31 July 2024


flackr, mustaq, Patrick_H_Lauke, smaug
Patrick H. Lauke
Patrick_H_Lauke, Patrick H. Lauke

Meeting minutes

‘Logical’ values for the ‘touch-action’ property w3c/pointerevents#505

pull request w3c/pointerevents#496

Olli: question for us is if it's important for us to have logical values NOW or to wait until after level 3

Rob: I think it's important to authors

Olli: is it though? would authors use it?

Olli: also because it's already easy to do things with `dir` selectors...

Rob: the fact that CSS does already provide other logical values, it would make sense...

Olli: not against it, just wondering about how important it is

Rob: does `overflow` have logical values?

Patrick: don't THINK so

Rob: in which case, as the touch-action may work in tandem with overflow, there might be an argument to hold off for now

<flackr> w3c/csswg-drafts#2000

Rob: indeed it seems that overflow DOES have logical support (`overflow-block`, `overflow-inline`)


<flackr> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-overflow-3/#overflow-control

Olli: so it's only in draft, not in a recommendation, so lack of full implementation support is fine

Olli: going back to logical touch-action, i'm not against it

Olli: but do we need implementation before we can go to REC

Patrick: I believe we're ok if we DON'T have an implementation / 3 implementations, but then it can't leave REC? need to check with PLH

Patrick: so i'm tending to lean more towards leaving this out for Level 3, so we don't end up in a situation where we can never get to REC until we have those 3 implementations now, and tackling this after Level 3 / in living standard

Olli: we can comment on the issue, also reference the fact that overflow-block/overflow-inline (which are related here) aren't in a stable spec either

ACTION: answer i18n wide review question about logical values for touch-action, defer until after level 3

github branches and multiple levels/versions

Patrick: Philippe answered question about what to do with multiple versions and branches. Pasting in his suggestion here

Assuming level3 is at the point where changes are less frequent, here is how I would do this:

For GitHub :

Use 2 branches:

 - "gh-pages" branch for the next version (Level 4)

   such that the editor's draft is always the latest thinking from the Working Group

 - "level3" branch for the level 3 version.

A change on the gh-pages branch may need to be backported to the level3 branch.

We will need a Group decision to publish a first public Working Draft for level 4 if we want to reflect the gh-pages branch to w3.org/TR . This can be done as soon as the Group would like (ie independently on the progress on level 3).

For level 3 updates on /TR, we could do so manually (ie, tell plh to publish an update). The Group is in the middle of its wide review before moving to CR anyway.

For https://www.w3.org/TR :


the "latest" version of pointer events is Level 2:


the "upcoming" version is Level 3:


and the Group chose to show the "latest" version when people go to

  https://www.w3.org/TR/pointer-events/ .

Once level 3 is in CR and level 4 gets published, both the latest version and upcoming links will be updated (to level 3 and level 4 respectively).

Multi-pen support and persistent pointerId #353 w3c/pointerevents#353

Final review of w3c/pointerevents#495 which we'll then merge into the next branch


Patrick: do we want to review now, or give you time until next meeting? when we're happy, we can then merge this into the next version's branch (from previous topic)

<smaug> https://wpt.fyi/results/pointerevents/persistentDeviceId?label=master&label=experimental&aligned&q=pointerevents%2Fpersistentdeviceid%2Fget-persistendeviceid-from-pointer-event.tentative.html

Rob: I reviewed the PR and it's good, not looked at tests

Mustaq: I can have a look at tests offline

Olli: I'm surprised by the results (link above)

Rob: I will note, in the test the assertion seems to be that the persistent device id is equal to zero, so without strict type equality it might allow undefined. not sure.

<smaug> https://searchfox.org/wubkat/source/Source/WebCore/dom/PointerEvent.idl

Rob: no, there's actually a typecheck. I don't know why safari would be passing that....

Olli: not quite sure what the test harness is actually saying...

Olli: in firefox i guess it's about ... using pen maybe? anyway, seems fine. seems it's issues with the testing harness

Patrick: do we need to fix the harness (if there's problems with it?)

