15:02:42 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:02:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/08-hcls-irc 15:03:00 rrsagent, make logs public 15:03:05 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:03:12 Chair: David Booth 15:05:16 Topic: Concept IRIs 15:05:43 gaurav: I submitted a zulip request for reviews on MeSH IRI stem proposal. 15:06:07 https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/194616-terminology-.2F-utg/topic/Soliciting.20reviews.20for.20proposal.20to.20add.20IRI.20stems.20to.20MeSH 15:06:15 Topic: DICOM 15:06:18 https://chat.fhir.org/#narrow/stream/179202-terminology/topic/Using.20DICOM.20Enums.20in.20FHIR 15:06:44 gaurav: Noticed DICOM discussion on zulip. Trying to figure out how to map DICOM element codes to URLs. 15:09:03 erich: THere was some RDF and/or IRI work done previously, that still seems to be maintained. 15:12:12 The comment in the official RDF DICOM OWL file, "DICOM PS3.16 DCMR Annex D DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions; converted by "extractdcmdefinitionsasowl.xsl" 15:12:46 detlef: Last week we discussed whether we should use RDF lists. Should we make an issue for it? Erich: Yes. 15:13:14 ACTION: Detlef to make an issue on whether to use RDF lists in DICOM 15:13:56 erich: Most of the poly stuff maps into a well-known text string (using the latest), but that isn't necessarily performant. 15:14:27 ... Nor would binary necessarily be performant, because nothing is indexed. 15:15:00 erich: Torn between wanting it performat vs easier for exchange. 15:16:46 dbooth: I would lean toward ease of exchange, for standards purposes, since different use cases will usually need to tune their own data for performance anyway. 15:17:09 erich: How far do we want to pull DICOm into the RDF world? 15:18:52 dbooth: channeling EricP, I think he would argue for pulling toward RDF. 15:19:19 detlef: Web services don't look like DICOM at all. 15:19:40 ... One advantage of RDF is that you have not only transport format, but a format you can store and merge. 15:20:00 ... Should be a goal. 15:20:23 ... We had a problem of how to make private data elements unique, so they don't clash. 15:21:01 ... For ER diagrams, they require that the elements be consistent acros multiple files. 15:21:21 ... If you merge them, they all need to go into one instance. 15:21:43 ... There's one concept that has a hierarchical structure. E.g., if you get a DVD. 15:21:57 ... One is directory of what is on that disc. 15:22:14 ... They use a hierarchical structure for that. 15:22:42 ... DICOM should be familiar concept. But hard to transport hierarchy in RDF. 15:24:05 ... In RDF we could do it with OIDs. 15:24:26 erich: THe OID could be the DICOM OID instance, with refers to the file you're trying to represent. 15:24:54 detlef: A typical DICOM also contains others, at least 3 OIDs. 15:25:24 erich: I went that route with COVID images, and it went nicely. 15:25:50 ... You can reconstitute the hierarchy simply by merging the data. 15:29:37 erich: In the SPARQL WG, someone mentioned undef in a list. Should the SPARQL group own the whole undef problem. 15:44:13 ADJOURNED 15:45:21 Present: Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff, Rob Hausam, Detlef Grittner, Erich Bremer, David Booth 15:45:29 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:45:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/08-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 16:32:31 dbooth has joined #hcls