14:00:25 RRSAgent has joined #rdf-star 14:00:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/09-rdf-star-irc 14:00:30 Zakim has joined #rdf-star 14:00:31 enrico has joined #rdf-star 14:00:37 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/6d0cd306-0be8-4267-865a-6272cc8d9da4/20240809T100000/ 14:00:37 clear agenda 14:00:37 agenda+ Discussion on open problems in the semantics of the baseline 14:00:39 meeting: RDF-Star Semantics Task Force 14:00:39 present+ 14:00:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:00:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/09-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:00:44 rrsagent, make logs public 14:01:11 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/08/08-rdf-star-minutes.html 14:01:13 next meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/08/15-rdf-star-minutes.html 14:01:34 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 14:01:59 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:02:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/09-rdf-star-minutes.html TallTed 14:02:21 present+ 14:02:45 Item propose for discussion by Andy: Discuss a roadmap for producing content for the RDF specifications and also identify any WG Notes. Objective: bring this roadmap to the full WG. 14:02:46 doerthe has joined #rdf-star 14:03:04 present+ TallTed, AndyS, gkellogg, pfps, niklasl, enrico, thomas, doerthe 14:03:40 AndyS has joined #rdf-star 14:03:47 present+ 14:05:15 present+ 14:06:41 scribe: AndyS 14:06:56 enrico: If we start from the baseline 14:07:58 ... we touch RDF Concepts, RDF Semantics, SPARQL, syntax documents 14:08:16 AndyS: including RDF/XML esp. rdf:ID. 14:09:15 Souri has joined #rdf-star 14:09:19 enrico: talked to Stefan Staab about an improved reification based on RDF-star/CG 14:09:21 present+ 14:10:00 ... believing we have the syntax of the of the GC 14:10:37 gkellogg : N-triples, N-quads updated to latest syntax; Turtle partly done, more to do 14:10:46 ... to do - TriG 14:11:10 ... the WG has suggested we may not touch RDF/XML. 14:11:22 .. . some work in JSON-LD 14:11:49 s/.. ./.../ 14:11:59 present+ 14:12:15 https://www.ki.uni-stuttgart.de/institute/news/Representing-Subjective-Facts-with-Epistemic-Knowledge-Graphs/ 14:12:42 s/Stefan/Steffen/ 14:14:06 https://w3c.github.io/rdf-turtle/spec/#reified-triples 14:14:31 https://w3c.github.io/rdf-turtle/spec/#triple-terms 14:14:33 s/we may not/we might not/ 14:17:53 q+ 14:18:34 q+ 14:18:57 AndyS: We should scope a "note" to get a sense of how much work is involved. 14:19:21 niklasl: hope to contribute 14:19:32 ... also material in the RDF Primer 14:21:26 thomas: could put the material in the primer 14:23:06 q+ 14:23:11 niklasl: will ask around at workplace for suggestions 14:23:19 ack niklasl 14:23:23 ack thomas 14:23:37 q+ 14:23:43 thomas: RDF/XML - don't need to touch it 14:24:11 ... but in the note need to refer to rdf:ID and explain why it's different 14:25:12 ack niklasl 14:25:46 niklasl: named graph can be used for some purposes not covered by transparent RDF-star 14:25:59 ... and there is "unstarring" 14:26:38 AndyS: where does "unstarring" go? 14:26:54 gkellogg: in RDF-Concepts? 14:27:18 ... because in the RDF namespace 14:28:03 AndyS: Impact on canonicalization - in the note? 14:28:12 gkellogg: yes 14:28:35 +1 to "re-starring" thoughts 14:28:52 ... and consider classical reification -> RDF-star -> unstar 14:29:15 ... and RDF-star -> unstar -> RDF-star 14:30:49 niklasl: may be a subclass of rdf:Statement for RDF-star -> unstar -> RDF-star 14:32:47 (discussion about subclass + domain) 14:35:01 niklasl: will take stab at an outline 14:35:27 agenda? 14:35:51 enrico: baseline - syntax 14:35:58 ... full unrestricted 14:35:59 zakim, next item 14:35:59 agendum 1 -- Discussion on open problems in the semantics of the baseline -- taken up [from agendabot] 14:36:10 ... well-formed for RDF entailment 14:36:51 ... open - triple terms only in the object position which could mean start with the well-formed syntax 14:36:54 q+ 14:37:16 q+ 14:37:39 ... personal - I prefer not to have the triple term - object restriction at the lowest level. 