Maturity Model Task Force

07 August 2024


AngelaBarker, CharlesL1, Dr_Keith, janina, JXZ, Mark_Miller, NehaJ

Meeting minutes

<gb> /issues/38 -> #38

<gb> /issues/37 -> #37

<gb> /issues/35 -> #35

<gb> /issues/98 -> #98

<gb> /issues/95 -> #95

New Business

<janina> https://www.lepetitparisienusa.com/menu

janina: Suggest look at that email as a template for ourselves.
… wrong link

<janina> /www.lepetitparisienusa.com/menu///lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-announce/2024JulSep/0001.html

janina: good template of what we want to end up with.
… if we haven't done in advance this will delay us. Yes send email to Shawn when ready.

janina: yes we need an overview of the maturity model. There is a short form of this, this is the long form version.

Fazio: we can work on this over email.

janina: would be great to be in wide review by TPAC.
… this form would be needed to be filled out by then as well in order for that to happen.

Fazio: I don't expect a lot of issues. lot of feedback from those using it.

janina: a month makes a lot of sense.

Fazio: I will create a revised version and send to group for feedback.

Github Issue #35 Stages based on proof points" not correct

<gb> /issues/35 -> #35

"Stages based on proof points" not correct · Issue #35 · w3c/maturity-model · GitHub


<gb> Issue 35 "Stages based on proof points" not correct (by jake-abma) [Editorial]

Fazio: both statements are the same.
… we have substantively changed the working draft and believe this has been addressed.
… we will close with this comment.

Github Issue #37 Inactive is not "No awareness and recognition of need."

<gb> /issues/37 -> #37


<gb> Issue 37 Inactive is not "No awareness and recognition of need." (by jake-abma)

Fazio: issue getting to latest version of the editors draft is dated April.

janina: I am not getting the correct document. no links. its not the right format.

Charles: could be that the Github automated process is failing due to the excel document being present. Charles will delete that duplicated version and only keep the file in the drafts sub folder.

Charles: this fixed the error now the latest version is available at https://w3c.github.io/maturity-model/

Fazio: how to evaluate maturity level. needs updating in 2.3 for Inactive just has Inactive No awareness and recognition of need.

Fazio: "Little to No awareness  and recognition of need."

<Fazio> Little to no awareness, activity, or recognition, of need

Charles to add this to the document.

Github Issue #38 Launch should not be dependent on "organization-wide."

<gb> /issues/38 -> #38


<gb> Issue 38 Launch should not be dependent on "organization-wide." (by jake-abma)

Mark_Miller: I agree with his new definition. Recognized need in the organization. Planning initiated, but activities not well organized.

Jennifer: I could see organizations one team is a 4 but not all teams? At some point it does need to be organization wide.

Fazio: You can define your scope either team or organization wide.

Mark_Miller: a lot of maturity models can be at different stages for different areas of a company and could be different than the overall company.

Charles: to make this change.

Github Issue #95 Assumption made that products are produced accessible, needs small adjustment

<gb> /issues/95 -> #95


<gb> Issue 95 Assumption made that products are produced accessible, needs small adjustment (by jake-abma)

Fazio: I agree with him, and it is still an issue.

Mark_Miller: I vote for 1 with the "with" removed. However, these metrics don’t indicate how the organization is doing operationally to start or continue to produce accessible products without examining some key corporate processes.

<Fazio> 2

<Dr_Keith> 1

AngelaBarker: i vote for 2

<AngelaBarker> 2

<NehaJ> 2 I guess


<Mark_Miller> 2

Fazio: looks like option 2: However, these metrics don’t indicate how the organization is doing operationally to produce accessible products without examining some key corporate processes.

Charles: will add this to the draft.

Zakim: next item

#98 'Stages' or 'levels'?

<gb> /issues/98 -> #98


<gb> Issue 98 'Stages' or 'levels'? (by jake-abma)

Fazio: I agree we need to be consistent Levels / Stages

Fazio: should 3.5.1 be a header? seems to be only bolded.

<NehaJ> I vote for - Levels

Mark_Miller: most maturity models use levels. moving up levels. however we start out saying its a stage.

Dr_Keith: Does anyone know why this was decided / introduced?

Fazio: I don't think it was a conscious decision.
… we will table this for out next meeting.

Charles: I will be at a company f2f next week.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).


Warning: ‘s/https://www.lepetitparisienusa.com/menu//’ interpreted as replacing ‘https:’ by ‘/www.lepetitparisienusa.com/menu/’

Succeeded: s/https://www.lepetitparisienusa.com/menu//

Maybe present: Charles, Fazio, Jennifer, Zakim

All speakers: AngelaBarker, Charles, Dr_Keith, Fazio, janina, Jennifer, Mark_Miller, Zakim

Active on IRC: AngelaBarker, CharlesL1, Dr_Keith, Fazio, janina, JXZ, Mark_Miller, NehaJ