12:58:44 RRSAgent has joined #matf 12:58:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc 12:58:48 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:58:49 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), JJ 12:58:51 Zakim, this is MATF August 14, 2024 12:58:52 got it, JJ 12:58:59 Meeting: MATF August 14, 2024 12:59:02 present+ 12:59:16 regrets+ AlainVagner 12:59:18 present+ 12:59:39 regrets+ AudreyManiez 13:00:17 Illai has joined #matf 13:00:49 agenda+ Discuss remaining Success Criteria of breakdown 13:02:57 GleidsonRamos has joined #matf 13:03:48 Mick has joined #MATF 13:03:52 agenda+ 2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold 13:03:59 +present 13:04:01 Karla has joined #matf 13:04:02 agenda+ 2.4.3 Focus Order 13:04:10 agenda+ 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) 13:04:17 agenda+ 2.4.6 Headings and Labels 13:04:20 agenda? 13:04:21 Carolina has joined #MATF 13:04:29 present+ 13:04:36 Aashutosh has joined #matf 13:04:43 present+ 13:04:46 present+ 13:05:09 present+ 13:05:26 Devanshu has joined #matf 13:05:46 Thanks @Aashutosh 13:05:50 Scribe: Aashutosh 13:05:58 present+ 13:06:17 I have a hard stop on the hour, apologies if I have to drop 13:06:43 julianmka has joined #MATF 13:06:47 present+ 13:08:00 JJ shared the 9 SC that are potentially not applicable 13:08:03 q+ 13:09:16 Jetpack compose has lost the ability to do a "labelFor" with the loss of id's :( 13:09:48 q+ 13:09:55 present+ 13:10:30 ack Aashutosh 13:10:47 q+ 13:11:18 q+ 13:11:25 ack Mick 13:11:30 Aashutosh shared views about the first 3 being applicable 13:11:30 move to next agendum 13:11:32 agendum 1 -- Discuss remaining Success Criteria of breakdown -- taken up [from JJ] 13:11:32 q+ 13:11:59 Mick says need more discussion for 'potentially not applicable'. There is a lot of debate 13:12:14 q- 13:12:19 As long as we come back to this one 13:12:21 I think the goal of this SC is that forms are clear, and that relevant information is not lost when elements are focused - e.g. using a hint as a label 13:12:47 q? 13:12:52 ack julianmka 13:13:21 +1 to julian's comments about text spacing 13:13:26 q- 13:13:35 julianmka shared that the Text spacing will not be applicable since the apps are designed to respect user settings 13:13:57 julianmka agreed to have more discussion on 1.3.5 13:14:06 Move 1.3.5 to Large Variations? 13:14:16 +1 13:14:17 +1 13:14:18 +1 13:14:19 +1 13:14:22 Leave in Potentially not applicable 13:14:23 +1 13:14:27 +1 13:14:56 +1 13:15:07 @JJ moved the 1.3.5 to large variations category based on the Votes 13:15:12 ACTION: Move 1.3.5 to Large 13:15:50 q+ 13:16:36 This is scrolling in 2 dimensions at the same time, correct? 13:16:47 JJ we need to define clear ways on how to test 1.4.10 13:16:58 ack Joe_Humbert 13:17:57 +1 to Joe's point 13:17:58 +1 Joe 13:18:05 +1 to not specifying a specific resolution 13:18:26 +1 Joe 13:18:42 the resolution shouldn't matter 13:18:43 Aashutosh has joined #matf 13:19:01 Joe_Humbert we can't do much about the resolution. how can we define the generally applicable resolutions with variable sizes in Android 13:19:20 Perhaps we can just make the scrolling style more clear - because scrolling in 2 mutually exclusive directions does work fine - e.g. streaming services 13:19:44 +1 to quintin's comment ^^ 13:19:55 +1 to medium 13:20:05 medium 13:20:06 I'd say at least medium. 13:20:14 +1 medium 13:20:19 large 13:20:22 large 13:20:27 +1 medium 13:20:40 large 13:21:13 Jamie has joined #matf 13:21:33 ACTION: Move 1.4.10 to Medium 13:22:44 Maybe we should aim for a minimum spacing that is legible? 13:23:02 AAK has joined #matf 13:23:04 Is it feasible that OEM's could add this? 13:23:05 present+ 13:23:20 +1 Illai 13:23:42 Samsung is known for being sneaky about this kind of thing 13:23:55 "Sneaky" accessibility 13:24:01 q+ 13:24:05 ack Joe_Humbert 13:24:40 Yeah you could compile your own Android OS.... 13:24:47 Joe_Humbert This is achievable on Samsung since they allow custom font to be used as system. 