12:51:20 RRSAgent has joined #matf 12:51:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/07/31-matf-irc 12:51:24 RRSAgent, make logs Public 12:51:25 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), JJ 12:51:48 Zakim, this is MATF July 31, 2024 12:51:48 got it, JJ 12:51:55 Meeting: MATF July 31, 2024 12:52:06 present+ 12:52:15 regrets+ AlainVagner 12:53:22 regrets+ KarlaRubiano 12:53:28 regrets+ AudreyManiez 12:53:50 agenda+ Guidance steps 12:54:09 agenda+ 1.4.5 Images of Text - Level AA 12:54:14 agenda+ 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast - Level AA 12:54:19 agenda+ 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable - Level A 12:54:25 agenda+ 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide - Level A 13:00:16 Joe_Humbert has joined #matf 13:00:34 regrets+ Devanshu 13:02:14 Mick has joined #MATF 13:02:14 Carolina has joined #MATF 13:02:19 quintinb has joined #MATF 13:02:24 present+ 13:03:11 GleidsonRamos has joined #matf 13:03:34 present+ 13:04:08 present+ 13:04:13 julianmka has joined #MATF 13:04:21 present+ 13:04:46 present+ 13:04:49 Jamie has joined #matf 13:04:54 present+ 13:06:15 move to next agendum 13:06:15 agendum 1 -- Guidance steps -- taken up [from JJ] 13:07:03 We now have all success criteria on Github available for async feedback 13:07:51 @JJ would like to chat about the SC breakdown 13:09:32 In the drive there is a breakdown file where we can sort issues by complexity of adjustment for mobile. 13:09:46 Link to SC breakdown: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n6_OtcWEjJOGmqFVhK7gJGk9K7FfXhpP/edit 13:10:41 q+ 13:10:58 ack Mick 13:11:52 JJ please don't move things, rather leave a comment 13:12:03 move to next agendum 13:12:03 agendum 2 -- 1.4.5 Images of Text - Level AA -- taken up [from JJ] 13:12:58 q+ 13:13:33 quintinb: Does this mean that logo's do not need alt text? 13:13:50 Or should it just be the name of company? 13:13:52 q+ 13:13:54 ack quintinb 13:14:33 q+ 13:14:46 q- 13:14:55 ack Mick 13:15:09 @JC to @quintinb 1.1.1 would still apply 13:15:39 q+ 13:16:44 ack julianmka 13:16:52 @JJ we need to put guidance on for testing purposes 13:17:52 julianmka - does text scaling apply? Are we creating a standard that is not necessarily seen on web 13:18:42 JJ feels it applies as is 13:18:46 +1 13:19:25 q+ 13:19:33 ack quintinb 13:19:51 What if the text is part of a background? It's decorative 13:20:25 q+ 13:20:52 JJ then it does not apply 13:21:14 ack Jamie 13:22:17 Jamie - We should use WCAG as a base reference - we shouldn't discuss issues that are already on here 13:23:10 Jamie we should consider system settings as well 13:23:46 q+ 13:24:07 Jamie we should add techniques for testing for people who don't have access to code 13:24:41 ack Joe_Humbert 13:25:12 + 1 to what Jamie said. A lot of my thinking around this is very much a testing perspective and providing techniques for native. Totally agree with keeping things simple and not complicated things. 13:25:45 Joe_Humbert: Thinks that a future goal should be for us to ask for manufacturers to give us guidance for testing with no source access 13:26:54 move to next agendum 13:26:54 agendum 3 -- 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast - Level AA -- taken up [from JJ] 13:28:27 q+ 13:28:44 +1 to the inactive component exception being problematic. 13:28:51 did we skip 1.4.10 REflow? 13:30:48 +1 to the inactive component exception being problematic 13:31:18 ack Joe_Humbert 13:31:57 1.4.10 discussion @Jamie: https://github.com/w3c/matf/issues/4 13:32:19 Joe_Humbert: About not modified by the author. This doesn't seem to be defined - what does that mean? For example, if the background colour is changed but not the component, does that not impact the contrast? 13:33:18 Agree with that - thinking about iOS default palette and text styles that don't have sufficient contrast 13:34:40 +1 we should not rely on manufacturers being accessible. We need to hold them accountable too 13:35:11 @JJ we should create a separate ticket about user agent 13:35:13 ACTION: Github issue for User-Agent discussion 13:35:23 move to next agendum 13:35:23 agendum 4 -- 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable - Level A -- taken up [from JJ] 13:36:14 1.4.10 is pretty much as written anyway 13:38:02 q+ 13:38:23 I have this somewhere, but should we mention examples where system settings allow for this, and should we give guidance on doing it in app or surfacing from settings? 