Accessibility at the Edge Community Group Teleconference

31 Jul 2024


Chris, janina_, Lionel_Wolberger
Lionel_Wolberger, janina_

Meeting minutes

Introductions, "Welcome Back"s

janina_: We should plan August and the run up to TPAC

Lionel_Wolberger: We did a quick survey, we expect August to proceed weekly as usual

Where were we?

Lionel_Wolberger: I propose we read the headings, top to bottom, and see if the H1s and H2s are consistent
… Keeping in mind Emerson's aphorism, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"

janina_: Heading Level 1s are well established.

Lionel_Wolberger: Under "Content", Heading Level 2s are OK. We did adjust some wording and add Video Descriptions
… Janina to add Source, Trade-Offs, Benefit and Automatability under 3.2.2
… Automatability is In Some Cases or in Many Cases

janina_: Moving on.
… move 4.5 Accessible Pricing to become a heading level 3
… under the heading "Text Styling"
… Justification: this changes the FONT of the Numbers and Digits.
… the visual representation needs to be announced in some way as a price discount
… The TTS of phone numbers, numerical strings, etc is handled in section 5, Functionality

Add it above "optimize text size"

Lionel_Wolberger: Add it above "optimize text size"

janina_: Move 4.6 Reset All Personalizations to the end of "Functionality" under Voice Command

janina_: Moving on to Functionality

Lionel_Wolberger: Move 5.6.2 Accessible Validation up to the Forms section (above interactive text elements)
… Combine "Client Side Interactions" with "Interactive Text Elements", into a single H2, "Interactive Elements"
… Merge with "Forms" as well

janina: Merge "Navigation" and "Hyperlinks and Buttons"; keep the "Navigation" heading or make it "Navigation & Links"

URL Shortening

Chris: Link shorteners like bit.ly
… add a new heading level 3, "Link Authenticity" under the new "Navigation & Links"
… the links could get unshortened, TLS certificates can be checked

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 228 (Tue Jul 23 12:57:54 2024 UTC).


Maybe present: janina

All speakers: Chris, janina, janina_, Lionel_Wolberger

Active on IRC: janina_, Lionel_Wolberger