Olli: no, this should be fine, once implementations are done it should all be fine (?)

Olli: still weird that it's not available in pointerdown, as that's exactly when i'd want to use it, but...

Rob: ...hardware...

Olli: just looking at the diff, seems reasonable for the future branch

Patrick: so are we ok then if I merge this once i sorted out the branches (from previous topic)?

Rob: sounds good to me

ACTION: Patrick to merge the PR into the future/v4 branch once set up

Triage unlabelled issues https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues

Patrick: do we want to go through things now, or leave it until next time?

Mustaq: I'm just commenting on #507 and I think it needs more thought - we still don't know if dblclick should be a pointer event

Rob: why shouldn't it?

Mustaq: there's mention of dblclick being a legacy event

<mustaq> w3c/pointerevents#507 (comment)

Mustaq: I think in issue #100 we did it for click and contextmenu, but not dblclick w3c/pointerevents#100

<smaug> w3c/pointerevents#100 (comment)

Olli: so chrome code was changed after that, and dblclick IS a pointer event?

Rob: use of dblclick is pretty low, and it shouldn't be too HARD to make it consistent with click and contextmenu?

Rob: think you said it's the same as click with details count of 2, so shouldn't be that hard to make it same?

Mustaq: ...it's underspec'd, so do we want to complete this....

<mustaq> "This event type MUST be dispatched after the event type click if a click and double click occur simultaneously, and after the event type mouseup otherwise."

<mustaq> https://w3c.github.io/uievents/#event-type-dblclick

Mustaq: so I don't know if that means that on some platforms it doesn't send a second click and only a dblclick, or... spec is definitely incomplete/vague here

Rob: I just think it'd be weird if click and dblclick had different event targets

Rob: regardless of the vagueness of the ui events spec

Rob: because with details and count on the click event, it seems reasonable to assume that the second click would be sent as well as dblclick. so if we get click, click, dblclick, it would make sense to have event targeting use the same mechanism

Mustaq: ... we'll need changes both in pointer events spec and ui events spec

Patrick: so is this something we can do NOW, or do we defer?

Mustaq: i'm on the fence. What does Mozilla think?

Mustaq: do it now, or do it later when we have time

Olli: unsure if we need to fix it right away. just checking in Chrome, and it's mouse event at the moment as well

Olli: is it behind a flag?

Mustaq: i think we had it as pointer event, and then changed it back based on the comment from Navid

Olli: wonder how much work. ui events needs updating so dblclick is PE...

Mustaq: then changes in our spec to make it like a click

Olli: yeah, might be easy to...

Olli: no strong opinion

Olli: masayuki linked to this interop issue...

Mustaq: I commented on that that we don't need to update the click test, dblclick is separate

Olli: ... can wait for masayuki's comment on that interop issue

Mustaq: masayuki also mentioned something about bxSlider - if we can find a link about what broke in the past

Mustaq: want to keep interop 2024 untouched if possible, and i don't think click event test needs to change

Olli: having a site that broke 6 years ago shouldn't prevent us from doing changes

Patrick: so ... we try to do it now or defer?

Mustaq: maybe for #508 we need some tweak, because if masayuki was confused by the wording, it may happen for other developers. should be a simple PR if there's a way to clarify this thing. I couldn't think of a clearer explanation, but maybe somebody else can have a go

Olli: I'll discuss this with masayuki

ACTION: Olli to talk to Masayuki and see if simple changes can be made to spec

Patrick: we're coming up to time, so I'd say for remaining issues, have a look through and at least do an initial "v3" or "future" label so we see what's still left before we can push v3 to the start of the whole REC journey. Catch you all next time.

Summary of action items

  1. answer i18n wide review question about logical values for touch-action, defer until after level 3
  2. Patrick to merge the PR into the future/v4 branch once set up
  3. Olli to talk to Masayuki and see if simple changes can be made to spec
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 228 (Tue Jul 23 12:57:54 2024 UTC).


Maybe present: Olli, Patrick, Rob

All speakers: Mustaq, Olli, Patrick, Rob

Active on IRC: flackr, mustaq, Patrick_H_Lauke, smaug