14:37:56 q+ 14:38:02 thomas: prefer object restriction in the abstract data model 14:38:36 ack thomas 14:38:43 can you post again the current version of the baseline? I am back from holidays and wonder whether we changed 14:38:48 ack niklasl 14:39:24 niklasl: not in favour of unrestricted triple term in the data model 14:39:34 q+ 14:39:42 ... there is generalized RDF (non-normative) 14:39:54 ... lots of variations - confusing? 14:40:45 https://github.com/w3c/rdf-star-wg/wiki/RDF-star-%22working-baseline%22? 14:42:09 q? 14:42:33 ack gkellogg 14:43:33 gkellogg: currently RDF Concepts - object restriction + notes on use of triple terms with rdf:reifies 14:43:39 q+ 14:43:50 I am actually against the restriction 14:44:22 I also don't get it 14:45:04 enrico: not seeing the harm of triple terms in the subject at the data model level ... wanting to see a concrete illustration 14:45:10 how does object position prevent that? 14:45:16 thomas: (spoken example) 14:45:21 The seminal example mistake. 14:45:37 q+ 14:45:46 q- 14:46:00 (discussion) 14:46:19 ack enrico 14:47:46 ok, what makes the object position so special? 14:48:13 enrico: examples are outside the well-formedness 14:48:31 The well-formed syntax is good and needed, yes; especially if the "unrestricted" allows too much in "user space". 14:48:38 ack pfps 14:48:48 pfps: I agree with Enrico 14:49:30 q+ 14:49:31 ... one of design philosophy of RDF is that you can do some really stupid thing with it 14:49:48 Why don't we want to be consistent here then? 14:49:50 ... with inconsistencies 14:50:11 q+ 14:50:25 q- 14:50:26 tallted: no way to handle literal-as-subjects at scale 14:50:26 q+ 14:50:41 q+ 14:52:25 gkellogg: literals-as-subject may be an implementation 14:52:50 ... impact 14:53:10 ack gkellogg 14:53:19 ack niklasl 14:54:01 niklasl: maybe well-formedless is the solution - not clear to me ATM. 14:54:31 ... RDF/XML does not have literals-as-subject 14:55:37 gkellogg: at the moment (RDF-concepts), abstract syntax does not allow (literals or) triple terms in the subject position 14:55:59 ... reified triples can be in the subject position in syntax 14:56:58 ... and we expect/hope that most use is via "agreed syntax" not raw rdf:reifies. 14:57:02 q? 14:57:09 ack enrico 14:57:39 enrico: Triple terms are not like literals (not self-denoting) 14:58:10 Literals are tuples too (and denote resources). 14:58:11 ... RDF is not an object oriented language - RDF is neutral to class and object-ness 14:58:43 ... often people write data in an object-like way but it is not required. 14:59:48 q? 15:01:05 ... Turtle - maybe have only the shortland syntax 15:01:36 NT is a syntax subset of TTL. 15:02:16 q+ 15:02:18 +1 for *at least* pushing well-formed; but yes, NT is the base 15:02:21 q+ 15:02:22 ... encourage the well-formed syntax restriction 15:02:22 I remember why I dislike the well-formed syntax, but I think that should better be discussed in mails. I will write one. 15:02:40 ack Souri 15:02:49 yes, doerthe 15:03:36 Souri: as I see it, it is associating a URI/bnode RDF term with a triple term. Then use RDF term as you like. 15:03:39 so, I am against the restriction with the object position and even against well-formedness at all, but if we discuss these matters separately, I am with Enrico here 15:04:48 s/use RDF term/use that RDF term/ 15:04:54 q+ 15:04:58 .. I like the restrictions. 15:05:02 s/.. /.../ 15:05:25 gkellogg: good points about consistency concerns 15:05:26 +1 to Souri 15:05:48 I agree with Souri that it seems simpler to add as little as possible to the RDF 1.1 abstract syntax. 15:05:52 q+ 15:06:00 ack gkellogg 15:06:11 ack doerthe 15:06:26 q+ 15:06:48 doerthe: I don't think of the object position being different to the subject position 15:06:55 ack Souri 15:07:07 Souri: about the inverse 15:07:40 It's a directed graph, so I'd say it "affords" only pointing *to* more complex structures of literals and triple terms. But that's not a "logical" position, it's an "ergonomic". 15:07:45 ... if rdf:reifiies domain & range is defined then this restricts the subject 15:08:12 :isReifiedBy inverseOf :reifies ? 15:08:37 ... my emphasis is for rdf:reifies as identifier association. 15:08:39 q? 15:08:40 so, reified is simply not a "normal" propoerty? 