13:24:49 JJ has joined #matf 13:25:05 Joe_Humbert users can use the font with larger line height 13:25:06 q? 13:25:17 I would advocate for respecting the system setting as a bare minimum 13:25:25 +1 to quintin 13:25:31 +1 13:25:36 q+ 13:25:44 > +1 to quintin 13:26:11 What are the tools for testing mobile line height? Grab a ruler? 13:26:16 q+ 13:26:17 ack julianmka 13:26:43 julianmka : what do we think about Google's non linear scaling? 13:27:10 +1 julianmka 13:27:17 q+ 13:27:20 I think we need to define a minimum font size 13:27:34 julianmka could variable font sizes affect the line heights? 13:28:05 (joke) It's only 20% of the population julianmka... 13:28:13 ack Joe_Humbert 13:28:38 Mick has joined #MATF 13:29:08 present+ 13:29:10 +100 Joe re: honoring system settings 13:29:12 Joe_Humbert Apple has non linear scaling too. Google seems to following apple. 13:29:25 q+ 13:29:44 ack Jamie 13:29:51 Joe_Humbert suggests that we add "respect the user settings" as a global guidelines. 13:31:18 ack quintinb 13:31:19 what if we specified a minimum size (in pixels) and used that as a baseline - then all the dynamic stuff doesn't matter 13:31:21 Google Developers blog post about font scaling and default use of non-linear scaling in Android 14: https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2023/02/first-developer-preview-android14.html 13:31:39 thankx julianmka 13:31:53 q+ 13:31:55 q+ 13:32:02 quintinb what if we specify minimum font sizes in Pixels? 13:32:07 q+ 13:32:15 q- 13:32:48 q- 13:32:53 Are we diverging too far from the intent on the text spacing SC? 13:32:59 JJ the guidance needs to be futureproof 13:33:26 q- 13:33:44 +1 julianmka 13:33:45 1.4.12 Text Spacing: Small, Medium or Large variation? Or Not Applicable? 13:33:51 Not Applicable 13:34:03 Large 13:34:06 large or not applicable 13:34:08 not applicable (currently) 13:34:11 Not applicable 13:34:13 Large 13:34:26 not applicable 13:34:27 Not applicable 13:34:36 Large 13:35:17 not applicable in our first version 13:35:44 ACTION: Keep 1.4.12 at Not Applicable, but consider future system settings 13:36:23 I think you can use a mouse on Android 13:36:33 you can use a mouse on both OS 13:36:37 +1 to quintin 13:36:46 +1 to quintinb 13:36:46 Absolutely 13:36:51 I use that! 13:36:56 i know, that was a statement 13:37:15 ;) 13:37:33 +1 to AAK 13:38:07 I think it needs to be consider too 13:38:10 Yeah and hover-based context changes are definitely possible - so we need the SC 13:38:17 q+ 13:38:18 small 13:38:31 ack Jamie 13:38:31 +1 Joe_Humbert small 13:38:32 yup quintinb 13:38:40 small 13:39:09 Jamie how would we address the mirroring feature? where the phone can be used on a mac 13:39:19 Jamie how would we test for that? 13:40:30 Apple's mirroring has limited keyboard 13:40:47 1.4.13 Content on Hover of Focus: Small, Medium or Large variation? Or Not Applicable? 13:40:50 using keyboard and mouse with mirroring has been somewhat possible for a while with both OS and third party software 13:40:55 JJ we need to investigate if the mirroring uses touch events or click events 13:40:56 Small 13:40:58 Small 13:41:03 Small 13:41:05 small 13:41:07 small 13:41:07 small 13:41:08 small 13:41:15 Small 13:41:23 ACTION: Move 1.4.13 to Small 13:41:34 also add to the User Agent issue 13:42:24 `GUI + /` on Android lists the shortcuts, and developers have access to this menu 13:42:40 q+ 13:42:41 (they can add to it, and should) 13:42:45 ack Mick 13:43:19 q+ 13:43:40 +1 keyboard shortcuts must be listed in OS helpers 13:43:52 ack Joe_Humbert 13:43:59 (or some other easy to find place in UI) 13:44:09 +1 keyboard shortcuts must be listed in OS helpers (thanks julianmka) 13:44:27 Aashutosh has joined #matf 13:45:07 JJ the goal should be avoid unintended actions 13:45:13 q+ 13:45:24 ack Jamie 13:46:02 Jamie follow up to Joe_Humbert . People can add shortcuts to keyboard. 13:47:09 Jamie how do we communicate we are testing the conflict of keyboard shortcuts? 