31 July 2024


janina, jasonjgw, John_Paton, scott_h
jasonjgw, scott_h

Meeting minutes

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and accessibility.

jason: now uploaded ot repository

comments can now be submitted

<janina> https://github.io/w3c/ai-accessibility/

janina: WAI management interested in this

<janina> https://www.w3.org/2024/07/29-waicc-minutes.html#item03

jason: what'ss the actions?

janina: messaging involved, need to get on top of soon

scoping and document framework, need to clarify

initial concern: get ahead of messaging rather than rumours

messaging: take cop of mesaging in CTAUR and create similar seciton in this document

Janina to take action on this intiially

need to also be aware of other activities in addition to W3C in accessibility space

scott: conference Web for ALl (W4A) 2024 was in Singapore in May and was all AI focused

janina: scoping - some good conversaitons

and need a more organisational framework in the document

may be editros note placholder as developed

jason: will progres on e-mail and GitHub and check status next week

Immersive captions.

jason: Janina has sent e-mails to editors, seeking to engage in APA process for 1PWD

jason: we'll see how its progressing next wek

XR accessibility.

jason: action from last week, ontinue to chat with metaverse standards forum

janina: reference to anotehr W3C doing some activity as well

jason: WebXR was refeenced

waiting on them to finish charter, likely to get back to us in comng weeks

Miscellaneous updates and topics.

<janina> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-apa-admin/2024Jul/0001.html

WCAG2ICT being updated, APA making comments

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 228 (Tue Jul 23 12:57:54 2024 UTC).


Maybe present: jason, messaging, scott

All speakers: janina, jason, messaging, scott

Active on IRC: janina, jasonjgw, JPaton, scott_h