15:08:48 Same as ex:nameOf owl.inverseOf foaf:name 15:08:49 ack enrico 15:09:06 enrico: thought experiment 15:09:42 ... if we define "rdf:isReifiedBy" 15:09:52 q+ 15:10:11 ... well-formedness gives the intent on position. 15:11:42 q+ 15:11:51 q+ 15:11:59 q- 15:12:35 thomas: not heard a use case for subject-triple terms. 15:12:59 just reverse the predicate you use? 15:13:03 q? 15:13:08 ack thomas 15:13:17 ack doerthe 15:13:38 doerthe: to Souri 15:13:57 ... rdf:reifies is a property which can be reversed. 15:14:29 Is that an argument for also allowing literals in the subject position too? 15:14:57 ... could define it specially but then it have sub-property 15:15:07 ... to thomas 15:15:12 q+ 15:15:25 rdf:type does not have an inverse defined in RDF, rdf:reifies/rdf:states could be treated similarly 15:15:32 ... I agree with Enrico - subject is not special compared to object 15:16:00 q? 15:17:13 ack niklasl 15:17:39 niklasl: one last thing - there is nothing special about the subject 15:17:48 ... it is wellformedness that is important 15:18:11 ... for me, it is the affordance of the graph 15:18:21 ... an ergonomic argument 15:18:24 q+ 15:18:43 ack enrico 15:18:56 it makes people using triple terms less? 15:19:04 enrico: this is what I mean by object oriented thinking. 15:19:35 Yes doerthe 15:20:09 terms used as objects today can be more complex than subject, so we keep subject simple like today by allowing this complex thing -- triple-term -- to be only in the object position 15:20:23 ok 15:20:29 that point I get 15:21:44 gkellogg: three cases: 15:22:17 And yes to Souri, I think like that too. 15:22:25 ... fill unrestricted syntax - triple terms in subject position 15:22:37 from an implementation point of view=> parsers today have a complex logic for recognizing objects, so we just increase the complexity a bit more there to recognize triple-terms -- this allows subject parsing to stay simple 15:22:59 ... RDF concepts current restricts triple terms to object position 15:23:28 ... wellformed - only use with "rdf:reifies triple term" 15:23:40 q? 15:24:33 q+ 15:24:36 so, you have an implementation argument here, Souri? That is something I would have to trust you on, but you really think it would be far more complex to program? 15:25:26 At the terminals level, nothing is content sensitive. 15:25:40 SourI: argues for simple parsing. 15:26:17 q+ 15:26:34 ack thomas 15:26:51 thomas: update on rdf:states 15:27:17 ack gkellogg 15:27:44 gkellogg: further implication of subject usage. If possible, people will use it. 15:27:53 thank you for answering Souri (I like to understand all pints of view :) ) 15:28:10 s/pints/points/ 15:28:19 🍺 15:28:56 q+ 15:29:20 enrico: implementations reflect an object-oriented POV 15:29:53 ack AndyS 15:30:10 rrsagent, please publish minutes 15:30:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/09-rdf-star-minutes.html AndyS 15:30:26 ... wishful thinking, Enrico ;) 15:51:13 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 16:03:38 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 16:14:15 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 16:34:02 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 16:52:20 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 17:00:57 pfps has left #rdf-star 17:02:11 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 17:20:30 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 17:32:29 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 17:43:54 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:13:09 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:30:42 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:38:10 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 18:56:12 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:15:33 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 19:33:40 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:03:25 gkellogg has joined #rdf-star 20:03:28 gkellogg_ has joined #rdf-star 20:07:56 s/fill unrestricted syntax/full unrestricted syntax/ 20:08:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:08:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/09-rdf-star-minutes.html gkellogg_