WoT Scripting API

05 August 2024


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Jan_Romann, Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima

Meeting minutes

Previous minutes

-> 8 July

Cristiano: Minutes look fine

Kaz: Changing title?

Cristiano: No, looked just weird in the beginning

Cristiano: No objections -> minutes approved


Cristiano: Moving to vacation time
… and also moving scripting call to another slot?

Move scripting API call to another slot?

Cristiano: Do we want to start a new Doodle call

Daniel: Talked about that in the past.. decided to keep the slot

Cristiano: Yes, we had other calls on Monday... nowadays we can move more easily

Kaz: One hour later would be okay
… current slot is also fine

Jan: 1 hour later wouldn't work
… Doodle poll seems good to see the options

Cristiano: I see
… not sure about changing the day?

Daniel: Wouldn't mind switching the day

Cristiano: Okay... then let's go with a Doodle poll
… will do a Doodle for the week after vacation time

Vacation time

Cristiano: August 19, Sept 2
… I am no available on Sept 2
… I would suggest to re-start Sept 16

<kaz> WoT Cancellations

Kaz: In main call we decided to cancel latter part of August

Cristiano: Okay, that means re-starting on Sept 16

<CA updating W3C calandar>


Cristiano: Didn't see any updates

#551 Add clarifications for discover method

<kaz> w3c/wot-scripting-api#551

Cristiano: Zoltan approved

Jan: I think we can approve this PR
… moved some changes to another PR
… so merging seems fine
… PR is now merely a clarification

Cristiano: Okay, I see
… we can go ahead and merge


Should schema.type be always defined? #546


Cristiano: Started with problems we had in node-wot
… has label "propose closing"
… we did some work within #534 to make the situation better
… there might be future use-cases / features ... but this issue should be fixed

Daniel: Agree, closing

Support for additionalResponses #548


Cristiano: Zoltan is unfortunately not here
… could work on supporting the error case
… another discussion is for additionalResponses in the case of successful responses
… reporting errors might be one step further

Kaz: We need to think about error handling
… new discussions about re-using initial connection
… seems related

Daniel: We should split up issue in error/success case also

Cristiano: After the call I will create relevant issues

Extended return type of invokeAction() #555


Cristiano: related to previous issue...
… started on profile discussion
… we cannot be sure about async actions
… Zoltan proposed overloading Promise
… Daniel suggested ActionStatus
… in the end InteractionOutput should be extended

Cristiano: Suggest to assign it and wait for PR

Daniel: +1

Daniel: I can give it a try

Non-validating value() function #554


Cristiano: we are coming from a node-wot issue
… discussion was to not always validate value() function
… we are inspired by Body Mixin type
… it has json() function
… already now we can by-pass validation function
… it would just be shortcut
… Jan mentioned json() might not be the right name.. we have different content type

Daniel: Agree with Jan
… boils down to picking the right name
… maybe "raw" ?

Cristiano: We also have the argument that some platforms do not have validation at all

Daniel: Capabilities provided by implementation ?

Kaz: Is validation part of TD?
… if not, we should be carefull

Cristiano: TD does not speak about payload
… nor about validation
… but I will check

Jan: BTW, it is possible to reference JSON schema, right?
… we could point to it

Kaz: Yes, technically we can refer to JSON schema but starting discussion about that now is not a good idea for today :)

Cristiano: Agree with Kaz, that TD should speak about payload validation and expectation

Cristiano: I am okay with raw() proposal and work on a PR

Use a different tag for unstable npm packages #488


Cristiano: we had long discussion in TD taskforce about versioning
… wonder whether discussion has been settled

Daniel: Didn't find a resolution

Cristiano: Will talk with Ege


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 229 (Thu Jul 25 08:38:54 2024 UTC).