaging review

David - Janina stressed the importance of coming up with a message on a previous call. She provided a template from Shawn Henry, lead for WAI. David offered to do copy editing, revising it to address our work. Now reviewing comments.

David - I am going to review all of the edits

Janina - the more places we have people comment, the better

Janina - this message is not a legally binding committment

David - we are still working through GitHub issues, and republishing as we go. But we want to get the message out. It may change slightly after a review of the ISO document. After a quick review, the ISO document looks very policy oriented and granular. We're more structured and provide a framework, so we may be complimentary.

Jeff - what is the ISO number?

David - it's in the GitHub, 3071-2019

Jeff - that was based on british standard 8878, turned into an ISO standard

David - Shaun Henry is very interested in this, we need to review

Janina - we need to have a short answer on why we are publishing a maturity model, and why it's different than others

David - we won't dive into it right now, but need to get this message out of the way so we're ready to go

David - reviewing Jeff's feedback from email

Jeff - people may provide a different level of feedback or comments if they knew other iterations are coming

Janina - we've gone through a lot of GitHub issues previously, if this isn't the final, it's close. If we don't have any sense of coming to a published conclusion, I'm not sure what we're doing here. There may be a 1.1 or 1.2, etc. some day. What are we going to do to get this working in the world, as a published state as 1.0.

David - this is first publication, this is a natural process and will all work out

David - reviewing comments from Jeff's email, I do use a lot of descriptors but I'm fine making it shorter.

David - editing on the fly

Janina - this is hard for me to follow

David - I will read original

Janina - add in Jeff's edits

David - reading original and Jeff's edits

Jeff - there were too many descriptors in that one long sentence. Do we need to put all that stuff in there? We aren't trying to be too detailed in covering this

Janina - this is not worth the time we're putting into it. Either version is a good one. It will be edited by Shawn. Let's limit the time we spend on this. Let's focus on closing GitHub issues.

David - then we'll make one version and propose it to the group.

Jeff - I thought Dr. Keith's version was good as well

Dr Keith - I agree

David - I'll create two versions, and we'll figure out which one we want to send to Shawn. I hope to have the ISO document reviewed and commented on by then

David - we will vote on the two versions

GitHub Issue #98 'Stages' or 'levels'?

<gb> /issues/98 -> #98

<Dr_Keith> have to drop. See you next week!

David - we started this last week and didn't have time to finish it.

David - this is referring to stages or levels. We are toggling back and forth between the two in the document. Some were good with levels but we didn't come to a decision.

<Fazio> w3c/maturity-model#98

<gb> Issue 98 'Stages' or 'levels'? (by jake-abma)

David - Jeff mentioned a lot of other teams use the term "levels"

Janina - if there is common practice, that's worth adopting

<Fazio> Levels?

Mark - I made the comment about levels, I propose we update the document to anything that refers to stage to level

Jeff - "being in stage 3 cancer" is a bunch of characteristics go together

Janina - this isn't cancer, what do other maturity models do?

David - we may not get to resolve this one on the call

Janina - you asked the right question, are we meaning different things with the same words

David - reading through the document to compare stages v. level introduction and usage

Janina - a stage with multiple levels gets you to a stage, this is not accurate if my understanding is right

Mark - we're just interchanging the terms throughout the document

Janina - this happens in creative writing

Jeff - there is 23 matches for "stage" and 65 matches for "level"

<Fazio> Maturity stages, with definitions and expected outcomes to help organizations assess and report on the level of accessibility maturity attained for the dimension. The maturity stages indicate what is needed to reach full maturity for that dimension.

Mark - we're mixing two different thoughts and activities, 1 - what are we calling four different levels you can progress through, 2 - there may be places we do want to use stage vs. level. Do we need to worry about if we are not referring to a "change in level" as what's described by this maturity model. Do we need to worry about which one of the

two words we're using?

Jeff - we used some terms previously we didn't like

David - let's move forward on stage v. level; maturity stage and maturity level are the same thing; one is the other

David - stage and level both have definition of outcomes, we use them interchangably

Janina - then we need to name them the same thing

Janina - what does the rest of the document say?

David - reading through document; whichever term we use, this section still won't make a lot of sense (beginning defining section of the doc)

David and Janina - discussing introduction of terms in the document

David - I suggest we take out the first sentence

Mark - Janina is asking what are we calling X, David is trying to reword the character, we need to define our activity rightnow

David - we can fix this by saying "maturity stages" or "maturity levels" are defined as outcomes for that dimension

David - first sentence is problematic because you can't state it without both words

Janina - we're defining a taxinomical term

Jeff - proposing an edit to get rid of the word level within the starting sentence

Jeff - use "report progress" instead of level

Janina - instead of progress, this is a status assessment

David - agreed

David - leaving in the word stage...rereads the sentence

<Fazio> Maturity stages, with definitions and expected outcomes to help organizations assess and report on the status of accessibility maturity attained for the dimension. The maturity stages indicate what is needed to reach full maturity for that dimension.

<Fazio> Maturity stages, with definitions and expected outcomes to help organizations assess and report on the level of accessibility maturity attained for the dimension. The maturity stages indicate what is needed to reach full maturity for that dimension.

<Fazio> Maturity level, with definitions and expected outcomes to help organizations assess and report on the status of accessibility maturity attained for the dimension. The maturity stages indicate what is needed to reach full maturity for that dimension.

<Fazio> Maturity level, with definitions and expected outcomes to help organizations assess and report on the status of accessibility maturity attained for the dimension. The maturity level indicate what is needed to reach full maturity for that dimension.

<Mark_Miller> Level

<NehaJ> level


<Fazio> level

<janina> +level

Janina - we're in the red zone for time

Jeff - I volunteer to replace the word in the excel assessment tool

David - I will work on getting this done in GitHub

David - we will reword bullet #2 in maturity model structure

<gb> /issues/2 -> #2

David - all for today, we are down to 23 issues

Jeff - we have State of Texas DIR and several agencies are going to do an assessment using our maturity model, we'll be able to get some good data points on the use and the worksheet. Within the next couple months we should have input on that.

David - if we could get public comment, that would be super helpful

Jeff - if there are things, they can put it into GibHub

David - might be some legal hoops to get a comment, but would be great to get one

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Active on IRC: AngelaBarker, Dr_Keith, Fazio, janina, jlkline, Mark_Miller, NehaJ