31 July 2024


Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
luca_barbato, kaz

Meeting minutes


Kaz: We asked Charith if he is interested to be the TF leader for security and he's interested, but some more discussion should happen on the Chair's call/mailinglist about onboarding, etc..


<kaz> July-24

Koster: Per policy they had been pre-reviewed <quickly goes through it>, if there is anything missing please tell

<no remarks>

Koster: Minutes approved

Quick items

Smart Cities

Kaz: I got approval and the AC announcement should be out today or tomorrow

Koster: We'll have a kickoff at TPAC

Kaz: and a possible preparation meeting in August

Planning documents

<kaz> planning area

Ege: There is a PR that I would like to merge

<Ege> wot PR 1202 - TD Planning Reorganization

Ege: <describes the PR>

Ege: The plan is to keep the README.md to hold the links to the other TF repos and their planning documents

Koster: I do not see anything controversial, shall we merge it now?

<everybody is fine>


Adopter list

Ege: There was a small misunderstanding, the preliminary conclusion is to have Marketing TF to have a resolution on moving the activity to the CG
… Tomorrow Marketing meeting attendance is welcome

McCool: We have to make clear the activity is from the Community and not the Working Group activity

Kaz: let's clarify the WoT-IG resolution about this next Wednesday after the Marketing TF resolution, and then bring our proposal to the MarComm Team.

Koster: Can we have a resolution to link that page?

McCool: should have TF resolution first and then IG resolution.

Kaz: right. so let's make a resolution next Wednesday.


Koster: Any notice to bring up?




Ege: There will be a CG meetup the 19th September
… it is about a control system for lab lasers

Mizushima: Last Friday the JP CG we had an use-case event in which we presented the UC template
… The next event we plan to provide UCs, event to be planned


Kaz: Last Friday was a preparation meeting with the Core Members, and they need to think about the schedule and logistics for the actual use case event from now.


OPC Foundation

Koster: Yesterday there was an OPC UA Binding WG kickoff meeting

Sebastian: We had different topics to discuss
… we had an introduction with many participant from the industry and also Jan since his university is also a member of OPC
… Ege presented the capabilities of TD
… the plugfest will be the first milestone to test the binding
… it is a bi-weekly meeting, but August will be skipped due vacations

Sebastian: It took me about 3 years to get it started, but now we are progressing quickly
… The next meeting is 10th of September, you are welcome to join, McCool


Koster: We added the liasion and we have a bi-weekly meeting

McCool: Once we have an agreement we can expand the meeting topics and scope and involve group participants in addition to the Chairs

Meeting schedule

Kaz: let's cancel 12-16

<everybody approves>

Kaz: Regarding TPAC, personally I prefer having a break after TPAC

Luca: We could send an email to make sure we have enough people for the meetings 19~30 August, We have the plugfest preparation meeting that's precious

Koster: The proposal is to have meetings in the Aug 5th week, and cancel the other August weeks

Koster: In September we focus on TPAC and plugfest preparation

Publication schedule

<kaz> schedule.md

McCool: We should make sure to meet the milestones

McCool: Discovery is at risk since the works are on hold

McCool: but some of it blocked on TD 2.0
… once it is ready Discovery would need some adaptations

Koster: So we need to have everything ready by TPAC if possible

Kaz: Given we have only 10 more minutes today, let's ask all the Editors to start to think about their updated publication schedule. Probably it would be a good topic to be discussed during TPAC itself :)

Ege: I do not think the TD milestone is realistic at this point

F2F Planning

TPAC in September

<kaz> TPAC 2024 WoT wiki

Kaz: We should start inviting people for the joint meeting and make sure we do not have overlaps in the breakout sessions

WoT Week in November

<kaz> WoT Week wiki

Sebastian: No special news, we just have to organize the plugfest, last week we had the first organization meeting

<kaz> WoT Week Plugfest page on GitHub

Kaz: we can invite guests to the Open Day part and Plugfest part, but should be careful to invite guests to the F2F part

Ege: need to see if they can make contributions


<kaz> PR 1181 - Assertion id policy proposal



Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 228 (Tue Jul 23 12:57:54 2024 UTC).