19:00:46 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 19:00:50 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/08-aria-at-irc 19:00:50 mmoss has joined #aria-at 19:01:20 rrsagent, make log public 19:01:27 Zakim, start the meeting 19:01:27 RRSAgent, make logs Public 19:01:29 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jugglinmike 19:02:15 Meeting: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group Weekly Teleconference 19:03:29 present+ jugglinmike 19:03:36 present+ 19:03:42 scribe+ jugglinmike 19:03:53 Topic: Review agenda and next meeting dates 19:06:47 Matt_King: Next AT Driver Subgroup meeting: Monday August 12 19:06:54 jugglinmike: We will have to cancel that meeting 19:06:59 Matt_King: Okay 19:07:07 Matt_King: Next community group meeting: Wednesday August 14 19:07:24 Matt_King: Requests for changes to agenda? 19:07:36 present+ Michael_Fairchild 19:07:51 Michael_Fairchild: Can we discuss the possibility of doing something for (or at) CSUN? 19:07:54 Matt_King: Okay 19:08:02 Topic: Current status 19:08:20 Matt_King: Goal is still 6 recommended plans by September 30 and 4 more by December 31. 19:09:16 Matt_King: I ordered the next plans intentionally. I think Navigation Menu Button needs to happen before Action Menu Button and Radio Group 19:09:20 present+ IsaDC 19:09:27 IsaDC: I think that makes sense 19:09:49 Matt_King: Action Menu Button is nearly identical; you might even be able to copy the files 19:10:02 IsaDC: Yeah, maybe just update the references 19:10:26 Matt_King: From there, Radio Group Using Roving Tab Index seems like an easy win for us and for the vendors 19:10:52 Matt_King: That will put us up to 12. Then, we'll have to talk about what to do next (though I think we might want to consider the other sliders) 19:11:06 IsaDC: Do we need to update the example for the navigation menu button, as well? 19:11:18 Matt_King: I believe so, yes--specifically around the "collapsed" state 19:11:25 Topic: Testing of disclosure navigation menu 19:13:17 Matt_King: For JAWS, we have two people assigned (IsaDC and Hadi), and it isn't started, yet 19:13:24 present+ Hadi 19:13:43 Hadi: I should be able to get started on this before the next meeting 19:13:52 Matt_King: We need another tester for NVDA 19:14:05 Joe_Humbert: I can test that 19:14:09 Matt_King: Cool! 19:14:20 IsaDC: I'm going to remove the bot and assigned Joe_Humbert 19:14:43 Matt_King: For VoiceOver, it looks like Dean_Hamack has already started 19:14:51 present+ Dean_Hamack 19:15:20 Dean_Hamack: I'm about halfway done (I was slowed down a bit because I originally misunderstood the instructions) 19:15:59 Matt_King: If anyone is assigned to multiple test plans, disclosure is definitely the priority 19:18:50 present+ James_Scholes 19:19:34 James_Scholes: I will follow up to make sure folks have what they need 19:21:14 Matt_King: What's the status of the bug or bugs in the VoiceOver Bot? 19:21:45 jugglinmike: We're aware of one problem--an issue with Shift+Tab as reported by IsaDC. My colleague Chris is currently investigating that 19:21:56 jugglinmike: If there are others, then please let us know 19:22:41 IsaDC: I can use the staging server to test the bot's behavior on a few other test plans and let you know 19:23:05 jugglinmike: Being proactive like that would be great--the sooner we know about problems, the sooner we can start working on solutions 19:23:18 Topic: Testing action menu button with activeDescendant 19:23:40 Matt_King: Murray_Moss would you mind taking on JAWS? 19:23:44 present+ Murray_Moss 19:23:50 Murray_Moss: sure thing 19:24:41 Matt_King: Joe_Humbert after you're done with NVDA and Disclosure, will you have any more availability? 19:24:46 Joe_Humbert: Sure 19:25:11 Matt_King: Great; let's assign Joe_Humbert to VoiceOver 19:25:24 IsaDC: I'll do that and also assign the NVDA Bot 19:25:38 Matt_King: Then we just need an NVDA Tester 19:25:46 Matt_King: Any takers? 