11:29:06 RRSAgent has joined #wot-marketing 11:29:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/08/01-wot-marketing-irc 11:29:12 meeting: WoT Marketing 11:29:28 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Luca_Barbato 11:31:00 McCool has joined #wot-marketing 11:31:13 present+ Ege_Korkan 11:31:34 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#August_1%2C_2024 11:31:47 regrets+ Daniel 11:31:51 topic: Minutes 11:32:01 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/05/02-wot-marketing-minutes.html May-2 11:33:52 q? 11:33:59 approved 11:34:25 toic: Merged PRs 11:34:31 s/toic/topic/ 11:34:41 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed merged PRs 11:34:49 ek: (goes through the list) 11:34:59 ... minor changes 11:35:03 q? 11:35:48 topic: New Calendar page 11:35:52 ek: some feedback 11:36:15 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/495 PR 495 - feat: use open-web-calendar to view the W3C calendar 11:36:47 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/activities/meetings/ Web Conference Meetings page 11:37:09 ek: not many things we can do for further improvement due to the library 11:37:23 topic: WoT Adopters 11:37:42 ek: would highlight WoT Adopters 11:37:55 mm: would start with logistic questions first 11:38:12 ek: Latest Status: Is the Marketing TF ok to have this as a CG topic? Marketing page can link to the CG page 11:38:28 ... would hear opinions 11:38:28 q? 11:38:46 mm: maybe we can do brief catch-up 11:38:53 present+ Erich_Barnstedt 11:39:11 ... don't want to put non-Members on our WoT Marketing page 11:39:22 ... but OK with having them on the WoT CG page 11:39:45 ... the question is if it's OK for the WoT CG to maintain the Adopter page 11:39:51 q+ 11:40:00 ek: right 11:40:16 ... I'm thinking about something like the JSON Schema page 11:40:37 q? 11:40:38 -> https://landscape.json-schema.org JSON chema Landscape page 11:41:31 q+ 11:41:44 ack k 11:41:57 kaz: we should put together our expectations 11:42:09 ... e.g., having WoT Adopters list 11:42:23 ... possibly putting the page under www.w3.org/wot 11:42:33 ... but maintained by the WoT CG 11:42:38 mm: right 11:42:52 ... also we should visually distinguish that page 11:43:18 ... the URL could be www.w3.org/WoT/CG/Adopters 11:43:27 ... then need to talk with the MarComm Team 11:43:36 ack m 11:43:38 ek: yeah 11:44:13 ... btw, currently, the CG page under www.w3.org/WoT mentions both the WoT CG and the WoT JP CG 11:45:13 mm: should have a bit different logo for the CG area 11:45:27 ek: don't think it would be nicer for the whole WoT Marketing 11:45:39 mm: we need to negotiate with the MarComm Team 11:46:48 q? 11:47:02 ek: another possibility is putting the Adopter information under github.io ara of the WoT CG 11:47:55 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-cg WoT CG repo 11:48:34 mm: another question is if we want to distinguish non-W3C Members from W3C Members on the Adopter page 11:49:07 ... maybe W3C Members should have more visibility 11:49:46 q? 11:49:50 ek: like the JSON Schema page standards, consortium, open source foundation, etc., could be different categories 11:50:21 mm: should define specific procedure too 11:51:36 q+ 11:52:40 ek: from the CG viewpoint, can pick up candidates when they give talks during the CG meetings 11:53:07 kaz: technically, this is kind of like a registry :) 11:53:11 mm: good point 11:53:54 kaz: would suggest Ege's note on the Marketing wiki to be copied to a separated MD on GitHub 11:54:08 ... and we continue discussion to add further clarification to that 11:54:11 ek: exactly 11:54:37 q- 11:54:38 q+ 11:55:41 ack k 11:56:18 kaz: we need to clarify the delicate points within the draft policy which require negotiation with the MarComm Team 11:56:34 ... like who to maintain which part, URL, etc. 11:56:35 mm: right 11:57:02 kaz: like the UC submission, we should clarify our acceptance policy too 11:57:21 ek: yeah 11:57:41 ... for example, some of the WoT CG participants don't have GitHub accounts 11:58:11 mm: need to leave... 11:58:43 kaz: for today, would suggest we generate an initial draft policy/requirement based on today's discussion 11:58:57 ... and continue the discussion via GitHub and following Marketing calls 11:59:00 ek: ok 11:59:36 ... regarding the domain name and ownership, can I ask the MarComm Team about those points now? 11:59:37 mm: think so 11:59:41 q? 12:00:23 kaz: before sending the question to the MarComm Team, please send the draft to the group 12:00:27 ek: will do 12:00:34 [adjourned] 12:00:34 rrsagent, make log public 12:00:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:00:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/08/01-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 13:23:24 JKRhb has joined #wot-marketing 14:03:20 Zakim has left #wot-marketing 14:04:38 EgeKorkan has joined #wot-marketing 14:05:05 EgeKorkan has joined #wot-marketing 14:42:16 kaz has joined #wot-marketing