08 August 2024


David Booth, Detlef Grittner, Erich Bremer, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam
David Booth

Meeting minutes

Concept IRIs

gaurav: I submitted a zulip request for reviews on MeSH IRI stem proposal.




gaurav: Noticed DICOM discussion on zulip. Trying to figure out how to map DICOM element codes to URLs.

erich: THere was some RDF and/or IRI work done previously, that still seems to be maintained.

The comment in the official RDF DICOM OWL file, "DICOM PS3.16 DCMR Annex D DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions; converted by "extractdcmdefinitionsasowl.xsl"

detlef: Last week we discussed whether we should use RDF lists. Should we make an issue for it? Erich: Yes.

ACTION: Detlef to make an issue on whether to use RDF lists in DICOM

erich: Most of the poly stuff maps into a well-known text string (using the latest), but that isn't necessarily performant.
… Nor would binary necessarily be performant, because nothing is indexed.

erich: Torn between wanting it performat vs easier for exchange.

dbooth: I would lean toward ease of exchange, for standards purposes, since different use cases will usually need to tune their own data for performance anyway.

erich: How far do we want to pull DICOm into the RDF world?

dbooth: channeling EricP, I think he would argue for pulling toward RDF.

detlef: Web services don't look like DICOM at all.
… One advantage of RDF is that you have not only transport format, but a format you can store and merge.
… Should be a goal.
… We had a problem of how to make private data elements unique, so they don't clash.
… For ER diagrams, they require that the elements be consistent acros multiple files.
… If you merge them, they all need to go into one instance.
… There's one concept that has a hierarchical structure. E.g., if you get a DVD.
… One is directory of what is on that disc.
… They use a hierarchical structure for that.
… DICOM should be familiar concept. But hard to transport hierarchy in RDF.
… In RDF we could do it with OIDs.

erich: THe OID could be the DICOM OID instance, with refers to the file you're trying to represent.

detlef: A typical DICOM also contains others, at least 3 OIDs.

erich: I went that route with COVID images, and it went nicely.
… You can reconstitute the hierarchy simply by merging the data.

erich: In the SPARQL WG, someone mentioned undef in a list. Should the SPARQL group own the whole undef problem.


Summary of action items

  1. Detlef to make an issue on whether to use RDF lists in DICOM
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: dbooth, detlef, erich, gaurav

All speakers: dbooth, detlef, erich, gaurav

Active on IRC: dbooth