13:38:32 ack quintinb 13:39:02 q+ 13:39:48 +1 to @JJ to clarify how this timing adjustable applies to toast/ snackbar or future other components/ alerts as a general concept 13:41:25 ack julianmka 13:41:26 +1 for guidance on "system" level things like snackbars 13:41:54 ACTION: Github issue for dealing with system settings when testing (toast length, high contrast mode, etc.) 13:42:11 julianmka app makers should meet requirements without system settings being required 13:42:19 +1 to developer responsibility without system settings 13:42:29 q+ 13:42:45 adding more settings doesn't solve that either 13:43:50 Quintin can you provide a link to the timing developer technique you mentioned? 13:43:52 But I do agree that we should not rely on OS manufacturers 13:43:53 ack Jamie 13:44:03 Sure Joe, after scribing :) 13:44:19 q+ 13:44:35 ack Jamie 13:44:40 I found it quickly Joe_Humbert: https://support.google.com/accessibility/android/answer/9426889?sjid=18325240353724858189-EU 13:45:05 Jamie: Users do expect system settings to be applied throughout apps 13:45:27 thank you Quintin 13:46:07 Joe_Humbert I can send you adb commands and where it exists in the ecosystem as well - if you like, but after :) 13:46:16 +1 Jamie 13:46:37 Agree - developers should respect system settings, and if those settings are not set, then provide an accessible experience out of the box 13:46:53 Jamie system settings should form a baseline expectation, but developers maintain responsibility for their app 13:48:14 move to next agendum 13:48:14 agendum 5 -- 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide - Level A -- taken up [from JJ] 13:48:28 So many failures 13:48:34 q+ 13:49:03 I have to drop for a work meeting. Thanks, y'all! 13:49:23 adb control for ttr Joe_Humbert: settings put secure accessibility_interactive_ui_timeout_ms [MILLIS] % millis are additive - they add extra time 13:49:40 thankx Quintin 13:50:37 q- 13:50:45 q+ 13:50:59 q+ 13:52:16 I think there should be guidance given the dominance of video on mobile - it should stay paused if the same element type is paused 13:52:52 +1 quintinb 13:52:55 q+ 13:53:20 Either every element should be pause-able or at least respect settings 13:53:40 ack Joe_Humbert 13:53:57 q- quintinb 13:54:26 Joe_Humbert: Just to raise: Android and iOS treat it differently when they refer to the setting - I wonder if iOS (reduce animations) is actually satisfactory 13:54:39 +1 Joe - is that actually stop animations? 13:54:54 I hate that terminaology - so vague 13:55:08 q+ 13:55:35 ack GleidsonRamos 13:55:50 GleidsonRamos should we save the user preference in app? 13:56:02 +1 GleidsonRamos yes I think there should be guidance on that 13:56:04 great question 13:56:31 GleidsonRamos should we sync app setting with OS setting? 13:56:38 +1 yes I think that is the way 13:57:22 ack Jamie 13:57:22 JJ there is probably some guidance on this type of situation 13:58:05 Jamie: Just to clarify: there is a feature for reduce motion and auto play animated images - seems like apple has 2 settings 13:58:09 +1 jamie. maybe I was confused 13:58:35 We should probably be clear about what we want and let the OS sort themselves out 13:59:30 JJ any new agenda items? 13:59:45 JJ how do we deal with OS vs / system settings 14:00:10 q+ 14:00:17 ack Joe_Humbert 14:00:30 quintinb: maybe we should just focus on the desired behaviour 14:00:49 Joe_Humbert: We should honour users system settings 14:00:53 +1 14:00:54 +1 Joe_Humbert 14:02:24 JJ looking for someone to lead the meetings in Sep. 14:02:24 Joe_Humbert volunteers as tribute 14:03:17 If anyone else wants to volunteer, please let me know 14:03:34 Jamie has left #matf 14:04:34 (we could have different people lead meetings in September) 14:04:42 Zakim, list participants 14:04:42 As of this point the attendees have been JJ, quintinb, Joe_Humbert, Mick, julianmka, Carolina, Jamie 14:04:50 present+ GleidsonRamos 14:05:20 rrsagent, make minutes 14:05:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/07/31-matf-minutes.html JJ 14:05:50 rrsagent, bye 14:05:50 I see 2 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2024/07/31-matf-actions.rdf : 14:05:51 ACTION: Github issue for User-Agent discussion [1] 14:05:51 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/07/31-matf-irc#T13-35-13 14:05:51 ACTION: Github issue for dealing with system settings when testing (toast length, high contrast mode, etc.) [2] 14:05:51 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/07/31-matf-irc#T13-41-54