19:25:58 Matt_King: Hearing none, we'll check back in next week 19:26:25 Topic: Tools 19:26:36 James_Scholes: I think we should find a place for this information to live, maybe on the wiki 19:27:08 James_Scholes: Separately, we previously offered an add-on for speech history--that add-on is now available in the NVDA store 19:28:07 Matt_King: We have a section in the wiki navigation named "Running and Developing AT Tests" 19:29:27 James_Scholes: Is there any world in which the VoiceOver recorder app is modified to use the speech synthesizer that we're using in automation 19:29:36 James_Scholes: that's probably a discussion for another forum 19:31:02 James_Scholes: Dean_Hamack, I've sent you an e-mail with information on the VoiceOver recorder 19:31:09 Dean_Hamack: Thanks! 19:31:34 Topic: Request for change to radio test plan 19:31:54 github: https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/1094 19:32:06 Matt_King: This seems like a straightforward request 19:32:27 Matt_King: This has come up before: Is there really a difference between "Insert + Tab" and "Insert + Up"? 19:32:45 Matt_King: As a result of our work here, Vispero has decided that they're going to define that difference 19:33:08 Matt_King: They're basically saying that "Insert + Up" should give less information, and "Insert + Tab" should give more and richer informatino 19:33:19 s/informatino/information/ 19:34:30 Matt_King: I think what they're really talking about here are the things like sliders, radio buttons, etc--anything where there is a composite with some kind of a container 19:34:46 Matt_King: That's my interpretation 19:35:08 Matt_King: They requested that we remove the assertions for things that are not name, role, value, or state 19:35:29 Matt_King: So that would be information like the name of the radio group (if it's a radio group) or text like "one of four" 19:35:52 Matt_King: My inclination is that for things that are about the immediate control (e.g. "one of four"), those probably ought to just be optional (not a should or a must) 19:36:16 Matt_King: ...but anything about the container, you wouldn't assert anything at all--only for "Insert + Up" 19:36:57 Matt_King: Only when you press "Insert + Tab" would it be optional assertion that it conveys the role of the container 19:37:20 Matt_King: That seems to be in alignment with what Vispero has written here; does anyone in the meeting have concerns about going in this direction? 19:38:58 jugglinmike: Why would we remove assertions rather than make them optional? Removing them risks insinuating to testers that those details are excessively verbose 19:40:10 Matt_King: IsaDC, do you think it would be a problem to make that assertion optional? 19:40:51 s/make that assertion/keep that assertion and mark it as/ 19:43:55 IsaDC: I agree with removing the assertions. Then we make sure that Testers do not feel that those assertions are mandatory 19:44:31 James_Scholes: but the presence of the assertions does communicate to Testers the idea that we believe some output is reasonable 19:44:57 James_Scholes: I think it's a good thing that Vispero is making the distinction clearer in their product 19:45:20 James_Scholes: I don't think that we should include a optional assertion for this case 19:45:38 Dean_Hamack: I'm totally with you on that, James_Scholes 19:45:52 Dean_Hamack: when I focus on a button, I don't need to know everything else about it 19:46:10 present+ Hadi 19:46:39 Hadi: If we keep the assertion, and the result is that they do not mention the name of the group upon pressing "Insert + Up", we are not considering that a failure, right? 19:46:55 James_Scholes: that's right, we are not considering that a failure because the assertion is optional 19:56:02 present+ 20:06:25 rrsagent, make minutes 20:06:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/08-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 20:06:50 present+ 20:06:56 zakim, bye 20:06:56 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jugglinmike, mmoss, Michael_Fairchild, IsaDC, Hadi, Dean_Hamack, James_Scholes, Murray_Moss, Joe_Humbert, Matt_King 20:06:56 Zakim has left #aria-at 20:08:02 jugglinmike has joined #aria-at