WAI-Adapt Teleconference

30 Jul 2024


Abhinav, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk
Lionel_Wolberger, janina, matatk

Meeting minutes

Introduction, logistics. Any Updates?

Lionel_Wolberger: Suggests calendar review ...

Lionel_Wolberger: Any regrets next week? 6 August?

Lionel_Wolberger: How about 13 Auguswt


matatk: Expects to be away for a week perhaps late August, perhaps early September

TPAC Preps

janina: Recalls mtg with WHAT

matatk: Yes, both AAC and WKD

matatk: Hoping we'll have greater clarity on WKD by TPAC

matatk: Meanwhile, we (APA) need to clarify our meeting schedules on a wiki page as in past years

matatk: Recalls our conversation re a flyer to promjote WKD

matatk: More AAC flyers would be helpful

matatk: Breakout? Suspect WKD not quite ready

matatk: More useful to focus on WHAT mtg for WKD

matatk: AAC we have UA solved; not phps yet registry

janina: Not sure we should. What would we say that we haven't said before?

matatk: Generally like breakouts, but agree with Janina

Lionel_Wolberger: Hearing WHAT gets our focus

Lionel_Wolberger: Double checking ...

Lionel_Wolberger: Last year we WKD was kicked off in a largish technical WHAT mtg;[no one recalling]

WKD Github actions and PRs

matatk: A few updates ...

matatk: Reading material from GS1 -- still reading

matatk: Still following up from AC mtg esp with person with concerns

matatk: Am following up

matatk: Recalls concern re explainer using terms "goals" and "non goals"

matatk: Reason is TAG Explainer

Lionel_Wolberger: Is this the time to edit Explainer for that?

Abhinav: Have read gs1

GS1 Materials

<matatk> Abhinav: Gone through the email and linked materials at a high level. I can give you an overview.

<matatk> ... First of all, a key concept: HATEAOS - hypermedia as the engine of application state.

<matatk> ... Commonly used in the context of RESTful APIs. You may fetch a resource, but not know what related ops you can do on the resource. Instead of the client knowing what it can do (hardcoded) the response may include links that indicate what can be done.

<matatk> ... E.g. if you ask for a person you may get details like name, age, etc. and links to other things like address, or employer. Links can be to ops or further data.

RFC 9264

<Abhinav> https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9264.html#name-json-document-format-applic

<matatk> Abhinav: Main thing Phil linked to is RFC9264.

Abhinav: The main thing this describes is a way to group links. E.g. if you have appendices, A and B, the RFC gives you the ability to create a link set that contains two line items, relating to the two appendices.
… So you are linking related info together, and expressing the relation between the info.

matatk: Q: Seems relevant, but where are linksets defined? Doc level? Each page? Or domain level? Impact on scope?

Abhinav: pointer to separate doc with definitions

matatk: Like a site-map?

matatk: We have keyword semantics; we want to annotate link with semantic meaning but also ...

. a way to next or structure them

. Sounds promissing for that

matatk: Discovery remains a concern

matatk: We need nesting and ability for discovery to meet COGA use cases

. sounds we should try an example here to compare with wk uri

Abhinav: Moving on to the IANA registry of link relations.
… The link relations provide essentially an enum of possible link types (with human-readable definitions, to explain what each keyword means).
… It probably doesn't have all of the things we talked about - we have two options:
… (1) ask IANA for additional relation values
… (2) create our own link type and use that to namespace our destination types (this is what GS1 did)

<Abhinav> https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml

Abhinav: There are other links, but one more important one for now...
… They're also proposing well-known URLs.
… This RFC9264 could be used to provide a link and a relationship, but for very obvious ones, like home page, you can use a query parameter to find out more info. They're doing a redirect to that well-known URL.
… e.g. for a food product, you could add a query parameter to go to the allergy info - that will cause the app to redirect to that info, via a well-known URLs.
… So we can use well-known URLs for discovery, and for this part - what they call a 'resolver'

Lionel_Wolberger: We have a steep hill to climb conceptually - years ago the rel attr was brought to our attention, and now we're seeing different uses for it, and now link sets. The summary was super helpful. An action to digest this would be good.
… We may need to refine the use case. We made the traditional tech mistake of seeing the technical approach, and thinking 'we can use this' - need to think about it from the perspective of a site visitor, 'as a site visitor, I want to be able to access certain places quickly...'
… Good news, as it sounds like we have many routes to success, and we have to pick the best.
… Let's review, and use the list.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 228 (Tue Jul 23 12:57:54 2024 UTC).



All speakers: Abhinav, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk

Active on IRC: Abhinav, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, matatk