07 August 2024


Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima
sebastian9, kaz

Meeting minutes

Guests, IE

McCool: no guests today
… Charith agreed to lead the Security TF in the future
… there will be a separate meeting planned to onboard him
… everyone is welcome to join the meeting
… meeting should take place before TPAC


<McCool shows the minutes from last week>


McCool: any objections?


minutes approved

Quick items

Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG

McCool: Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG charter is approved
… there will be breakout session during TPAC 2024

Kaz: there might be going to be a preliminary discussion for the breakout in August

WoT Adopters

McCool: How about the status of the adopter list?

Ege: idea is that the CG maintain a page that is still under the W3C
… the adopters will be listed there
… page will be labeled as CG
… Coralie will see a draft first for approval

How to accelerate the Use Cases work?

<kaz> UC discussion on Aug-7

McCool: currently, there is less progress

… blocking us adopting us new use cases if there is no new UC template
… in UC call we discussed on a resolution
… it would be helpful to have a co-moderator
… to support the UC call
… we looking for co-moderator. People who are interested should write an email

<kaz> [ send your message to team-wot@w3.org ]



McCool: there is meeting planned on 19th September about "Scientific Instrumentation and Control with WoT"



Mizushima: Use case event on July 26 was finished. Now WoT-JP CG plan next event. However, no date yet.

Kaz: meeting on July 26 was only internally and no minutes available


Ege: first part of the WoT Tutorial is published by the WoT CG

What is WoT page

Ege: there is also a youtube playlist

Youtube playlist

McCool: many thanks for this

Ege: for the TPAC there will another video provided like a 1min summarizes

Daniel: I could not find a hint that more videos are provided in the future

McCool: good idea to make note

Ege: ok



McCool: kick-off took place last week

Sebastian: exactly. we resume in Spetember


McCool: agreed on simple liaison


<kaz> proposal

McCool: next meeting will take place in the week September 9-13
… the regular meeting will be open to all WoT IG members
… there is a doodle to find the best time for the bi-weekly meeting

Doodle poll

<EgeKorka_> I have noted my attendance possibility but monday does not work for that specific date. Regularly it should be fine

McCool: FIWARE is also involved in this topic. Looking for a protocol binding
… there is a good connection to smart city


<kaz> Cancellations

<MM shows wiki page>

McCool: is there is any exception to the cancelled meetings, please let us know now

Daniel: we already cancelled the Scripting API calls ourselves

<MM shows the Charter roadmap>


F2F Planning


<MM show the TPAC planning wiki page>

TPAC 2024 WoT Wiki

McCool: Sebastian and myself will reachout regarding the joint meetings (Spatial Data and JSON-LD)/

<kaz> TPAC 2024 Breakout proposals on GitHub

McCool: there will be breakouts

Breakout announcement (Member-only)

McCool: please record the breakouts to avoid conflicts

<kaz> 6 time slots for TPAC breakouts

McCool: for agenda topics I added Discovery

Ege: Did discussion with Michael Koster, all the topics around TD Tooling can be also a breakout session

<EgeKorka_> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Thing_Description_WebConf

Ege: also we had the schema discussion last time we can make a breakout to give an update how we plan to use it in the TD with LinkML

Kaz: and possibly registry updates also

McCool: we need to define the times needed for the agenda topics

McCool: something missing in the agenda?

Sebastian: I miss TD/Binding topics
… should also add Liasions, e.g., with OPC UA

McCool: and ETSI ISG CIM

Kaz: we have 2 days meeting, in total 4h

<McCool makes some time duration proposal>

<kaz> Topics and time


<MM shows the latest issues regarding policies>


TF Leads

McCool: we have a new lead for Security

McCool: any other business?



Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).