13:47:11 If there are key shortcuts (which developers can and should add) they can also get them registered for discover on the help menu (a separate element of code) 13:47:48 Would be nice if the OSes automatically included any assigned shortcuts in the helper menus instead of devs having to do that manually. 13:48:15 2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts: Small, Medium or Large variation? Or Not Applicable? 13:48:22 Medium 13:48:22 Large 13:48:24 small 13:48:38 large 13:48:42 small 13:48:43 Small 13:48:44 small/medium 13:48:50 medium 13:49:03 small 13:49:06 can we create a new category of "come back to this later"? 13:49:17 medium 13:49:46 julianmka the registration allows developers to describe the action with a label, which may also help voice control users (not sure on that though) 13:49:52 ACTION: Move 2.1.4 to Small 13:51:18 2.4.2 Page Titled: Large variation? 13:51:31 large from WCAG2ICT 13:51:35 +1 13:51:35 +1 13:51:39 +1 13:51:39 +1 13:51:41 +1 13:51:52 +1 13:51:53 +1 13:52:05 ACTION: Move 2.4.2 to Large (compared to WCAG2ICT) 13:53:44 3.1.1 see Note 1 13:53:46 Should fall under the large bucket "respect user settings" imo 13:54:32 +1 Aashutosh 13:55:06 JJ we still need to test if it is supported 13:55:10 3.1.1 Language of Page: Small, Medium or Large variation? Or Not Applicable? 13:55:27 medium 13:55:30 Small 13:55:30 small in relation to WCAG2ict 13:55:34 small 13:55:36 Small 13:55:40 Medium 13:55:42 Small 13:55:49 small 13:55:51 small 13:56:04 ACTION: Move 3.1.1 to Small 13:56:36 Joe_Humbert that was my exact question! :D 13:57:13 3.1.2 also use Note 1 13:58:07 3.1.2 Language of Page: Small, Medium or Large variation? Or Not Applicable? 13:58:21 small 13:58:22 in my company we use a scree reader foe the technique 13:58:24 small 13:58:28 small 13:58:30 small 13:58:30 small 13:58:33 small 13:58:49 JJ has joined #matf 13:59:05 ACTION: Move 3.1.2 to Small 13:59:48 Android views was xml, lol 13:59:54 not applicable 13:59:58 Not appliable 13:59:59 not applicable 14:00:02 N/A 14:00:04 Keep 4.1.1 at N/A? 14:00:07 not applicable 14:00:08 not applicable 14:00:13 +1 14:00:31 +1 but it should be actually not applicable, not even potentially 14:01:48 q+ 14:02:25 q- 14:02:43 Aashutosh has left #matf 14:03:19 Zakim, list participants 14:03:19 As of this point the attendees have been quintinb, Joe_Humbert, present, Carolina, Aashutosh, Karla, Illai, Devanshu, julianmka, Mick, Jamie 14:03:30 present+ 14:03:41 present+ GleidsonRamos 14:04:19 Zakim, list participants 14:04:21 As of this point the attendees have been quintinb, Joe_Humbert, present, Carolina, Aashutosh, Karla, Illai, Devanshu, julianmka, Mick, Jamie, JJ, GleidsonRamos 14:04:25 rrsagent, make minutes 14:04:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-minutes.html JJ 14:05:38 rsagent, bye 14:05:44 rrsagent, bye 14:05:44 I see 8 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-actions.rdf : 14:05:44 ACTION: Move 1.3.5 to Large [1] 14:05:44 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc#T13-15-12 14:05:44 ACTION: Move 1.4.10 to Medium [2] 14:05:44 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc#T13-21-33 14:05:44 ACTION: Keep 1.4.12 at Not Applicable, but consider future system settings [3] 14:05:44 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc#T13-35-44 14:05:44 ACTION: Move 1.4.13 to Small [4] 14:05:44 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc#T13-41-23 14:05:44 ACTION: Move 2.1.4 to Small [5] 14:05:44 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc#T13-49-52 14:05:44 ACTION: Move 2.4.2 to Large (compared to WCAG2ICT) [6] 14:05:44 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc#T13-52-05 14:05:44 ACTION: Move 3.1.1 to Small [7] 14:05:44 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc#T13-56-04 14:05:44 ACTION: Move 3.1.2 to Small [8] 14:05:44 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/08/14-matf-irc#T13-59-05